A/N: This is my first story, so reviewers please take that into account. My story moves the Harry Potter time line ahead by 14 years, so the 5th year of Hogwarts ended in 2010. The story begins at last chapter of Order of The Phoenix where Harry has already been told of The Prophecy and Hermione is out of the hospital and goes widely au from there. Definite pairings will be Harry/Hermione and Neville/Hannah. There will be lots of bashing of Dumbledore and Snape. I do not own anything except maybe this story. To those authors that see I have used an idea of yours, please take credit where it is due.

JUNE 19, 17:10 UTC

Harry, who had just been told The Prophecy, decided that the first person he would share it with would be Hermione. Harry had decided to tell her first, as she was his oldest friend that unlike Ron had never left his side. Hermione as it turned out had healed unusually fast considering the curse that had hit her had done so much damage (as it is it should have taken weeks to heal). Madam Poppy was mystified at this oddity, but figured that Hermione is way above average in magical power so it was to be expected that she would heal fast. Hermione had accepted that explanation unusually fast with most of the others finding the explanation believable.

Because of Hermione's unusually fast healing, she was released by a reluctant Madam Pomfrey and was thus conveniently available for Harry to talk to. It was a little before dinner so Harry decided that now was a good time as ever to tell Hermione about the prophecy. Having decided on his plan of action Harry entered the library as he expected Hermione to be there. Harry found her at a table by herself with a book in hand that from the front cover had to be about Ancient Runes. As Harry took a second to look at his best friend, he thought how she looked so cute while she read before he shook his head and wondered where that thought came from. Harry walked over to his best friend and got her attention with a clearing of his throat.

After Hermione had looked up and put the book down he nervously said "Hermione, I need to talk to you in private. Will you please come with me?"

Hermione responded by saying "Sure! I have the perfect place in mind; we should talk in the Room of Requirement."

Hermione then proceeded to put the book back on the shelf where she found it before the two exited the library. The pair then made their way up to the 7th floor in friendly silence, and proceeded to pace in front of the painting with the dancing trolls while thinking that they wanted a place to talk for just the two of them in privet. When the weathered surface of the wooden door appeared, they opened it to find a room with a relaxing atmosphere and two scarlet, velvety couches covered in gold brocade.

There were several tall, thin stained glass windows high up, near the ceiling, which let in multi-colored light. Little golden dust-motes floated slowly in the light cast from the windows, as if the room wasn't used too often. Strangely enough (for Hogwarts, at least) there wasn't anyone, not even a painting in the room. It was rather Spartan, in fact, aside from the couches, the ancient ornate cherry-wood table, covered with recent copies of the Wizarding World Magazines and an intricate diamond chandelier that floated of its own accord.

When the door closed with a distinct click, a strong silencing and locking ward went up to block the conversation from being heard. Just to be safe, Hermione had double-checked the natural wards. Satisfied, the two sat down on one of the plush couches settling down for what Hermione could tell would be an extensive conversation.

With an apprehensive look in his eyes, Harry began with "You know of The Prophecy, of course," and with Hermione's nod continued with "well I wanted to tell you what it says…"

Hermione interrupted and with a tone of surprise said "Wait, I thought The Prophecy was destroyed before it could be heard"

Harry looked at a worried and hesitant Hermione (with the absent thought that Hermione looked cute like this that he batted away) and responded with "Yes, it was destroyed but someone heard it when it was originally made. Professor Dumbledore heard The Prophecy, when it was originally created by Professor Trelawney…"

"Wait, what?! Trelawney made an actual prophecy?! You're kidding!"

When she looked at Harry's face however, she saw he could not be more serious if he tried.

Unsettled, Hermione thought of another question. "Why are you telling me this first instead of Ron?"

"I am telling you because Ron may be my best friend, but unlike him you have always been there for me. Anyways let me finish! The Prophecy was:

'The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches ... born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies ... and the Dark Lord will mark him as equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not ... and either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives ... the one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies ...' (Order of the Phoenix)"

Harry looked down and finished his thoughts before adding, "If you do not want to continue being my friend I would completely understand, as I…"

Harry never got to finish that thought before he got an angry slap across the face from a weeping Hermione. Hermione, still sobbing, threw her arms around Harry and gave him a resoundingly wet kiss. Just as she started to calm down enough to enjoy herself, a bright golden glow surrounded them and they fell unconscious. The golden glow expanded outward at an exponential pace that would change many things. As this happened a loud scream came from Harry's scar before a dense greenish-black smoke came out and dissolved into the air, leaving an acrid smell in its wake as it disappeared. When they woke up the Wizarding World and themselves would be almost unrecognizable.

In Dumbledore' office, Dumbledore sucked on a lemon drop as he contemplated on how to respond to what Harry did to his office. He was enraged because several of his instruments that monitored things from Harry's health to the many magical bindings he had put upon the boy were destroyed beyond repair (and even worse, they were one of a kind items!). Dumbledore was worried because with the bindings on him Harry should have been nowhere near the power levels he displayed during his temper-tantrum. Dumbledore stroked his fluffy white beard as he contemplated on how to regain control of his weap… err the boy.

Dumbledore patted himself on the back for thinking of the brilliant idea of tricking Harry into thinking that his Godfather was dead, by creating a Golem in the image of Sirius that he had so brilliantly made. Dumbledore knew that with Harry thinking his godfather was dead, he would be more malleable. His reborn phoenix, of whom he had used numerous dark rituals over the years to bind it to him when he started to go dark, chirped sadly at how far his companion has fallen from the light.

"Oh shut up you stupid decorative Turkey or I will kill you before you can become immune to the killing curse!" exclaimed Dumbledore.

Dumbledore had not always been a secret dark lord, but over the years as he heard people proclaim him as the next coming of Merlin or as a god, it had gone to his now bloated head (it was a wonder that his eccentric hats could still fit). Due to this, he now believed he deserved to be treated like 'the god he was.'

Dumbledore began to reflect on all of the manipulations he had made due to hearing The Prophecy. Dumbledore started the rather dirty work when he realized that even with all his power he would not be able to beat Voldy. His salvation came when he heard The Prophecy uttered by the rather delusional Trelawney he was interviewing for the post as the divination professor at Hogwarts as she made her first true prophecy.

When he interpreted The Prophecy, he realized that there were only two children The Prophecy might refer to. He had caught Severus Snape eavesdropping on the conversation, and stunned and bound him before he obliviated all the people around him but Snape of the Prophecy. Dumbledore took Snape into a private room before he 'convinced' (it involved a lot of compulsion and even the occasional Imperio) him to tell Voldy of the only first half of The Prophecy by promising to have James and Harry die and leave Lily for him to take on the rebound. He still laughed to himself about how stupid Snape was to believe he was going to leave Lily for him, as even with James and Harry dead there was no way Lily would even come close to the grease stain.

He further found it hilarious how he had tricked Snape into signing a magically binding contract where Dumbledore appeared to be the loser (as if that was even possible!) where as it was Snape signing his life away. Thereafter, he sent the Potters and the Longbottoms into hiding and 'convinced' Sirius Black with a compulsion charm to set up Peter Pettigrew as the secret keeper.

Dumbledore then set up the fidelus charm around the Potter Summer house while he laughed to himself how he was going to screw both families over. He knew that Peter Pettigrew was in Voldy's camp and would betray them. After his instrument tied to the wards of the Potter summer cottage went off, he waited until he got the reading of three killing curses being cast on the property then portkeyed right to Harry. His plans were to ambush Voldemort and kill him before he took credit while he showed fake sorrow for the deaths of the Potters.

Dumbledore found as he expected the dead bodies of James and Lily Potter, but what was unexpected was that Harry had survived the killing curse. Dumbledore figured Harry must have survived the killing curse because of his heritage along with something that Lily Potter had done. Dumbledore noticed that even with the killing curse there was not a mark on the sleeping Harry Potter. Dumbledore tried to put a binding on Harry, but found it would not stick to Harry.

He also noticed that Voldy's body had disintegrated beyond repair presumably from the rebound killing curse, which made him realize that Voldy had made horcuxes. There was what looked like foul dark greenish-black mist, which was actually a piece of Lord Voldy's soul, making its way out of the house. Getting an idea, Dumbledore stopped and used his powerful magic to slice off a piece of the fleeing soul before he bound it to Harry's forehead. This was what created a lightning-bolt shaped scar and how Harry and Voldy were linked together.

He then managed with magic to obliviate both of them and banished the rest of Voldy's fleeing soul from the house. After this Dumbledore found he could place on bindings and spent some time there as he placed many bindings on Harry's magic and intelligence with many dark and illegal spells. Dumbledore found that the horcrux bound up Harry's heritage completely along with helping to suppress his magic and intelligence.

Dumbledore also put multiple loyalty and compulsion charms on Harry to make Harry loyal to him and his minions, err, helpers from the Weasley family. Dumbledore shipped off Harry to his aunt's house before he put multiple compulsion charms on the letter for the Dursleys.

He had then set up several dark and illegal wards around the property that would make even strong willed muggles severely mistrust magic and want to abuse magical people. Finished with that he went on to obliviate the list of people that were supposed to take care of Harry Potter in the case of the death of Lily and James. Dumbledore over the years had to visit several times to put more blocks on Harry as well as obliviate his weapon but felt his plan had worked well.

Dumbledore had also manipulated the Longbottoms for his own good. After Voldy had been defeated, he had sent the message to the Longbottoms that it was safe to come out of hiding. He then had Snape tell the Lestranges that the Longbottoms had come out of hiding and knew where Voldy was. Dumbledore was the first to arrive at the Longbottoms after the brutal attack and put spells on Alice and Frank Longbottom to keep them in their coma. He further put magical bindings on Neville Longbottom and then obliviated all of them.

Dumbledore then growled as he remembered a massive thorn to his plans that was named Hermione Granger. He knew that the girl was not exactly human, but had yet to get a chance to get the girl on her own so he could experiment on her to find out her secrets. After that, he would let the girl go after putting several bindings on the girl as she was too clever for her own good. Dumbledore had met Mr. and Mrs. Granger and knew there was something about them that wasn't human.

As for Harry, when the time came to introduce Harry to the wizarding World, he had sent his oaf Hagrid to do the job so Harry would get an inadequate introduction to the Wizarding World as well as a large bias for Gryffindor as he had planned. Dumbledore arranged for Harry to get the brother wand of Voldemort's and steered him away from the Goblins before they could tell Harry about his heritage. Dumbledore set up the Weasleys to help Harry onto the train and cast several more loyalty charms on his weap… err the boy. Every yearly adventure he had arranged in advance or knew what was going to happen and let it for his greater good to test his weapon.

Dumbledore was proudest of Harry's first year plan that resulted in the Flamels being dead (or so he thought) and him getting what he did not know was a fake philosopher's stone that he would begin to use next year. After all as a god, he needed to live forever to guide the sheep of the Wizarding world for generations to come. Quirell's death at the end of the year allowed him to confirm that Lily had put some form of protection on Harry that he had yet to fully explain.

As for the diary from second year, he had sensed it due to the wards the moment it entered the school, but allowed it to enter to test Harry. He could easily have stopped the bullying that went on when it was found that Harry was a parselmouth but let it go on to isolate Harry from his peers. Unfortunately, the girl and the twins that were thorns to his side partially foiled this by not participating in the school wide exclusion of Harry. He had almost gone to tears when he heard the speech from Harry that he made down in the chamber of secrets. It was impossible to buy that kind of loyalty Dumbledore thought to himself, one needed the right wand to get it. He had sent Fawkes down to the chamber to help Harry as he still had use for the boy and therefore could not afford to have Harry die just yet. It also had the side effect of giving Harry another feeling of false debt towards him.

During Harry's Third year he had decided to let Sirius live to make him and Harry feel a debt to him. Dumbledore had figured that as a criminal on the run Sirius would be unable to do any damage to his greater good.

As for Harry's forth year, of course he knew that the Alastor Moody was a fake, he was one of Dumbledore's oldest friends. Due to his connection to the Hogwarts castle he also knew from the beginning that the real Mad-Eye was locked up inside the chest that the impostor had brought. Dumbledore had let the impostor Moody stay as he wanted to find out what Voldemort had planned.

He could have as Harry's illegal Magic Guardian revoked Harry's entry into the Tournament, but didn't because it was for his greater good that Harry was used as bait for Voldemort. Dumbledore could have as the headmaster again quelled the bullying that went on bud didn't for the same reason as Harry's second year. At the end of the Tournament when Harry and Cedric had been portkeyed away he planned to let the plans of Voldemort unfold before he would send in Fawkes to rescue only Harry. Unfortunately Harry had managed to rescue himself while he brought Cedric's body back with him, so there was no debt to be given there.

He had also mostly planned the previous year of Hogwarts 'education' for Harry out. During the summer, he had forced a communication block between Harry and his friends to isolate the boy and make him more malleable to Dumbledore's work. He had defended Harry during his trial to again indebt Harry to him. He had allowed the bullying of Harry due to disbelief at his claim occur as it isolated Harry from much of the student body. Throughout the year he had ignored Harry to depress the boy and had forced him to be taught by Snape who was not helping him with developing his mind shields.

Instead, Snape had been opening Harry's connection to Voldemort even wider so that he could have a second avenue for spying on Voldemort. Dumbledore had let Harry be tortured by Umbridge simply because he felt like it while he made it look like he couldn't do anything. As he had figured, Voldemort had been after the copy of the Prophecy that was in the Department of Mysteries and allowed the idiots plan to go through. It had been quite nice when his fake Sirius had died, as it would make his weap…err boy weaker.

He had rescued Harry from certain death due to Voldemort and had battled out with the idiot before he drove the thing away. The best part of his plan was when it was revealed that both he and Harry were telling the truth about Voldemort's return the whole time. Now that the general Wizarding public accepted Voldemort's return they would feel so indebted to Dumbledore they would be willing to do anything to appease the man. Dumbledore had chosen the moment when Harry was at his weakest emotionally to tell him tell him the prophecy to break him further.

Dumbledore had his plans all set up for the last two years of Harry's life. There would continue to be substandard DADA professors at Hogwarts, as the substandard teachers would make the general public more dependent on him. It also prevented Harry from becoming too powerful; the only reason Remus had been allowed was that third year was all about dark creatures for DADA (rather useless for the most part when fighting death eaters. The curse on the DADA position could easily have been remedied by Dumbledore, but was not because the curse had its purposes.

Starting next year, he planned to start Harry and Hermione on a love potion regimen as he and Hermione Granger were getting much to close for his comfort. The plan was for Hermione to go with Ron and Harry to go with Ginny, with the added bonus of separating Harry from his most intelligent friend and giving Hermione less time to put towards research. He also planned to inform Harry of the existence of Voldemort's Horcruxes before he would fake his own death.

Then Harry and his two friends would go on a hunt for the horcruxes with Ron keeping him up to date on it. Then when they thought they had gotten all of the Horcruxes destroyed he would have Snape give Harry the memories to inform him that he himself was a Horcrux and needed to die for Voldemort to be defeated. Like a good little weapon, Harry would walk to his death under the killing curse of Voldemort. Then just as Voldemort would think he was invulnerable Dumbledore would 'rise' from the dead and strike Voldemort down for good.

Dumbledore would explain his faked death as lulling Voldemort into a false sense of security in order to appease the sheep of the magical world. While Dumbledore would fake his regret of Harry's death, he would be elevated to the status of a god by the magical world for being the only light lord to have ever defeated two dark lords. A nice side benefit of illegally making himself Harry's magical guardian was that with the boy's death he would have unlimited access to the boy's vaults which he had hid from Harry.

Dumbledore got up to get to the fireplace to hide Sirius Black from the rest of the magical world better when all of the remaining instruments started to screech and then exploded in his face, which knocked him into a magical coma he would wish he had stayed in. For when he woke up in one of the interrogation rooms of the Ministry's Law Enforcement department, he would find many very angry people wanting his blood. At the same time all of the dark rituals he had performed to force Fawkes to stay with him shattered like glass, with the magical backlash all going into him.

In her office, Professor Minerva McGonagall contemplated about her cubs when the wave of golden magic hit her and erased the multiple obliviations Dumbledore had done. As Minerva McGonagall remembered it all she broke down crying and swore she would make Dumbledore suffer if it was the last thing she did.

JUNE 19, 17:20 UTC

In Bones mansion, Amelia Bones questioned several things she had learned from sources including her niece when the wave of magic hit her, which erased the obliviations she had suffered from under Dumbledore. She now remembered her placement in the list of people to take care of Harry Potter, so she rushed off to Hogwarts.

In the near empty (only Neville and Hannah were there) Gryffindor common room, Neville was reading a book on herbology with Hannah Abbott when he suddenly collapsed and felt like his body was on fire. At the same time, a green ring phased through the window and hovered above Neville Longbottom. When he came to, he felt like what he assumed Dumbledore felt like with his magic bubbling beneath his skin just waiting to be unleashed.

He then noticed the green ring hovering above him, and the ring said in a robot like voice "Neville Longbottom you have the ability to overcome great fear, welcome to the Green Lantern Corps."

Neville knew what this ring was and put the ring on which caused a drastic change in his attire. A skin-tight suit that showed he had lost his formerly chubby physique replaced the clothes he had had on. He now had a muscular build appropriate for his age along with a face that attracted the eyes of many witches in Hogwarts. Starting at his hips, the leggings of the costume were black with his feet and ankles covered with what looked like green leather. The front and sides of his torso along with his neck were all green while his back and arms were covered with black. His costume tapered off at the end of his arms with white material covering his hands and wrists. His head was the only spot uncovered except for an emerald green facemask he had on, which covered the area around his eyes and his nose. His eyes were covered in a white substance that was like a one-way mirror only he could see through. Finally, to complete the ensemble there was a circle with a black perimeter on the center of his chest and with a white background inside of it, plus a green lantern icon in the center of the circle.

After she checked to see if Neville was alright, Hannah said, "Neville what was that about? And what are the Green Lantern Corps?"

Neville powered down and then sat down on the sofa before he began to tell Hannah what he knew about the Green Lanterns from his outings into the muggle world with his grandmother.

JUNE 19, 17:20 UTC

In the incurable wing at St. Mungo's Frank and Alice Longbottom suddenly woke up to the surprise of a visiting Augusta Longbottom. After a tearful reunion with each other and telling Augusta about how even in their daze after the brutal attack by the Lestranges and Crouch Jr., they remembered Dumbledore shooting a spell at them before everything went black. After a thirty-minute checkout that was rushed using their status, the three Longbottoms rushed to get up to Hogwarts to meet with Neville and Harry. Along the way, Augusta brought them up to speed on the Wizarding World.

JUNE 19, 17:20 UTC

In a home in Surry, a family had had a great day without 'the freak' when the magic wave wiped out all the magic that was on them. Without the magic affecting them, the family remembered how horrible they had been to an innocent orphan and immediately broke down when they remembered how horrible they were.

JUNE 19, 17:20 UTC

From the Riddle shack there was a loud scream heard before the whole building caught on fire. When the fire fighters finally managed to get to the scene there was nothing left but ashes scattered about. The destruction of the disguised resurrection stone would forever break the power of the deathly hollows. While both the wand and the cloak would still be wonders of magic, the wand would no longer be unbeatable but rather a very powerful wand. The cloak on the other had lost its ability to hide its user from death.

june 19, 17:20 Utc

From the Lestrange vault, a scream was heard as greenish-black smoke came off the Hufflepuff cup before scattering to the afterlife. Several goblins were called as the cup exploded and set the whole vault on fire. The result would be that after the fire had been put out the whole entire vault was destroyed.

In a pocket dimension where the room of hidden things was, a diadem previously owned by Ravenclaw let out an ear-piercing screech before it discharged a putrid dark yellowish-brown cloud that was pulled to the afterlife.

JUNE 19, 17:20 UTC

At the soon to be former Order of The Phoenix headquarters in London a man who would by the next day be a free man was woken up to the sound of a loud scream. He rushed down the stairs, and got to the crap hole that Kreacher lived in just in time to see a thick cloud of crusty-blood-red smoke disappear as it went to the afterlife. When this happened, Kreacher appeared with a pop and proclaimed, "The horcuxes bad man voldy created have been destroyed, master Regulus's goal of eliminating tommy has been fulfilled. Kreacher now die happy." With that, Kreacher fell to the floor dead, and Sirius contemplated what he had heard. He was horrified to learn that Voldy had created Horcruxes, as he knew what they were because of what his family was like. As the Horcruxes were destroyed, the block Sirius had on his memory was destroyed along with them. He remembered telling Amelia about the secret keeper situation along with Remus and decided to go to Hogwarts to see Harry. Going to the Kitchen, he saw Molly who looked like she had come out of a drugged state. Next to her was Remus Lupin who tried to help a crying Molly while he tried not to cry with what looked like a pained grimace on his pre-maturely aged face. Sirius talked first when he said, "so do you remember what happened?" "Y-yes I remember how that B #$* Dumbledore put me under the imperious and made me do all those things, and now thanks to him my two youngest are probably dead" sobbed a broken-hearted Molly Weasley. The three of them decided to go to Hogwarts to sort everything out as well as they could.

In the Gryffindor 5th year boy's dormitory Won-Won was in a rage about how Harry always got all the attention and that he deserved some attention and money for what he had to go through. Won-Won thought though that he had a good laugh as much of his magic was from the syphon ward Dumbledore put on Harry. Won-won knew that his mother knew about this and approved, but didn't know that his mother was under an imperious and probably wouldn't care if he did know. The Syphon on Harry snapped suddenly and in the magical backlash, Ron's body could not handle the strain. Ron spent the next thirty seconds in terrible, crippling pain, hunched over before he dropped dead never learning he was manipulated by a delusional old man.

In the Girl's dormitory for 4th years in Gryffindor a girl was putting on her clown face while trying to figure out how to get Harry Potter to be her husband when a backlash from several potions she was unknowingly on to make her obsess over Harry were forcibly erased. The sudden shock to her system would ensure that she would be in a coma for the next severqal months at a minimum.

JUNE 19, 17:20 UTC

In the Riddle mansion, Voldy licked his wounds from the battle at the ministry when he suddenly felt like his soul shard he had left in his monstrosity of a body was being forced to die. He was in so much pain he did not notice his pet snake Nagini die in agony, taking the horcrux in the snake's body with it to the afterlife. Voldy through his dark mark attempted to hold on by draining his followers of their life force and magic. This was useless as he soon found himself in what appeared to be the 9 ¾ train station. Voldy immediately broke down when he noticed that he could not feel his followers through his dark mark system. He was so busy having a temper tantrum over his perceived unfair fate of dying that he did not notice there were two other people he was familiar with there. He would not notice that several more beings joined the scene until one of them walked up to him and touched his shoulder.

Across the country of Great Britain, certain people started to drop dead like flies as their magic and life force was drained from them. People like Snape, Fudge, Umbridge, and the entire Malfoy family died in extreme pain due to the wards they were behind slowing down the drain. The death of all of these bigots would give rise to a new and vastly improved British Wizarding world.

JUNE 19, 12:20 EST

In a huge satellite, orbiting the earth two different men dressed in green and black tights suddenly got a message from their rings that a new ring bearer for their sector had been chosen.

In the same satellite, a beautiful woman blessed by the gods wondered how her sister was doing at Hogwarts. She still grumbled about how complicated it was to set it up for Donna (or as she went by in the mundane world Hermione Jean Granger), as it had involved getting help from Batman and Giovanni Zatara several years ago. Unlike herself her sister Donna had also been blessed by Hectate (A/N: Greek goddess of magic) with a strong magic affinity. While both Diana and Hippolyta had wanted her to be taught safely on the island of Themyscira, Donna (stubborn like her sister and mother) had insisted to be taught with other children her own age. After all, on an island that was populated by eternally youthful women, she was the only child there so it was rather boring for her. Hippolyta had gotten fed up after Donna had thrown a fit for several weeks (she was very stubborn) and had consulted the gods for advice.

The surprising reply that was given to the queen by Hectate herself was for Donna to be sent to Hogwarts. Hippolyta had only allowed that to happen when the gods had sworn on the river Styx (a very serious thing to do) that Donna would live through her school years, as the fates had decreed that much. The mysterious thing was that the fates could not see her fate as if she was to be associated with someone that was not of terrestrial origins. So with that seven years ago with help from Batman several fake identities were set up, with Artemis becoming Mrs. Granger, and a Centaur named Chiron (it was only human males that were banned from Themyscira) was set up as Mr. Granger. Donna was set up as Hermione Granger while Giovanni used his magic to place Donna in the Hogwarts book under that name. Giovanni also used several glamor charms to hide their true looks. The glamor charms were strong enough that even Dumbledore would not be able to see through it.

They had then bought a house where Professor McGonagall had met and 'introduced' them (Mr. and Mrs. Granger along with Hermione) to the world of magic. To complete the cover Mr. and Mrs. Granger were written out to be Dentists on call (to explain their long absences from the house). It was arranged so that for part of each summer Donna would spend it on Themyscira where she would brush up on and continue with her Amazonian training. Every year that she had attended Donna had written letters to her about the experiences, and several things lined up. It was rather obvious to Diana along with anyone that read the letters that Hermione was only friends with Ron because of Harry. It was also rather obvious that Donna had some amount of a crush on Harry, and that while the boy didn't outright say it Harry also found Hermione attractive even didn't know it. Some things had worried her like how for several months during Donna's second year when the weekly letters stopped, but Donna later explained that she had gotten so into school she had forgotten to write. It also seemed that the letters were leaving major things out, but it was known that Donna rarely if ever lied (little did she know!). As it was, Diana was excited because in about a week Donna would be out from Hogwarts and she would be able to see her little sister again.

JUNE 19, 12:20 EST

In New York City, a father suddenly remembered his sister and nephew that he had only learned he had a year before his had sister died. He remembered shortly before their death meeting the animagus Sirius Black and Werewolf Remus Lupin, and how he was going to cure Lupin of his infliction at the earliest possible time. He remembered his sister Lily Potter and that he was one of the people listed for taking care of Harry James Potter in an emergency. He used his magic to send out a probe in order to sense the condition that Harry was in and sensed massive amounts of magic around Harry. Worried that Harry might be in trouble he checked to see that his daughter Zatanna was asleep and then with an "Ekat em ot Yrrah Semaj Rettop" and disappeared with a small pop. Giovanni Zatara unfortunately did not know Zatanna was not asleep and that Zatanna being as curious as she was followed her father with a well-practiced "Wollof Rehtaf" and left the home empty.

Giovanni Zatara arrived in the room of requirement and was about to start investigating when he saw his daughter appear right next to him. About to berate his daughter for letting his daughter's curiosity get the better of her, He stopped when he saw what was in front of him, which was what looked like a younger sister and a younger brother of his colleagues in the Justice League. Uttering "Wohs gnivil ylimaf" while he pointed his hand at Harry, it confirmed his suspicions that Harry was related to one of his fellow Justice League members. As he saw the two teens were in the middle of completing a soul bond, he took hold of each of the teens and her confused daughter before he transported them all to watchtower, and appeared right in front of Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman upon seeing the girl she just knew was Donna Troy screamed "Donna!?" and hugged her while she worried what was wrong with her sister.

Giovanni noticed that the glow around the two stopped just as the leaguers on board came rushing to the scene to see what the commotion was all about. Superman was surprised to see a boy who looked like him as a teenager with green eyes if his raised eyebrows said anything. What shocked Superman the most was that the boy was floating five feet in the air like he did as a teenager in his sleep before he had learned how to fly. Giovanni Zatara took the opportunity presented to send Zatanna back to their house and put a locking spell on her to prevent her from following him again for the time being. After he came out of his surprise, Superman first looked at Giovanni and then kindly but with command in his tone said, "Please explain." A tall muscular man next to him in a Black spandex suit that made him look like a large bat narrowed his eyes into his patented glare at Giovanni Zatanna. The rest of the people on board gave varied looks of surprise at this event. Giovanni sighed and explained all that he knew about the situation.

Meanwhile in another realm between life and death a discussion with massive revelations was taking place.

A/N: That is the end of the chapter and the premise of my story, so please review and tell me what you think of it. As you can see, I made a massive change to Hermione's backstory that isn't as rushed. Before it is said, I would like to point out that Amazonians have been shown to be almost as vulnerable to magic as the next person.