He couldn't believe he'd gotten roped into this. I mean, sure, the best man was usually dragged along for random wedding-related appointments, but wasn't this a bit soon? They had planned on lying back and doing absolutely nothing as a way to celebrate his best friend's recent engagement. Maybe drink a few beers and watch some football. Obviously that plan was nixed before it had an opportunity to even see day light.

So here they were, walking down Main St. in Rosewood, PA looking for a shop that bore the same address as the one chicken scratched on the piece of paper currently residing in Hardy's hand. Supposedly they were looking for who Hardy's fiancé, Amy, promised would be the best photographer in all of eastern Pennsylvania. How she knew this Ezra couldn't say.

"121… 123… 125…" Hardy read off as they passed each little shop in the middle of town. He squinted through the bright light of that Saturday afternoon to see each address marker.

"I really don't think it's necessary for you to read every number of every shop we pass. It's a safe assumption to say that the following business will be two numbers ahead of the previous. We're looking for 137 so give up reciting addresses for another block at least," Ezra snapped as they passed a group of older women, parting before meeting again a second later.

"Jeez, Man, lighten up. I know I ruined our bro day but this shouldn't take too long. Amy promised that all I needed to do was go in, say hi, and grab some forms to fill out. I'm not even allowed to fill out those papers without her. Do you think she thinks I'm a complete idiot? You know what, don't answer that." Hardy rolled his eyes and muttered a couple more comments under his breath, looking Ezra's way long enough to see that he was still paying attention to addresses.

"I'm sure she doesn't think you're a complete idiot… just mostly one," Ezra chuckled.

"Hahaha. Wait, here we go," Hardy replied, coming to a stop in front of a shop sandwiched between a coffee shop and bookstore. The sign hanging above the entrance read Photo Shoppe, A&L Photography. "Cute name."

Ezra rolled his eyes. "Come on. I don't have all day, the Buckeyes are playing at four." He pushed open the door, alerting the shop owner to their presence as a small bell above the door rang out.

"I'll be with you in a second!" They heard a female voice call from the back of the shop. Ezra took the free time to look around the quaint little room. There were photographs on almost every visible surface, including walls and doors, with tripods, lights, and other random photography equipment strewn here and there. It really was an adorable space, not overtly disorganized in any way, but rather very welcoming and professional at the same time.

Hardy, looking like he was in the waiting room at a dentist's office, heaved a sigh and began tapping his fingers against the countertop holding a large agenda book and cash register. Ezra glared at him in an attempt to both calm his friend down and tell him to knock it off. He retracted his hand back into his pocket and continued to lean against the wooden framework.

"Hi there, I'm Aria. How can I help you both today?" Ezra turned around at the melodic voice that sounded from just over his right shoulder. Standing behind him had to be one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen in his life.

"H-h-hi…" Ezra stuttered out, unable to tear his eyes away from the 5'2" beauty in front of him.

"Hi there, I'm Hardy. This is my best man, Ezra, and we've been commanded to coerce you into agreeing to photograph my wedding day," Hardy jumped in. He shoved a hand out towards Aria, who chuckling a bit to herself, took it and then turned to Ezra to do the same.

'Her hand fit within mine like a glove,' he thought. After an awkward moment, Hardy cleared his throat and Aria turned her attention towards Ezra's best friend.

"I'm sure coercing will be totally unnecessary, I've created this business to do exactly what you're asking for and either myself, or my partner, Lucas, would be more than happy to capture every moment of your special day. So when exactly is your wedding? I just have to make sure we're free and don't accidentally double book anything." Aria pushed a stray piece of hair behind one ear as she flipped open the agenda book lying across the desk.

"June 12th. I know, I know. That's like nine months away, but my fiancé absolutely demanded that we book you now so that we can get you to do our engagement pictures in about a month as well," Hardy replied. Aria let out a little laugh, and penciled in the date to her calendar.

"That's perfect timing, I like that your fiancé is on top of this. Here is a list of our prices, and I'd be happy to show you some pictures from previous weddings I've shot, if you'd like." Aria handed Hardy a piece of paper listing the prices for all of the different packages they offered. Ezra laughed to himself as he watched Hardy's eyes bug out from his head. Having always been a bit tight with his money, it didn't surprise him that Hardy would baulk at what he was sure were reasonable prices for Aria's services. Luckily, though, Hardy decided to wait until later to complain about the money.

"That'll be unnecessary. Amy has been researching you, dresses, and cake designers since I popped the question two weeks ago. She has her heart set on getting you to do this for us."

"Well, I'm honored that you've decided to allow me this honor. Here are my terms of contract, I'll need you and your fiancé to fill these out and get them to me along with a 25% deposit as soon as possible. Once all of that is set to go, we'll set up a date to take the engagement photos." Hardy was handed a folder of papers as Aria walked out from behind the desk to again shake their hands. As they walked towards the door, Ezra couldn't help but feel a pull towards Aria, like he needed to touch or hold her in some way.

'This is crazy,' he thought. He had barely met this girl and already he wanted to hug her goodbye? 'Get a grip.' He shook his head as they reached the entrance.

"Thank you again and I look forward to seeing you soon," Aria said as they heard the bell ring again when Hardy pulled open the door.

"Goodbye, Aria," Ezra said softly. With one last glance back, he followed his best friend out onto the bustling Rosewood street and heaved a heavy sigh to himself. This was going to be a long couple of months.