Here we go as requested a second chapter to this. Its a little bit longer this time and has a little more than smut. I hope you enjoy it and as always let me know what you think.

The sun slanted through the window brightly the next morning causing Elena to wake up with a slight groan. She rolled over onto her back and stretched out her long limbs,loosening up muscles that she had used the night before. She turned her head and saw Damon still sound asleep beside her. The man really could sleep like the dead when he wanted to. With a smirk on her face she slowly and silently rolled over so she was facing him. It wasn't too often that she had the chance to play with him before he woke up. With a devilish smirk she pulled the blanket away from his body. Surprisingly enough he didn't move. He stayed just as asleep as he was when she woke up. He didn't even stir. She smirked in response and slid down the bed until she was level with his hips. She knew he would wake up the second she touched him so she worked carefully. She raised herself up enough so she didn't have to touch him before she was ready. She wanted him to wake up with her lips wrapped around his morning erection, which was surprisingly almost at full tumescence. She wondered idly just what he was dreaming about. When she darted her tongue out to tease his length, his entire body jolted off the bed and he let out a strangled moan.

"Elena." He groaned.

"Shh, let me take care of you." She whispered from under the blanket.

"Jesus." He groaned as she made herself more comfortable down there and crawled between his legs not worried about waking him up anymore.

"The name is Elena." She teased and he rolled his eyes in response, not that she could see it. Before he could respond again she wrapped her hand around the base of his erection and enveloped the rest of him in her mouth.

"Oh God." He moaned as she laved her tongue around the sensitive head of his hard dick. He honestly didn't know when she gotten so good at sucking on him like that.

"You like that baby?" She asked knowing full well that he did. She just liked the praise that came from him answering. He grunted something that sounded affirmative and she smiled against his length. Pleased at his enthusiastic response she started sucking on him harder than before. She put even more effort, intent on driving him to the edge as quickly as she could. She loved it whenever she could beat her own personal best in pursuit of his orgasm.

"Oh God, almost there." He groaned as he flexed his hips upward as she sucked. Elena loved sucking him off and she wanted to do it every day, even twice a day if she could. She sucked on him with reckless abandon until he groaned and released down her throat in thick milky spurts. His chest heaved as he went through the waves of pleasure.

"How was that?" She asked cockily when she had taken absolutely everything he could give her.

"Holy fuck." His only answer was.

"I'm glad I could make you not even able to string together complete sentences." Elena laughed happily. She crawled back up the bed and rolled onto her side so she could look him in the eyes.

"You really are quite talented, Elena Gilbert. You're the only woman that I have ever been with that could make me incoherent." He complimented.

"Coming from you that's an amazing compliment." She approved.

"Now I think you should let me repay the favour." He suggested between kisses to her collarbone.

"I don't think so. We don't have that kind of time this morning. We can't be doing this when Jeremy wakes up." Elena demurred.

"The kid can sleep all day. I want to taste you." He insisted as he tried to move down her body.

"No Damon." Elena stated firmly as she wound her hands through his hair and pulled him back up to her level.

"Oh come on. No harm would be done if I just enjoyed you a little bit and then fucked you." He argued hopefully.

"Maybe later, but not right now. Right now you're going to make lazy morning love to me before we go downstairs and make pancakes." She told him.

"You've really got my whole morning planned out. What if I didn't want to get out of bed at all today?" Damon asked innocently.

"It's not an option. We need to make my brother breakfast." Elena told him.

"He's a teenager. He's more than capable of pouring himself a box of cereal." Damon insisted

"But I don't feel like he should have to today. I want to get up and make him some pancakes. Well I want you to make the pancakes. But the point is, he should be able to have a good breakfast today considering I'm only here for a couple days before I have to leave again. I promise, we'll have more than enough time in this bed." Elena promised him.

"There is never enough time in this bed. We could stay here twenty-four hours of the day and I'm pretty sure it still wouldn't be enough." Damon shook his head.

"I think it would be too much. You need to get out and do things in order to be happy. Not that I wouldn't' be happy spending inordinate amounts of time in this bed with you. Or any bed for that matter. Which is why you need to take a weekend and come to visit me. We could spend the whole weekend in bed. Here we can't because I need to spend time with Jer too." Elena suggested.

"Ugh fine you're right. Sadly enough it's not all about me no matter how badly I want it to be. We should take care of your little brother." He sighed dismally. It was clear he wasn't happy about that idea.

"We don't have to get up just yet. We still have some precious time to be together." Elena told him gripping his bicep when he tried to get out of the bed.

"Oh we do now do we?" He asked with his eyebrows raised.

"That we do." She agreed, telling him with her expression that she wanted just what he was offering.

He rolled her onto her back and followed her down so he was lying between her thighs that had just fallen open of their own accord to accommodate him. It was like her body knew exactly what to do when he was around her. She was programmed to be whatever he needed her to be and he was the same for her.

"Lazy morning sex. We don't need Jeremy hearing anything from his room." Elena whispered into the skin of his neck as he kissed down her chest.

"It's not going to keep you quiet though. You're never quiet." He said back to her.

"I can' be quiet if I really have to. I've just never had to." She shrugged as he kissed his way down her sternum and towards her belly button.

"I don't believe you." He whispered against her belly. Tired of his teasing already she grabbed his hair and pulled him back up so she could kiss his lips.

"You should. I can be quiet. I'll prove it." She said kissing him hotly without making a ton of noise.

"By the way you really need to stop yanking on my hair this morning. I like my hair and I don't need you ripping it out of my skull." Damon told her but there was a smile on his face so she knew she was forgiven.

"I'm sorry. You should behave better." She argued.

"You don't want me to behave better. You like it when I'm bad." He teased her as he nudged her opening with the tip of his cock which was deliciously hard against her sex.

"I like it when you're bad in bed, I'll admit." She sighed as he slid his cock through her folds, making sure it hit her clit on the way.

"You also like it when I'm bad elsewhere too. You like having the privilege to slap me." He corrected her.

"No I don't. I really don't like it when you're bad like this in bed though." She whined as he worked her higher and higher without ever entering her.

"You want me inside you, don't you?" He asked rhetorically. He knew that answer to the question but he knew him questioning would earn him one of those annoyed looks that he couldn't get enough of. Sometimes he irritated her just to get one of those looks from her.

"Don't ask stupid questions Damon." Elena muttered with the look that Damon liked on her face.

"Is that a no?" He asked with a broad smirk on his face as he pulled back again and slid his cock through her folds.

"Haha, very funny." She muttered with a glower on her face. He had already had a orgasm, but she was desperate for one.

"Alright, alright I'll put it inside you." He promised her as he positioned himself at her entrance. She held her breath in anticipation as she waited for that first inch to enter her. When he pushed in, she released the breath she was holding and waited as he filled her inch by glorious inch.

"Oh thank God." She moaned as he filled her perfectly. There was no feeling better than having Damon Salvatore inside you, Elena was certain about that. She was also relieved that she was the only girl who got to experience that feeling now.

"You like that?" He asked knowing full well that she did. He figured turn about was fair game especially with the way she questioned him when she was sucking him off.

"God yeah." She moaned as se let him claim her body fully. He always filled her almost too full but she would never complain. He just felt so damn good. His thrusts were slow but measured, they always went so perfectly deep. Deep enough to make her toes curl. She gripped his shoulders with a firm grip as he ravished her. They maintained eye contact through it all, his blue gaze never once leaving her brown one. It made the connection even more startlingly intense.

"Baby I'm close." She moaned when she clamped her internal muscles around his cock.

"Oh God keep doing that. It felt so fucking good." Damon insisted at the feel of her walls clamping tightly around his dick. She repeated the action again and again, watching as every time she did it Damon's eyes fell closed.

"I'm going to come so hard if you keep doing that." He whispered against the soft flesh of her neck.

"Maybe that's the plan." She teased as she kept doing it, wanting him to fall over the edge with her. It was always more intense when they were coming at the same time. Not that it ever wasn't intense between the two of them. He thrust a couple more times before Elena went over with a silent scream. Her eyes were pressed shut as her entire body trembled with the intensity. Damon followed her over the edge after just two more deep thrusts. He spilled inside her but kept pumping his hips the entire time.

"God damn that was good." Damon sighed blissfully after he finished. He rolled over and pulled Elena against his chest.

"You're spooning me." She teased.

"Oh I know. I like being this close to you, especially since you have to leave me again tomorrow. You can't tell anyone that I like to cuddle though. I need to maintain my bad ass persona" Damon whispered into her hair.

" I won't tell a soul. I don't want to leave you but I have to. Education and all." She sighed.

"I know you don't want to. We'll make it work, we always do." He whispered kissing her shoulder.

"That's why I'm happy it's you I'm in love with. We always make it work no matter what. I don't have to worry about it not working out when I'm with you." She told him. He didn't respond he just pressed another kiss to her shoulder, showing without words how her words affected him.

"We should probably get up at some point,especially if you want to feed your little brother." Damon sighed not anywhere ready to get out of the luxurious bed.

"We can stay like this for a little while longer. I haven't heard him up and about yet." Elena denied.

"We could take a long hot shower together." He suggested.

"Let's just stay like this a little longer. When Jeremy gets up, we'll get up." Elena told him, burrowing back into his arms even more than before.

"Sounds good to me." He said kissing her once more.

The couple briefly closed their eyes again when Jeremy barged into the room.

"You guys had better be decent because I want breakfast." Jeremy insisted covering his eyes against seeing anything he didn't want to see.

"We're as decent as we're going to get right now. Everything of importance is covered." Damon told him rolling his eyes. Jeremy reluctantly uncovered his eyes and crossed his arms.

"I'm hungry and I don't want cereal. Damon doesn't let me cook in the off chance that I burn his house down. So that means you have to get up and feed me something good." Jeremy told them.

"Fine, just give us a few minutes. I need a shower to fully wake up." He told him.

"Just meet us downstairs Jer, we'll be down in a little while." Elena told him and Damon smirked. It was clear she was still intent on sharing his shower with him.

"Just no funny business. I'm not getting any less hungry here." He told them as he quickly walked out of the room shutting the door behind him.

"You heard him mister. No funny business." Elena pointed at him. Damon laughed and shook his head as he got out of the bed gloriously naked.

"You wouldn't object if I tried out funny business." He told her as he walked into the bathroom. Elena got up and followed him, thinking that there weren't too many things better than a naked Damon Salvatore. He certainly was a fine specimen and he was all Elena's.

"Probably not, but I do have a hungry teenager downstairs. We should really get into the shower so we can feed him." Elena said as Damon started up the shower.

'Fine, you win. But we are coming back up here tonight."He told her.

"Of course we are, we do have to sleep you know." She teased him.

"You know exactly what I meant." He said glaring at her.

"I know. I think we should spend tonight in that bathtub of yours with a bottle of champagne or wine, whichever you have on hand." Elena suggested.

"That actually sounds perfect. We can go out and buy the perfect bottle for the occasion." He nodded.

"What exactly is the occasion?" Elena asked curiously as she stepped into the shower behind him.

"Your last day here until you can finally come back." He told her with a frown on his handsome face.

"Well we just have to make it count. I still think you should come visit me too." Elena told him.

"I will definitely. We can't go this long without each other again. It's bad for our health." He told her seriously as he grabbed her body wash from the ledge and squirted some onto her shower pouf.

"I agree." She nodded her head as he ran the pouf down her body tenderly. As much as she loved the rough, passionate version of Damon, this tender version was nearly tied. She honestly didn't know which part she loved more, both sides made up this incredibly perfect and complicated man. While he was washing every inch of her body with care, she lathered up some shampoo in her hair before moving slightly to rinse it out. When they were finished with her, she grabbed his body wash and the cloth and started washing him in the same way he washed her. She didn't miss even a single inch of his body while he washed his hair.

"Are you finished?" Elena asked when she put the cloth back.

"We'd better stop before we don't get out of here for a while." Damon agreed as he shut off the water and reached out for the towels he put on the heated towel rack before they got into the shower. He handed one to Elena and she took it wrapped it around herself. Damon wrapped his around his waist and walked to the mirror. Elena went to stand next to Damon and he handed her her toothpaste and toothbrush. They looked like the perfect picture of domesticity as they stood side by side brushing their teeth.

A little while later they came downstairs looked refreshed and happy.

"I'm making pancakes, you better be fine with that." Damon said to Jeremy who was sitting on the couch playing his Xbox again.

"Pancakes are cool." Jeremy called back not paying too much attention.

"I wasn't giving you an option. Even if you said you hated them you were still getting them." Damon told him as Elena hopped up onto the counter while Damon grabbed the stuff to make pancakes.

"I like a man who knows his way around a kitchen." Elena told him with a smirk on her face.

"That's good. I happen to know my way around a kitchen." He told her walking over to where she was sitting to kiss her briefly. But a kiss that was meant to be brief turned into more. Tongues tangled and hands groped everywhere they could reach.

"Excuse me... hungry teenager here." Jeremy called with a annoyed glare on his face.

"Sorry." Elena apologized pushing Damon away from her and hopping down from the counter. Damon shook his head and went back to the batter he was supposed to be creating. He tossed a couple handfuls of fresh blueberries into the batter and mixed it all up. As far as it went pancakes were probably the easiest thing he ever made. Elena walked out of the kitchen and sat down beside Jeremy.

"I never walked into anything like that between you and Stefan." Jeremy noted still mostly focused on his game.

"I never loved Stefan the same way I do Damon." Elena told him shrugging.

"I've never seen you like this before. It makes me happy, even if he is a sarcastic jackass 99% of the time." Jeremy told her, knowing that he would listen to their conversation even while pretending that he wasn't.

"I want you to be happy to Jer. You need to live your life without worrying that something could go wrong." Elena told him honestly.

"I'll try for you." Jeremy promised. They lapsed into silence for a few minutes until Damon called them in for pancakes.

"You guys sure you don't want me to stay home? I'm more than happy to stay here and play Call of Duty." Jeremy insisted as everyone got ready to go out.

"Of course not. Come spend some time with your big sister Jer." Elena insisted.

"But I don't know, shouldn't you guys like want to go out on a date or something like that?" Jeremy asked.

"We're already having a date tonight, and we don't even need to go out to do it." Damon told him.

"Oh God, I have to plans tonight." Jeremy wailed.

"Don't worry you won't hear anything. It just involves a bottle of wine which we're going to buy, and his bathtub." Elena assured him.

"Yeah, nothing too kinky." Damon told him smirking.

"Ew. But why am I coming with you to buy wine?" Jeremy asked.

"We're not only going out for wine. We're picking up a few groceries so you can eat while I'm gone. And we're having lunch before we find something fun to do with our time." Elena told him.

"So basically come sort of makeshift family outing?" Jeremy questioned, not sure how he ended up with the strangest family going. He was a vampire hunter, his sister was a vampire and his sisters boyfriend was a vampire who most hunters would give their lives to kill. Damon wasn't exactly the easiest person to get along with and had even killed him on occasion.

"If you want to call it that go ahead." Damon shrugged, being taken aback at Jeremy sort of calling him a member of their


"Well it is what it is isn't it? You and Elena are the only family I have as sad as that sounds." Jeremy argued.

"I don't think it sounds sad at all. It took us a long time to get to where we are. I finally have someone I can depend on all the way." Elena argued taking Damon's hand in the center console of the car.

They drove downtown and parked in front of a large strip mall that had just opened up in Mystic Falls.

"Let's go buy a bottle of champagne then we'll go elsewhere." Damon said as they walked into a liquor store.

"Know what? I'm never going to be at the legal age to buy alcohol." Elena noted as they walked in.

"Compulsion is an amazing thing." Damon responded as they walked to the back of the store. They appraised each bottle until they found one that Damon deemed appropriate.

"It's a good year." He said as they walked to the front. He didn't even bat an eye at the exorbitant price of the bottle.

"You do realize how much that cost you right?" Jeremy asked as they walked out.

"I know but it's for your sister, I spare no price when it comes to her." Damon said as they walked down the sidewalk to a clothing store.

"Can we go in there? I need some new clothes and I'm sure Jeremy does as well." Elena asked.

"Sure, I hate clothes shopping." Damon said.

"Which explains why you wear the same outfit every single day." Jeremy muttered.

"It's not exactly the same everyday. I just have my colour scheme and I stick to it." He said following the siblings into the store.

"You don't have to come in. You can go elsewhere or wait in the car." Elena suggested with her hand on his chest.

"I'll stick around. I like the idea of watching you try on clothes." He told her and Jeremy rolled his eyes in response.

"You are so whipped." He muttered under his breath.

"So what? If you could find a girl half as good as your sister you would be whipped too." Damon stated as they went into the women's section.

"I'll be over here looking at something other than chick clothes." He said going into the men's department.


"So what are your plans tonight?" Elena asked Jeremy when they got back to the Boarding House several hours later.

"Probably just hanging out with my Xbox in the living room." Jeremy shrugged.

"Oh, we could hang out with you tonight instead if you want." Elena offered.

"No, it's your last night here. You should be all romantic with your boyfriend." He told her smiling.

"I should spend some of it with you too." Elena fretted. She didn't want her brother to think that she didn't care about him.

He didn't need to think that she was only here because of Damon.

"Well then hang out with me now and then after dinner go upstairs with him." Jeremy suggested.

"That'll work." Elena decided as she sank into the couch beside Jeremy.

The two siblings played video games while Damon worked in the kitchen, intent on making up for last night supper with something truly incredible.

"Come and eat." He called.

"Let's see what he put together." Jeremy said pausing the game and following Elena into the kitchen. Together they walked into the kitchen and found an elaborate pasta dish before them.

"At least it didn't set on fire this time." Jeremy noted as he sat down.

"That's because I wasn't distracted by the sexiness that is your sister." Damon retorted.

"Don't call my sister sexy at the dinner table Damon. That's just disturbing." Jeremy remarked.

Later that evening after spending a couple hours with Jeremy, Elena followed Damon up to his bedroom.

"I really don't want you to go tomorrow." Damon told her as he ran water in the deep freestanding tub.

"I don't want to go either." She said carrying the ice bucket with the champagne over to a little table he had set up next to the tub. She grabbed the champagne glasses and put them on the table too before starting to undress. He mimicked her actions until he was fully naked. He climbed into the bathtub and sat back so she could sit between his legs. He started massaging her muscles right away and she sank into his embrace as he worked out knots she didn't know she had.

"That feels so good." She told him dropping her head forward so he could get to her neck easier.

"You're tense." He told her as he worked her muscles.

"I didn't know about it. I've been completely relaxed since I got here yesterday." She told him.

"I'm thinking it's because of your classes and worrying about Jeremy constantly." He told her.

"You're probably right. You're always right. I just wish I didn't have to go back to school. I think it's so selfish of me to

want to go back. I'm supposed to be here taking care of my brother." Elena worried.

"I'm taking care of your brother, you don't have to worry about him. I would never let anything happen to him." Damon vowed.

"I know that. But you and I are the only family he has. He's the only actual family I have left so I can't stand the idea of anything happening to him." Elena distressed.

"Nothing will happen to him. I would die before I'd let anyone else ever hurt him." He told her squeezing her to his chest.

"I know you would. That's what worries me. I couldn't live in a place where you don't exist either. I love you." She told him.

"I love you too." He whispered against the side of her neck.

"I think we should stop with the death talk. Do you want some champagne?" She asked turning slightly.

"Sure." He nodded his head as he let her move to get some champagne. She poured them each a flute and handed one to him before resting comfortably against his chest. He wrapped his arms around each other and for once neither of them even thought of having sex. They were just comfortable and happy the way they were.

They sipped champagne until the bathwater grew cold. They then got out and walked back into the bedroom where they slipped between the sheets on the king sized bed.

"Are you tired?" He asked her.

"No, I want you to make love to me once more." She told him rolling over to face him.

"I was hoping you'd say that." He said as he rolled her onto her back, hovering over her.


The next morning Elena woke up with a sigh. Caroline would be there in under an hour.

"It's time to get up isn't it?" Damon asked without even opening his eyes.

"I don't want to, but I have to get ready to go." Elena said unhappily.

"I don't want you to go." He told her sitting up, deciding on honesty.

"Then I won't. I'll call Caroline and tell her that I can't go back." She told him happy that he was telling her how he felt about it.

"But you have to. I don't want you to but I have to let you go back. You need to get everything you want in life that you can still have. You want to be normal, and going to college is normal. As much as I hate the idea of you being away from me, I have to let you go." He told her facing her.

"I love you." She whispered leaning in to kiss him.

"I love you too. We should get up and get dressed. You should probably spend some time with the brat before you go." He told her as he got out of bed and slipped on a pair of lounge pants. He sat down and waited while Elena put some clothes on, then they walked downstairs together.

"Are you ready to go?" Jeremy asked from the living room where he was eating a bowl of cereal in front of the TV.

"As ready as I can be." She said sitting down beside him.

"Hey, Damon and I will be fine. I'll make sure he behaves." Jeremy assured her which was enough to make her laugh.

"I think it's supposed to be him making sure you behave." Elena pointed out.

"Yeah, but he's the one who has behaviour issues not me." Jeremy alerted her.

"Maybe so." Elena allowed as she gestured for him to come sit down next to her. When he sat down, Damon wrapped his arm around her shoulder needing to be as close to her as he could before she left again.

When the doorbell rang a few minutes later Damon sighed and got up to answer the door.

"Caroline." He said in greeting.

"Damon." She responded as Elena and Jeremy walked to the door.

"I'll see you when I can get away again Jer." Elena said hugging her brother.

"Try to have some fun while you're gone." He told her hugging her tight.

"I'll try." Elena promised as she broke the hug and walked over to Damon.

"Call me tonight when you get home." He told her hugging her.

"I will. Come and see me soon. I'm going to miss you so much." She told him burying her face in his chest.

"I will get there as soon as I can. Don't fall in love with some college jock while you're gone." He told her playfully, but she

could hear the vulnerability behind the words.

"Don't fall in love with anyone here while I'm gone." She told him.

"Impossible. You have sole possession of my heart." He reminded her.

"You're the only one that has my heart too. I'll see you soon." She told him reaching up on her tiptoes to kiss him. He kissed her back ardently. A couple minutes later Caroline cleared her throat and the couple pulled away.

"That was uncomfortable, but we have to go." Caroline said.

"Alright. I'll talk to you both soon." She said.

"I love you." He told her as he stood at the door as the girls walked away.

"I love you too." She responded as she got into the car beside Caroline. Elena watched behind her until the Boarding House disappeared from sight, unable to wait until the next time she would be home again.