Summary: "he doesn't hear any sobbing so that's reassuring"
Pairing: n/a. brOTP Reynico
Time frame: ( these drabbles will probably be set around different timelines but in the same universe, so this is going to be a heads up ) early-20s!Reyna&Nico
Notes: written well into the night with S.I.N.G. blaring through my earphones. i'm so sorry ( i'm not ).

A is for Alkoholleichen ( German )

Drunk people wandering home late at night or early in the morning.

Nico is fairly surprised when someone knocks on his door with great urgency near two in the freaking morning ( granted, he should be in bed already but, eh, Hannibal calls, and he has never been any good with first nights in unknown places ). He's even more surprised when he opens the door to find one-half of the praetors of the twelfth legion leaning on his doorway while seemingly nursing a bottle of beer in one hand. He's not surprised though when he sees her holding two more, the bottles' necks in between her fingers, on her other hand.

"Heard you were in town." Reyna says, mumbles really. Nico isn't quite sure how he hears her, but he's quite certain it has something to do with how New Rome seems to be acting like a ghost town ( ironic, but justifiable. It is nearing quarter past two already ). She doesn't really smell like beer yet ( he can still trace the faint aroma of lavender and mint and early morning dew ) so he thinks she's still good to go.

"Didn't hear you were off getting drunk." he replies almost monotonously. Nico still steps aside though and makes enough room so she can slip in.

"It's not a school night, di Angelo." she mocks with that barely noticeable Spanish lilt that makes the Italian in him grunt in frustration because why is Reyna even drinking ? ( the more important question should have been how did she even get to acquire said booze and managed to sneak off to his apartment without anyone questioning anything, but he lets that slide for now ). Reyna doesn't wait for a reply and sprawls across his couch. He should be annoyed but he isn't, and instead turns up the volume for the both of them.

( He lets her pick whatever movie or soap opera she wants because it's her stash anyway and when Reyna picks the sappy telenovela Nico doesn't even have to ask why she's there anymore )

Three bottles in and Reyna's hurling in his bathroom. Nico is busy being the good friend that he is by pulling back her braid while simultaneously trying to find the aspirin he knows he keeps in his emergency medicine case.

"I need to get you home." he says, as if he's used to this. Her head is still uncomfortably near his toilet, but the barfing sounds have stopped so he guesses it's okay. Or as okay as it's going to be for the night ( he doesn't hear any sobbing so that's reassuring ).

Nico looks down at her when Reyna doesn't respond. Her head is tilted upwards and there's that lopsided little smile that tells him uh-oh, no more for you, before she speaks quietly, "I'm home."

( He lets her crash on his couch with his jacket wrapped around her frame that night. Nico forgets how tiny and fragile she really is when she wears her armor )