14 years ago…

Genma sat upon a rock in a clearing, fretting like crazy, he had just put his son through the neko-ken 'how could I have had such a worthless son, he couldn't even master that one technique…Nodoka's gonna kill me if he finds out their three year old son had died' Genma thought as he began to realize what else the death of his son meant, now he could no longer full fill his promise to Nadoka or the Tendos.

A woman then arose from a nearby stream, not a drop of water on her, she had pale blue skin, long black hair, dark brown eyes, and she wore a purple dress with one shoulder, her belly was bloated. She then turned to face Genma, before walking towards him, her feet not once dipping beneath the waters surface.

"Genma Saotome I am Eris Goddess Of Chaos First Class Unlimited and I have been sent because you have had an unfair life and deserve a single wish" Eris stated, lacking enthusiasm after introducing herself, hating this part of the job.

"A…wish" Genma slowly stated, he had heard many times on his travels where a mortal man or woman would get their wish granted and their life would be all but perfect, Genma then thought about his wish, the only thing he needed was his son, however, he didn't his son, he had proven himself weak, no he wanted a strong son and what could be stronger than the son of a goddess and he could see she was pregnant.

Genma then smirked "I wish to have your son, he will be identical to mine, will be the same age, he will not question my methods and will remember all the training I gave my son like it was his training and he shall do what ever it takes to become the greatest martial artist in the world and you shall not intervene with my son" Genma stated, making sure the goddess couldn't ruin his plans. Eris was fighting the urge to rip the mortal before her limb from limb, but knew she couldn't harm him as she was a goddess and was denied such privileges, however, she vowed she would get her child back. The wish had been automatically been sent to be processed and Eris knew it was a perfectly legal wish as was destruction of the planet, Eris then got the reply from the system "Wish…a…a…approved" Eris growled as she was enveloped in a black light and once it faded Eris was on her knees holding her child, tears streaming down her face as her body acted on its own, standing upright before handing him the child.

"Listen Genma and listen well I will get my child back even if I have to move heaven, earth and hell, I will get my child back and I will destroy anything and everything that gets in my way" Eris threatened before turning into smoke and vanishing into thin air.

"Ha yeah right, what could a girl do, especially when my wish specified that you can not get involved" Genma boasted before beginning to train his new son.

Present Day…

It was Ranma's seventeenth birthday and Ranma was having a particularly bad day, he had been fighting Ryoga when Hinako drained his Ki, Ryoga continued to attack him before he too was drained, he was then malletted by Akane for picking on Ryoga and had landed in the Neko-Hantan where he had been groped by Shampoo and just as he got out of her grasp Mousse launched several chains and weapons at Ranma, who had been low on Ki, he managed to dodge several strikes, however, one of the chains went strait through Ranma's through Ranma's chest, a second through his gut.

Cologne and Shampoo just stared at Ranma's body, Mousse just smirked thinking he'd finally beaten Ranma and now Shampoo would be his wife, Shampoo was about to kill Mousse by pounding him into a paste with her bomborios, when they heard Ranma groan, everyone froze and turned to look at Ranma.

Ranma's eyes then snapped open and he looked down to see himself stuck to the floor by chains going through his body.

"How am I still alive?" Ranma asked as stared at the one going through his chest.

"This is impossible…even by your standards son-in-law" Cologne stated shocked as she approached Ranma and observed the injuries "By all accounts you should be dead."

"WHAT…OH COME ON" Mousse complained as he started hitting his head against the wall "WILL I NEVER BE RID OF HIM"

"Shut up Mousse" Cologne scolded before hitting him on the head with her stick, Ranma sat up strait and ripped out the chains before tossing them to the ground, he then stood up and checked the injuries and was shocked to feel them healing, faster than normal, a lot faster.


Eris was watching from above, she long since left the goddess organization, she couldn't bare to grant another wish and risk losing something else, she looked down on Nerima and was glad the time had finally come, her child had become of age and his godly potential was ripe for the picking meaning now was the best chance she had to get him back, especially when his mortal life had ended and thus freed him from the wish she had been forced to grant.

A/N Well that was chapter one tell me what you think, open to suggestions if you have em, please review.