What is, four updates in a row now?

Well this one actually matters. So.

I finished the chapter for the redo of this...today actually. Started like three hours ago.

So. Problem. I can either place it on this one and delete every chapter from before making every single review not make a lick of sense.

Or, I can just make a new story slot entirely.

If I do do that one, much less people will know, because people never check updates...ever...looking at half of you there.

Or an alternative option is just pretending each chapter from before never existed and just place it as a new chapter and let the story start from there, though I doubt the website will like that.

So for options, yooooou all decide, because democracy. Decide in the review sections or something. Or I could make a poll. If I knew how the damn thing worked anyway...

Anywhoozers, tootles to all. Except for those who don't read updates. You can all burn.