I'm a new Christy fan and this is my first fanfic for it. This is based on the tv show (Margaret is dead in this story to make it easier) This story isn't for people who love David/Christy. I made David a little more arrogant. It doesn't seem out of character to me but it might to you guys.

"David? Would you just listen, please?" Christy pleaded as she held onto David's arm.

"Why won't you marry me, Christy?" David's eyes seethed brightly and for the first time in Christy's time at Cutter Gap, she was afraid of David.

She didn't understand why he was so angry. She stared at him in shock. She had never seen this side of the preacher. It was truly scary. It was as if he thought he owned her. She should have seen it coming. It was like when he tried to kiss her without her permission. Now he wanted to marry her and intended to; even if she said no. Of course she had to try.

"No, David. I can't. I'm sorry but the answer is no. I cannot and will not," Christy replied back over the thunder in the distance.

David threw his hands up. "Why?" then he smirked. "It's because of that Doctor MacNeil isn't it? You're in love with him. You've always been. You know what though. He's still mourning over his dead wife and he won't ever love you back."

"That's not true. This isn't about Neil. It's about you! You've changed, David and it scares me," tears stung Christy's eyes.

David's eyes were like stone. "You'll change your mind."

Christy shook her head. "No."

"But Christy, I love you." All of a sudden David had Christy against the side of the house and tried to kiss her.

"David!" Christy smacked him across the face, not knowing what else to do. It was like he lost his senses…all of them.

David looked at her in surprise, "Christy, I'm sor-."

Christy shoved past him and ran down the porch steps not daring to look back. She couldn't.

Lightning flashed as she flew into the woods. It was going to be dark soon but at the moment the reality didn't occur to Christy. She just wanted to get as far away from the mission house as possible.

By the time she was nearing the creek it was pouring rain and she began to rethink her situation, only she didn't give in to common sense. She kept on running faster than ever.

Her surroundings were becoming strangely familiar and then she realized this was the path to Neil's cabin. How had she come this way? She hadn't even been known what she was doing. Was she fleeing David to throw herself at Neil. What was she doing? David's words hit home. Did she love Neil without even realizing it or did she just crave his friendship at this time and moment?

Not paying attention she tripped over a boulder and went sailing into a puddle of rain water. A sharp agonizing pain ripped through her shoulder.

Christy screamed out in pain. She forced herself to look at the cause of the pain and nearly past out from the sight. A stick protruded from her shoulder. Bloody and sharp. Blood was everywhere.

"Help," she rasped in pain, "Someone help me!" she tried a little louder.


"Somebody help me please!" Christy pleaded to the rain. She tried to stand up and nearly fell back but she grabbed onto a tree and leaned against it.

She tried one last time to call for help, "HEEELP!" In the distance she could make out a silhouette on a horse riding towards her. Before she could see who it was she blacked out.


What should happen next?