Amelia felt extremely hungry, so she decided to leave the room and explore the castle; Sebastian was keeping watch over the girl as she walked out of the room silently, trying not to make any noise. "Madam, why are you leaving your room?" Sebastian asked. Amelia crouched down to the candle holder's level to answer his question, "I guess I got hungry…and I also wanted to explore the castle too." Sebastian grinned, than began leading the young redhead through the halls of the castle; Amelia looked all around seeing the many pictures on the walls and décor that made the halls dark and creepy in the night. "Mrs. Tea, some food for are lovely guest please" Sebastian insisted. The teapot nodded and went off to get some food for the redhead; meanwhile Amelia seated herself at a long table in the middle of a dinning room. "Wow…umm this place sure is big…" Amelia said as her voice echoed through the room. "Well of course!" Sebastian announced loudly, making all the lights magically come on.

The woman sat there in amazement as many different dishes of food came dancing onto the elongated table; food of enormous proportions sat in front of Amelia and the poor girl couldn't contain her hunger for very long. Mrs. Tea came in with a drink for the redhead, since after being locked in a room for hours can make a poor girl thirsty. "There you go dearie" Mrs. Tea said kindly. Amelia nodded, and then dived into her food like a wild animal, devouring everything on her plate till it was spit clean; now that she was done, Amelia wanted to explore the castle. "Ready for bed Miss?" Timothy asked bowing lightly towards the door. "No, I want to explore a little, if that's alright with your master." Amelia stated getting up from her chair. The two objects followed the redhead out and into the main corridor, where two stairwells split in two different directions; Sebastian said that the second stairwell to the left leads to the west wing and that Amelia should never go there. "We have a library" Timothy said. Amelia's face brightened when the clock mention a library to her, for she always enjoyed a good book from time to time. "A library you say!?" Amelia squealed in excitement. "We can take you there!" Sebastian and Timothy said, as the awkwardly walked down the hall.

While those two goofballs walked down hall, Amelia snuck upstairs towards the west wing to see why it was so 'forbidden' in the first place, and why this Loki character was always hiding up there. The redhead cracked the door open just for her petite body could fit in the doorway, she then made her way around the tore up room; there was pictures hanging up on the wall that had some blonde man and Loki in them together, they looked so happy, so brotherly almost. Then Amelia made her way to the balcony, where a rose sat slowly wilting minute by minute, hour by hour; the girl lifted the protected glass off the rose and tried to reach out and touch it, when a gust of wind blew into the room causing Amelia to shiver. "What are you doing here!?" Loki sneered through his hair. The redhead looked at him with her beautiful green eyes and answered him the best she could without crying, "I-I was just exploring…and..." she was cut off by Loki. "I told you this room was FORBIDDEN!" he yelled at her. Amelia gasped at the man, then she darted out of the room and down the steep steps to the door; she grabbed her coat and then out the door she flew. The girl ran out of the castle courtyard, into the woods where who knows what was out there; soon enough Amelia got extremely tired from running and found a hungry pack of coyotes chasing after her out in the cold weather. Amelia sat there out of breathe in front of the coyotes, thinking her life was over, when out of the blew, a shadowy figure blazed passed Amelia and struck one of the coyotes in front of her; then more and more coyotes were struck, but that didn't help the figure whoever it was. Coyote after coyote started to pile on the figure, scrapping the flesh, injuring the person; a flash from the pile caused all the coyotes to fall to the ground dead, and Amelia could see who the figure was, it was Loki. The redhead grabbed the poor man, lifting him on her shoulder and led him back to the castle to tend to his wounds; Loki had claw marks across his face and arms, which bled onto Amelia's jacket.


"I can't believe Amelia didn't accept my proposal…" Alexander sighed in his chair. Yes it was true, the big bad hunter didn't get want he truly wanted, and that made him quite sad and angry at how pathetic Amelia was being towards him. "Ah don't worry Alexander; there will be another time for her. Don't you worry!" Rupert chuckled as he handed his good friend a drink. "I guess your right, Rupert." Alexander said gulped his drink. Then Rupert started to break out in a weird song and dance, trying to cheer up his friend, but it wasn't really working the way he wanted it too. "Come on Alexander, join me!" the little man shouted. "Alright fine!" the hunter said. So Alexander joined his friend in a song and dance party; Marcus, Amelia's father was heading towards the pub Alexander was in to warn them about Loki's wrath. "Help! Somebody please help me!" Marcus shouted in horror. The hunter turned to face the old kook seeing what his problem was and why he was yelling; Marcus stood in the pub worried and frightened for his poor daughter, and unfortunately he needed Alexander's help. "Oh Alexander, Alexander! I need your help. He's got her locked away in the abandoned castle!" Marcus yelled. Alexander looks at the kook with we an evil grin and answers him, "I shall assist you Marcus…out the door." Three large men took the crazy inventor out of the pub and threw him outside into the snow and cold weather; Marcus was disappointed with how Alexander refused into helping him save his beloved daughter, but oh well he'll have to find someone else to help.

Meanwhile back at the castle, Amelia was tending to Loki's wounds from the fight with the coyotes; the god had scraps on his face and arms from the wretched beast, and he winced in pain because of them. "Here let me help you…" Amelia said placing a cloth with water in it to Loki's face. "No...leave me…" Loki winced. The redhead shook her head no and continued to wipe the scrapes on Loki's face clean; Amelia could see the hurt in his green eyes and felt sorry for him. "Thank you…for saving me." Amelia said faintly. The demi god looked at the beautiful redhead and tried to thank her, but he winced in pain of the water on his scrapes; Loki saved Amelia because there was something he liked about her, something kind and sweet. "You shouldn't have run away…" Loki says. "Well you shouldn't have frightened me!" Amelia raised her voice. Loki was about to correct her, but he silenced himself and just watched the redhead clean his scrapes from his pale face; there he soon found that the lovely girl was perfect for him, but he needed to wait a little longer to find that out for himself and also to see if Amelia feels the same way too.