"Hey, Mom. Could you or Dad pick Sarah up after school tomorrow? Jake and I are going to finalize the adoption. Our little girl will be Lexie Black." Lexie ran to Leah and threw her arms around her jean-clad legs. Leah laughed. "Easy there, tiger! Mama's getting too fat to be tackled!" She sat on the floor, back to the wall, and let Lexie climb onto what was left of her lap.

"Of course, honey," Sue replied. Leah could hear the smile in her voice. "I haven't seen Sarah in weeks! I know you're busy - how's Lexie doing? Is she still so clingy with you guys?"

Leah wrapped her free arm around the toddler and kissed her dark tresses. "Yeah, she's been through a lot for a two-year-old, Mom. The doctor says it will be a while. But we're really excited about tomorrow."

"Why don't you plan to come for dinner when you pick Sarah up? We can all celebrate together. Dad and I miss the kids - and you and Jake too, of course."

Laughing, Leah ended the call after agreeing to stay for dinner. Lexie stretched her small arms around Leah's neck and laid her face against her chest, listening to her heartbeat. Kissing her cheek, Leah leaned against the wall, cuddling the small body close. "Mama loves you, Lexie," she whispered, as she repeated several times every day.

Under Lexie's knees, the baby jumped. Lexie's eyes widened. "Baby?" She poked Leah's belly.

"Yup. Your baby brother's in there," she smiled. She knew Lexie was too young to grasp the concept, but Sarah had explained to her their baby brother was in Mama's tummy. It was amazing how much patience the little girl had for her tiny sister. She would read the same story four or five times, and she never tired of being climbed on.

Lexie's eyes were getting heavy, and Leah put her down for a nap and quickly threw a load of laundry into the washer. She looked up to find Jacob standing in the doorway of the laundry room as she closed the lid. Frowning slightly, she asked "Everything okay?"

He nodded, smiling. "There wasn't much to do, so I left Embry to finish up. I thought I'd spent the rest of the afternoon with my family."

Leah moved into his open arms. "Well, you just missed Lexie. She was asleep on her feet. So it looks like you and I will just have to find something to do on our own." She looked up at him and smiled. His hands moved to frame her face and he kissed her slowly, his lips and tongue doing those naughty things making her tingle right down to her toes. When they paused for a breath she sighed. "Will this ever get old?"

His laugh was deep and sexy. "I certainly hope not." He scooped her up in his arms and deposited her on the couch, making himself comfortable beside her as he pulled her into his warm embrace. They passed an hour in pleasant play until they were interrupted by a sleepy voice.


Leah quickly rearranged her clothing and grinned at Jacob, tossing him a couch pillow as she hurried to the girls' room. "Better cover your lap, big boy," she teased. His bass chuckle followed her down the hall.

On the way to the courthouse, Jake stopped to pick up Lexie's grandmother. The child's face lit up when her grandma slipped into the back seat beside her car seat. "Grammy!" she beamed as the elderly woman leaned to kiss her cheek.

Leah turned in her seat and smiled. "We're having a celebration at my parents' house tonight. Will you join us - please? My dad says he'd love to see you again, and my mom wants to meet you."

"Of course, dear," the old woman replied, holding her arm so Lexie could play with her watch. "I'd love to help you celebrate. I'm so grateful…" her voice drifted off as she fought to control herself. Leah reached back and patted her hand, not trusting her own voice. The two women's eyes met in mutual understanding.

The party was a big success. Harry cooked his famous burgers, and then there was cake and gifts. Sue presented Lexie with a pink suitcase with her name embroidered on the front. Lexie was more interested in the paper and the bow, but Sarah grinned. "She can use it when we come to visit while Mama's in the hospital!" Sarah had made her sister a card saying "Welcome to the family" with a big red heart and a drawing of the four of them. Leah laughed at the huge belly on the mama figure.

"Has Dr. Cullen set a date for your delivery, honey?" Sue asked Leah as they sipped their coffee.

"Yes, he thinks May 28 is the latest he dares to wait. Sarah was full term at six months, and he says we can't take a chance I might go into labor. It's too stressful for the baby." Her eyes clouded as she remembered the heartbreak of losing her first little boy. "He wants to do a complete hysterectomy, Mom."

Sue patted her daughter's hand. "I think it's for the best, Leah. You've been blessed with three healthy children, and we all worry."

Leah sighed. "I know. And I've agreed." She clasped her mother's hand. "I can't wait to meet him, Mom. I picture a tiny Jacob."

Sue laughed. "I remember little Jake!" She smiled fondly at her son-in-law, chattering earnestly with Sarah, who was seated on his knee. "His mother called him a one-man wrecking crew! But he had to be tough with those two older sisters. He's a good man, honey."

"I know, Mom," Leah agreed. "I'm a lucky woman."

May 28 dawned rainy and cool. "It's a good omen, baby," Jacob insisted. They lingered at Sue's when they stopped to drop off the girls. Lexie made a beeline for PopPop, but Sarah hung onto Leah. They'd been careful not to talk about the risks in her presence, but she seemed nervous. Leah sat on the couch, pulled the little girl down next to her, and tried to reassure her.

"Remember what we told you? The baby should be here by the time you get out of school, so Daddy will pick you up and bring you to visit us." She whispered, "Lexie's too little to come to the hospital, but you can bring her a picture when you come back tonight. You'll just stay at Grandma's one night, and then our whole family will be home together tomorrow if all goes as planned. Now give me a big hug and go have your breakfast. Grandma has it all ready."

Sarah squeezed Leah tightly and kissed her cheek. She started toward the kitchen but came back and kissed her stomach. "One for Ephraim, Mommy."

Jacob glanced at his watch. "Come on, honey. Carlisle will be waiting for us. Harry looked up and shook his head, so Leah simply blew a kiss in Lexie's direction and took Jacob's hand.

Carlisle himself met them at the hospital entrance and bundled Leah into a wheelchair over her indignant objections. "Hospital policy, Mrs. Black." He winked at Jacob. "Can't have you falling and suing the hospital, now can we?" Jake helped Leah get into her gown while the doctor went to check on the OR. Her stomach was enormous, and she climbed clumsily onto the hospital bed. Jacob knelt and removed her shoes, then lifted her legs onto the mattress.

Leah clutched her husband's hand and looked earnestly up into his eyes. "I love you, baby. No matter what happens today, always remember. You and our beautiful children…" His kiss stopped her.

"The only thing happening today is you're giving birth to our son." His eyes were moist, and his voice cracked on the last word. "I love you, Leah. More than my life." He wrapped his substantial arms around her and hugged her close just as Carlisle tapped on the door and entered with a gown and cap for Jacob. Donning them quickly, he walked beside the gurney to the operating room, holding Leah's hand.

The baby was almost nine pounds. He entered the world red-faced and squalling, a thatch of black hair plastered to his head. Leah and Jacob inspected him carefully while Carlisle finished tending to Leah's incision. He shook his head, smiling. "I wish all my patients could heal like you! No need for stitches." Leah cradled the baby to her chest and he quieted, immediately finding his thumb and shoving it in his mouth.

"Sorry, little man, but I need to borrow you back for a few minutes." While Carlisle weighed and measured the baby, Jacob nuzzled his wife.

"Don't forget to take a picture of the two of us for Sarah," Leah whispered.

Carlisle returned, placing the baby in Leah's arms. "How about a family picture?" he smiled, holding out his hand for Jake's phone. "You look way too good for a new mama," he winked at Leah.