Chapter 5

"Nnn" you tried to free yourself from the persons grasp, he then turned you .. ' Sebastian?' you removed his hands off you then said "What are you doing Seb..." Again he placed his hand to cover your mouth and gestured you to be silent "Shh.."

"Do not touch me!" A woman shouted, you recognize that voice "Mom?" you hastily went to the balcony's door and peeked outside, There you saw your mother with a stranger, You looked more closely and recognized the man, He was the same man you saw earlier.

"How dare you come back?!" Your mother said angrily. "I came back because I want to see you again.. and also our daughter. The man replied ' Daughter?' you asked in your thoughts. "(y/n) are you alright?" Sebastian asked, you've forgotten that he was still with you.

"Let go of me!" your mother shouted again. "(m/n) please! Just listen to me!" The man begged as he held your mother's shoulders. "No! I don't want to listen to your lies again! My husband died years ago! He will never come back!" You're mother cried. "Husband? You said aloud.

"(m/n) please! I know have done you wrong, and I know I'm the last person you wanted to see.. But please! Please dear just hear me. The man said his eyes pleading to be heard. You saw your mother's tears rolling through her face,you came back to reality and anger is starting to build up on you 'That's it! Whoever that man is, no one is allowed to make my mother cry!'

Without thinking, you went to your mother's side "Mother!" you called, both of them looked at your direction. She pushed the now trance man and went to your side. "(y/n) Darling, what are you doing here?" She asked worriedly "Mother are you alright? Is this man bothering you?" you asked in return. "N-no darling, he just mistaken me for his wife, he's no harm, come now let's go back inside, It is getting cold here" Your mother explained.

"Is ...that her?" The man asked, both you and your mother looked at him " Of course! How can I not recognize her?!" He exclaimed, The man moved towards you, but before he got close a person blocked his path. "I'm very sorry my Lord, but this is as far as you can go" Sebastian said calmly, with a smile on his face. " You cannot tell me what to do! This is not of your concern! So please move aside!" The man insisted.

"What is going on here?" A familiar voice said, You all looked at the direction of the voice, Ciel was walking towards you with his usual stoic face. "My Lord" Sebastian called "Sebastian, care to explain what is happening here?" Ciel asked, Sebastian was about to speak when your mother interrupted. "My Lord, I apologize for the commotion that had happened here. You see.. this man had mistaken me for his wife"

"But (m/n), why do you keep on denying that you know me! I know I have done horrible things to you but please! Please listen to me!" The man pleaded. Ciel sighed at the scene and went beside the man. "Lord Barrymore?" The man looked at Ciel. "Please excuse me, I know this is not my business, But as you can see.. Madame (m/n) and her daughter are my very special guest for tonight and I do not want anything that displeases them go anywhere near them" Ciel said in a calm but demanding tone. "If you still insist to bother them, I will have no choice but to forcibly take you out of my mansion and you will be forbidden to ask of any audience with me or these two ladies." He continued.

The man starred at Ciel, He let out a huge sigh then said. "Very well... I'm very sorry for my behavior, I promise It won't happen again" The man bowed at Ciel and called for his Butler. "Jeremy go get the carriage" His Butler bowed at him and went off. For the last time he looked at your direction, when your eyes met you felt a sudden longing, a small memory that was once there but have been forgotten. A man tossing a child up the air, A smile was both on their faces.. You know the child.. You know her very well.. That child is you.

The man turned his heels and followed his Butler. You gaze at the man's back .. somehow you felt that you once shared a memory with him. "(y/n)" you were startled by the sudden call of your name.

You looked at Ciel "Y-yes My Lord?" You replied stuttering. "Take your mother back to her room, Let her rest for a while." Ciel looked at Sebastian "Escort them, then come back after you're finished." Sebastian bowed then said "As you wish My Lord".

Your mother lie in her bed. Sebastian went back to Ciel as you insisted that you can take care of things here. You put her dress back to the closet and then looked at your mother, she looked more tired than ever. You walked towards her then asked.. "Do you need anything else?" She smiled "No, I'm fine now... Well there is something" She paused "Will you stay? Until I fall asleep?" She asked, You smiled at your mother. You do not know what is going on or who is the man earlier, but one thing is for sure.. Your mother needs you now more than ever.

You stayed for a few hours, when your mother is deeply asleep you went out of her room. Looking at the window you remembered the scene that happened earlier.

'You have the same name as my daughter'

'Is ..that her?'

'Of course! How can I not recognize her!?'

You looked down at your dress and sighed "I guess the party's over, I better go get changed"

You went back to the ballroom in your maids uniform hoping you could still help the others. "(y/n) Sebastian called from behind, you looked back and smiled " Sebastian!" You called back "Is your mother okay?" He asked "Yes, She's deeply asleep right now" you paused then looked at the ground "And Thank you also... about earlier.. If you weren't there... " Sebastian placed a finger on your mouth and said "Let's forget about earlier happenings, as much as I want to know what's going on, it is best to wait for tomorrow when all of us have a clear minds.. for now.. " He held his hand up and continued" "I think you owe me a dance."

Your feel your cheeks become warm " B-but, I am not in a dress anymore." You said hoping he would drop the subject. After all you are still afraid to dance with him. "Darling, it doesn't matter if you are in a fancy dress or not." He held your hand and moved you closer to him "As long as I can dance with you that is already enough for me" you blushed harder at his words. He held your hand and led you to the now empty ballroom "B-but shouldn't we help the others" You both stopped and he looked at you with a raised eyebrow " You seem to be avoiding me, Is it the fact that you cannot dance?" His question shocked you.

"H-how?" He grinned then said "I can't help but overheard your conversation earlier, and I know Finny taught you how to dance as instructed by your mother" You looked at him dumbfounded at his words, he only chuckled at your reaction. You sighed in defeat "I- I really don't know how to dance" Sebastian smiled, he held your chin up to make you look at him "No need to worry darling... I can teach you how, after all I'm one hell of a dancer." This made you laugh "Is there anything you cannot do Mr. Michaelis?" You asked teasingly "Of course! What kind of a gentleman would I be, If I can't teach a Lady how to dance?"

You smiled warmly at him "Very well then, Please do teach me how to dance and please do be patient with me, My feet are not dance coordinated." He held your left hand with his right and place your right hand on his left shoulder then placed his hand on your torso "Ah that would not be a problem, Just follow my steps and don't worry, I will go slowly" he said. You did as you've instructed. You smiled as you watch your feet following Sebastian's foot. So far you haven't stepped on him.

"Don't look down" He said but you did not comply "B-but" You replied worried that you might step on him if you look away "Don't worry, Just look up" he reassured, You looked up at him, A smile plastered on his face. "You'll be fine" That being said, you decided to put your fear away. The two of you continued to dance, not caring about the lack of music nor the time, It's just the two of you, dancing the night away.

He looked at his window, the moonlight his only light "My Lord?" Called his Butler, He let out a huge sigh.

'No! I don't want to listen to your lies!'

"Jeremy what should I do?" The man asked, his Butler looked at him sympathetically then replied "Forgive me My Lord, Even I do not know the answer to your question"

' My husband is dead years ago! '

He looked at his Butler then asked again "How can I make her forgive me? All want is to be with her and also my daughter... Oh my dear daughter!" he looked back at the window "You saw her right? She have grown to a fine young Lady.. Oh how much I wanted to embrace her" He cried and sat on his chair. His Butler went beside him as he looked at his master who is now shedding tears. "I've been waiting so long for this, I've worked hard just to get to this position, all this fortune just for them!" He buried his face to the palm of his hands. "I just want them back in my life." The longing for them is too much that it hurts.

"If only she had listened to me." Then something came to his mind "That's it!" He looked at his Butler, his eyes now filled with hope "Jeremy! I know how to get them back!" His Butler looked at him with confusion. "Lord Phantomhive!" The man exclaimed "Ask for an audience with him! He's my only hope!" The man grabbed a photo frame from his desk, a picture of him with a woman carrying a child. His Butler smiled then bowed "As you wish My Lord, I will see to it that you will have an audience with Earl Phantomhive" This made the man much more happy. Looking back at the window, then at the moon "God help me! I need them back in my life."