"Come on, Herc!" Meg called, swaying her hips side to side as she walked in front of him.

"Coming!" he yelled, but he stayed back far enough that he could admire her from behind.

She made her way through the trees and stopped near the water fountain where he first fell in love with her. She leaned against a column and waited for him to approach her. He gulped as he neared her because one of the sleeves of her purple dress had fallen down her shoulder. He started fidgeting nervously and then quickly reached down to pull it back into place. Sometimes he found it hard to think straight when meg was around, which was something Phil never approved of.

"What's the matter, Wonderboy? You look a little nervous."

"No, no, I'm fine!" he assured her, leaning against the column coolly. Unfortunately, his strength was too much for it and it toppled over behind them. He caught meg with one hand before she fell on top of it though; he had already lost her once by a column accident.

"oh, you aren't, are you?" she teased.

He ran his hand nervously through his hair, bit his lip, and looked up at her. she just smiled at him and headed towards the fountain. He walked over to join her, but he could only focus one the way her leg hung out of her dress as she sat, leading up to an unknown world he knew nothing of. He tried to lean up against a statue next to the fountain, but again his strength was too much and he ended up practically smashing it in half. Frustrated, he crossed his arms in front of his chest, determined not to break anything since it seemed like in this state, he broke whatever he touched.

"You look like someone tied your toga too tight. What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he began, and then, exasperated, sat down next to her.

"You know, you haven't even touched me since we left Olympus."

"I know."

"do I just not make your Pegasus fly?" she asked jokingly, but also a little hurt.

"of course you make my, erm, Pegasus fly. I'm just…I'm just so worried that I'm going to hurt you meg. I break everything I touch, and I don't want to risk losing you again." Meg looked up to the stars. "look up there. Do you know which one is my favorite? Not Andromeda, not centaurus, but over there. It's Hercules. He is the most amazing demigod I have ever met. He's brave, kind, and Aphrodite has got nothing on him. But the best thing about him is that he would do anything to protect me." she turned to face him. "I trust you Hercules."

He pushed a piece of hair behind her ear. "You trust me?"

"Of course. And if your really so concerned, why don't you let me take the reigns for awhile? I'm a big girl, I know how to fly a Pegasus and everything."

"I love you, meg." he said, holding her face gently in his hands. She kissed him gently on the lips, and then trailed kisses down his neck, over his shoulders, and down his chest. She continued down lower until Hercules suddenly gasped, and yelled out, "oh Zeus!"