"You don't ever let me do anything!"
"Ouch!" Olvia hissed.
Chopper set down his tools. "Sorry. I told you it would hurt."
Olvia shook her black locks. "I'm fine."
"Are you sure it's ok with Robin?" The reindeer doctor asked as he worked on the skin of the small of her back. "She doesn't get angry often, but when she does...it's scary!"
The latter shook her head. "I never asked."
"EHHH?!" Chopper paused in his work.
Olvia shook her head. "Its ok, I'll take the blame, just finish it!"
"A-Alright." Chopper stuttered.
Olvia rested her head on her hands as shed laid on her stomach and tried to think of things other than the sharp, bursts of pain on her back. After a few moments of silence, Chopper sighed and wiped his forehead underneath his hat. "All done."
She shimmied off the bed and checked her back in the mirror that Chopper provided. It was a tattoo of a queen's crown with a few flourishes and designs behind it. Olvia smiled. "Thanks, Dr. Chopper."
The small, little doctor started dancing by himself. "Even if you call me doctor, I'm not happy you jerk!"
Olvia smiled wider. "Thanks. I promise I'll take all the blame." She walked out of his house, wincing at the lingering sting of his needles on her back. The black haired seventeen year old beauty brushed her hair over right shoulder, her jade eyes sparkling in the sunlight. She had inherited the good looks of her mother, the eyes of her father, and the excellent battle skills of both. Olvia wore a black leather jacket with a high collar that was cut short, revealing her new tattoo and a dark red laced tank top. Her long legs sported dark skinny jeans. Her bracelets and bands on her wrists jingled as she brushed her hair from her face again as the wind blew. She rushed up the hill towards her house, a small feeling of panic starting to flutter in her chest; her mother would start to wonder where she was. She'd taken precaution and scheduled an early time with Chopper, but it'd taken longer than she'd expected. Olvia opened the door quietly and slid inside, hoping, praying, that her mother wouldn't be there.
"Where have you been since six in the morning?" Nico Robin asked, reading a book in her favorite chair.
Olvia gulped. Her mother's face was alarmingly calm, those blue eyes scrolling the page. "Just with Chopper."
Her mother took off her reading glasses. "Just with Chopper?"
Olvia nodded.
"Not doing anything else?"
Olvia nodded again.
"Take your jacket off."
Olvia slid out of her jacket and turned around, making a full circle. "What?"
Robin tapped a finger on her lips. "Take your shirt off."
Olvia stiffened. If she took her shirt off, her mother would see the tattoo. Olvia simply stood there, acting like she didn't know what to do.
"What are you waiting for?" Robin asked. "Take your shirt off, Olvia."
Olvia ignored her. She suddenly felt arms five arms come out of her sides.
"Seis Fleur; Hold!"
"Unfair!" Olvia protested.
Robin walked around her daughter, ignoring her complaints. She whipped up the back of the red lace tank top, revealing the tattoo. Olvia cringed. Robin remained silent for a few heartbeats.
"Cobalt Emily Olvia," Her mother said her full name, dangerously calm. "What is this?"
Olvia twisted out of her mother's grip. "It's a tattoo. Duh."
"Don't speak to me that way." Robin said.
"I'll speak to you however I want!" Olvia snapped.
"Why didn't you ask me before you got it?" Robin asked, her voice rising.
"Because I knew you'd say no!" Olvia yelled. "You don't ever let me do anything! I'm leaving!" She stormed into her room, yanked a few clothes into her backpack and rushed out of the door.
Robin stared after her rebellious daughter as she slammed the door. She sighed. Olvia was really beginning to take after her hotheaded aunt. Blaze appeared in the windowsill, crouched like a cat.
"Why can't you just walk in the front door like a normal person?" Robin snorted.
"Cuz I'm not." Blaze grinned and pulled Robin into a deep kiss. Even when he was older, Blaze was still her handsome Sabertoothed tiger.
Robin smiled against his lips, and then suddenly remembered Olvia. "Blaze," She pulled back. "Olvia, she-"
"I know." Blaze said. "They're ready."
Olvia ran down the steep hill, her boots tripping over sandy divots. She wiped angry tears from her eyes. Her mother didn't understand anything. She wanted to be free, to be able to do what she wanted. Aunt Livia understood. Mom didn't. Olvia heard a low growl and the rustle of trees and was immediately on her guard. A large, red Sabertoothed tiger slid on the sand in front of her, baring it's fangs. Her breath caught in her throat. It was her father. He wouldn't dare hurt her, would he? Olvia narrowed her eyes and gritted her teeth as she prepared to jump over him. The beach was right there, just in her sights.
As she took the first step, she tripped over something hard, but soft. She stumbled to the ground, looking for the source. She saw nothing but the burst of flower petals. Olvia's mouth twisted into a snarl. The flower petals were her mother's doing. Robin's tall, slim form rounded the corner.
"Why're you trying to stop me?" Olvia asked as Blaze turned back into his human form.
"We're not." Her aunt's voice said from behind Blaze.
Olvia turned, and was startled at the sight. The whole original Straw Hat Pirate crew was standing there, including Luffy.
"In fact," Uncle Crusoe said. "We're encouraging you to go." He grinned, wrinkling the strap of his black eyepatch.
"You guys." Livia whispered.
"Shishishi!" Luffy laughed. "You look surprised!"
"Well, yeah," She turned to Robin who was smiling softly at her. "I thought-"
"I do let you do the things you want, Olvia." Robin said. "If you ask. You never ask, remember?"
Olvia pushed down a sob and hugged her mother tightly. "I'm sorry."
"SUPERRRRR!" Olvia heard Franky's trademark saying in the distance and left her mother's embrace.
"Besides Sunny, this is the most superr ship I've ever made!" He made his trademark pose on the deck of the ship that was now sailing in. "I call her the Sailing Tom!"
Olvia gasped. Gliding on the clear blue waves was a magnificent ship that looked exactly like Sunny, except the head was a shark's and the color scheme was brown and purple. It even had a soldier docking, with a big number "1" painted on the sides. Nami was steering the ship and waved as Olvia noticed her.
"Oi," Blaze said. "The head looks just like Rocket Man."
Franky and Nami jumped off the ship together, and walked towards an awestruck Olvia.
"I put one of my Mikan trees on there." Nami tossed Olvia a round, bracelet like thing. "And here's a Log Post. You remember what I taught you?"
Olvia nodded.
"Alright then." Nami smiled as Crusoe put his arm around her waist. "You can read it until the time comes when you find a skilled navigator."
"And I stocked the fridge with food and recipes, Olvia-chan." Sanji said. "You should be able to survive until the next island."
Olvia nodded once more, unable to voice her thanks.
"Sailing Tom is modeled after Sunny," Franky grinned, lifting his shades. "So you won't get homesick."
"You better find a skilled warrior of the sea like me!" Usopp said. "But I bet once you get your crew, you won't be able to beat the strength of my eight thousand men!"
"Keep your body safe!" Chopper said. "Don't push yourself!"
"Keep your senses sharp." Zoro grunted, his arms crossed, but grinned at the young teen.
"Olvia-san," Brook said. "May I see your-"
"I'D NEVER SHOW YOU!" Olvia kicked the side of his head.
"Oya Oya!" Brook cackled. "How harsh! And this is our last meeting! Yohohohoho!"
Olvia smiled despite the skeleton's disturbing question. She was going to miss his cheerfulness and his "SKULL JOKEs".
"Be careful out there." Blaze put his hands on his daughters' shoulders. Olvia nodded and turned to Robin.
"Mom, I'm-"
"Just make us proud, okay?" Robin simply said.
Olvia felt the tears coming once again. "Mnn." She nodded.
"All your clothes are in there, by the way." Livia said. "I put them in last minute as you ran away."
"Thanks, Aunt Livia." Olvia said gratefully.
As she made her way up the gangplank to Sailing Tom, a hand grabbed her wrist. "Olvia."
She turned. Luffy was holding her wrist.
"You're a Devil Fruit User, so don't fall in the water." He grinned. "I can say from experience."
"OF COURSE YOU CAN, YOU BAKA!" Nami stretched his face and snapped it back.
"Shishishi!" Luffy laughed, and then his face became serious. "Olvia. Beat me."
"Eh?" Olvia was confused.
"Beat me, Olvia! Become the next Pirate Queen!" He pushed her onto Sailing Tom before she could say another word.
"Ah-Luffy! I don't-" The sails unfurled and her and her ship floated off. "Luffy!"
Blaze opened their bedroom door for Robin sighed and sat down on their bed.
"What's wrong, baby?" He murmured into her ear. Robin leaned into his lips, as he kissed her earlobe.
"I'm just worried about her." She whispered. "Olvia."
"Babe, I'm sure she'll be fine." Blaze gently pushed her back and they laid next to each other. Robin played with his belt buckle.
"She's just so...reckless." Robin looked up at the man she'd loved for over seventeen years. "She changed. She's taking after you and Livia."
Blaze laughed. "Olvias a daddy's girl."
"Mmm." Robin burrowed her face into Blaze's chest.
"Robin," Blaze's large hand stroked her long, raven hair. "She's our kid. She'll be fine."