Dedicated to Harold Ramis who passed away today at 69 years old. RIP. We'll miss you, Egon

"I can't believe you didn't call!" Margaret said. "What kind of family leaves the grandmother out of something as important as this? You know I wanted to be there when my granddaughter arrived."

"Mom, hush!" Denise said as she rocked Danielle in her arms.

It was Danielle's first night home with Ray and Denise and they wanted to make sure she was as happy as could be. Egon, Peter and Winston stuck around, wanting to see how they were adjusting to parenthood. Margaret, of course was against having them there, saying they were going to scare Danielle with all their ghost nonsense. Ray and Denise kissed their daughter as they laid her down in the crib for the night. Ray twisted the mobile hanging above the crib, making the the figures spin as soft music began to play for her. He smiled and wrapped his arm around Denise as they watched Danielle slowly fall asleep.

Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes

Danielle woke up crying in the middle of the night. Denise sat up and turned to Ray who was sleeping beside her.

"Ray, the baby", she mumbled shaking him.

He yawned and turned away, pulling the blanket over his head. She moaned frustrated, not wanting to get up. Danielle continued to cry, nearly waking everyone in the house. Denise sat and got up as she put on her robe, sleepily walking to the nursery.

Rest your head close to my heart, never to part
Baby of mine

"It's okay", Danni", Denise yawned. "Mommy's here. Mommy's got you."

She picked her up and checked her diaper. Luckily she didn't need changing, but she was hungry. Denise took Olivia into the kitchen where Margaret was warming up some milk.

"Welcome to the life of being a mother", Margaret said preparing a bottle for her.

"Thanks, Mom", Denise mumbled.

Little one, when you play
Don't you mind what they say

Danielle hungrily drank from the bottle. Denise couldn't help but smile and kissed her daughter's forehead.

"Not so fast, Danni", she chuckled. "Or you'll end up as chubby as Daddy."

Let those eyes sparkle and shine, never a tear
Baby of mine

Once Danielle was done, Denise carried her back to her crib. She kissed her goodnight and laid her back down to sleep. Denise crawled back into bed, pulling the covers Ray was hogging.

If they knew sweet little you
They end up loving you too

Two hours later, Danielle cried again. Denise heard her and kicked Ray, wanting him to get up this time. Ray yawned and sat up, getting up for his turn with the baby. Danielle continued crying as he picked her up. He could feel her diaper was wet and carried her to the changing table. Ray really started wishing he had gone to those parenting classes with Denise. He wasn't sure how to put a clean diaper on Danielle.

"Move", Margaret said pushing him aside. "Useless oaf..."

All those same people who scold you
What they'd give just for the right to hold you

"Think you can handle the rest?" she asked after changing Danielle.

Ray nodded and picked her up. He sat in the rocking chair and rocked back and forth, helping his daughter go back to sleep, nearly falling back asleep himself.

From your head down to your toes
You're not much, goodness knows

Ray chuckled as he and Denise gave Danielle a bath in the sink. The poor baby was scared of the water at first, but she grew to love it, splashing her parents. Ray picked up Danielle and handed her to Denise, wrapping her in a towel. As she went to get her dressed, Margaret frowned, handing Ray a mop to clean up the mess the baby made.

"How do you like being a father?" Peter laughed.

"It's not that bad", Ray smiled as he mopped up. "But if only we could do something about Margaret. She's driving me crazy."

"I heard that", Denise said as she came in the room. "Look, Danni! It's Uncle Peter, Uncle Egon and Uncle Winston!"

But you're so precious to me, cute as can be
Baby of mine

Danielle smiled at the Ghostbusters. The Ghostbusters in return, smiled at her.

"Thank goodness she looks like her mother", Peter joked. "I don't know if I'd find her this cute if she looked like you, Ray."

Ray rolled his eyes laughing.

All of those people who scold you
What they'd give just for the right to hold you

"Mom", Denise said. "Would you mind taking a picture of us?"

"A picture?" Margaret asked. "For what?"

"Can't we have just one picture of Danni with her uncles? Ray and I would love a picture of her with godfather Egon."

From your head down to your toes
You're not much, goodness knows

"What?" Egon asked surprised.

"Denise and I want you to be Danielle's godfather", Ray said. "We trust you and know you'll be her favorite uncle."

But you're so precious to me, cute as can be
Baby of mine

Denise handed the baby to Egon. Danielle smiled as she looked up at her newly appointed godfather. Egon couldn't help but smile feeling more happy than he had ever been. The Ghostbusters gathered around Egon and Danielle. Ray and Denise stood with Egon smiling as Margaret took a picture of the happy family.

Cute as can be
Baby of mine

Ray and Denise now have a family of their own. This may be the last chapter but keep on the lookout for a story coming soon. Will Denise and Ray adjust to parenthood with ease? Find out

RIP Harold Ramis