Alright, I just want to say thank you to everyone for your kind words and continuous support of me and my story. It really motivates me to keep writing and here we are. This is the first chapter of the third arc and I promise it will be much longer than the previous chapters. First things first is the formalities: This arc centers around the introduction of the Arrancar arc in Karakura Town but of course there will be some filler chapters within this arc considering it is based on anime lol. But I want to thank you all again for being so patient with me and the fic. You're in for a treat as the introductory chapter to the third arc of A Soul's Requiem!

Like in the last chapter, we begin where last chapter left off. Here is just a quick list of what to expect:

*Yuki has been banished to the world of the living under the order of Captain Commander Yamamoto.

*Atsuhiko & Kasai are placed on temporary restrictions aiding in the ryoka invasion but are not stripped of their titles. (consider it a probation period)

*Yui now knows that she is Yuki's sister but promises to keep it a secret for the time being.

*With Aizen's escape, he is now prepping the final details of his plan alongside Tosen and Gin.

*This arc takes place exactly the same time as the original series with some minor details.

*Some familiar characters may emerge but will/may have minor roles rather the main roles they have in the original series.

Here is where many of the other characters will be introduced as well. Once again I thank you all for being so patient with me and this fic. I truly appreciate your support and love of this story and will continue to post as often as I can. Alright, now lets get started with the next episode... err- chapter of "A Soul's Requiem"!

A Soul's Requiem

Arc 3: Arrancar-Invasion

Chapter 14: Calm Before the Storm

In Hueco Mundo, the loud clopping of heels echoed throughout the halls of Las Noches. Within these halls walked an Arrancar with a particularly bad attitude and she appeared to be hell bent on arriving at her destination. While being lost in her thoughts, she failed to notice someone approaching her from behind. The sounds of a chain jingling were loud enough to alert even the heaviest of sleepers, yet the young woman's thoughts were more than enough to distract her.

"Well now, it seems someone is in a bad mood..." the creepy voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

The young woman turned around with a look of surprise that quickly shifted into one of disgust. Crossing her arms under her large breasts, she noticed as the one eyed man stared at her with lecherous eyes.

"What do you want Nnoitra?" she replied in a cold voice.

"My my, is that how you should address your betters, Valencia? You're insulate tone could get you into trouble Fraccion..." he leered at the feminine hollow as his long tongue flicked the air like a serpent. "Of course I wouldn't mind disciplining you myself, if Aizen gave me permission, of course."

It took all of her strength to not kill the higher ranked Arrancar where he stood as Valencia took a deep breath before regaining her nonchalant attitude.

"I don't have time for your ignorance, to be honest..." she shot him a glare that would've caused any lesser Arrancar crap themselves. Her cold navy blue eyes flashed with a spark of venom as the words passed her lips. "...Fraccion or not, I know that Lord Aizen, nor my mistress would approve of you conducting your brand of discipline on me or any other person not under your charge. It's disgusting, even for someone who likes to fight women."

As she uttered that last sentence, Valencia Ruiz Salvatierra watched as Nnoitra's wide grin shifted into a wide frown, much to her delight. Despite knowing that he was strong and quick tempered, the raven haired beauty was no slouch herself. She eyed his movements carefully as his right hand gripped the hilt of his ax like zanpakuto. She too placed her right hand on her weapon, preparing herself to fight back if she needed to.

"You little cur..." he muttered/growled at the young woman. "Don't get cocky just because you're Tia Hallibel's little brat!"

"Did someone summon me?"

The tall, lanky Arrancar turned around with the look of a mad man as a blond haired, dark skinned woman approached the two. Her green eyes were locked onto the beady eyes of the man whom was referring to her in the first place. Gritting his teeth, he took his hand off of his zanpakuto and stood upright.

"What are you doing here?" he asked with a hint of venom in his tone. What made his blood boil was the fact that the woman simply walked past him without a single word. Nnoitra, the fifth highest ranked Arrancar in Aizen's army was being brushed off and he didn't like it one bit. "Woman! Answer me!" he reached for his weapon but found the blond talking to her Fraccion as if her wasn't even the room.

"Valencia, I've was requested by Lord Aizen to retrieve you for an important matter." Tia Hallibel placed a hand on Valencia's shoulder, who simply nodded, and led her down the hall leaving a dumbfounded and pissed Nnoitra alone. As the two turned a corner, he could only glared fiercely at the spot where they once were as if they were still there. If looks could kill, the woman and her subordinate would've been burned alive.

"Ngggh... Not again." he seethed. "Being ignored; looked down upon as if I'm insignificant or beneath her." he began to recall the eyes of another Arrancar. However, this particular person brought a wicked grin on his face. "But, I'll handle them.. Just like I did her.."

On the other side of Las Noches, Valencia followed close behind her superior who let out a soft sigh.


"Yes, mistress Hallibel?" for the first time, her voice showed a sign of submissiveness.

"I know that you're strong, but you mustn't get into fight with members of the Espada, even if it is Nnoitra."

"But mistress..!"

However, Hallibel stopped her from responded with a casual wave of her gloved hand.

"It doesn't matter now." her leader interrupted. "Right now, our focus should be on whatever purpose Lord Aizen wants you to serve..."

Valencia could only nod in response but didn't let go of the fear that was trying to grip her nerves. It was common knowledge throughout Hueco Mundo that f you were personally summoned by the former Shinigami captain, it either meant you were being promoted or demoted. Recently, she had just heard of three Arrancars being severely punished simply for failing to acquire what he wanted in the designated time frame. It was also noted that no matter how tough the Arrancar were, they were simply no match for Sousuke Aizen or his fellow defectors. Tia Hallibel was among the ones who were placed in his elite group known simply as the Espada. Valencia was technically an interim Fraccion of the Trecera Espada until Aizen himself could decide what would be done with her.

Apparently, that day had come...

The duo stood in front of a rather large door that seemed to open all by itself. The sheer amount of spiritual pressure permeating from the room nearly weighed her down to the floor. As the two stepped forward However, majority of the reiatsu wasn't coming from the elite soldiers of Hueco Mundo. Valencia gazed further down the room to see a man with slicked brown hair and a calm yet unnerving smirk on his lips. He was currently leaning his head on the palm of his right hand while slouching in his throne as the Arrancar stepped inside the room and stood at attention.

"Aizen..." her voice could only muster a murmur at the sight of her undisputed leader.

"So..." he finally sat upright in his seat. "...You're the Arrancar I've heard so much about."

All she could do was nod at the intimidating figure before her. She was enamored by the grace and powerful demeanor of the fallen Shinigami captain to the point where she was at a loss of words. Sousuke Aizen, the man who orchestrated a semi coup within the Thirteen Court Guard Squad, looked at what seemed to be a loyal servant of his will rested his eyes onto hers. He knew that she was his to twist and mold however he saw fit...

...And he planned to utilize this to the highest degree possible.

"I have an assignment for you, Valencia Ruiz Salvatierra..."

Yuroichi sighed as she walked down the busy streets of Karakura Town. It had been more than a few months since she last saw Atsuhiko and it was beginning to take its toll on the former Shihoin Clan head. In fact, it had affected her so much that Urahara "suggested" that she go out for some fresh air. In truth, he just wanted her out of the house for a while so that he could actually make sales to his customers without worrying about her frustration fits. In lieu of that reason, Yoruichi was sent out on a personal day of shopping while Kisuke tended to the shop along with Ururu, Shinta, and Tessai. As her mind began to wander again to her person of interest, the Flash Step Goddess failed to notice that she was wandering aimlessly as the sun began to set over the horizon.

Her ponytail swayed from left to right as she walked down one of the busy streets while trying to avoid the stares from lecherous young men. Feeling their eyes, she felt dirty despite not having any physical contact. Clearly, her mind was on none other than Atsuhiko again and it was evident in her actions. Traditionally, Yoruichi was somewhat of a flirt and enjoyed the attention of random men enjoying her presence. However, her last visit to the Soul Society changed all of that.

"Hey there, sweet stuff." a random voice caught her attention.

The golden eyed woman turned her head to the right only to see four guys who appeared to be high school students hanging out near a music store. Two of them appeared to be twins with matching brown spiky hair slicked up and matching ear ring in opposite ears. The third guy had short black hair and dark violet eyes and a grin that showed his canines. The last guy sported wild blond hair that covered his eyes. Yoruichi looked at the four unimpressed with them.

"Sorry, not interested." As she began to walk away, Yoruichi felt a tight grip on her arm only to see the blond haired thug was the owner of the hand. "I suggest that you get your hands off of me..."

"Or else what?" one of the twins taunted as his sibling gave a mock fearful expression.

"Or else you'll have us to deal with."

Everyone turned around to see two figures standing about a few feet from them. The four boys didn't know who these individuals were but Yoruichi's 'deer in the headlights' look showed that she did.

Kisuke yawned as Akimoto and Reiko were doing a bit of shopping when the front door opened signalling a customer. With a tip of his trademark hat, he smirked and stood up with his best enthusiastic voice.

"Welcome to Urahara Shop! How may we serve you?"

The small group of figures stepped inside, led by a short silver haired shinigami.

"Ah, if it isn't Toushiro Hitsuguya?"

A huge tick mark formed on the temple of the small boy like figure.

"That's CAPTAIN Hitsuguya!" he grumbled only to wind up having a pair of large breast planted on his head.

"Oh Captain, do be such a buzz kill.." a cheery yet familiar voice rang in the room. "..we just got here in the world of the living.."

Behind them both stood Renji, Ikkaku, and Yumichika who finally made their way into the shop. Seeing this many Soul Reapers was enough to warrant a focused gaze from the exiled shinigami. "Hmmm.. So I take it that this isn't just a friendly meeting?" He looked around at the similar looks of everyone to confirm his claim and with a heavy sigh he motioned for the rest to follow him to the back. "Well then, we'd better get down to business."

"Just so you know, there are three others who were supposed to be here as well though I cant imagine where they had run off to?"

Kisuke and Reiko turned around with curiosity written on their faces.

"And just who else has arrived here in Karakura Town?

The highschool thugs gasped heavily for air as they laid unconscious from the beating that had ensued. Above them stood the forms of Yuroichi and her two saviors.

"Yuki, Kaito, thank you..." she allowed a sad smile to rest on her face as the two dusted themselves off.

The two former Soul Reapers noticed her demeanor. It was hard not to when a person's character has taken a dramatic shift. Normally, she would've started making flirtatious remarks to express her thankfulness and even her confidence was no where to be seen. Truly, she had slipped into a form of depression. Fortunately, at least one of the two could fully understand. Yuki, who still thought about Rukia to this day, watched a seemingly carbon copy of himself in Yuroichi mirror his exact feelings since he came to Karakura Town. However, Kaito Satoshi was in no mood for the pity party on this night.

Snatching her by her collar, the Visored was practically snarling.

"Listen to me, and you listen well, you are the Flash Step Goddess! No way you should be getting all mopey about a guy when you've had plenty of men on a silver platter! I'm sorry that you miss him so much and I'm sure that you-!"

Unfortunately, his rant would have to wait as three strong amounts of spiritual pressure were felt in three separate areas of the city. Releasing her, Kaito watched as Yuki was the first to leave and was en route heading north by the school. Kaito and Yoruichi nodded at one another but before he could shumpo away, he caught what the golden eyed vixen said. "Kaito, I thank you for trying to talk some sense into me..."

"Not a prob-"

"But if you ever put your hands on me like that again, I'll kill you where you stand."

Her dark tone, ironically brought a cocky smirk to his face before he took off. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

And with that, they were headed in the eastern and southern parts of town respectively.

Karakura Town Middle School is what Yuki saw in the distance as he lept through the air effortlessly. He had managed to change into his battle gear that consisted of a now sleeveless Shihakusho and a golden brown cloth that was wrapped from his bicep to his hand on the left side. He scanned the area for any signs of trouble but was beginning to feel as if he was just being led into another training exercise by Urahara.

That is until a shadowy figure flashed a couple of feet away from him while attempting to slice him clean in half. He narrowly avoided the attack by coming to a screeching halt just as the blade was coming down. He leaped back and drew his Zanpakuto in preparations for what he hoped to be an enjoyable clash.

But before he could activate his shikai, another figure appeared behind him and landed a side kick to his shoulder knocking him off balance.

"Heh, nothing more than a lazy slacker..." the first mystery assailant taunted. "...hard to believe he used to be a seated officer."

"Raiju, strike from the heavens!"

The duo watched as Yuki flash stepped a few feet in front of them with a hard glare. He wasn't so angry that he would dive headfirst into a brawl but enough to charge his blade with enough spiritual pressure before unleashing a massive wave of energy at the mysterious enemies.

"Sandāu~ēbu!"* he roared as the golden wave soared through the evening at the mysterious duo. "Try and dodge this!"

"No need..." the slightly taller of the two replied as she drew her own weapon. "...Hyōtenka no surasshu."*

Both attacks collided resulting in a rainbow shower of ice and light. The girl smirked as she witnessed Yuki's expression shift from confidence to a look of shock and familiarity. This seemed to satisfy the duo very much.

"Wha-? Just who the hell are you?!" he roared.

Taking only a moment, the two did something that completely surprised the former soul reaper.

They giggled.

Yuki's ears heard not words but the clear sounds of giggling from the two figures.

"You think this is funny?! Reveal yourself!" he roared.

"Fine, if you're that ready to look like an idiot as usual." the shorter girl taunted while flash stepping behind him and as the clouds continued their journey across the night sky, the moon shined bright enough reveal her face as well as her partner. "Do you remember us, Yuki?" His eyes widened in realization as the voices and the faces finally matched in his mind. "Yui... Rukia..."

Well I know that this is a very short chapter and all but I couldnt put off updating and so I've separated this into two parts rather than extend it into one whole chapter. I am truly sorry for the lack of updating again to those who have been so patient with me. I make no excuses and instead am getting right on to the next chapter as soon as this is posted. Thank you so much for your love and support of this fic and for those who have been checking on me, thank you for your kind words and support during my difficult period.

This is KenshinIchimaru signing off for now