I do Not own characters! Words only!
Chapter one
Oliver was at a charity gala with his family. He would much rather be patrolling the streets of Starling city instead of bidding on useless items in it. But his mother insisted on him getting some "fresh air". By "fresh air" Oliver knew she meant a girlfriend. Oliver has yet to be in the same room with a girl unless he counted Felicity and Laurel. However Laurel was in a relationship and Felicity... he hadn't seen her for months. A light suddenly shined in Oliver's eyes.
"Attention to all the single ladies!" An announcer boomed.
"Tonight we have a special treat!" The announcer waited for dramatic affect.
"Moira Queen has just said her son "The Prince Of Starling City" Oliver Queen has agreed to spend one day with the winner of a bidding starting in five minutes!" The announcer (a female) beamed at Oliver.
Oliver's jaw dropped and he turned to his mother. She stood beaming. He walked close and leaned over and whispered.
"What are you doing!" He asked. She turned to face him.
"Have some FUN Oliver! Just this once!" She looked at him pleading. Oliver groaned, his mother took this as an agreement and hugged Oliver.
Suddenly a young women Oliver recognized as the announcer was at his arm.
"Time to start the bidding Mr. Queen!" She said brightly. Then he's dragged away.
"Let's start the bidding!"
"Let's say 150?"
Felicity went to the gala to represent Walter who was unable to be with his family for business reasons. She was surprised to see Oliver on a stage. She had done her best to ignore him since there argument 3 months ago. She had to put a hand to her mouth to stifle a laugh when she found out Oliver Queen was being auctioned off! Felicity was over whelmed by the amount of people biding and how fast the numbers were going up. Looking up she could see in Oliver's eyes, he seemed as overwhelmed as she was. She scrounged up all her courage before stepping forward.
"1500!" She found herself saying.
"2000!" A young supermodel screamed. Watching Oliver like a hawk watches its prey. However Oliver's attention was only on Felicity.
"3000!" Felicity said. (That would be all she herself would be able to afford!) Basically crossing her fingers and praying, she knew she couldn't go any higher. The supermodel glowered at her before She dropped out. There was a lot of applause and glowering. But Felicity didn't care, the smile on Oliver's face was worth every penny. The announcer finally said
"SOLD!" Ending the bidding.
Oliver was off the stage before she finished. He ran straight to Felicity and scooped her off her feet in a hug. She laughed at his face. He had a surprised look on his face that didn't mix well with his smile.
"What..how did you...why are you" she put a finger to his lips shaking with laughter.
"Stop,stop,stop...speak" she said lifting her finger from his mouth. He simply shook his head in amazement.
"Ok, let me make this simpler...Walter sent me...I saw how miserable you looked and I had to lend a helping hand...in the process I think I sold my house!?"
"I'm kidding of course, about the house part! But the look on your face right now makes everything worth it!" She added.
There was a tap on Felicity's shoulder and she found Mrs. Queen behind her. She noticed Oliver's facial features, posture and whole attitude change. She wondered if he noticed.
"Who's your friend Oliver?!" She asked. Felicity thought was being nice, but Oliver seemed to think she was up to something.
"Hello! My name is Felicity, Felicity Smoak!" Felicity said extending her hand.
"Hello Felicity! My name is Moira, Moira Queen" said shaking Felicity's outstretched hand. Oliver seemed to relax a little bit until...
"So how long HAVE you two been seeing each other!?" Mrs. Queen asked. Felicity froze and Oliver was back to being tense.
"Mom, Felicity and I are NOT seeing each other." He answered. looked troubled.
"I ASSUMED you two were, I mean Oliver looked so miserable until you came!" She said to Felicity accusingly.
"Oliver and I used to see each other but things became...complicated. Now we are just friends who haven't seen each other in awhile." Felicity answered. still wasn't finished.
"Why have you two..."FRIENDS"...not seen each other?" She asked Felicity, however it was not Felicity who answered.
"Because she is being overworked, I think she needs a break, and a raise?!" Said a new voice. Walter had just appeared. He said a quick apology for his absence. While they were talking Oliver took Felicity and they walked away.
"I am SO sorry!" Oliver said. Felicity just shook her head smiling.
"It's fine Ollie! Really!...I'm just happy to be here." She said.
"You know we haven't seen each other since..." He looked around uncomfortably.
"You mean since I left and said I never wanted to see you again?" She finished biting her lip. He shifted uncomfortably.
"Ollie...you broke my heart! But I'm a big girl...I'm fine...now." She stated. Oliver studied her for a second.
"We should talk..." He was interrupted.
"Hey honey!" Said a man in a black tux, wearing a deep blue tie matching Felicity's dress. He leaned over and kissed Felicity's cheek.
"Who is your friend?" He asked her.
"O... Sorry hon this is Oliver, Oliver Queen."
"Oliver this is Michale he is my...