And here we go, the epilogue of yet another story. It's been a bumpy ride, but I hope you enjoyed it, and I'm happy you went on this journey with me. I don't know when I'm going to write another Captain Swan fic, but when I do, I hope to see you reading that one too. Thank you for all your kinds words, and enjoy the happy ending.
Emma comes out of Killian's cabin and checks Alexandria's on her way to the stairs leading up on the deck, but her cot is empty; once upon a time it would've been a reason for Emma to panic, but Killian had proved to her that this is their happy ending too many times for her to still doubt it, and she knows that their daughter is safe with him.
"You have to teach me how to sail today, daddy!" Alexandria's voice rings from the quarterdeck and Emma smiles to herself, lengthening her steps and finding Killian standing next to the rail their daughter is sitting on, his arms wrapped around her and holding her against his chest.
The sleeves of Killian's shirt are rolled up to his elbows and it still makes her smile when she sees his left hand where it's supposed to be and remembers his fierce belief that she can magically reattach it back where it belongs.
And she did.
"Ahoy there, sailors", Emma says and they turn to look at her with the same pair of ocean blue eyes framed with thick, dark eyelashes; Alexandria is the spitting image of her father.
"Mommy! Daddy is gonna teach me how to sail", Alexandria tells her and wiggles in Killian's arms until he sets her down on the deck and she runs to Emma, her frog plushie cradled to her chest.
Emma picks her up and gives her a loud kiss that makes Alexandria giggle, then comes to stand next to Killian and kisses him to.
"No kissing", Alexandria says and squeezes the frog's head between their lips.
"Aren't you a bossy little lass", Killian says and she beams at him, wiggling out from Emma's arms and back into his.
"Sailing, daddy, come on let's go", she demands and Emma laughs.
"I don't know why you keep postponing it", Emma says and leans against the rail, her hand rubbing Killian's forearm because he looks a little crestfallen.
"Because I never want her to grow up", he says and gives her a crooked smile. "Forgive me, love, I'm being overly dramatic again."
"I know how you feel", she says and gently nudges him toward the helm. "But go on, it's time. I'll tie us off."
The Jolly Roger is a magical ship, and it moves smoothly under her captain's expert hand; Emma watches Killian stand behind the helm with their daughter cradled against his hip, letting Alexandria turn the wheel and only correcting their course when it's absolutely necessary.
"Now I'm a pirate like you, daddy!" Alexandria exclaims and Emma smiles, her eyes meeting Killian's as she waits for him to answer.
"Wouldn't you rather be a princess like mommy?" He asks Alexandria and winks at Emma, and their daughter gives him a look that quite loudly says "no, silly".
"Don't you know, daddy? Mommy is also a pirate", Alexandria says and Killian laughs, then presses a kiss against her dark locks.
"She really is", he says and Emma comes closer, wrapping her arm around his waist and giving him a quick kiss before Alexandria makes them come apart again.
"We are sailing now, so no kissing", Alexandria tells them sternly, her eyebrows coming together in a heavy scowl than looks so adorable on her tiny face.
"Later", Killian murmurs against Emma's ear and kisses her cheek before he focuses all his attention on their daughter.
It's been four years since Killian had killed that cop in Portland so Emma and Killian decide it's safe to go back to Pennsylvania, to that little town that bears their daughter's name where they had spent the winter and fallen completely in love with each other, where they had shared their first kiss that seemed like the last one at the time, but thankfully, it wasn't.
They were meant for each other right from the start.
Emma gets Alexandria out of her car seat while Killian gets the bag from the trunk, and Mrs. Walker opens the door even before they ring the doorbell; they've called to tell her they are coming and she was beyond thrilled.
"You're here!" Mrs. Walker exclaims and ushers then inside, telling them to settle into their old bedroom while she makes coffee.
"I told you she'd be ecstatic to see us", Killian tells her and tickles Alexandria, who reaches out her arms until Killian takes her.
"I want cookies", she announces and leans her head against Killian's shoulder, giving him her best puppy eyes.
"Let's see if Mrs. Walker made any, shall we, little love?" Killian says and winks at Emma, leaving her to unpack their things.
She takes her time, basking in the feeling of being here, remembering how happy she was even with the distance that Killian had tried to put between them because he was with her nevertheless.
And he's still with her now.
By the time she emerges from their room Alexandria has already found a way into Mrs. Walker's heart, and they are happily sitting next to each other playing with a doll in a beautiful white dress while Killian sips his coffee, his eyes finding Emma's as soon as she appears.
"Come with me", he tells her and gets up from the couch, offering her his hand.
"What about Alexandria?"
"I'll stay with Mrs. Walker", Alexandria says hastily and hugs the doll to her chest before she takes another cookie from the plate on the coffee table.
"You heard her", Killian chuckles and Emma takes his left hand, following him outside.
She still can't believe that her magic was powerful enough to give it back to him, and chuckles a little because Mrs. Walker had thought that it's just a really lifelike prosthetic.
"Where are we going?" She keeps asking him but he deflects her questions with a kiss until they reach their destination; it's the street where they had their first kiss.
"Killian, what-", she starts to say but he cuts her off, his lips pressing against hers, his hands cupping her face, his tongue tracing along her bottom lip until she opens her mouth and he can tangle it with hers.
"I loved you for a long time before I kissed you for the first time, but it was that kiss that made me realize that we're meant to be, that no matter how hard I try to fight my feelings and hold onto the past, you are my future, and we would be together in the end", he says and rests his forehead against hers, his warm breath fanning her lips when he draws a shaky breath.
Emma tightens her grip around his waist and feels her heart starting to hammer in her chest because she can tell where he's going with this.
"You are my happily ever after, love, and I hope I am yours", he says and reaches in his pocket, showing her a beautiful engagement ring made from white gold with a single green stone set into it. "Would you do me the honor of being my wife, Emma Swan?"
"Yes", she says, offering him her hand, and he slips the ring on her finger quickly, then kisses her again, gentler this time, just brushing her lips with his.
"I love you", he murmurs and Emma opens her eyes to meet the blue in his, unable to stop smiling, unable to come down from this high because even though it's nice to have a ring on her finger, all she ever needed was Killian's promise that he's not going anywhere, and he'd given her that one a long time ago.
"I love you", she tells him and lets him hold her, knowing that he's with her, and that he's going to stay with her no matter what.
Knowing that their fairy-tale has a happy ending.
That evening Emma lies in bed next to Killian, their fingers entwined between them even though he's already asleep; sharing a motel bed with a three-year-old that kicks in her sleep can drain even a pirate like Killian, and it makes her smile as she watches him now because he hadn't said a word of complaint.
It felt nice seeing the town again, take a walk down memory lane and get a ring at the end of it, but it also made her realize that the magic was not in the town itself; it was being here with Killian, it was spending the days with him at the station and spending the nights next to him in this very bed, falling a little bit more in love with him every passing second.
Their home is in Storybrooke now, where all their friends and her parents are, but she knows they would be home anywhere in the world just if they are together.
Emma sighs contentedly and scoots a little closer to him, her lips brushing against the back of his hand affectionately; it's enough to make him shift in his sleep, his arm drawing her closer still until they are nose to nose.
"You alright, lass?" He murmurs, his long eyelashes lifting slowly, his eyes so blue when they find hers.
"I'm fine, Killian. Go back to sleep", she whispers and gives him a chaste kiss, and when she pulls away he's breathing evenly again, a half-smile lingering on his lips.
She had waited for something her entire life without even realizing it, and now it's here; she had waited for Killian, she had waited for love, but she never imagined it would be as wonderful as this dream they are living.
Sometimes she thinks she's loved more than she deserves, but then she tells herself that the universe just wanted to make up for all those years she had spent in the orphanage and on her own once they kicked her out.
"I love you", she says under her breath and finally closes her eyes, letting herself drift off because she's safe here, and she's home.
She's with Killian.