Ventus was okay day you could say. First he was on the roof with fellow Otaku's, then he took a nice nap in science. It was fine, until P.E came around. He figured out that he had P.E with Vanitas. Yeah, okay, sounds great, but he could just feel Vanitas staring at him when he as changing. Ven sighed, listening to his mind get in a mental fight.

He was TOTALLY checking us out!

That's bad! I mean, he kissed me, and now he's seen me half naked!

It's not like you care...I mean, you practically took forever to change just so he could stare at you more.

No I did not! Well...

Yeah, that's what I thought. I know you Ventus, you are me. make a good argument me.

Thank you me.

Ven signed again. So, he liked this hot raven that had the most hottest smirk ever. So what? It's not like it was a big deal...

Big like Vanitas' di-


Ventus sighed for the third time, hoping that something else would happen so he could forget about the whole P.E experience. He had reading next, so maybe another nice nap could clear his mind.

Roxas stretched as the bell rang for school to end. He walked out of his class like he usually did, only something different happened. As he walked by Mrs. Tifa's room, she called out to him.

"Roxas!" Said blond turned to look at the teacher. She curled her finger making the 'come here' gesture. Roxas sighed and walked toward her. She sat up on her desk, something that she did a lot.

Mrs. Tifa stared, "So I wanted to ask-"

The blond cut her off. "Am I failing your class?" She shook her head. "This is more important. Far more important then grades." Roxas nodded and decided to listen this time. "As I was saying, I wanted to ask you something. Are you dating my son?" Roxas' eyes widened a little.

"Who's your son?" He asked.

"Sora." She answered. Out of all the people that had to be Mrs. Tifa's son, why did it have to be his beloved Sora? He stood up a little taller. Well, you have to start making a good impression somewhere. "I-I think."

"You think?"

"I know." She smiled a little, and Roxas didn't know if it was happiness or not. "That's good. All he was doing last night was taking about you." Roxas blushed. She smiled more, giggled like a schoolgirl, which scared Roxas at first. "He kept going 'Roxas did this' and 'Roxas kissed me'!" Roxas blushed more. "I don't mind that you're dating Sora," Her smile turned into a smirk. "Just make sure that you don't do anything to hurt him, or I'll fail you! Do you understand?"



"Yes ma'am."

Sora sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time to Vanitas. "What the hell is wrong with you? You've been sighing since we got home!" Sora slouched next to him.

"I miss Roxas."

"So go over."

"I don't want to!" Sora blushed for some odd reason, "W-what if we kiss and then 'it' happens?" Vanitas paused his game at the 'it' word. Sora didn't mean...



"...Sex?" Sora blushed even more. "D-don't say it out loud!" Vanitas sighed this time around, looking back at his game. "You guys got together yesterday, right?" He nodded. "I'm pretty sure you guys aren't gonna have sex." Sora leaned on his brother. So no sex. He didn't have anything to worry about then.

"Will you come with me?" Sora asked. "Why?" The brunette smiled. "Ventus wants to see you~" Vanitas smirked. "Aww, he misses me already~?" Sora giggled. "Yes! He's always talking about you!" Vanitas' smirk widened, but Sora wasn't sure if it was because he got a headshot or that he mentioned Ven. "Yeah sure, I'll go." Sora nodded again. He noticed that Vanitas had gotten a lot more headshots in the past minute. Maybe because he was happy or he just felt like shooting people's brains out. Sora decided to pick the second idea. "Okay, I'm gonna go tell him!" He ran back up to his room.

The raven smiled. Something about this blond made the raven smile a lot more then he usually did.

RoxSor: So guys! You're probably wondering why this took so long! Okay, first, a lot of things have been happening in my life, so sorry about that! And second, I hade this one ready, and while I was going through it, I did something REALLY stupid and deleted it. XD So lets just say I got really pissed after.

Vanitas: I told you to save it.

RoxSor: I didn't listen, I'm sorry~

Sora: That happened to me one time!

Ventus: Yeah, I hate when that happens! And then you forget what you wrote after!

RoxSor: YEAH!

Roxas: Okay then...I think I'm the only normal one here.

Vanitas: Same.

RoxSor: Please review~ Cookies are being given out if you do! :3 Bye~