I got this idea from 'Sorry for being a Closet Otaku' by: Gumi...so this is what happened! XD (Also, I thought Sora singing 'Just Be Friends' by: Luka Megurine would be cute... :3)

As a bubbly boy passed by people, they sighed. "There goes Sora" would be flowing their minds as he walked, what seemed more like a skip, while singing some song that they couldn't name. But still, they said their greetings to the unusual boy.

"Just be friends, all we gotta do, just be friends. It's time to say goodbye, just be friends. All we gotta do, just be friends, Just be friends. Just be friends. Just be-hey Nami!" Sora stopped singing and greeted his friend Namine. Namine was a strange blond girl as well. She was always carrying a sketch book, the one that she didn't let anyone see but Sora and some other friends of their circle. None knew why she didn't let anyone else see.

"Hey Sor! Wanna see my new drawing?" She offered her sketch book to the spikey haired boy.

"Sure!" Sora looked over the sketch. "Hey, it's Len Kagamine!" He exclaimed. Namine smiled. "Yea, I drew Rin, too!" Sora sighed. "I wish I could draw like you!"

Namine shook her finger, as if saying 'No no!' "You can draw good! You just give up to soon. Where's you're brother?" Sora made a 'tck' sound. "I don't know, Vanitas probably went with his friends." Namine hummed.

Sora and Namine were anime, yaoi, video game, and Vocaloid fanatics. They had kept a secret for a while, until they met Ventus. Ventus was just as bubbly as Sora, and didn't keep it a secret like they did. Because of him, they slowly opened up. They were what the school would call 'anime otakus.' Sora actually liked the name. They had their little circle of friends who liked what they liked. It contained a friendly girl named Xion, a always happy girl named Aqua, along with Namine, Ventus, and Sora.

Their conversation went on as they walked to school.

"Roxas~! Wait up!" Said blond turned around to look at the person calling him. He saw a red blur before being tackled to the ground. "Axel, get off!" Axel quickly backed off, not wanting to mess with Roxas. But, nobody said he couldn't tease him. "Aw~! What's the matter? Is Roxas on his period?" Axel laughed, before gasping. Roxas' fist had meet with his shoulder as he sat up. "OW! Oh, hey, where's Ventus?" Roxas raised and lowered his shoulders. "Don't know." Axel sighed.

Roxas was one of the schools 'bad boys'. Everyone knew Roxas, and knew to not mess with him. If you were brave enough, you could talk to him. That's how he and Axel met. Axel was a 'bad boy', too. There was a lot of them, and they called themselves 'Organization 13'. Their leader Xemnas, which Axel later figured out spells 'Mansex', had already graduated. The remaining members decided to keep the tradition running. Axel was number 8, while Roxas was 13. He was the youngest.

They slowly made their way to school, not really caring if they were late of not.

Okay! I really don't know where this came from...oh well. Also, Roxas, Namine, Sora, Xion, Ventus, and Vanitas are 10th graders. Axel and Aqua are 11th. Please review if you want more! :3