A/N: Lame title yes, but I'll come up wit a better one lata. I should be working on Love you forever, but it was so sad, I needed a break. But, the next chapter is being written as I type this so… yea. This is gonna be pretty happy and short I hope. R/R

Ginny Weasley sighed in happiness. It was July, and she was enjoying her Malfoy-less summer. Hell, she was gonna enjoy her Malfoy-less school year! " No more Malfoy the asshole!" she chirped for the 100th time. Her mother shot her dark glances from across the table. She went back in the kitchen, loud noises filling the house. Ginny couldn't believe how immature Malfoy was. He was 18 for heaven's sake and he still acted like the 12 year old twit Ginny had first met. Ginny tore off the last piece of bread and stuffed it in her mouth before bounding off to her room. Ginny stared at her half packed trunk, then threw in some skirts and tank tops, just in case.

After making sure she had everything, she zipped up her trunk and stomped outside to say good-bye. Her dad was in their car, trying to get it to start up, Mrs. Weasley was yelling at the twins for trying to burn Ron's hair off, and Ron, Harry, and Hermione were off planning some great adventure. Ginny felt like she didn't fit in, and that was why she was so glad to be going to camp. It was a muggle camp, but it was so interesting. She had many friends there, and the camp itself was great.

After heaving her trunk into the backseat, she got in and slammed the door, not waving bye to anyone. Her mother looked up from her lecture and hurried over, rapping at the window and waving good-bye. Ginny smiled weakly as her dad pulled the car out of the driveway. The drive was an hour away, in the middle of nowhere. It was actually quite beautiful. Getting out her beloved book, she got comfortable in the seat, and began to read.


"Gin. GINNY!" her dad shouted. Ginny's head jerked up, as she blinked blearily. She had fallen asleep, and as she looked out the window, she realized she had arrived at her summer camp. She jumped out of her door and ran in to meet her friends. Her dad smiled and shook his head, following her with her trunk. After setting down her trunk in the cafeteria, he hugged her good-bye. Ginny smiled brightly, clearly excited. As he walked back to the car, he sighed in happiness.

Ginny looked around the room and found a bunch of her friends. She squealed and ran over to them, soon to be showered with hugs and kisses. After catching up on the most important gossip, she turned to the camp leader, Ms. Welch.

" Ladies, I welcome you to yet another year with us. Many things will change this year. We will be joining forced with the Boys' camp next door, hoping it will prove to be an improvement. And if we feel that you earn it, we will be holding some social events."

At this news, the girls began screaming in excitement; talk of what clothes to wear immediately following. Ginny started jumping up and down, finally, a chance to get a boyfriend! Well, maybe not, but at least be like other girls and socialize with boys! At Hogwarts, she was just plain, shy, boring Ginny, but here, she was brave, funny, and outgoing. No painful memory haunted her. She looked different at camp too. She walked with an air of confidence and grace.

She and her 3 best friends there, Alison, Lena, and Marie huddled in a close circle and crossed their fingers, all hoping for the same thing; to be in the same cabin. They had always been in the same cabin before, and Alison, Lena, and Marie thought it was ' meant to be', but Ginny knew better. She had always hexed the leader to announce that they were in the same cabin. And sure enough, " Virginia Weasley, Lena Dublin, Alison Hasty, and Marie Santiago will be in cabin number 4!" They jumped up and down in glee, before grabbing their trunks and glided out of the cafeteria. They walked up the path to their cabin, which looked beautiful. It looked like a mini cottage, the inside even better. Ginny settled down on her bed, when Alison squeaked,

" Omigod! The BOYS cabin is right NEXT to ours!" Ginny rolled her eyes, although secretly she felt a little gleeful also. Lena looked out the window in curiosity and nodded, confirming what Alison had said. Sighing, Ginny looked out the window also, and then smacked Alison.

" OW! What'd you do that for?" Alison grumbled, rubbing her head. Ginny narrowed her eyes, " Ali! That's the COUNSELORS cabin, you doofus!" Ali looked out the window and turned red. Not giving up, she held up her head, " Still, it's a boys cabin, you know full of boys. In fact, this is better, OLDER men!" Ginny shook her head, wondering how she could be friends with such an airhead. Ginny pulled out her belongings and set them where they should go, then, the 4 of them trudged out of the cabin back into the cafeteria for their first dinner at summer camp.

A/N: Um yea.