A/N: Hi everyone...I'm not dead. I know, I haven't written or updated for over a year. I have no excuses, I'm just a horrible lazy person stuck in hell (aka school). Anyways, I really got into Supernatural over the course of the summer (more like watched all eight seasons in a month and a half) so I wanted to write a story for it.

The time/setting for this story is random; I don't have any fixed point for it.

The plan for this story is to be a series of oneshots, but no guarantees on how often I can update this story. It'll be random, whenever I get inspiration and free time. Please enjoy.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own anything. Supernatural belongs to all respective owners, the CW, and Eric Kripke.

Chapter 1 - My Older Brother Corrupts An Angel of the Lord

Sunlight filtered through the dingy motel window, shining directly on Sam's face. He groggily opened his eyes, squinting against the blinding rays of light. Sam heaved himself up and swung his feet on the green carpet on the floor and glanced over at Dean.

Except Dean's bed was empty, the sheets messily rumpled and unkempt, with a lone note sitting on top of it all. Sam took a couple of steps to Dean's bed and grabbed the note.

He read:


Cas dropped by. Didn't want to wake you up. We're at the diner across the road.


It seemed like Dean was always with Cas these days, not that Sam minded. He liked that Dean had at least one friend he could count on. Sam crumpled up the paper and chucked it into the bin, then took a quick shower and pulled on some clothing. He headed out, locking up the room, then walked down the road towards the small diner across from the motel.

Sam reached the door and opened it, striding into the eatery, while simultaneously scanning the area for Dean and Cas. He found them. Sam was a little dumbfounded. Dean and Cas were practically glued at each other's side, with Dean's arm thrown around the angel's shoulders. And Dean was pushing his slice of pie over to Cas. Dean never shared his pie - Sam learned that the hard way growing up (but that was a story for another day).

Sam slowly walked to their little booth, but the pair hadn't seen him yet.

"I do not understand why you insist on me eating this pie. I do not require sustenance, Dean," Cas said seriously.

"Come on Cas, live a little! Pie is like heaven. No, I take that back. I've been to heaven, and the pie is better," Dean quipped.

"Alright, Dean. I am only doing this for your benefit." Cas gingerly brought a piece of pie to his mouth and popped it in.

"This pie...is surprisingly enjoyable," Cas uttered once he had swallowed the portion of pie.

"Ha! I told you, Cas!" A genuine smile plastered itself to Dean's face, and Sam realized that he couldn't remember the last time he actually saw Dean smile like that.

Sam slid into the empty seat across from them. "Hey Dean, Cas."

"Hello, Sam," Cas said in a grave tone.

"Hey Sammy!" Dean exclaimed while scarfing down the rest of his pie.

Sam ordered some breakfast then turned back to his brother and the angel. "So, what's up? Why's Cas here?"

Cas opened his mouth, but was cut off by Dean. "What, he can't come visit a friend every now and then?" His tone was a bit on edge.

"Um, yeah, I just assumed that there was a case..." Sam was a bit confused.

Dean relaxed a little bit. "Oh. Yeah. Well, I found a case..."

As Sam finished up his breakfast, Dean explained the case. Afterwards, the trio all got up and exited the diner.

"I must go now," Cas intoned. "I will return later."

"Uh, cool, bye Cas." Sam lifted up a hand.

Dean, on the other hand, gave Cas a quick manly hug. "Later, Cas."

Cas nodded, then vanished.

Sam blinked and stared at his older brother. What the hell was up with Dean and Cas lately? He knew that they had a profound bond and all, but recently they had been really close.

"What are you looking at?" Dean asked defensively. "Hop in, we need to get going."

Dean started up the Impala and Sam hurried in after him.

For the next few days, Sam and Dean worked nonstop on the case. Once they had finished it up, they had a few free lazy days in store for themselves, just hanging out at the motel.

On one of these nights, Sam decided to go on a grub run and grab some food. "Want anything special?"

"Just pie!" Dean called back distractedly, immersed in the world of Dr. Sexy, M.D.

Sam rolled his eyes, muttered something about dying early, then headed out to the local Gas N' Sip. He grabbed a bag and filled it with vegetables and fruits, then tossed in a pie for Dean, along with a couple of frozen pizzas. He paid for his items then sped back to the motel.

When Sam got back, he pulled out his keys and cracked open the door and noticed a long, tan trench coat on the floor. He pushed the door open even farther then walked in and promptly dropped all of his recent purchases. Apples and carrots and other various items rolled around on the floor.

In front of Sam was his I-only-bang-girls-with-big-tits-and-a-nice-ass older brother making out with an innocent-wide-blue-eyed-angel. Well, the not so innocent angel now.

"What the hell?" Sam's voice was laced with disbelief.

"Oh crap!" Dean jumped up. "I-, uh, I mean, we can explain!"

Cas stared at Sam unabashedly with his large eyes.

"Yeah, you guys have a lot of explaining to do," Sam said while gaping at the couple.

"So basically, you guys have been screwing around behind my back for months now?" Sam let out a huff. "Incredible. How the hell did you guys hide this from me for so long?"

Dean shrugged nonchalantly. "For a smart person, you're really unobservant Sammy."

"Does my relationship with your brother bother you?" Cas' eyes bore into Sam's soul.

"I'm just glad that Dean's happy," Sam said truthfully. "And you too, Cas."

Sam added as an afterthought, "But if you break my brother's heart, I will kick your ass."

Dean turned red. "Stop getting all mushy on me Sam."

There was a pregnant pause, then Sam burst out laughing. "Oh, I'm going to have so much fun teasing you Dean."



A/N: I apologize for any errors; this is unbeta'd and I barely proofread it. Also, since you've made it this far, why not review? I welcome and encourage constructive criticism. Oh yeah - make sure to check out my blog; my url is deans-cas on tumblr! Thanks!