a/n: Another shout out to my best friend Ben! Thank you for the addition of your wonderful OC! I want to thank everyone for all their wonderful reviews and kind words so far. It really makes me want to keep writing more. So I think I will, lol. I will only say this one last time... Michael the Bat belongs to jojoker boy. And of course, Nira the badass cat belongs to me. Lmao. But you already knew that. Anyway, onto chapter 6!

Getting Some Answers
Mystery Island - Part 2

-At Pirates of the Carburator race track-

It was about 15 minutes before the second race would begin. Nira was sitting in her car with her feet rested on the dash board, keeping her eyes and ears open for the mystery racer to arrive. He wasn't here yet, and that concerned her a bit. Cortex's orders were to question him, and question him is what she was going to do. She sighed and relaxed a bit more in her seat. I have plenty of time, I just need to be patient. Nira was never good with patience and that made her antsy. Feeling she couldn't sit still anymore, Nira got out of her car and walked over to the Imperium, which was parked to her right. Cortex was leaning up against the drivers side door, arms crossed, watching the front gate leading to the track with a glare. He must have been irritated that the mystery racer hasn't shown up yet. The white cat stood next to him and sighed softly. Her tail accidentally brushed up against his arm, which made him jump a little. Cortex turned his head to the right to see her. How long was she standing there?

"If this guy doesn't show up, I'll be more inclined to hurt him rather than question him." She grumbled and crossed her arms as well.

Cortex laughed at this and turned to her fully, "While I admire your acts of sadism, I don't think that will prove effective. We need him to join us." he explained. Nira just growled and rolled her eyes. "I know, I know. I'll get you the information. In the most less violent way possible. I just hate waiting around for him to show up!" she said as her ears flattened a little.

"Patience is a virtue dear."

"Ha." Nira laughed sarcastically. "This coming from the least patient person I know. In fact, have known for most of my life." She smirked at the look on the mad scientist's face. It was priceless.

"Master!" N. Gin ran up to them and pointed at the gate. It was the masked racer.

"That's my queue." Nira said as she was about to walk towards him, but Cortex stopped her by grabbing her arm. His expression was serious as he glanced from the racer to her.

"Keep your guard up. I don't trust him. We don't know if he has any weapons on him. I know you can handle yourself but..." he paused, uncomfortable about what he was about to say. "...be careful."

Nira smiled a little, flattered that Cortex was worried. She kept that in mind as she nodded. N. Gin then spoke, shaking his fist in the air. "I will fill his head with doom!"

Nira smirked at her brother before she walked off.

"Ohhh so you're worried about her eh?" N. Gin said with a sly smile. Cortex face heated up as he glared at his assistant. "Sh-Shut up!" Cortex started arguing with him, but kept an unnoticed eye on Nira as well.

"Hey!" Nira exclaimed as she walked up to his car and leaned against his drivers side door. Her arms were crossed, as well as her legs, and her head was turned to look at him. She gave him an alluring smile, while he tilted his head slightly.

"Mind answering a few questions for me?" She said as sweetly as possible. It was hard for her to tell what he was thinking, because she couldn't see his face.

"Like what?" He said as he looked past her briefly, at Cortex and N. Gin, who were trying to make it obvious they were not watching. "You expect me to give you answers when I know who you work for?"

Nira tensed slightly, "Don't worry about those two." She gestured to Cortex and N. Gin. "I just want to know why you are here. And who you are. Why don't you take off your mask? Can I at least see your face?"

He looked down briefly, sighed and took off his mask. Nira's eyes widened slightly. He was a grey wolf, with golden colored eyes. Cortex got a quick look at him and gulped nervously, but the wolf didn't notice.

"I guess I have no choice but to tell you. It seems as though getting involved with Cortex will be unavoidable." He took a deep breath. "My name is Hijack Wolf. I was Dr. N. Brio's first test subject for his Evolvo Ray. But he deemed me a failure after I defied him so many times and I eventually escaped. I'm here to prove to him, and Cortex, that I'm not just some defect by winning this competition and the deed to the park."

Nira took in what he said with a thoughtful look. Unlike Michael, he wasn't necessarily after just Cortex. He just wanted to prove a point. But she still had to be careful. Step 1, complete. Now let's see if I can complete step 2 of this interrogation with success.

"You can prove you're not a defect by joining us." Nira spoke as she smiled slyly.

"I have no interest in joining you. Especially since you work for Dr. Cortex." He spat.

Nira retorted, "It's a little more complicated than that. I'm Dr. N. Gin's sister." Hijack went to speak, but she interrupted with a wave of her hand, "I know what you're going to ask. I was a human before an accident with the Evolvo Ray turned me into a humanoid cat. That's why we look nothing alike."

"Well whatever the case may be..." He put his mask back on, "I won't work for you."

"You're making a mistake. You could join us, we take down the competition and win the deed. Then Brio will see you are useful. He is still very much alive, we can contact him. As for his current location, that's unknown. But we have ways of tracking him down." Nira explained.

Hijack had enough and in one swift motion, pulled out a knife from nowhere, pointing it right at her throat. Nira went to reach for her ray gun, but remembered she left it back at her hotel room. Darn it! She noticed the tip of the blade was almost touching her throat, which made her tense up and stay glued to the spot.

"I told you I will not work for you." He snarled. "You just don't get it, do you? I never wanted to work for Brio in the first place, that's why I escaped!"

Nira's ears flattened, her claws extended in case she had to use them. "Then why do you want to prove yourself to him? Is there something in it for you?"

Hijack was about to reply, but was cut off.

"Nira!" Cortex was by her side with his ray gun aimed at the wolf.

"How cute, you're protecting her. Didn't think you could actually care for anyone but yourself, Doctor." Hijack smirked under his mask. Nira was frozen in her spot, silent as she stared at the knife. Meanwhile, Michael was sitting from his car watching the whole situation transpire. He wanted to go over there rip Hijack apart with his bare claws. Despite Nira working for that madman, he actually considered the cat a friend in the short time he's known her.

"I have my reasons." Cortex fought down a blush from creeping up and glared at the wolf, grey blue eyes looking into golden ones. "Who do you think is going to get the first hit? I have a very good aim. Now, drop your weapon."

"You first." Hijack joked as he rolled his eyes, not intimidated at all and put the knife away. Not a second later did Nira briskly walk back to her brother, growing under her breath. She wasn't scared, not in the least bit. But now she was angry beyond belief.

"I WILL fill his head with-" N. Gin began, but Nira didn't let him finish. "I know...doom." She hopped into her car and pulled down her goggles. "But he better watch his back! I know his racing strategy now."

Cortex eventually walked back and got in his car, as well as everyone else. What was more unsettling is that Hijack was parked behind him. He decided to stop looking into his rear view and look to his left, towards Nira. She had the most enraged look on her face that he's ever seen. That unsettled him even more. He knew she wasn't mad about him coming to defend her, she was just mad at Hijack. And the look on N. Gin's face also said it all. His assistant was parked behind Nira, and he looked absolutely horrified.

Everyone ignited their engines and waited for the countdown.

(a/n: Everyone has the same cars as they did in the last chapter.)

The light turned green and the racers were off. Not a second went by before Nira fused with the person in front of her, which was Crunch, and she immediately started shooting at Hijack with his turret weapon. Cortex swerved out of the way of being hit in the crossfire and sped up next to Crunch. "Man! What did you do to her? She's smokin mad!" Crunch yelled.

"It's what he did!" Cortex yelled back and gestured towards Hijack's car, but noticed it was already up in flames. Yeah...she's mad.

"Revenge hit!" Nira giggled maniacally. "Thanks for letting me use you Crunch. But I must depart." She waved as she unclashed with Crunch and sped up ahead. It didn't take long for Hijack to drive up along side Cortex. "Wow. That girl you got there is a ticking time bomb."

Cortex turned towards him and narrowed his eyes. "First of all, she's not 'my girl'-"

The wolf laughed, "I never said she was. You're the one who brought it up." Hijack smirked as the mad scientist flustered. "Besides, all I did was pull a knife on her."

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but women don't exactly like it when you pull knives on them." Cortex retorted angrily. He thought he heard Hijack say something else, but didn't pay mind to it as he sped up to N. Gin and clashed with him. Switching to his own turret weapon, Cortex shot at Crash and destroyed his car in a matter of seconds. Then he set his sights on Coco, who threw a chicken at the two.

"Master, I thought you would be after the wolf?" N. Gin questioned as he barely dodged the thrown chicken and tried to throw one back at the female bandicoot.

Cortex destroyed Coco's car and jumped down to the passengers seat, "You shoot, I drive." He ordered and N. Gin complied, bringing out his turret weapon and aiming at Hijack, who was now clashed with Crash. "Oh how wonderful! It's like a two in one deal!" N. Gin laughed as he started shooting down the wolf and bandicoot.

Meanwhile... Up in front, Pasadena and Nira were about ready to kill each other. They kept ramming into each others cars, trying to run each other off the road. They both did this for the entire duration of the first and second lap, and neither of them were successful in messing up the other. It was now the third lap, and things were heating up as the finish line was approaching fast.

"You've caught me at a bad mood, rat. I suggest you step aside before things turn ugly." Nira snarled.

"I'm not a rat!" Pasadena yelled back. "Ya'll better get in line. Yer way out of yer league girly." she spat back in her southern accent.

"This coming from the person who got creamed in the last race. Sure I might have placed second, but that's better than sixth!" Nira's lips curled into a smirk. "And watch where you're throwing that 'girly' comment. I'm older than both you and Coco." (a/n: I say Pasadena is around 17, while Coco is around 14-16 years of age.)

Pasadena rolled her eyes and slammed into her car again. Nira decided to play a really dirty trick.

"Look! A billboard of Crash with a six pack!" Nira gasped mockingly and pointed to her right.

Pasadena squeeled, "Where?! Where?!" In her distraction, Nira rammed into her car as hard as she could, causing Pasadena to spin out off the road.

"Sucker." Nira giggled to herself and crossed the finish line in first.

Pirates of the Carburator Results:
1st - Nira
2nd - N. Gin
3rd - Cortex
4th - Crunch
5th - Pasadena
6th - Michael
7th - Hijack
8th - Von Clutch
9th - Crash
10th - Coco

a/n: Hijack Wolf belongs to my rl best friend. Hope you enjoyed chapter 6! There will be more!

Cortex: Can't I place first for once? -sad chibi eyes-

KU: Awww! Kawaii! -huggles Cortex- Maybe in a future chapter, later on. :3

Cortex: Yay! :D

N. Gin: When do I get to fill people's heads with doom? More doom for N. Gin!

KU: Calm down N-Gie. You'll get your chance! ^^

N Gin: Don't call me that!

Nira: N-Gie...that's cute! :D

N. Gin: Ughhh! .-.

KU: Please review!