A/N: There will be more to this. I've planned three parts but there is a possibility of more so I will write warnings at the top of each new part. I have put underage in the warnings as Castiel is 16 in this fic. In my country, 16 is the age of consent but I know not all countries are like that so it's just there as precaution. Also what I know about Dom/Sub play is just from what I've read, I've never had experience in it and I do not aim to offend anyone so I apologise in advance if what I have written is inaccurate and it offends you.
Warnings: Underage, Webcam/Video Chat Sex, Anal Fingering, Mutual Masturbation, Light Dom/sub, Dominant Dean, Submissive Castiel, Panty Kink, Nipple Play, Dirty Talk, Size Kink
Mathematics was by far the worst subject to ever be created. It was boring and confusing especially when they brought in the letters that were actually numbers and one was supposed to find what that number was. It was stupid and pointless and had nothing to do with what Castiel wanted to do when he finished school. The next time he needed to graph a mathematic equation outside of his Statistics class would also happen to be the first time and Castiel knew that it was never going to happen. So, while the rest of his class were nose deep in their text books trying to figure out the equations, Castiel was down the back of the class with his phone in hand discretely scrolling through his tumblr dashboard.
He was a tumblr addict. He had discovered it one night while searching the internet for porn and since then, he'd been hooked. At first, he just started a blog to see what it was all about never really using it except to look at his favourite porn blogs until he discovered the fandom side and found himself endorsed completely in the Doctor Who, Star Trek, Avengers and just about every other Marvel fandom. Of course, he still had his gay porn sideblog but that was nobody's business but his. It wasn't until he'd had his blog for nearly six months that he got his first request to post pictures of himself. At first, he was completely against it. There was no way he was going to post a picture of himself on the internet for anyone to look at, save, and then keep forever. When the requests started to roll in more and more, the demand to see who was behind the blog became higher, that he started to really think about it. He had a look at some other blogs to see if other people had done the same thing and posted selfies and saw that a lot had but never showed their face. Once he realised he didn't need to show his face, he was all for it.
The first picture wasn't anything major. He simply removed his shirt leaving him clad in just his sweat pants and stood in front of his bathroom mirror with his phone. He purposely cut the photo so his face wasn't in it and then posted it for tumblr to see. When he posted it, he didn't really expect much of a response. He knew he didn't really have much too him. He was small and lean with a slight tan to his body from all the time he spent out in the pool during the summer. What he didn't expect was for his ask box to be filled with requests for more selfies. His followers, even though the number was reasonably small, all seemed to love the photo and begged him to post more of himself. It took him about a week to gain the courage to strip off his sweats and take a photo. He had cupped his groin unwilling to let the internet see that much of him just yet.
Castiel was overwhelmed by the response. Most of his followers loved the photos he was posting even though he hadn't really showed them anything sexual and asking for more. He even had a few people submitted their own photos with their phone number or skype ID attached so he could 'call them for a good time'. He never did well not until he received a message from one of his favourite blogs. The person that ran his favourite blog was absolutely stunning. He had broad expansive shoulders with large muscular biceps and a set of abs that Castiel just wanted to lick. Of course, that wasn't all he wanted to lick. The owner of the blog posted complete nudes of himself and his uncut dick was absolutely delicious. He was huge and Castiel would be lying if he said he didn't check the blog nearly every hour of every day for new photos. He was addicted to that body. To say he was surprised that the gorgeous man behind the blog had messaged him would be an understatement. His heart pounded in his chest as he looked at the username that had sent 'Damn you're fine baby. Love to see more ;)'. Castiel nearly fainted on the spot. Instead of answering, he left the message where it was and resumed his fandom blogging his mind still on the message sitting in his ask box.
Nearly two weeks later, Castiel finally worked up the courage to reply to the message. He really wanted to impress the gorgeous man so when he got home from school that afternoon, he stripped to his birthday suit and sat himself on his bed with his legs spread and laptop situated between them. He gave himself a few strokes to get himself nice and hard before he took a photo. With the photo cropped and edited slightly to make up for the bad lighting, Castiel uploaded it into the answer box along with the message 'Skype me if you want more' with his ID attached. With one last bit of hesitation, Castiel let out the breath he had been holding and clicked answer privately. For the next hour, he sat with his Skype open waiting for the mystery blogger to add him. When the hour passed, and no invite came, he gave up. He let out an exasperated sigh and minimised Skype and instead just blogged to his fandom blog. He shrugged it off after a while with the thought that the man probably got hundreds of people asking him to add them on Skype.
As he scrolled through the thousands of posts he lost track of time. He was startled to see a Skype notification come up at the bottom of his screen to see someone had added him. His heart beat hard in his chest as he saw the notification and hovered his mouse of it as he read the message. 'I really liked that photo. Maybe we could chat? - Dean'. Castiel sat in shock as he stared at the message. Dean; his name was Dean and he wanted to actually chat with him? He knew Dean wouldn't want to just chat but he was down for getting his pants off for this guy seeing he was built like a Greek god. After a few minutes of sitting there like an idiot, Castiel finally clicked accept and opened a chat window with him.
BlueEyeAngel: Uhm Hi
He typed out dumbly. He face palmed himself as he watched it taunt him in the open window on his screen. He sounded like a blushing virgin by only sending two words to the guy. He was nervous sure but wasn't the whole point of talking over the internet was to take the nerves out of it and just be free to say what you wanted? Everything was pushed aside as he saw Dean was typing a reply.
ImpalaHunter67: Haha, nervous? Hey yourself.
ImpalaHunter67: No pressure, but you up for a video chat?
Castiel bit his lip as he read the second message. He didn't know if he was ready to video chat with a guy he barely knew. For all he knew, this guy was some paedophile that was using random pictures to pass as a teenage boy. Then again, Dean could be thinking the same about him.
BlueEyeAngel: Yes, I am rather nervous.
BlueEyeAngel: How do I know you're not a 60 year old man trying to get me to pull my dick out? ;)
ImpalaHunter67: How do I know YOU'RE not a 60 year old man?
Castiel chuckled as he read the reply feeling the tension ease somewhat.
BlueEyeAngel: I guess there's only one way to find out then huh?
With caution thrown to the wind, Castiel clicked on the video call button and waited anxiously for Dean to answer. It didn't take long and soon enough, the video opened on screen and a face appeared on his screen. Castiel felt his chest tighten at the sight. The blogger's face was even more beautiful that his body. Even through the poor quality of the webcam, he could see the bright green eyes of Dean's face as well his short brown hair and high cheek bones. When Castiel looked at Dean's lips, he couldn't help but lick his own. They were so plump and pink that Castiel couldn't help staring at them. It wasn't until Dean chuckled that Castiel realised he probably came off as creepy.
"You okay there?" God his voice was absolutely spine tingling. It was deep and rough as if it had the age of a 30 year old but Castiel could tell by looking at his face that he wasn't more than 19.
"Y-Yeah" Castiel squeaked in reply. He cleared his throat and tried again "Yeah. Sorry, it's just, you're beautiful" he said shyly feeling his cheeks heat as he spoke.
"Not so bad yourself" Dean replied with a wink which just caused Castiel to blush harder and look down at himself. He had covered himself up since he had taken the photo and was now seated in just a plain black singlet and his sweats. "So what's your name?"
Castiel looked back up at Dean then and realised that he hadn't actually told Dean his name. He didn't have it on his profile or his Skype just because he really didn't want people from his school to find him. "Castiel" he answered confidently.
Dean smiled at him and Castiel felt his heart skip a beat as he saw it spread across the man's features. His eyes crinkled as his lips spread wider to reveal his pearly whites. "So that's where the angel thing comes from then?" Dean asked even though it was more of a statement. Castiel was surprised Dean knew that as not many people did. When Castiel told people his name most of them just raised their eyebrows at the uniqueness or commented on how weird it was which just aggravated him. It's not as if he chose his own name.
Castiel nodded in reply before he spoke "Yeah it is. I'm quite impressed though, not many people know that" Castiel was surprised then when Dean rubbed the back of his neck and a faint red tinge graced his features.
"Yeah, my uh, my Mom, she had this thing for angels so she told me everything she knew about them" Dean replied with a small hint of something in his tone. Castiel wasn't sure but he thought it to be sadness and grief. Dean hadn't looked at him as he had spoken and by the way Dean had spoken of his mother in the past tense, he believed Dean's mother to no longer be around.
Instead of bringing it up and causing Dean to get further upset, Castiel elected to move along. "Do you…" Castiel started only to stop himself. He was never this forward. He never talked to strangers on the internet. Not on webchat anyway. There were always people inboxing him on Tumblr and he would often get into a conversation with them but he never handed out his Skype to someone. Then again, none of the people he had talked to were Dean, the face behind his favourite blog. So instead of stopping himself from asking what he was going to ask, he just came out and said it "Do you want to get off together?"
Dean chuckled again and Castiel felt his dick twitch at the sound. His laugh was just as deep as his voice and so sexy Castiel couldn't stop himself from reaching down out of sight of Dean and palming his crotch. He'd been sporting a chubby since he'd seen Dean's face and he was rapidly hardening as they continued their chat.
"Straight to it. I like that." Dean replied "How about you take that singlet of yours off and show me those pretty nipples?" Castiel bit on his lip but was quick to oblige as he repositioned his laptop to between his legs and used his now free hands to pull his singlet over his head. "Damn, you're beautiful you know that?" Castiel blushed under the praise as he looked at his screen again to see Dean staring at his naked torso. "And a cute blush to match. You really are perfect"
"Y-you really mean that?" Castiel asked shyly. No one had called him perfect before.
"Yeah baby I do" Dean replied as he licked his lips.
Castiel smiled shyly at Dean before he gained a little more courage. "What do you want me to do now?" he asked
"Hmm," Dean hummed "Maybe you should take those sweats off and show me that pretty dick of yours again" Castiel was quick to react and pushed his fingers into the waistband of his sweats and pushed them down over his ass and down his legs where he kicked them off and threw them over the edge of the bed. He settled back in front of the screen again and couldn't help the blush that spread down his chest at the fact he was now naked in front of a complete stranger already half hard. "Damn" Dean breathed and Castiel glanced up at the screen at the word. He saw Dean's shoulder moving and knew he was palming himself at the sight of Castiel.
"Can… Can I see you?" Castiel asked as he bit his lip.
"Soon baby" Dean replied and even though he was a little sad Dean wouldn't let him see him yet, Castiel knew Dean would make it worth the wait. He didn't know why he all of sudden trusted Dean or why he was doing everything he told him as soon as he said it but he didn't let it worry him. "Play with your nipples" Dean ordered and Castiel raised a tentative had to his left nipple playing with the bud, squeezing, rubbing and pulling. He groaned at the sensation. "Tell me how it feels baby" Dean asked a little breathless.
"So good Dean" Castiel gasped "Feels good" he continued as he moved his other hand to play with his other nipple.
"Bet it does" Dean cooed "Mmm look so good like that. Maybe you should get them pierced. You'd look even more gorgeous with a bar through those pretty nipples of yours. Bet they'd be even better to play with too" Castiel gasped at the thought. He had thought about getting them pierced but had been too scared to go through with it. But with Dean now telling him how gorgeous he'd look if he got them done, he found he wanted to do it. He wanted to please the other man. "You got any lube baby?" Dean asked snapping Castiel from his fantasy of playing with his nipples with a piercing through them. Castiel nodded and reached over to his bed side draw and pulled out the bottle. "You played with yourself before?"
Castiel nodded as he struggled to find his words "Yes" he replied as he resumed playing with his nipples.
"Mmm I bet you have. Bet you can take your fingers so prettily huh baby? You want to show me?" Dean asked
Castiel eagerly nodded which caused Dean to chuckle again. Castiel rapidly slicked up his fingers before he propped himself up so he would give Dean a good view of his entrance but still being able to see his face. By the groan that Dean gave out when he positioned himself, Castiel knew he had pleased the man. Tentatively, Castiel pulled his cheeks apart when his dry hand while he rubbed one lube slicked finger over his hole working the muscle. He let out a hearty groan and the contact and he heard Dean let out a small moan too.
"So beautiful" Dean gasped "Slide it in sweetheart" Dean instructed and Castiel obliged. Castiel pumped the digit in and out slowly while his entrance adjusted. It wasn't until Dean told him to go faster that he sped up. When he hips started to rock down onto the finger, Dean told him to slide in another and Castiel didn't hesitate to follow the command. Two fingers worked his ass open and he could feel the pre-cum that was dripping from his dick on his stomach. With his free hand, he swiped his finger through the pre-cum and tasted himself. "Fuck" he heard Dean curse "Fuck that was sexy. So fucking hot Cas" Dean praised as Castiel continued to work himself. "Add another" he directed and soon, Castiel had three fingers in his ass while Dean told him how beautiful he was.
"I want–" Castiel gasped but then stopped.
"What do you want baby?" Dean encouraged
"To see you" he gasped as he struck his prostate. His back arched off the bed as pleasure raced through his body. When he opened his eyes again, unsure when he had closed them, he saw Dean looking at him with wide eyes but this time, it wasn't just his upper body, Dean had his dick out of the opening of his jeans stroking it in earnest as he watched Castiel. Castiel groaned at the sight. Dean was huge and Castiel knew the fingers in his ass were no match to the size of Dean so Castiel pushed his pinkie inside to make up for it. With the new stretch, Castiel found himself clenching down even more on his fingers as they searched for that special spot inside him. Through half lidded eyes, he watched as Dean stroked himself his eyes firmly on the screen watching Castiel.
"Fuck, look at you baby" Dean worshiped "Bet you're so fucking tight. Be so fucking perfect around my cock. Clench down and milk my cock wouldn't you? Be my perfect little cockslut wouldn't you? Beg me for more?"
Dean's words had Castiel moaning into the empty room. He was so glad his parents were never home until the late evening because otherwise it would be pretty hard to explain the noises. "Dean, please" he begged as he felt himself grow closer to the edge. He knew he wouldn't last much longer with his fingers stretching him wide pounding against his prostate while Dean spoke filthy things to him.
"Mmm bet you're so close huh sweetheart? Feel your balls pulling tight? Just want that one little touch to your pretty dick to push you over?" Dean teased
"Yes Dean" he gasped "Please, let me come"
"Do it Cas" Dean whispered as if he was saying it right into Castiel's ear. Castiel didn't hesitate and wrapped his free hand around his achingly hard erection stroking it in time with the thrust of his fingers. It only took a handful of strokes before he was coming all over his naked chest crying out Dean's name. His back had arched off the bed as his head threw back onto the headboard which no doubt would hurt when he came down but he didn't care in that moment of ecstasy. When he came back to himself, his fingers slid out of his entrance and he felt his body instinctively clench around the emptiness. He was panting and sweaty and was dimly aware of Dean's breathing being the same. When he glanced at the screen, he was a little disappointed to see that Dean had already came and he missed it but then again, Dean came because of him and he felt a swell of pride warm his insides as a smile played on his lips at the thought. "Damn" Dean breathed once he saw Castiel staring at him. Castiel couldn't stop looking at Dean all blissed out his dick softening with cum dripping from it and all over his shirt. It was sexy and Castiel felt his own member give a valiant twitch at the sight.
"Yeah" Castiel croaked his voice hoarse from his noises.
"Fuck your voice is sexy as fuck" Dean panted his voice just as low and gruff as Castiel's own.
Castiel chuckled "Thank you. Yours isn't too bad either"
"Hey Cas, not to fuck and run or anything but I got to go. I'll uh talk to you later yeah? I'd like to do this again if you're keen?" Castiel really couldn't believe that this man before him now was the same person who was talking dirty to him only moments ago because the man looked utterly embarrassed and shy now. His eyes wouldn't meet the screen and his hand was on the back of his neck. Castiel was sure the man was no doubt blushing but it was hard to tell as his cheeks were still red from his orgasm.
"I'd like that Dean" Castiel replied with a smile. When Dean's head snapped up with wide eyes and a jubilant look on his face, Castiel couldn't help but chuckle and smile wider.
"Really?" When Castiel nodded Dean's smile only grew wider "Awesome!" he announced before he said his goodbyes "Inbox me on Tumblr and we'll sort something out. Cool?"
"Alright, Dean. I'll speak to you soon" Castiel fare welled before Dean ended the call. An idea popped into his head as he looked down at his messy chest and opened the camera function on his webcam putting on video mode. He swiped his fingers through the pool of cum and licked it off with a seductive leer at the camera before he stopped the recording and looked at the result. With a grin, he opened up photoshop and got to work on making it into a gif. Happy with his work, he saved the image before he typed in the url for Dean's blog into his browser. He submitted the image to Dean's profile with the message 'Just something to tie you over till next time.'
That had been two months ago. Since then, Castiel had got off with Dean nearly every second day. Dean would always take control and let him know exactly what he wanted Castiel to do and Castiel always obeyed. They had also started to share small things to each other while they talked. Normally, they would sign onto Skype and talk to each other for a bit about anything and everything never revealing anything about where they lived to one another but they talked about just about everything else. Dean was in his final year of school with a brother four years younger. His mother, as Castiel suspected had died a few years ago and now it was just him and his brother living with their Dad who was away on business a lot which left Dean to look after his sibling. Castiel found himself telling Dean all about his parents who were always working late and never really seemed to have time for him. He told Dean how he was an only child and growing up he never really had any friends as he was always with a nanny who wouldn't let him outside the house. When he turned 14, his parents stopped having a nanny and told Castiel he was now old enough to fend for himself by which time it was too late to make friends in the neighbourhood and Castiel found himself socially inept. Of course he had his classmates but it wasn't the same. They all saw Castiel as the weird boy who had a nanny instead of parents. It was during these long conversations that Castiel found himself really enjoying his time with Dean. It was his first friend that he felt he could tell anything to and not feel judged. He just hoped Dean felt the same.
Castiel was startled out of his memory as his phone vibrated in his hand. He glanced around the room to see if any of his classmates had heard the vibration but saw that no one was looking at him. He looked down to see that he had an email from tumblr that said Dean had asked a question. He felt a smile grow on his lips as he navigated to his inbox to read the message.
'You wearing them?' the question read 'Send me a photo'. Castiel shifted in his seat slightly feeling the lacy fabric rub against his sensitive skin. Of course he was wearing them. Dean had asked him to and he almost always did what Dean asked as long as it wasn't too outrageous and didn't involve other people. After the first time they talked, they had discussed each other's kinks and what they liked to do. It was obvious Castiel liked to be told what to do and be a bit submissive and it worked well with Dean who liked to be in control. When they had started talking about kinks, Castiel told Dean how he had a fetish for panties. It snowballed from there and Dean told Castiel to find a pair he liked and to wear them to school one day. Today was that day. They were black lace and frilly at the edges with a pink bow at the front. They were tiny and hardly held all of him in but he really liked how they felt and looked on him. He had been semi-hard all day as he felt the fabric rub against his dick and the knowledge that only he and Dean knew he was wearing them under his normal school attire gave him a little thrill.
Castiel glanced around the classroom once more and saw that once again no one was looking at him. He knew that no one would pay him any mind they never did anyway so as silently as he could, he unzipped his slacks and opened them to reveal his lingerie. The tip of his dick was poking through the top where the bow was. Before someone looked at him and caught him with his pants down, literally, he snapped the photo and quickly zipped his pants again. Castiel looked at the photo and was happy with the result so he uploaded it and sent it in reply to Dean's ask. He only had to wait a few minutes before he got a reply from Dean. He eagerly refreshed his inbox and broke out in a wide grin and blushed a deep red as he read Dean's comment.
'Damn baby, you look so fucking hot. Bet they feel so fucking nice. I just want to fuck you while you're wearing them. Bet you'd like that huh? Cream your panties with your own cum while I fuck you from behind. Can't wait to talk to you tonight. You're keeping those on while we chat'
Castiel bit his lip as he felt himself grow harder at the prospect of what Dean had in store for him. Castiel looked at the time and saw that he only had another twenty minutes before he was done for the day. He grinned as he tapped out his reply still keeping an eye on the teacher and the rest of his classmates.
'I'll tell you everything later. I have a surprise for you too but you'll have to wait and see what it is. I'll be online in an hour. See you then ;)'
Castiel hit answer privately and closed out of the app deciding he would try and get some work done because his teacher was an asshole and checked a lot of the time. He failed miserably to concentrate on the problems in front of him as all his mind could do was run wild with ideas of what Dean had planned. One more hour was all he had to wait.
A/N Thanks for reading. Leave a review if you feel so inclined :)