Popularity War

Book 2

Chapter 3

Eva sat in the courtyard watching elegantly dressed men and women chatting the afternoon away with no care in the world. She guessed they had no idea what was going on in Alagaesia, their ignorance keeping them safe in the Kings presence. Even if they did know, she had a feeling they would not care. After all, the hardships were affecting peasants, not them. She used to feel that way too.

She reflected back to her life in Carvahall before her father's business began to fail. Her house was vast and filled with numerous servants cleaning, cooking, washing, and obediently doing as they were told. Eva was kind to them, but she knew other households treated them otherwise. However, that did not mean she treated the villagers the same. Eva had once stuck up her nose at them, especially when Cassandra was around.

How she used to crave for the attention. Her mother was very popular, so she had to be as well. Though, her mother was popular because she was nice and generous. Her father used to hold balls, inviting everyone no matter their status. Then, her mother died. Eva felt her heart throb at the memory. Until then she was friendly, but after, she had turned cold and focused on her silly reputation.

Eva had to learn the hard way that she did not need to be a snob to be popular, even among the elite. Not in Carvahall at least. Uru'baen was different. Everyone was a snob. Everyone. She was surprised when the servants regarded her with a cold shoulder, leaving her no one to really talk to. A few young men tried to get her attention, but she brushed them off and they eventually turned their attention to other women.

Her physical environment was no better. She was confined to the castle grounds, which consisted of the castle and its gardens and courtyards. Eva had to admit that the gardens were stunning. There were even flowers, like a blue star-shaped one she had found, that she had never seen before. Mixed in with the various plants, there would be statues and fountains, each craved out of white marble. Birds and insects flew around making the gardens feel so alive compared to how dead she felt inside.

Utterly bored, Eva stood up from the bench and started to make her way inside. As she did so, a servant boy intercepted her and announced that the King wanted to see her right away. It was about time. Eva had been in Uru'baen for a week and not once had she had an audience with the King, leading her to wonder what his true intentions were. Every day she would wake up and eat breakfast in her room. Then, she would either walk around in the garden or find a book in the castle's library and read for the day. Usually it was a mixture of both. In the evening, she had dinner in the grand hall with all the other nobles before going up to her room for bed.

There were times when Eva would catch glimpses of her uncle, but since she arrived, she had no quality time with him. She noticed how the king kept him busy, making her feel very uneasy. Upon arrived she had the notion that she would be with her uncle the whole time, but that was not the case at all. After taking a moment to gather her courage, she followed the servant to the throne room. A guard opened the door and the servant left. She saw the king sitting in his chair at the end of the room and slowly stepped forward.

"Eva, how nice to see you." The King smiled at her. "Please do not be shy, come forward some more."

Eva was standing about ten feet away from him and stepped forward another five, daring to go no further. She then curtsied. "You're highness. You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, but first, how do you like it here? This is your first time at court, isn't it?"

"It is. You have beautiful gardens here and I've been spending most of my time in them. The fresh air is quite invigorating." She did not want to sound negative at all.

However, the king looked displeased. "Have you made any friends since you arrived?"

Since the answer was no, she said nothing back. Instead, she just shook her head.

"Hmm. I may have to change that." Galbatorix paused for a moment, and then said, "Well, there is no need to keep you waiting any longer; I am sure you want to know why I wanted to see you. Several months ago, I learned that there is a new Dragon Rider by the name of Eragon and then, recently, I discovered that he was from Carvahall. My question is this: how familiar are you with this boy?"

Eva gulped. The King already knew about Eragon's secret, but how? She concluded that he had spies everywhere and had to come up with a true, but vague answer. Lying to the king was extremely difficult. "I know of him, if that is what you are asking. He grew up on a farm ten miles away from the village."

"Interesting." Galbatorix put his hands together and raised them to his lips as he gazed sharply at her. "Anything else you wish to tell me?"

"I'm not sure what else you want to know." She had the urge to fiddle with her dress, but she restrained.

The king let out a breath and lowered his hands after he had scrutinized the young woman. "You disappoint me, Eva."

"I'm sorry, your highness." She didn't know what to say, so she apologized.

"Oh, you should not feel bad for me; you should feel bad for yourself. I did not want to do this the hard way." Galbatroix stood up and walked towards her. Eva stiffened, trying not to panic as he approached. His finger hooked under her chin making her stare forcefully into his emerald eyes. Her heart raced and she began to quiver. Suddenly, the king began to chuckle. He let go of the woman and stepped back.

"What is it?" This time, she did play with the folds of her dress.

"You. You're so pitiful that it's ridiculous. I can read you as plain as day and you insist to act ignorant."

"What are you going to do to me then?"

"Not much, I assure you. I want Eragon and you are going to help me bring him here. After all, you are his lover; how can he resist you?" Galbatorix snarled.

There was no use continuing her feigned ignorance, so she boldly said, "No. I will not help you."

The king raised his eyebrows. "Do you really think it wise to defy me?"

Eva swallowed hard. "Of course not, but I cannot defy my heart either."

"Interesting." That's all the king said before he approached her again with a sly look.

"What is?"


"Love?" Eva asked, quizzically.

"Aren't you scared of me?" Galbatorix was staring deep into her eyes once more.

She nodded, "Yes…"

"Yet you still deny my request?"


"Then there is only one thing I can do since you will not willingly help me." The King grabbed her by the shoulders, making her cry out in pain as his nails dug into her skin. His face drew closer to her ear and he whispered her true name.

Eva instantly collapsed to the ground with her head in her hands, screaming violently. She no longer had free will over her body and mind and the King was making her obey him. She could not defy him no matter how hard she tried. When she could endure no more, Galbatorix retreated back into his own mind. He helped her stand up, wipe her tears, and then sent her to pack. The next day she would travel back to Teirm.