Hey guys sorry for the delay in update! I recently got a new job and then I got a new puppy... wow they take so much work! But my new little guy is adorable and is doing well, his name is Jack and he's a pedigree black Pug! :)

Anyway enjoy the update!

The next morning Harry groaned as he awoke to squawking.

"Hedwig, be quiet!" He moaned, rubbing sleep out his eyes. When the sleep was removed he fluttered his eyes open to be affronted by Hedwig and some black owl hooting at each other through the bars of their cages.

Oh right… Malfoy's owl…

Then the letter came back to him. Snatching a fresh piece of parchment and quill and ink. Better get this over with, he thought.


1pm Hogsmeade, Three Broomsticks… don't be late.

Checking the time Harry saw that this should be enough time for Malfoy to get the letter and to get himself to Hogsmeade. Shoving it in the Owl's direction Harry sent it off with similar instructions to give it straight to Malfoy himself. It hooted imperiously before setting off without a backwards glance.

With the nasty business over with Harry went downstairs to the kitchen, wanting breakfast. Stepping through the door he saw Remus sat, hunched over, a mug of tea clutched in his hands.

"Rough night?" Harry observed, smirking. Remus just laughed lightly.

"You could say that." The man allowed, taking a sip from the steaming cup, "oh last night I heard an owl – heightened hearing- what was that about? It didn't sound like Hedwig." The werewolf enquired lightly. Harry gulped. Did he reveal his correspondence with the Malfoy heir? With a death eater child?

"I… it was a letter from… ermm… Draco Malfoy." Harry relented, his fingers locking together, intertwining with nerves. With his attention caught in Remus leaned forward to gage the truth in Harry's eyes before sighing.

"I trust you know what you're doing Harry… but I urge you to use caution. Intelligence is that there is a plan revolving around the Malfoy boy, and not a happy one." Remus's brow creased in something akin to sorrow as the words left him. To placate him Harry let out a sound of agreement before gathering things for breakfast… today he was getting his sausage and bacon.

12:55 and there Harry stood outside the Three Broomsticks, wrapped tightly in a travelling cloak and scarf, fighting off the bitter cold. Snow threatened to melt and seep through his trainers as he stood pacing from foot to foot. The minutes ticked by slowly.

"Potter… over here" Harry heard the all too familiar voice. Heading in the direction it came from he turned a corner out of view from the public gaze. The figure in front of him had the hood of his cloak up, the cloak itself a very dark green, the brooch a snake. "Well three guesses who this is" Harry thought sarcastically.

"Malfoy…" The head turned left, turned right before the hood came down, revealing the blond hair beneath, sticking up at odd angles, looking rough and in dire need of a comb. The Slytherin looked pale and gaunt, almost ill. The boy really was in need of help…

"Come on Malfoy, I'll apparate us somewhere safe." He said neutrally, holding out his arm a little awkwardly. Without even a questioning glance Draco gripped it and Harry let himself go with a small pop.

The arrived back in Godric's Hollow a few seconds later. Draco immediately let his grip fall, his arms moving to his sides casually as his gaze flicked back and forth, taking in his new surroundings.

"Where are we?" He asked, gesturing lamely around himself. Harry debated telling him; Draco was in far too much contact with Voldemort as it was, he could easily let slip his location.

"How good is your Occlumency Draco?" Harry asked in retaliation.

"Good enough… why?"

"I imagine so… otherwise you'd be dead right about now if our dear friend Tom found out about this. Very well I'll tell you. Godric's Hollow. We're in Godric's Hollow." Harry announced, setting off down the street, his feet trudging into the snow, compacting it with a crunch.

"Woah, Potter! Wait! Are you joking, Godric's Hollow? What the hell are you thinking?!" Draco bellowed, running to grab Harry's wrist, jerking him back to face him.

"Yes, Godric's Hollow. No, I'm not joking. I'm thinking that you're being a git. Just shut up and follow me. I need to show you something before we begin." Harry pressed out before yanking his hand back, picking up his pace again, not bothering to see if Draco was keeping up.

The young Gryffindor found himself back to the graveyard with barely an upward glance. The direction already ingrained in him. He pushed open the gate resolutely, never slowing his step. He didn't stop until he was once again in front of the graves of his parents. The white lily still slumbered there, resting gently against the headstone. He pointed at the graves while turning to face Malfoy, his face giving nothing away.

"Take a look Draco. Take a look at the results of war." He demanded calmly. Draco raised an eyebrow before casting his eyes downward to the graves in question. He seemed to read over the inscriptions before he muttered outloud.

"The last enemy to be destroyed is death…"

"Yeah… I still don't know what that means…" Harry admitted.

"Shall I tell you?" Draco offered, but didn't seem to stop for a reply for he carried on immediately, "It means that all your life you have enemies to fight, even at times yourself… life is a constant uphill battle, problems to face at every turn. The final problem every person must face? Dying. Acceptance of that death. It means, Potter, that no one needs to be afraid of dying, there is nothing there any worse than here." Harry listened intently before smiling softly.

"I think that's the most sense you've spoken in the entire 5 and a half years I've known you." Draco scoffed.

"Please, Potter, I'm not an imbecile. I am, despite what you think, well-educated and do have a brain."

"I know you have a brain Malfoy… you have rare moments of brilliance I'm sure." Harry smirked before he sobered and asked quietly. "Do you fear death, Draco?" The boy before Harry seemed to roll the question around in his head for a while before answering.

"No. I've been around death enough to know there is thing to be scared about. I'm more afraid of the method of my passing…" The meaning behind his words was clear.


"DON'T say his name! Christ, Potter, haven't you learnt anything?!" Came a hurried rebuke. Harry let out a huff.

"Fine… TOM… is twisted and polluted and will never know love. He DOES fear death, for everything he has done will be waiting for him there, ready for revenge. He killed his own damn family Draco. He plays a very crooked, but clever game. He uses people and when they are no longer of use they won't stand a chance. So Draco… it seems you must for the time being, remain useful to your master" Harry's mouth contorted at the word, "and I'll remain Dumbledore's golden boy for a while longer."

"You dislike the old codger?" Draco enquired.

"His heart's in the right place for sure. He does I think however have too much power. Yet he earned that power fair and square Draco Malfoy, and don't you forget it. There's a reason Vol… Riddle fears him. There's a reason he avoids a duel with him at all costs. He's not an easy man to kill for sure." Harry conceded but frowned at the look that passed over the other wizard's face. It was almost… guilty? Repentant?

"What is he planning Malfoy…?" Harry's tone was low, clipped, leaving no room for avoiding the question.

"I can't say." The reply was equally clipped, equally emotionless.

"Tell me, NOW." The Gryffindor ground out.

"Don't make me." Draco whispered, pleading. Harry's face immediately softened, losing the hardness in his eyes and the steel tone in his voice.

"So the order are right in their suspicions … he has given you a mission. I pray you know what you're doing Malfoy, for all of us." Seeing Draco would not relent and give up the information Harry wanted he turned back to the graves.

"Can we just focus on the damn Patronus? I need to master it or I'll be next on the chopping block" Draco demanded. Harry simply nodded but pointed back to the graves again.

"Just remember Draco… every action you take, every choice you make, has consequences." With that he turned back around, heading out the cemetery towards an abandoned park. He took up residence on a swing while Draco looked around after joining him.

"So," Harry began after a minute or two, "Ye Olde Patronus. Show me what you got."

"Wait, what about the trace? We can't use magic." Draco pointed out.

"The Ministry don't bother with that during the Christmas holidays, it's too short a period. We're still classed as being in term time at school so it doesn't matter. Surely you knew this?" Harry queried, a small frown evident on his face.

"In case you didn't notice, Potter, I was kind of raised in a pure blood household to a pair of parents who are… neglectful at best. I was passed off from tutor to tutor until Hogwarts. The trace never really came up in conversations…" Malfoy retorted while pulling out his wand. Harry didn't grace the outburst with an answer, merely gestured to perform the spell. Seconds later the familiar silver smoke of a patronus burst from Malfoy's wand tip, twisting, merging to almost form something distinguishable.

"Better, much better." Harry allowed before pulling out his own wand, uttering the same words that just left Malfoy's. The stag trotted to Malfoy's side, as if to see if he was a threat. It apparently deemed him safe as it bowed it's head.

"Tell me Draco, what animal would you say describes you the best?"

"A Snake." Draco automatically answered, unwavering. Harry couldn't help doubling over on the swing in fits of laughter.

"Of course of course!" He got out through chuckles, "Draco… I don't meant to sound presumptuous but just because you're in slytherin, doesn't mean you're a snake at heart. No I would say you're more… an eagle. Noble, honourable and everything that screams 'Malfoy' but lately I've seen a new side to you. One that cares. Eagles care for their young you know? Yes, I think an eagle would suit you well." Harry finished with a shrug, throwing the proverbially ball into the other boy's court. He disconnected his Patronus and Draco seemed to stare after it, as if in deep contemplation.

"Maybe you're right." Draco murmured, "But what does this have to do with a Patronus?"

"Well I'm thinking, most people won't find out their true animal until they cast a corporeal patronus the first time but with you… you're conflicted, you don't know really who you're meant to me. In short, you're confusing it. Try something for me: concentrate on an eagle as you cast the spell, think of the silver vapour turning into one. See what happens. Show me some Malfoy stubbornness and will that damn patronus to make itself known." Harry advised while pushing on the swing lightly.

Going for attempt number two of the day Draco raised his wand, gripping it tightly and closed his eyes.

"Expecto Patronum"


"Draco, open your eyes" Harry advised, his tone one of curiosity. Draco did as asked to find, as predicted by Harry, an eagle, flying around him in circles, it's wings fluttered gracefully in even strokes before pulling up tight, landing on Draco's shoulder. It's beak rested on Draco's head, as if happily resting, planning to fall asleep. Draco couldn't help but laugh and sigh in relief at the same time.

"I did it!" He crowed happily, his eyes never leaving the bird.

"Congratulations Malfoy…" Harry barely stopped the tinge of sadness lacing the words. Now Draco didn't need him anymore, things would go back to how they were. Another problem with Eagles… they were loners. "I'll be off now" Harry murmured, raising from the swing, leaving the boy alone with his success.

"Wait!" Harry turned back briefly as requested.

"What more do you require form me Draco?" Harry asked neutrally. The suddenly clipped tone pulled Malfoy up short, his mouth open as if about to say something. Finally after a few seconds he spoke.

"Thank you" He murmured, a small smile on his features. Harry smiled sadly back.

"Any time Draco. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go. Just apparate yourself back to Hogwarts, I know you passed your test so can apparate alone." Without giving him time to reply Harry took off back to Remus's house.

Harry couldn't help but feel alone…

He needed Ron and Hermione.