Hey, hey, my Lovelies!

So ... this is just something to get me into the swing of writing again. I've had tremendous writers' block, it isn't even funny, so hopefully, this will get my muse working again. I find myself wanting to update, but unable to produce :( Except for this little two-shot! It's been in my head for a while so I decided to get it out of the way!

Hope you all enjoy a little Seth and Jacob! Things get steamy in this two shot!

Word Count: 5,440

Beta: None. All mistakes are mine. Apologies in advance!

Disclaimer: I don't own. I only play!

Without further ado … Enjoy!


Chapter One



Late Friday Night

December 31st



New Year's Eve was a day of joyous celebrations … for most people.

The passage of one year into the next; a symbol of new beginnings and change.

There was a select few—those like Jacob Black—who only suffered from loneliness, heartache and painful nostalgia. That wasn't by choice; as if anyone would choose that for themselves. It was a new development for Jacob, one that left a bitter tinge in his mouth and mind whenever he spoke or thought about it. Alas, it was all he could think about.

No—if Jacob had his way, and he usually did, he'd have been hosting a New Year's party of his own with his husband standing alongside him as they mingled with their guests. he most certainly wouldn't be sitting in a random bar, god knows how long until midnight, drowning away his sorrows in Heineken and double shots of whiskey.

Party-goers schmoozed and celebrated around him, but he was lost in his own miserable world, wallowing in his self-pity and tortured thoughts. It was there, in his lost world, where he waited for the clock to strike twelve, signalling the transition from 2021 to 2022.

It was hard for Jacob to see so many people happy when he hadn't felt so low in his entire life in that very moment. His life had been so happy at one stage, but since then—the fall of his marriage—all life brought Jacob was a whole lot of heart-wrenching pain and bitter changes.

Sure, there were some aspects of his life—two to be exact—that brought sunshine into his cloudy days, but everything else hung over him like a nasty grey rain cloud. The last twelve months had been hard, but not as hard as today was.

December thirty-first would have marked an important milestone in Jacob's thirty-one year life. For most people, ten years of marriage only came once in a lifetime, and now, because of circumstances that were way beyond Jacob's control or comprehension, he'd never experience it either. His heart was still attempting to grieve and heal from that fact, but it was proving extremely difficult.

Jacob was only vaguely aware of the people socialising around him, talking and laughing as if to taunt his foul mood. He ordered the bartender to keep his double whiskeys and Heineken beers coming alternatively throughout the night, charging it to his already substantial tab. It wasn't like he couldn't afford it.

The 'tender had humoured the idea of refusing Jacob, to say that he'd had enough and was cutting him off, but even he could see how damn right powerful Jacob was in his tailor-made Armani suit, large, expensive wrist watch and thick, genuine leather wallet that was just sat right there on the bar, as if daring someone to snatch it but with an undertone that said 'and see what happens, fucker'.

The 'tender could see the impressive strength suppressed in the thick, coiled muscles beneath his flawless russet skin, as well as the dark, dangerous glint deep in his obsidian eyes glowering down at the empty tumbler in his hands.

Needless to say, he did as he was told.

The 'tender, his name was Paul, slid a Heineken beer towards the older man, who didn't even acknowledge the movement other than to reach out to grasp the cold, green, glass bottle. Curiosity struck Paul though as he saw the thin, lighter-skinned indent of a wedding band on Jacob's finger, as if it hadn't been vacant for very long.

Jacob would reason that when a person wears a wedding ring for nigh on ten years, but then it was suddenly torn away, it would take a long time for the indent to heal, both literally and figuratively.

He couldn't wait for this phase of grief and heartache to be done with so that he could move on and get on with his life without Brady's face taunting him in his dreams. At this point, he didn't think it would ever pass.


No one could deny that Seth was dressed to impress tonight. His firm, spank-able tush was encased in tight, black leather pants while his muscles were showcased beneath the grey shirt Bella had forced him into. He loathed shirts, but he indulged his childhood best friend.

They, Seth and his friends, finally settled at their friend Paul's club, Eclipse, after a long night of club hopping. It was eleven-thirty so they weren't the only ones to have settled in the quirky nightclub. They decided to celebrate in style, being driven around the Seattle night life in a stretch limo that Alice insisted they rent out for the night. Seth, honestly, thought it was a little overkill, at least for his tastes, but he was having fun so wasn't about to say anything.

"Seriously, Seth, you totally need to get laid tonight! You've been working way too hard and haven't had any since you and Jared split eight months ago. If you don't find a nice, buff guy to tap that ass, you'll end up raping Collin in one of your law lectures, and then where would you be? A wannabe lawyer with a statutory rape felony, that's where!" Alice insisted from her corner seat in their designated booth.

Seth blushed at the insinuation. "I would not rape him! God, Ali, that's awful! "

"You'll be desperate enough to!" Bella joined in teasing her best friend, laughing loudly with the evil pixie.

"You guys suck! Just because you, Bella, are a slut for Paul and you, Alice, are Jasper's sex slave, doesn't mean you guys can rub it in a guy's face!" Seth whined, glaring at the two girls.

Eric and Ben, who made up their five person group, both laughed at their friend's distress. Ben leaned over and clapped his hand down on Seth's shoulder, looking mirthful.

"If you'd just lower your standards a little, I think there's a male prostitute working over there. I'm sure he'll give you a night of hot, steamy sex for a price," he teased, making Seth gape at him in shock before slapping him on the arm.

"I can't believe you just said that!" Seth exclaimed, flabbergasted and blushing his pretty boy face off.

The entire table laughed. Loudly. Drawing attention that made Seth duck his head just a little bit.

"Oh, come on, Sethy, you need to lighten up! All that law work is messy with your head!" Eric shouted.

Seth couldn't deny that fact. He wasn't usually one to go out and drink, or at least drink with the intentions of getting absolutely wasted, but tonight had been a special occasion. Besides, he really did need the distraction from all the law work he was swamped with. It was hard and almost an unmanageable amount of work, but it was challenging. It kept him on his toes, so therefore he loved it.

"So hey, Bella, how's that baby-sitter gig going? You got a big paycheck from Mr. Scrumptious this time, right?" Eric asked, thankfully taking the attention from Seth for the time being.

His eyes roamed the floor and bar as she told them about her not-so-new-now job. She got some gig with this big, famous lawyer, babysitting his kids pretty much every day during the week so he could continue being kick-ass at his job. It paid well, she was saying, and didn't conflict with her nighttime college schedule, but Seth didn't really hear much else after that.

Everything—Bella, his friends' laughter, the loud bass music booming through the whole club, his own rapid heartbeat—all of it faded away as his eyes stared in awe at a large, muscular heartthrob seated at the bar, his posture slumped as if protecting himself from the world.

Seth's eyes roamed over his form, noting the tightness of the silvery/grey suit he was rocking, where his muscles bulged. Seth was pretty sure that sexy get-up was more expensive than his car insurance, tax and the ridiculous amounts of money he pumped into it every month put together.

Even from afar, Seth could feel the powerful, dominant presence the man held over the people surrounding him, even if he looked completely lost to his own mind. It was natural, instinctive.

There was something about him, other than his flawless appearance, that caught Seth's attention, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He knew one thing for sure though, the sexy businessman drowning his sorrows away at the bar was the most beautiful man he'd ever seen.

Seth felt the sudden urge to get a closer look at this man.

He quickly turned back to the table and, cutting Bella off mid-sentence as he asked, "You guys ready for another round?"

They clearly wasn't, but Seth continued on in a rush anyway, "Awesome! My round!"

And then he was gone, out of his seat in a flash and making his way determinedly towards the bar. He could feel the speculative gaze of his friends on his back, but he didn't look back.

Instead, his eyes were riveted on the sexy stranger, who now took long pulls from a Heineken beer bottle. Seth felt his cock stir in his pants as he covertly watched the man's Adam's apple bob with the swallow.

Oh, what I wouldn't give to nibble on that! Seth groaned internally.

Now that he was closer, Seth could see the man's profile in the low lighting overhead.

What he saw pleased him greatly.

A strong, squared jaw; its muscles jumping steadily in agitation. Plump, soft-looking lips that moulded to the rim of his green beer bottle, enticing a low moan that was thankfully swallowed by the loud base of the club. Long eyelashes. Dark, flawless, russet skin—Native American he was then; Leah would approve.

His hands … Jesus Christ, his hands …

Those large, veined hands were what caught Seth's attention in that moment. He couldn't help imagining them pumping him to release or, oh God, them squeezing his ass cheeks as they pulled me onto his big, engorged co—

"Hey, I wouldn't bother if I were you," Paul suddenly cut through his hazed reverie, chuckling darkly.

Seth's eyes cut to his close friend—and Bella's boyfriend. He was dressed to kill, as always as was required for the bartender image, a smirk tugging at his mouth as he caught his girl's best friend checking out the dark and mysterious stranger.

Seth's eyes widened when he also realised he'd been caught, cheeks darkening as he smiled sheepishly. He asked cautiously, "What do you mean?"

Did Paul know this guy?

"Haven't had a word from him all night. Came in around six. Hasn't moved since," Paul explained vaguely with a nonchalant shrug. He picked up a glass and began wiping it with a cloth. "Racked up quite the tab, let me tell you."

Seth cocked a speculative eyebrow and couldn't resist glancing at the man again. A thrill shot through him as he met a pair of dark obsidian eyes, but his heart plummeted when he realised this man wasn't really looking at him, but through him. His eyes were so glazed, no doubt from the alcohol, that Seth doubted he could see past his own nose.

Paul chuckled for only Seth's ears at his friend's expression. Seth glanced down briefly in embarrassment but wasn't able to keep his eyes anywhere but this beautiful man.

But then he turned away. The indifference struck a painful cord in Seth, the reason unknown to him.

"I admit, he's fuck-hot, and fucking loaded, but he's a shifty fucker. He's completely in his own world," Paul told him. "Actually, he's been a regular in here over the last few months. I don't know what his deal is—he's usually quite."

Seth nodded in distracted understanding as his gaze bore into Mr. Business, hoping to figure out the man behind the hard face and alcohol-induced haze. Why was he there? Why was he drinking in sorrow instead of celebration tonight of all nights? The longer he looked, the more Seth became frustrated because there was no way in hell that he would be able to figure this man out.

The man was a mystery, and Seth would be lying miserably if he'd said he didn't love a good mystery. Mr. Business' whole persona screamed enigma and danger, and Seth longed to unravel it for his inspection.

Or, of course, he would settle with just unravelling the man from his clothes to see the immaculate body hiding beneath with his own hungry eyes. Seth couldn't remember a time when he wanted another so damn much. Mr. Business almost had him losing it, and he hasn't even said a single word to him.

"So what can I get you?" Paul asked after a few more minutes. "Another usual round?"

Seth looked back to Paul, albeit reluctantly, to place his order. The others would get suspicious if he returned without the alcohol, and then the questions would be relentless. Seth couldn't be sure why, but he wanted to keep this man to himself, away from his friends.

Seth ordered a round of tequila shots, various other alcoholic beverages for the others and a bottle of Budweiser for himself. He added it to their tab and waited patiently for Paul to get them together on a silver tray.

He tried not to, but Seth found his gaze gravitating towards Mr. Business again.

As his eyes met a pair of obsidian orbs, it took him a second or two to realise that they were, in fact, in focus this time and that the sexy man was looking right at him. His eyes widened in shock as a chronic blush spread across his whole face and neck. Snapping his gaze away, Seth couldn't believe he'd been caught blatantly staring at a stranger. How rude could he get?

As it was, Paul seemed to be taking an abnormal amount of time getting their drinks together, and it was entirely too much time for Seth to be idling around the bar with nothing to do but wait. It was impossible to keep his attention away from someone who was still staring at him. Before he could stop himself, he glanced over.

Their eyes caught again and somehow, Seth just couldn't look away a second time.

The younger man's mouth ran dry as he shifted from foot to foot. Mr. Business' gaze was predatory, hungrier than Seth had ever seen staring back at him. His cock swelled, filling his leather pants almost painfully as his desire for the man tripled—quadrupled.

Holding his gaze still, Mr. Business lifted his beer bottle to his lips and took a long pull. Seth tried to swallow passed the large lump in his throat, trying not to imagine the rim of that damned Heineken bottle as the head of his cock … or another rim entirely.

Try as he might, it was hopeless.

Seth was so screwed.

He almost came in his pants as the man's pink tongue slithered out to lick his full bottom lip. Subconsciously, Seth's tongue snaked out as well, mimicking the action and drawing Mr. Business' gaze to his mouth. He smirked, pleased with the reaction he'd elicited from the younger man. Seth hadn't seen anything God damned sexier.

When their eyes met again, Seth felt something entirely different swirl in the pit of his stomach. The passion, desire and longing were still bubbling at the very bottom, like a lava pit waiting to explode, but Seth couldn't deny a baser … connection he felt towards the man. There was a measure of care and worry that Seth hadn't expected, or ever felt towards a complete stranger. Which he was—a stranger—Seth didn't even know his name.

And then Seth saw the impossible—Mr. Business gestured meaningfully to the stool beside him with his beer bottle before taking another long pull.

Seth hadn't been more conflicted in his life—he wanted more than anything to sit down and get to know at least the man's name, but he didn't want to abandon his friends so close to midnight either. There was only fifteen minutes before the big final countdown, and Seth wanted to get a dance or two in before then.

So with great reluctance, and shyness, he replied, "I-I'm sorry. I can't. M-my friends are w-waiting for me." Seth cringed at the shake in his voice and prayed that the beautiful man hadn't noticed.

If he had, he didn't acknowledge it as he merely shrugged, like it was no skin off his back, and dropped his gaze back to the brown bar before him. Seth couldn't help but feel frustrated that he'd come with friends and not alone, but also that it almost seemed like a dismissal from Mr. Business. He couldn't figure out why he felt so … hurt by that. Seth must be losing his mind.

In that moment, Paul set the tray of Seth's ordered drinks in front of him on the bar. He barely remembered ordering them, so shaken by the intense interaction with Mr. Business even though he hadn't even said a word to Seth.

With shaking hands, Seth picked up the tray and nodded thanks to Paul, who told him to tell Bella he would be out to her five minutes before for the countdown. He then walked down the bar somewhere.

After one quick glance at Mr. Business, who was glowering at his refreshed tumbler again, Seth left him at the bar and returned to his friends, confused by the sinking, dull feeling in his stomach.

"Seth! Christ, were you fermenting the beer your-damn-self? What took you so long?!" Eric exclaimed as he saw Seth approaching their table.

Each and every one of Seth's friends watched on curiously as he blushed deeply, looking mighty guilty about something. Bella and Alice exchanged a giddy glance, wondering if he'd spotted or spoken to his night's conquest.

"Ooh! Tequila!" Eric squealed in excitement as he spotted the five shot glasses on the tray. "Bottoms up, ladies!"

And with that, he threw the shot back without any of the salt or lemon aids.

Ben scoffed as he picked up his own shot and tossed it back before saying, "You and Seth might fall under that category, Eric, but I'm as straight as they come, might I remind you."

"Aww, don't you want to be one of the girls, Benny?" Eric crooned teasingly as he leaned in close to his friend.

Ben laughed and pushed him away gently, shaking his head as he knew the massive amounts of alcohol his friend had drunk throughout the night were finally catching up on him.

"Guys, there's about fifteen minutes until midnight. Wanna head out to the dancefloor now?" Seth asked, glancing at the crowd in the centre of the club.

"Nah, I'm gonna have this drink and join you for the last song of 2021. Go ahead though, Sethy," Alice encouraged as she sipped her cocktail.

The others sentiments were the same so Seth made his way to the dancefloor by himself. He gently pushed his way through the swaying, jumping, grinding bodies all around him until he was in the centre before surrendering his body to the beat the DJ was playing. The bass pumped in his chest like his very own heartbeat, sweat soon dripping from his forehead as he lost himself.

People bumped and ground against him, but he never had a set dance partner. Everyone was just dancing with each other.

But then a pair of decisive hands grasped his hips and pulled him into a tall, hard body. Seth felt the moan bubble out from his lips as he felt the obvious desire of this new male dancer, grinding his round ass into the engorged cock but made sure to trap the bulge between his globes for added friction. A deep groan in his ear had him doubling his efforts and the hands on his hips tightened. Lips found his neck and sucked, causing his head to flop back instinctively into the man behind him.

He was a panting, sweating mess but was having the time of his life. He's never had such an enthusiastic, aroused dance partner before. He'd had hard ons thrust against his ass before, but Jesus, this man was at full mast, steel-grade. If Seth was hard as fuck back at the bar, he was harder than diamond right there, dancing with the sexy stranger. His hands reached back to grasp the dancer's ass cheeks, pulling him closer to his body and grinding harder.

The pleasure in the pit of his stomach was building, bubbling and fit to burst any second as they continued to move. Seth couldn't believe he was going to be brought to orgasm in the middle of a sweaty, overzealous crowd of dancers. That had never happened to him before.

Suddenly he was turning, his chest crashing hard into his dance partner's. He gasped and moaned as his hands found purchase on the broad shoulders set about level with his eyes. Damn, this guy was tall!

Seth thought he recognised the navy tie against the guy's chest, but his mind was soon blown away as his cock pressed against the bulge in the dancer's pants, creating the most delicious friction, to question it further.

Hands cupped his ass, lifting him completely off the dancefloor as his partner pulled Seth's hips rhythmically into his own. His fingertips pressed insistently at his sweet spot, just behind his sac. All Seth could literally do was hang on for the ride and moan wantonly into the man's ear, his pleasure quickly reaching its pinnacle.

He was commando underneath his leather pants; he fabric was surprisingly soft against his raging erection, stimulated by this stranger's cock. The hands at his backside squeezed in time with the man's thrusts as his mouth descended to his neck, sucking, pulling and nibbling at Seth's willing flesh.

And then he was done; he came hard, harder than ever, in his leather pants, screaming into the man's ear as he lost himself to euphoria. Fists clenched the jet black hair at the back of his neck as Seth was swept away by its intensity.

As he came down from his high, his partner continued to slowly and gently grind himself into Seth, though he set his jello feet back to the ground. He had to hold Seth up, otherwise the younger man would topple to the floor in a messy, euphoric heap at his feet.

As he lifted his head, Seth caught a glimpse of russet skin covering a strong, squared jaw, peppered softly with stubble. Suddenly he froze. The tie … the jaw … Seth's eyes slowly dragged up his partner's neck and shoulder to his face. He gasped as obsidian orbs bore down lustfully into his own, the orbs of the stranger. Mr. Business. Seth thought he just about came again at the realisation.

Not only had he just had his first mind-blowing dance floor orgasm, but the object of his lust and desire had been the one to give it to him, and he didn't even know it at the time! He thought back to Mr. Business' display of raw-power, lifting Seth literally from the floor as he ground him to climax. A shivered coursed through him …

Oh, the things this man could potentially do in a bedroom … or an office … or on any surface available to him! Seth groaned internally.

Lips were at his ear. The scent of manly musk, leather and new parchment bombarded his senses as warm, tantalising breath cascaded down his neck. A shiver ran through him as Mr. Business' tongue snaked out to lick the shell of his ear, causing his knees to buckle. Once again, if his partner hadn't have been holding him up, Seth would have collapsed. Everything was just so intense.

"Outside. Five minutes. I'll be waiting by a cab. Be there," Mr. Business rumbled deeply and huskily into Seth's ear.

"Wh-what? Maybe that's not—I mean, I don't know you—" Seth gasped.

"Be there," Mr. Business cut him off sharply.

Seth's mouth snapped shut as a surge of desire coursed through him at his tone. So fucking sexy!

"Wh-why?" Seth foolishly questioned. He knew exactly what this man wanted.

Mr. Business smirked against Seth's ear, lowering his voice so it barely audible. Seth had to strain his hearing. "Because … I need a nice, strong fuck … and you're the man I want to ravage. I can show you a whole world of pleasure, Pretty Boy. Questions is, can you handle what I have to give?"

Seth whimpered, cocking inflating so fast he nearly passed out. "Oh, God …"

"Think on it. Five minutes. By a cab. Be there," Mr. Business ordered one last time before he vanished, leaving Seth to fend for himself against his weak legs.

Seth could hardly believe the situation he was in.

There he was, standing in the middle of the dance floor with come-filled pants sticking to him in the most uncomfortable ways, a man who could quite possibly be the sexiest man on the planet had asked him—no, commanded him to meet him outside in five minutes so he could take Seth home and ravage him.

Having said that, in five minutes time, there would only be a minute or two before the final countdown, and Seth had wanted to spend that moment with his friends.

Why the fuck was he even thinking about this?!

A fuck-hot, wealthy businessman had just offered him a whole night of mind-blowing sex, and he was dawdling? That was what he needed, and his friend wanted for him—a good lay. Oh, and what a good lay Mr. Business would be! The man certainly seemed to know what he was doing with the extra large baton he had in his pants. That thing was fucking huge, from what Seth felt as they ground together.

Seth didn't realise how much time he'd spent standing idly in the middle of the crowded dance floor, debating on the pros and cons of going home with Mr. Business. Not until Bella crashed into his back suddenly and knocked him out of his stupor, Paul lingering behind her.

"Hey! Just a minute or two and we'll be counting down!" she shouted over the music enthusiastically.

My eyes widened at her implication. Had five minutes passed already?! Fuck!

In that moment, Seth knew that there was nothing else he wanted more than to spend the night in Mr. Business' arms, in his bed. He quickly leaned forward and smashed a kiss to her cheek before turning and pushing his way through the crowd, towards the entrance. He could hear Bella shouting after him but ran into Eric on his way out.

"Hey! Where are you going?! The countdown!" he needlessly reminded Seth as he almost barrelled into him. "Whoa, what the hell? What's wrong?!"

"I need to go! I need—Just trust me! You're getting what you want, what we both want, but he's going to leave I'm not out there two minutes ago!" Seth almost shouted in his desperation.

Eric's eyes widened as it registered what his friend was implying. A wide, Cheshire Cat grin spread across his face before he pushed Seth closer to the door. "Go! Get the fuck out of here! I don't want to see your ugly mug until at least noon tomorrow! Go and get a good, thorough fucking, babe! Fuck yeah!"

Seth laughed heartily at his friend's enthusiasm and finally pushed his way out of the club. He looked around frantically for that bright yellow cab and panicked when he saw a suit-clad form just getting into one. He was leaving! Fuck!

Get a fucking move on, you slow motherfucker! Seth berated himself as he took off at breakneck speed down the street.

"Hey!" he shouted out but Mr. Business didn't hear him; he was just closing the door. Seth upped his speed and managed to grab the door just before it closed, narrowly missing crushing his fingers as he yanked it open, much to the occupant's surprise. "Wait! Fuck! Wait, I'm coming with you!"

Mr. Business climbed back out the cab, but Seth didn't move so he ended up rubbing his chest against Seth's. He moaned softly, his eyes fluttering briefly before craning his neck to meet that dark, obsidian gaze boring down at him.

Still panting from his sprint, Seth said, "I'm coming with you."

"Took your damn time," Mr. Business grunted, eyeing Seth critically.

He then moved away from the cab, gesturing for Seth to get in. He hesitated.

"We're going to your place?" he asked, suddenly nervous.

"Yes. Will that be a problem?"

Seth shook his head vehemently. "No! No, I'll go wherever you want me to," he replied without thinking.

Mr. Business smirked and leaned in closer. "I'd be careful what you say to strangers, Pretty Boy. You don't know the first thing about me. You could be in some deep shit right now. I guess you won't know unless you come with me."

"I'm coming with you," Seth repeated determinedly.

Mr. Business smirked wider and sultrily replied, "Not yet you're not." His tone was deep and husky, but also teasing as it caressed Seth's ears. He whimpered.

Just then, the echo of the countdown in side reached their ears. Mr. Business pulled back slightly and captured Seth's gaze with his intensely. Seth suddenly found his back against the side of the cab. He couldn't move; he could hardly breathe. Every nerve in his body was on fire, hyper aware of the man pressing himself against him.

10 …

9 …

Seth swallowed hard as Mr. Business glanced down at his lips, licking his own.

8 …

7 …

6 …

Seth swiped his tongue across his lips in reaction, feeling a stirring in his groin as Mr. Business' head leaned in closer.

5 …

4 …

A hand. Cupping Seth's cheek as he leaned into it, his eyes never leaving the man's in front of him. The distance between them lessened more and more until Seth could feel the man's breath against his lips, their noses bumping and brushing almost intimately.

3 …

2 …

A brush. Just one infinitesimal brush of his lips against Seth was enough to make him putty in Mr. Business' arms. He melted against the cab, craving more.

1 …


A gasp.

It forced its way out of Seth's chest as lips pressed hard against his own. His eyes rolled at the pure intensity of his New Year's kiss.

A tongue.

It slithered into his parted mouth, drawing a moan from the younger man's throat as he leaned into Mr. Business and wrapped his arms around his neck. It was like nothing he'd ever experienced before. Mr. Business knew exactly what to do with his tongue; he was a flawless kisser and had Seth's mind in a tailspin.

Seth whimpered as his partner pulled away entirely too soon for his liking. He was panting, gasping for air with his arms still securely around his neck. For the fourth time that night, Mr. Business had turned his legs into jello. Thank God the cab was at his back and he'd had his hold on Mr. Business.

His lips still pressed gently to Seth's, Mr. Business whispered, "I'm Jacob Black … and I'm about to blow your mind."

"Too little too late for that, me thinks," Seth replied without thought, giggling incessantly.

The alcohol he'd consumed might be coming to bite him in the ass just a little bit.

He wondered if Jacob Black would bite him in the ass ... Perhaps he should ask him to later?

For the first time in God knows how long, a genuine laugh burst from deep within Jacob's chest.

"You've seen nothing yet, Pretty Boy," he informed him seductively.

Seth shuddered. "Seth. My name is Seth," he whimpered.

"Seth …" he whispered almost reverently. "Get in the cab, Seth. You're wasting precious time here; I could have had you coming for a second- no, a third time already. Get in."

Seth just about died and went to heaven.

He whimpered his okay and clambered into the cab, flustered and completely turned the fuck on. Jacob climbed in after him, tugging on his suit jacket as he settled in the seat next to him. He told the cab driver his address before going silent. Seth's eyes widened at the address, recognising it as one of the best neighbourhoods in the whole of Seattle, and the most expensive.

The whole drive to Jacob's place, Seth couldn't help wondering what he'd truly set himself up for.


Thanks for reading everyone! Drop me some love if you have time :)

Part Two on Friday!

Love MrsWolfPack x