My Love for You Won't Die

Please, enjoy! =D

*Sorry for the bad grammar and tenses*

I'm back XD

Disclaimer : I Do Not Own Gakuen Alice


Mikan sat down on a creamy colored sofa in their spacious living room while huffing and patting her swollen tummy gently. She feels really tired as she was walking around for a whole day, visiting the park and taking care of their 8 years old daughter. With her condition being a 7 months pregnant mother, she easily feels tired or frazzled, and it didn't help that Natsume is always busy with his work so he won't have time to help her with the house chores.

She sighed heavily as she look outside the window which is giving her the view of their own garden where their daughter, Michiko Hyuuga, playing around with butterfly and flowers. A serene and beautiful smile slowly crept to her lips, seeing how happy their daughter is.

'Well, at least I could see her happy all the time.' Mikan thought with soft look on her hazel eyes.

She sigh again, as she stood up, ready to call Michiko to go inside the house when her keen eyes caught some pictures on the frames which are being hanged on the wall near the door which lead to the swimming pool on their backyard.

She chuckled softly, she knows that these pictures were being hanged by Natsume, her arrogant but sweet husband. Her long, delicate fingers were trailing the pictures, reminiscing the beautiful memories one by one.

The first picture is the picture of Natsume and her. Natsume wearing a white suit with red tie which is complimenting his blazing crimson eyes, with his hand wrapped around Mikan's waist who is wearing a beautiful white wedding dress. Both of them looking at each other and laughing freely as the cameraman click his camera to make a long last memoir. She could still remember her best day ever..

"Mikan! Mikan! Hurry up for goodness sake! The priest is here and you still haven't put your dress yet?" Nonoko panicked as she zoomed past the chattering bridesmaids, searching for Mikan's wedding dress in the pile of white dresses. "Where on earth you put it? How come you didn't separate it from other dress?"

Mikan chuckled seeing how frustrated her best friend with her. She put a calming pat on Nonoko's shoulder as she smiled and said, "Relax, Nonoko-chan. Everything's going to be fine. I still have one hour to prepare."

"Are you sure? The priest already here!"

Mikan nodded. "Hotaru told me. She is the head of the organizer, so I trust her that she is right."

Nonoko sighed in relief as she slumped down on the bed beside her, releasing her stress because of Mikan's wedding.

Mikan chuckled again. "I'm sorry Nonoko-chan. I didn't mean to make you panic all over."

"It's fine. It's fine," replied Nonoko, huffing and turning her gaze into Mikan's beautiful hazel orbs. "So, it's finally the wedding huh? I didn't know that the black cat have guts to ask for marriage."

Mikan laughed. "Well, he didn't ask actually, more like demanded me to marry him. So basically speaking, he didn't have the guts to ask, but he indeed has guts to command me."

Hearing Mikan's statement, Nonoko follows the brunette happy laugh. "I should know that, seeing that his pride is so high."

Mikan just nodded and smiled.

"How is your feeling right now?"

"Jumpy, happy, nervous, all in one and mixed up, I guess," answered Mikan, fiddling with her manicured fingers. "I'm afraid that the wedding won't turn up good. Who knows what will happen on the wedding of the two most powerful Alice users?"

Nonoko hugged her worried best friend. "Don't worry, this is your happiest day ever right? No one would dare to ruin Mikan Sakura's happy day."

Mikan smiled and hugged her back. "Yeah, you are right."

"Better start preparing Mikan. It's only 30 minutes left."


Nonoko helped Mikan with her dress and fixed her make up and hair because it's a little bit messed up because all of the hugging and etc.

"Mikan? Are you ready?" A violet eyed girl with shoulder length raven hair popped into her room.

"Hotaru! Yeah, I'm ready. How do I look?" asked Mikan, twirling with her wedding dress.

"You look beautiful," replied Hotaru, emotionlessly as she put on Mikan's veil.

Mikan pouted. "You complimented me for the first time ever, but why did it sound like you didn't mean it."

Hotaru sighed. "Just get out there and step down the aisle, Mikan. Hyuuga is waiting for you."

"Mou, Hotaru is a meanie." Mikan looked down and pulled up her long dress as she walked out from the room.

"You look beautiful, Mikan."

Mikan looked back and saw Hotaru with a small smile etched on her glossy lips.

Mikan grinned happily. "Thank you so much."

"Hurry up, baka."

Mikan nodded and went out with a happy smile gracing her luscious lips.

"Mikan.. are you ready?" asked Izumi, who is wearing a black suit, looking handsome with glittering blue eyes and boyish smile.

"Yes, father." Mikan beamed at him.

They are standing before the big double oak door which is closed for now. Mikan took a deep breath, calming her nervous system as the wedding march being played, cueing for the door to be opened and her, walking to the altar with her father on her side.

The door opened without a noise, showing a long red carpeted way in front of her. On the left and right side, her friends, teachers, relatives, neighbors were standing with expectant look and smile on their faces. She quickly scanned the crowd, recognizing nearly all of them. She took a deep breath once more, before focusing her eyes on the altar where her husband to be was waiting.

Crimson eyes and hazel eyes were clashing, and Mikan feel happiness flowing inside her as soon as she saw Natsume. He is wearing a classy white suit with a dark crimson tie. His broad shoulder and muscled arms could be seen clearly, even from Mikan's place. His usually messy hair being gelled back, creating a classy look. But still, his rebel looks didn't waver as a few strands of raven hair falling on his forehead, reaching his rare crimson eyes, which is looking intently at her right know. His lips forming a small smile, a true one which makes Mikan's stomach flipping over seeing how handsome he is.

Slowly, the father and daughter started to walk on the red carpet gracefully, following the rhythm of the wedding march.

Natsume couldn't hold back his surprise gasp, as soon as he saw Mikan from the other side of the room. He couldn't see her face clearly because of the veil, but he is sure that she is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. The wedding dress clung into her like a gloves, showing every curves she has. It was elegantly flowing like a white river to her back, which is being held by Nonoko.

She is carefully and gracefully walking to his side, making him awed by how beautiful his bride is. But of course he would never admit it in his life. If they aren't in this position, without spectators and priest on his left, he would run to her, scoop her up and kiss her senseless. But it must wait for later.

Izumi slowly put his daughter hand on Natsume's waiting hand.

"Take a good care of her, Natsume. Don't disappoint me," said Izumi softly, staring at his son in law with piercing blue eyes.

"I will, father. Don't worry. I won't let anything happen to her," replied Natsume, in the same soft voice but Izumi can sense a strong resolve in it.

Izumi nodded and gave a loving kiss on Mikan's forehead. "Stay strong and always support Natsume, okay?"

"Thank you, Dad." Mikan smiled.

Izumi smiled back as he turn around and walked back to where his wife seated.

The wedding runs smoothly as the priest commence the vows and the happy couple says 'I do' to each other while staring like they have the whole world only for the two of them. They exchange the ring and when the priest says, 'I pronounced you as a husband and wife. You may kiss.' Natsume quickly scoop his new wife and kissed her like there is no tomorrow.

Mikan smiled and kissed back seeing his enthusiasm, but after a while, she pulled back and hit her new husband lightly.

"Ow, what was that for, little girl?"

"We are in a public. Kissing like that can wait until we are in bedroom," said Mikan, her hazel eyes twinkling mischievously.

Natsume smirked and wrapped his arms around Mikan's waist. "You naughty little girl."

And that's where the cameraman took the moment of the photo.

Mikan's fingers continue to trail the photos. On one photo was her with a winter clothing, holding a bouquet of white flowers which given by Natsume but she didn't know until now what kind of flower it is, while smiling brightly with snow falling around her. The next one is both of them grinning under the Eiffel tower, where Natsume took her for their honeymoon. Beside it, there is a photo of their big family, Yukihira's and Hyuuga's. They are having a big feast to celebrated the newly weds. She continues to smiled as the memory pass in her head, she keep walking slowly while trailing her fingers on each photo.

She finally stopped at the last photo, the photo which has a white background. In the photo there were Natsume, smirking while looking down with a gentle look and then her, on the right side, beaming brightly to the camera, and last one in the middle of the happy couple was their bundle of joy, Michiko Hyuuga, who is grinning mischievously, showing her baby teeth.

She could still remember the chaotic situation she make when she was giving birth to their first daughter..

"Mikan, are you okay? You look pale." Ruka frowned seeing the sickly look of the brunette.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just having a stomached and some headache because of the pregnancy." Mikan smiled weakly at him.

That day, Ruka was looking after her based on Natsume's and Hotaru's request. She is on her 9 months and Natsume afraid that she would go into labor while he was on his work, so he asks his best friend to look after his pregnant wife. About Hotaru, well let's just say that she is worried with the bad condition of her best friend. She knows that Mikan is having a hard time on her pregnancy, and it's affecting her health quite bad. Hotaru knows that behind all the cheery smile and happy go lucky attitude, Mikan is suffering.

From the childhood days, Mikan always has a weak body. So Hotaru – although she didn't show it – always worried over her as she was afraid that the worst thing could happen if Mikan's body couldn't cope up with the pregnancy.

Until now, Mikan is doing quite well, although there is still a few times of her collapsing and ended up in the hospital, the doctor said that the baby in her tummy is growing up well.

"Do you want to go to the doctor?" Ruka asked again. He couldn't help but feel worry too over Mikan as he helped her to sit down on one of the sofas.

Mikan shook her head. "No. I'm fine Ruka."

"Okay then if you say so."

Not long after that, Mikan started coughing violently until there is blood coming out from her lungs. She was writhing in pain, clutching her swollen stomach with her left hand while her right hand covering her mouth.

"You must go to the doctor with me, Mikan." Ruka said in panicked. He quickly fished out his phone and dialed Natsume's number.

He answered on the first ring.


"Natsume! You must go right now. Mikan isn't doing well, she is started to coughing up blood. I'm bringing her to the hospital."

"I'll be there in a few minutes." Natsume replied, ending the call.

Ruka carefully picked Mikan up and brought her to his car. He started the engine and call up his fiancé while driving to the hospital.

"Hotaru? Come to the hospital quickly. Mikan's condition is bad." Ruka said as soon as she picks up her phone.

"Wait for me." Hotaru answered shortly and closed the phone.

Ruka stops at the emergency stop and brought out Mikan who is still coughing although she is not coughing blood anymore.

The nurse who stands by there quickly brought out stretcher and asked Ruka to put Mikan there. As soon as Mikan was being laid there, the nurse ran inside while pushing the stretcher carefully.

"Please call doctor, Haruka-san. Hurry." The nurse said to other nurse who stood there. "I'm going to bring this patient to ER number 7."

"Okay." The nurse, Haruka, quickly ran away searching for doctor.

"Is she going to be alright?" asked Ruka who ran beside the nurse.

The nurse smiled reassuringly. "Yes, she is. But we need quick handling or it will be too late. Because by the look of her, it looks like she has internal bleeding."

"Where is she? Where is she?"

Ruka looked behind him and saw Natsume running through the door like being chased by a mad dog. His raven hair tousled messily and his crimson eyes frantically searching for his beloved wife.

"Over here, Natsume!" Ruka called.

Natsume quickly shifted his focus on Ruka and approach him. "Is she alright?"

"She has internal bleeding, but if handled well, she will going to be alright."

"Where is she right now?"

"ER number 7. The doctor and nurses have already handled her. We should wait in the waiting room."

"Excuse me, is this Mikan Hyuuga relative or husband or friends perhaps?" asked a blonde haired nurse, holding a stack of paper in her right hand.

"Yes, I am her husband." Natsume answered with the usual emotionless look of his.

"Your wife is going into labor right now, do you want to go in?"


"Please follow me."

The nurse walked through the busy hallway leading Natsume left and right, until they arrive in front of a big white double door which has number 7 on the upper side of the door.

"Please change your clothes and wear mask and gloves before going in, Mr. Hyuuga. The changing room is right there." The nurse pointed at the corner side of the hall.

After changing his clothes into the sterilized one, he quickly goes in, only to be met up with painful cry of his wife and the shout of doctor instructing one of the nurses to grab some equipment to who-knows-what for.

Natsume ran to Mikan's side, grabbing her cold hand and scanning her red and sweaty face. Her hazel orbs looked glazed, like she couldn't focus on something, and she looked like she is struggling to keep her consciousness.

"Doctor, what if she faint?" asked Natsume, his voice calm and deep, not showing the turbulence he was having in his mind.

The doctor glanced at Natsume. "If she fainted, then we must go to the Caesar method to bring out the baby."

"Mikan, could you hear me? Hold on. Okay? I'm right beside you. You can do it."

Mikan's eyes looked dilated for a while, like searching for Natsume's face after hearing his voice. Slowly, Natsume's face looks clear in her vision and her hazel eyes softened at the sight of her beloved man. She managed to give out a weak smile and whispered an unclear "I'm okay".

Natsume's eyes cleary shows worry and mixed up emotions, but he hold his gaze into Mikan's brown ones. "I know that you are strong," replied Natsume, smiling softly.

Mikan laughed weakly, following with that, a coughing fit.

"Please don't make your wife suffered with another coughs, . Her condition is already dangerous enough." The doctor said while frowning.

"Sorry, sweetheart."

Mikan nodded and gave out a little smile again. But the smile didn't last long, as her body started to shake again and her face twisted in pain.

"Looks like the baby is ready to go out," said the doctor.

"Just hold on to me," whispered Natsume, watching his wife wincing in pain.

"Push Mrs. Hyuuga," instructed the doctor.

Mikan push with all her might, and her body seems just contracted again. She tried to hold back the pain, but it's futile as a painful scream could be heard throughout the room.

Mikan nearly crushed Natsume's hand because of the pain, but Natsume didn't feel it, as he was to absorbed with the worry and concern to the pain his wife feeling.

A few hours later…

A loud cry broke the silence which hovering the laboring room, giving happy smiles to the new young parents.

"Good job on delivering our baby to this world, Mikan," said Natsume softly, giving a loving peck on her lips while wiping away the sweats on his wife's face, gently.

Mikan, although looking tired and weary, she could still managed to give out a happy smile on her lips and held out her hands, wanting to hold her new born baby. Her brown eyes flickered with joy and eagerness, as she is trembling because of the after effect of laboring.

"Congratulations, Mr and Mrs. Hyuuga. It's a baby girl." The doctor smiled to the happy parents as he gives the white bundle to them.

Mikan cradled her new born baby carefully, looking at her with tears of happiness pooling on the edge her eyes.

As soon as the baby arrived at its mother hands, she quickly stopped crying. She looked at them with confuse look, but at the same time happiness could be seen on her big, round, crimson eyes.

"She looks just like you," said Natsume, caressing the baby's cheeks gently.

"Yes, but look, she has your hair and your eyes," replied Mikan, playing with a tuff of raven hair on her baby.

"So.. have you thought up the name?" asked Natsume, small smile still gracing on his lips.

"Michiko. I would name her Michiko Hyuuga."

"Hey, what are you doing?" asked a husky voice, interrupted her flashbacks, as a strong, muscled hand wrapped around her waist.

Mikan jolted in surprise, the picture in her hand nearly fall if she didn't have a good reflex. "Natsume! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Natsume chuckled lightly. "Well, it's your fault for spacing out."

Mikan pouted. "I'm just recalling the memories from these photos."

Natsume smirked. "So, what are you recalled back just now?"

"Hmm.. I think it's when I go to labor." She answered softly, patting her swollen tummy.

Natsume frowned. His face has a dark look. "I didn't like that memory though. Your condition is bad. You nearly passed away if the doctor isn't good."

"Well, the most important thing is that Michiko delivered safely to this world, and I'm still as healthy as ever." Mikan beamed brightly to her husband.

Natsume give a chaste kiss on Mikan's lips. "Yeah, you are right. But you nearly have me on a heart attack."

Mikan lifted one of her eyebrows in sarcastic manner. "So, just now is a payback huh?"

Natsume laughed. "Of course not. It's just I want to tease you."

"Baka Natsume!" Mikan smacked his hand none too lightly.

Natsume scooped up Mikan in a lightning speed, making her scream in surprise, making Michiko stopped playing outside, hearing her mother's scream. She quickly ran inside to see what's wrong.

"Mom, what's.." Michiko stopped her sentence as soon as she saw her father with her mother on his hands. "Dad!" She squealed happily, prancing and glomping on Natsume, making him nearly fall.

"Hello, little girl," greeted Natsume, staring at his daughter lovingly.

Michiko giggled happily while securing her hands on Natsume's neck, making sure that she won't fall.

"Naughty girl," grumbled Natsume, putting Mikan down and pulled Michiko to his front.

"Welcome home, Dad," said Michiko, smiling, beaming brightly just like her mother.

"Thank you Michiko," replied Natsume, slightly smiled while ruffling her shoulder length raven hair.

"Dad!" Michiko protested as she swatted away Natsume's hand and fixed her messy hair.

"Aww.. I'm jealous, I want to have a hug too." Mikan cooed in mock jealousy.

Michiko laughed and gives her mother a big hug too, but carefully as she didn't want to hurt her little sister or brother who is still in her mother's womb.

"Thank you dear," said Mikan, giving a motherly kiss on her forehead.

"So, is it a boy or a girl?" asked Michiko eagerly, staring at her mother swollen tummy.

"You already have it checked?" Natsume raised an eyebrow at Mikan.

Mikan smiled. "No. But I have a feeling that it's going to be a boy."

"Really? Yay! I'm going to have a little brother," squealed Michiko, prancing around the living room happily.

"Are you sure? I think it's going to be a girl," said Natsume, frowning.

"Boy." Mikan retorted back.




"Okay, stopped it. You are going to escort me tomorrow to the hospital, Mr. Hyuuga, and checked the gender of our baby."

Natsume smirked. "Of course. Anything for my loveliest lady."

Mikan blushed and smacked Natsume again on his head.

"Ow, stop it, Polka. You are starting to become a hitting machine."

Mikan rolled her eyes. "Well, it's your own fault."

"Mother, is the dinner ready?" asked Michiko out of the blue.

Mikan smiled down at her energetic daughter. "Yes, just let me prepare some things. But you should take a bath first, Michiko. You look really dirty."

"Okay!" With that, she runs upstairs, leaving her parents downstairs.

"So.. we are alone now?" whispered Natsume seductively, biting Mikan's ears gently.

Mikan squeaked in surprise and pushed Natsume away. "This is not the place, Natsume!" She scolded her husband with totally red face. "And I need to make the dinner ready."

"Why not?" He asked, sliding his hands to Mikan's waist and put his chin on her right shoulder. "Dinner can wait, and I think Michiko wouldn't mind eating dinner just an hour or two hours late."

"No! Children shouldn't have late dinner!" Mikan tried to reason out.

Natsume smirked. Oh, how she really didn't like that kind of smirk on Natsume's face. "She would understand, and it's alright to have late dinner sometimes," said Natsume, scooping up Mikan, while she is struggling, trying to escape, as he quickly went into their bedroom. He carefully put his pregnant wife to the bed and pinned down her hands, making her unable to run away.

"I'm pregnant for goodness sake, Natsume! You can't do that!"

Natsume smirked wider as he neared down his wife's kissable lips, only stopping a millimeter before they touch. "Of course I can." After he said that, he muffled away Mikan's protest by crashing his lips on her cherry colored ones.


Finally the end of the story! =D

StarElsie : Thank you very much! ;)

Animeloves33 : Thank you so muchh XD Yes! I love happy ending =D

CrazyOtaku3233 : Here it is! Thank you for your request ;D

Purple, green, indigo, black : I think you are one person.. right? Lol. Thank you for the critics, I really appreciate it! I'll try to fix my vocabulary =D Sorry.. sometimes I didn't have time to double check.. sorry for the grammatical error =( Yeah, I agree with you, yay for happy ending XD

Special thanks to :

Polka-dotted Strawberries




Broken Reveries






Susanna or citystarfun ;)













All of the Guests

For reviewing my story! ;))

A really really big thanks for those who have followed or favorite my story! =DD

I guess that's all, thank you very very much to all of my sweet readers!

See you in the next story ;)
