My Love for You Won't Die

Hi Everybody! This is my first fanfic, I hope you will like it ^_^ I'm really sorry for the bad grammar and tenses . But, I have tried to make my mistakes as little as I can. So, please, enjoy =D

Disclaimer : I Do Not Own Gakuen Alice.

Summary :

Dangerous situation was approaching. Natsume didn't stay silent. Because, Mikan was precious to him. He won't let anyone touch his Mikan without them walking over his dead body. Will he succeed? Find out what's the answer!


A man with a dark long hair was walking under a snowstorm. He was holding his coat tightly and he looked like he was in a rush, because of his walking pace.

As soon as he spotted a wood cottage, he walked straight there. He shut the door, opened his coat and his hat, and faced with a tough-looking man with blond hair, who was sitting right behind a desk.

"Welcome. How can I help you?" said the blond-haired man, smiled viciously.

"You know what I come here for," answered the dark long-haired man coldly.

The blond-haired man chuckled. "Have a seat."

After the dark long-haired man took a seat, the blond-haired man shoved a crumpled paper to him.

"This is what you want," said the blond-haired man.

Student Bio

Name : Mikan Sakura

Age : 13 years old

Grade : 8th grade, Gakuen Alice middle school

Gender : Female

Alice : Nullification, Stealing, Insertion. (Basically she has all alices that possible to possess because of her stealing and insertion alice)

Parents : Izumi Sakura (father) and Yuka Azumi (mother)

Parents' Alice : Izumi ( Nullification, Water)

Yuka (Stealing, Insertion, Healing)

"Very interesting," said the dark long-haired man, a wicked smile played on his lips.

"Yes, indeed. We can make her into one of our greatest assassin if we can take her in." The blond-haired man said, while pouring some hot coffee into his cup.

"I want her," said the dark long-haired man, fold the paper properly and threw it on the desk. "Search for more information about her."

"Okay.. but I won't do it wihout a deal." The blond-haired man smirked evilly and cross his legs on his desk.

The dark long-haired man sighed and stood up. He put on his hat and his black long coat. "I will deal with you later. No time. Just do as I said."

The blond-haired man grinned. "Roger that."

Chapter 1

6 months ago before that deal…

Mikan yawned and stretched her body. This morning was really really horrible for her.

First, her alarm clock didn't ring because its battery was dead. Second, she woke up late and arrived at school late – of course – because of that stupid alarm clock. Third, because she was late and her first period was Jinno, she have to do 10 equations on the board that as hard as hell. Fourth, to make a complete bad day for Mikan, she has just remembered that her money was out so she can't eat and right now she is starving.

Mikan slumped down on her desk, trying to ignore her rumbling tummy. 'Why did I have a really bad luck sometimes?' she thought.

"Mikan? You didn't eat?"

Mikan lifted her head and met with two concerned blue eyes.

"Yeah, I was out of money," answered Mikan, sighed.

Ruka frowned. "You should eat. It's not good to let your stomach starving. Here, have mine."

Mikan smiled. "Thanks Ruka, but I'm okay."


"Let her be, Ruka. She doesn't need food to make her stupid brain worked, and anyway, she's already fat enough." A lazy voice interrupted.

Mikan glared at the newcomer. "I'm not stupid and I'm not fat!"

He yawned and took his manga. "Yes you are, moron fat girl."

"I'm not, you stupid jerk!" yelled Mikan, furious.

"Up to you, I'm just telling the facts." He shrugged and crossed his legs on his desk.

"Why you…" Mikan took his manga and slammed it on his table.

Crimson eyes glared at Mikan. "What's up with you, ugly?"

Mikan stucked her tongue out and stomped on his feet. "Feel that, jerk!"

And with that, Mikan stormed out of the class.

Ruka sweat dropped. "You shouldn't do that, Natsume."

The crimson eyed boy just rolled his eyes. "It's up to me what to do with that moron."

Ruka let out a defeated sigh. "Okay, okay, it's up to you."

Natsume picked up his manga and was going to read again, when Koko popped his head into the classroom.

"Natsume, Ruka, You are called by Narumi-sensei." He said.

"What does that gay teacher want again?" grumbled Natsume.

Ruka chuckled. "Come on, Natsume. You know, sometimes that gay teacher can be really scary."

"Especially with that voice-pheromone of his," Ruka added, shuddered when he imagined how Narumi can affect many people with his pheromone alice.

"Tch." Natsume ruffled his raven hair, stand up, and walked out of the classroom.

Meanwhile, after the angry Mikan stormed out of the class, she walked aimlessly, trying to forget her empty stomach.

She was walking past the cafeteria, when she spotted a very familiar short black haired girl near the pillar.


MIkan launched herself and wrapped her hands around the black-haired girl, but that's not for long, because as soon as Mikan hug Hotaru, she hit the wall with a loud bang.

"Baka," said Hotaru, blowing smoke that emitted from her baka gun.

"Ouch, that hurt, Hotaru," winced Mikan.

"No hug allowed." Hotaru said, shot another bullet from her baka gun.

"Ow Hotaru, don't be so mean." Mikan rubbed her forehead that has just being shot by Hotaru.

Hotaru just stared at Mikan with cold amethyst eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

"My money was out, so I can't eat and I'm starving right now. So, to forget it I tried to walk around," said Mikan, sheepishly.


Mikan pouted. "I'm not stupid."

"Yes, you are, baka." Hotaru tossed something that hit Mikan's head and then she walked away.

Mikan picked up the thing that Hotaru hit her with, and found out that it was a pouch. She immediately opened it and looked inside.

It was full of rabbits!

Mikan's hazel eyes glittered with happiness. 'Finally I can eat!'

"Mikan-chan? You didn't eat?"

Mikan turned and faced with a pink haired girl.

"I'm going to eat, Anna-chan," said Mikan, smiled happily. "Do you want to accompany me?"

"Of course!"

'Hotaru can be really kind sometimes," Mikan thought, while walking hand in hand with Anna to the cafeteria.

"Natsume, Ruka, I need both of you to do a mission." Narumi said with a serious face.

Natsume frowned. It's unusual – very unusual – for Narumi to be serious like this.

"You're not Persona, and you can't involve Ruka, he isn't in the dangerous ability class," said Natsume.

"This mission is not related with Persona, school, or anything. This mission was made by me and only me, and I really need both of you to do this."

"What kind of mission is it, Narumi-sensei?" asked Ruka with anxious face.

"It's about Mikan."

Natsume's bored expression suddenly changed, hearing his most important girl's name.

"What about her?" asked Natsume. His heart already raced, afraid something will happened to his moron – but of course he won't admit it.

"As you know, Mikan's alices are rare or maybe three of the rarest alice that people will have, and that make some people take interest in her alices." Narumi explained while opening his laptop.

"There is no way people will take interest in that moron's alices. Her alices are to lame to be looked at." Natsume said. He looked like he was trying to convinced himself that nothing bad will happened to his beloved girl.

Narumi's blue eyes stared at Natsume with stern look. "You already knew, Hyuuga, that Mikan's alices are special. There is nothing you can do to deny it."

Natsume grumbled. "Fine. What's wrong with that people then?"

Narumi turned his laptop and showed a picture to both Natsume and Ruka, some people in black was walking down a neglected street, holding many variations of guns.

"All of this people were in an organization called Alice Assassinator Organization. This organization was different from AAO or usually called by Anti Alice Organization. If in AAO, the people's aim were to destroy Gakuen Alice, in Alice Assassinator Organization the people's aim was to recruited talented student or some random people that have strong alices, as many as they can, and they will trained them to be the greatest assassin ever. The assassins will take mission, just like you, Natsume, and the other kids in dangerous ability class, but the different is, the assassin mission was to kill silently. Nothing more than that."

"So, what's the connection between these people and Mikan, Sensei?" asked Ruka, carefully.

"I have spies in the outside world, and they were an expert in their field. According to their information, some rumors already spread in Alice Assassinator Organization, that the boss will recruited one student from Gakuen Alice."

'Since when did this gay teacher has spies? He really didn't has face or attitude for the one who give out missions. But unfortunately, he has done it really great.' Natsume thought, surprised

"And you think, Mikan was the one whom this boss of Alice Assassinator Organization will recruited?" asked Natsume, slowly, his crimson eyes already flashing dangerously.

Narumi folded his hands. "Actually, I have many assumption and there are quite many student that – I think – they will be the target of Alice Assasinator Organization, including you, Natsume. But, after considering some facts, the number of student that – I think – was being target of AAO come down drastically. And I think the one that has the most dangerous situation because of the high possibility that she will be recruited, was Mikan."

'So, actually Narumi have a brain too, huh, besides just dress up with frilly clothes and act like a gay,' thought Natsume.

"What should we do, Narumi-sensei?" Ruka looked pale. Maybe because he isn't accustomed to deal with something like this.

"That, will be your's and Natsume's mission, Ruka," answered Narumi. "Please, protect Mikan."

In Natsume's heart, he determined to never let anyone touch his idiot, although his face didn't show it because there is always his calm façade there.

"Gay, actually what's this damn people want by recruiting people with alices and make them assassin?" asked Natsume.

Narumi sweat dropped. "Aww.. don't be so mean Natsume-kun, I really like this clothes."

Natsume growled. "Shut up. Just answer my question."

"Natsume-kun is soo cute when he is acting cold like this." Narumi squealed like a girl.

Natsume glared menancingly at Narumi.

"Okay, okay, relax, Natsume-kun," said Narumi, with a sweet voice.

It seems like Narumi used his alice because Natsume can feel shiver ran down his spine and he has goose bumps all over his body. But – no one knows why – Narumi's pheromone alice can never affect Natsume. Natsume – of course – really glad to know this, because, who in this world want to be affected by this gay teacher pheromone alice? But, anyway, Natsume stopped glaring at Narumi and changed it into a scowl that plastered on his face.

"Until now, the motivation of Alice Assassinator Organization hasn't been known to anybody. But, the assassins that have been trained by AAO were really really great. There is no doubt about it," continued Narumi, his expression back to serious again.

Natsume cursed silently. There is no doubt that if his idiot was caught by the AAO, she will be a cold hearted assassin, and he didn't want that. Because, he really like her sunny and bright smile – that bring happiness to all people that she smiled to, including him. Although he didn't want to admit it.

"How can we protect her, Sensei?" asked Ruka.

"Its up to both of you. I bet you two already know how to protect Mikan properly. Because someone doesn't want to lose her," said Narumi, chuckled and winked to Natsume.

Natsume glared at Narumi.

Narumi smiled and stood up. "Okay, I think that's all. Thank you, for both of you. I really appreciate your effort, wanting to protect Mikan. Both of you are dismissed."

"Why are you so late, idiot?"

Mikan didn't have to face the owner of the rude voice to know who he is. Mikan kept walking and tried to ignore his voice.

"Hey, stupid."

Mikan rolled her eyes and faced the flame caster with frowned on her face. "What? What do you want this time?"

Natsume stared at Mikan with amusement twinkling in his eyes. "Nothing, just want to say that your skirt is up, polkadots."

Mikan stared down, and found her skirt stuck at one corner of the chair. So, when she was walking forward, the skirt was lifted up because the chair held it.

Mikan's face was beet red and she shouted, "YOU PERVERT!"

Natsume smirk. "It's not my fault, idiot."

Mikan already opened her mouth to counter the words that the jerk said, but, Misaki's sensei voice boomed through the class.

"Mikan, please take your seat."

Mikan lowered her head and sat on her seat – that was unluckily right beside HIM – while glaring menancingly at Natsume.

"Polkadots," whispered Natsume.

"Shut up you jerk!" hissed Mikan, her eyes blaze with anger. "Stop looking into my underwear!"

Natsume just smirked again and ignored Mikan's anger. He just turned and listened to Misaki-sensei who was explaining the lesson on the blackboard. Although Mikan is usually dense – really dense – right now, she clearly knows that Natsume was just pretending to listen to Misaki-sensei to make her angrier.

So, she is determined to play along with him. She just got rid of her anger and forced herself to look calm and tried to pay attention to Misaki-sensei's lesson although her mind was thinking of many things. After a while, she decided to checked on Natsume's face, imagined how annoyed he will be, being treated by her like this.

Mikan turned her head and nearly screamed out her frustration because the jerk was sleeping soundly with his manga covered his eyes – as always – and he really didn't mind her at all! How dare he is! Mikan really really want to punched this jerk on his face for being such a – oh well – a jerk! Mikan took a deep breath to calmed herself, and then she decided to let him slipped this time – but not next time – and back to do her job – maybe – in this Gakuen alice, namely study.

Finally I did it! I have just written one chapter! =D I'm so happy hahahaha ~

How is it? XD Please, help me by your reviews. All of them are welcomed ^^ Critics? No prob. Critics will help me to develop myself J But pleasee.. I beg you don't give me flames T.T I'm still a newbie .

Thank you very much xoxo
