I'M SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT! I've been so swamped with work and stuff, I don't even know what to do anymore. I got scripts to do, designs to complete, quizzes to study for and a play to rehearse, I'm seriously being pulled in all directions. There's my love life, personal life, student life and writer's life. How did my seniors cope with this?

Anyways, this is the LAST CHAPTER FOR THIS STORY. You heard that right guys. So without further delaying this, I present to you..the future.

Deep brown eyes narrow when they meet with a pair of heterochromatic blue and brown as the young girl twirls a pen around her fingers expertly. "I'm warning you," Ryuu growls out as Sasaki prances around their room like a smug cat. "Give me back my pen, how am I supposed to study like this?" the 10-year-old boy hisses out as Sasaki plays around with his pen. Saruhiko had given him that pen years ago for his eighth birthday, and he finds it extremely comfortable and the ink isn't that wet or dry. The reason the ink is seemingly haven't run out is because it's easy to replenish. "Sasaki!"

"Chill brother," Sasaki giggles out in a sweet, cheerful yet mischievous tone. "I was going to give it to you anyway. You know, it makes me wonder, you have so much of father's personality but I clearly have his awesome and smart brain," the 10-year-old girl giggles out as she writes some equations on her brother's book without a single problem at all. Ryuu's cheeks turn a little red when he sees how easily Sasaki remembers the equation.

Narrowing his eyes again, Ryuu could see how Sasaki is completely open for an attack. Despite not having Saruhiko's smart brains, he's definitely got Misaki's lithe movements and Saruhiko's quick precision, and tongue. "For such a big brainer, you sure are dense when it comes to your defences," he murmurs with an evil grin before charging up straight to his sister who's too stunned to do anything. Sasaki gasps when Ryuu knocks the pen away by hitting her wrist at the right angle and twisting her arms to the back before yanking her, causing her to lose balance and fell sideways.

"Ryuu! What are you doing to your sister? Are you beating her up again?" Misaki scolds from the living room where he's enjoying his movie. He had known Ryuu's superb athletic skills ever since the boy enrolled in kindergarten and Sasaki's near-genius mind around that very same time, and to be honest Misaki is very proud of them. But there are times where even his children gets to him despite loving them with all his heart and soul. "You know she's not that smart with her movements, so stop bullying here!" he continues and Sasaki shrieks from their room.

"Dad!" she whines pathetically. "You don't have to make him so smug about himself any more than he does now," Sasaki pouts despite Misaki not being able to see it. Ryuu only laughs at his sister before skilfully retrieves his pen from between her fingers and twirl it around. Like a cat that just got the cream, Ryuu returns to his work and continues his cursing of the mathematical problems in front of him while Sasaki regains her bearings.

Making sure her rather messy shoulder-length blue hair doesn't get any messier, she ruffles her red dress to get rid of whatever dirt that caught on to it before making her way to her twin brother's table and peer over his shoulder. Ryuu paid her no mind since she normally peers like this all the time while he studies. After about a minute or so, she opens her mouth. "That question is unsolvable," she says with pursed lips. The young boy only stares at her like she had gone crazy.

"Look at it, you can't put x+19 = x+17, that's just crazy," she explains and shook her head while Ryuu only gapes at her. Realizing that Ryuu doesn't even understand what she says, Sasaki decides to show it to him and even bonked him over the head a few times so he could get it through his thick skull. After a few minutes, Ryuu seems to understand what she means and grins from ear to ear at the revelation.

"Sweet! So our teacher made a mistake, which means we can get free mark out of this," he says with child-like glee, though his eyes are rather maniacal similar in a way when Saruhiko plans to eat Misaki despite the crow saying no. "Hey wait," the boy realizes as he turns his stare to his curious looking younger twin. "Why are you standing around? Shouldn't you be doing your work too? We do have the same classes you know," he says and she smirks at him, her eyes twinkling with underlying mischief.

Ryuu reels away from her scrutinizing gaze but held his own and glaring at her as if saying he demands an answer. Sasaki only sighs and sits on her brother's lap who only yelped in surprise when she does that. "You don't get it do you? Classes bore me, I don't even need to fry my brain into finding the answers because it's not that hard. I don't get why you people complain about schoolwork, it's practically one of the easiest thing to do for us right now," she says in a dramatic sigh.

Ryuu could feel the vein in his head pops before he shoves Sasaki down, causing her to cry out in pain and surprise. "For geniuses like you maybe it's easy, but for the rest of us average students, some of these questions are rather hard and at times, doesn't even make any sense. I mean; Pythagoras theorem? Why can't this guy just make some simple stuff?" he grumbles and Sasaki twitches an eye when she heard that. Just as she was about to reply him off, Misaki calls out the twins from the kitchen.

"Ryuu, Sasaki! Come help me set up the table, your father will be home soon," the crow calls out and the twins shrug off their conversation earlier. Despite their constant arguments with each other like a pair of cats and dogs, the twins would more often than not just shrug their arguments off when they believe that they've gone far enough with each other. That or they just got bored of it. As they descend the stairs, Sasaki leers at her brother, or more specifically her brother's eyes. For years his eyes had been brown, but recently she notices that he too has heterochromatic mutation where his right eye slowly turning blue while his right eye remains brown, a complete opposite of hers.

When they finally reach the kitchen, Misaki is already putting the food in dishes as the dinner plates remain on the table unset. "Now that you two are here, you can set up the table," Misaki says as he turns around to face his children with a grin. "But for the love all things good, don't start another platter Frisbee fight, your father and I took forever to clean them up," he grumbles and Ryuu leers at his twin who only harrumphs in defiance. When Misaki got back to his food, the children took their role and set up the table.

For a while they work in silence, until Sasaki accidentally slips and nearly got a whole set of plates come crashing to the floor. Luckily Ryuu managed to react with quick precision and caught all the plates before they managed to be destroyed. Misaki can only hold his breath when Ryuu manages to stabilize himself with the load of plates balanced precariously on both his arms and one between his teeth, even Sasaki feels like her heart is about to burst out of her ribcage with how fast it's pounding.

"That was a close one..." she signs and slumps on the floor, trying to calm her raging breath as Misaki releases the breath that he had held in. Ryuu gently put the plates away before hitting his sister on the head, causing her to yelp in surprise and Misaki to scold him. Ryuu however, doesn't even mind that Misaki scolded him and put the plates away before any harm could get to them, clicking his tongue at his sister as he does so. Misaki only sighs raggedly at the display of attitude, he couldn't believe how much Ryuu is similar to Saruhiko despite he and Ryuu both looking almost the same.

As the three finishes setting up the table, Saruhiko finally returns and Sasaki squeals in excitement, running out of the kitchen so she could give her father a warm hug. The blue clansman, still to this day, always gets a nasty shock when Sasaki comes running up to him for a hug. "Father, welcome home," she chirps happily, her face buried just a little below his waist. One thing about Sasaki's height is she's very petite even though she loves eating dairy-based products to the point where even her body lotion is milk. Misaki adores her height but Ryuu finds it hilarious that she's tiny even though she drinks milk every day, he himself dislikes milk but tolerates it yet he towers over her by a few inches.

Saruhiko smiles gently at her and pats her head. "I'm home, Sasaki. Where's your dad and brother?" he asks as Sasaki continues to cling to his feet. She only replies that they were in the kitchen and he makes his way over while she literally stays on his leg, sitting on his feet as he shuffles to the kitchen. Saruhiko doesn't even mind that she does that since she's been doing such thing ever since she was a year old, although back then she wasn't so heavy.

Saruhiko stalks his way towards Misaki who's just drying off his hands, quite an amazing feat given the fact that Sasaki is weighing him down. Ryuu only turns away with a click of a tongue when the blue clansman got Misaki in a bear hug. "Monkey, let go of me you stupid!" the crow cries out when Saruhiko starts to nuzzle their faces together. Ryuu made a disgusted look and walks out the kitchen, but not before pulling a starry-eyed Sasaki by the back of her shirt and away from their father's leg.

"Hush, Misaki," Saruhiko whispers out to the crow's ear seductively, making Misaki to blush a bright tomato red. "Do you want the kids to hear us make love all night love? I'm hungry for you," the blue clansman purrs out before jumping on the smaller man, Misaki can only screech in spite and spouting death threats that fall on deaf ears. In the living room and far from the kitchen, Sasaki and Ryuu sat shoulder-to-shoulder on the couch; the girl's cheeks are dusted with tiny hints of pink while Ryuu only looks blankly at an empty space on the wall.

Many moments passed as the twins ignore the sounds coming from the kitchen, all thanks to their half-Saruhiko ways of thinking that if it's not their problem, then there's nothing they can do about it except dealing with it. "Hey brother," Sasaki voices out as she leers at the direction of the kitchen, a small smile spreading on her lips. "Do you think we'll get a little sibling out of that?" she giggles and twirls her hair around whilst humming softly.

Ryuu stays quiet and kept his face remain blank until the noises in the kitchen dies down before turning to Sasaki slowly, his expression still devoid of expression. The twins had known about 'how to make babies' back in first grade thanks to Saruhiko who threw caution out of the window and explained everything. Sure it scarred the twins a little, but after many nights and even days hearing their parents, they just got so used to it. "You ask that same question every time father and dad did it, but have you seen any answers? I'll tell you, no. Besides, dealing with you is already bad enough without having another parasite in the house,"

Sasaki spluttered when she heard that, rage boiling from her heart. "A younger sibling isn't a parasite! It's tiring having guys around all the time without a girl to be sweet to, all I want is a little sister," she cried out and hitting her brother over and over. Ryuu growls and clicks his tongue in annoyance as he defends himself from Sasaki's constant hits. A while later, Saruhiko walks out of the kitchen looking strangely satisfied, his jacket missing along with his vest while his shirt's top two buttons are undone along with his zipper.

"Father, you look like a garbage truck," Ryuu deadpans but Saruhiko only shrugs it off. The blue clansman leers at the kitchen where Misaki is still trying to catch his breath.

"Good news, we're planning to give Sasaki a little sister after her little outburst," he says out casually as the girl squeals happily, Misaki on the other hand doesn't look too happy with that. Getting up from his position on the floor and making sure his clothes aren't a complete mess; he grabs a whole fish bone from the trash before chucking it straight towards Saruhiko who dodges it easily.

"I'm not going through that all over again!" he screams out as he continues to chase the blue clansman all over the place. Sasaki only sighs as she sees her parents like this again while Ryuu only grins out in a rather satisfied manner. His family may be a little whacko, but it's the only one he has and truth be told he loves them all. Even to Saruhiko, he's got the love of his life by his side and two wonderful children, life couldn't get any better than this.

But if Megumi wants to gift them with another one, hey, who is he to complain?

The story is done~ The story is done~ (does a jiggle) Sorry for the shortness of it all, this is basically like an epilogue, pretty much like how the first chapter is a prologue. Did I messed up somewhere in any way?

No, I don't know if Japanese children learn that math at 10, but I, or at least my country, teaches that subject when we were at the age of 13-14.

THANK YOU FOR THOSE WHO SUPPORTED ME THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE STORY! I can't thank you guys enough, through thick and thin, you guys had helped me and managed to make me continue this story. Many times I thought of ignoring this story completely you know, but I'm glad I didn't. Unfortunately, this is the last of this series, I won't make anymore sequels and I'll leave this as it is no matter how much you guys want me to make a sequel of it. Ideas are running dry and I'm now focusing on my horror story.

Really guys, thank you. I'll see you in the upcoming story in..probably the next month or so, or once I finished stringing them together. Until then, I'll miss you all!
