Disclaimer: Nope I don't own Naruto, but I like to write about it! BoyxBoy Yaoii!

A/N: This is going to be my second story with multiple chapters. It's going to be basically some of the Konoha Boys remembering the "things" they did as kids. (Shippuden selves remembering their old series selves.) Enjooy!

Chapter 1: When we were kids...

Shikamaru and Choji:

"Hey Shika?" Choji asked as they were staring at the clouds laying on the ground. "yea, what?" He responded. "remember when we were kids, that time when..."


It was a warm summer afternoon, and team 10 just finished training. Ino and Asuma had already left and Shikamaru and Choji were staring at the clouds (they do that alot.) "ughh my mom's been such a drag recently! I don't even want to go home!" Shikamaru complained to his chubby best friend. "well wanna stay at my house tonight? My mom's making barbeque!" Choji offered. "yea I'd love that thanks man! you're a good friend!" Shikamaru said "be there in 2 hours ok?" "sure" Choji agreed. Shikamaru ran home, to tell his parents where he'd be.

*knock knock* "Hi!" Choji answered the door. "come on in!" Shikamaru walked in and slipped his shoes off in the entryway. "come on up to my room!" Choji said Shikamaru followed him up the stairs. He'd been here lots of times so he knew where to go. When they entered Choji's room, Choji said "close your eyes!" "okay..." Shikamaru did. Choji then said "nooowwww Open!" Shika opened his eyes and saw a Computer tower connected to a 52 inch plasma TV. "WOOOW! Your parents got you this!?" Shikamaru asked almost yelling. "yea! They said a boy my age deserves a computer with a big screen! and I've already found a bunch of cool websites to go on!" Choji said. "can we use it tonight!?" Shika asked. "my mom and dad said I can use it whenever I want as long as i still train and do my daily duties." Choji said. "Booyyss! Time for dinner!"

Shikamaru, Choji and his parents were eating dinner while watching TV in the living room, They were watching a show called American Mom, It's an animated comedy show about a mom who works at the CIA. Choji was eating what seemed like millions of pieces of beef, Shikamaru on the other hand, was finished, and thinking about what websites Choji had for them to go on. Finally half an hour later Choji was done, and they brought their dishes over to the sink. "Let's go on my computer now!" Choji exclaimed.

They were sitting on Choji's bed looking at the massive screen while Choji went to his bookmarks page. "So which one first? , , or ?" Shikamaru thought that they might be porn, He was really excited about it because his parents wouldn't let him have a computer. "ummm..? !" Choji Clicked the link "ooh! I wanna watch that one!" Shika pointed to a video that said "Teen girl Big boobs Gets fucked" "ooh I haven't seen this one!" Choji said when he clicked on it. "oh but before i play it, umm, theres this thing I do when I watch these videos." Choji said. "whats that" Shika asked "umm, ok, feel your penis through your pants." Shikamaru did "does it feel hard ?" Choji asked "yea it does!" Shika responed. "Okay that happens, when you're about to watch a porn video, or if you see a hot girl. and I found out that it feels really good if you take it out of your pants and do this!" Choji took his dick out and grabbed it, and started moving his hand up and down his cock. "Really?! okay 2 things, one, You have a big dick, 2nd PLAY THE VIDEO!" Shikamaru said "Oh thanks shika, My dick is 7 and a half inches!" Choji said, and Played the video. Shika slid his pants down as Choji had and grabbed his only 5 inch dick and did as Choji was doing. "ohhh that does feel good!" Shika moaned "told you!"

The video showed, a girl about 17 years old, and a boy about the same age. and They both undressed all the way, and when they were naked, the boy started licking the girls boobs all over, and she liked it because she moaned, but she wanted him to feel good too, so she got on her knees and but his cock in her mouth and sucked it. "Hey Choji, My arm is getting tired, Could you Rub my dick for a while?!" Shikamaru asked nicely "umm, Sure! why not!" Choji grabed Shikamaru's cock with his other hand and started stroking it, "wow your dick is nice! it's really soft! and size doesn't really matter I think it's a good dick!" Choji said! "thanks Choji!" Shika said. The video ended so they stopped jerking for a few minutes. "go back to the front Choji" They were back at the front page and Shika said "I wonder what that one is?" He pointed to a video that said "Best friends Experiment" "I don't know I'll click on it!" Choji said. The video started and it showed 2 boys sitting on a couch, "I'm bored!" one said "how about we try something?" the other one said "okay!" the first one said. The other boy started taking off his clothes. "you do it to!" they were both undressing and when they were done, they looked at each other. "nice cock!" they said at the same time. They laughed. "So the experiment is, we do what a girl and a guy normally do. okay?" the other one said. "ooh! me first" the first boy said. He got on his knees and started to lick the other boys dick.

"woah? Boys can do that too!?" Choji asked "I guess so" Shika Said They continued watching the video, and they both sucked each other, and instead of Putting their dicks in a vagina (which they didn't have) one boy put his dick in the others butt. "Shika I've always wanted to wait until a girl would do this with me, but I guess boys can do it too! Do you want to do it!" Choji asked excited "Yea that looks fun!" "Lets get fully undressed now!" Choji said. they fully took off their pants and boxers, then their shirts. "Okay who first?" Choji asked "me me me!" Shika shouted. He got on his knees, like the boy in the video, and put Choji's big cock in his mouth. "ahhh" Choji moaned loudly. Shikamaru bobbed up and down on the dick in his mouth, and he used his tongue to like the head of Choji's penis. after 15 minutes or so, Choji's cock let out the white liquid like the boys in the video did, and Shika drank it all.

"My turn!" said Choji They switched places, and Choji put Shika's dick in his mouth. Same as Choji had Shika moaned loudly "ahhhhhh!" he continued to moan like that until Shikamaru was done and shit his load in Choji's mouth. "Wow that felt really good, Why didn't we know about this years ago?!" Said Shikamaru "I don't know, but we know now, hey what about that butt thing they did!? Let's do that too!" Choji said. "Yea!" agreed Shikamaru. Shikamaru got on his hands and knees on the bed, and Choji got behind him. He spread apart Shikamaru's buttcheeks and said, "Ready?" Shikamaru grunted in response. Choji pushed his dick into Shika's ass and started to thrust in and out as they saw in the video they watched. And just like what happened before, about 20 minutes of hard fucking, Choji Came inside of Shikamaru. He didn't want it to get on the floor, so he licked up all the cum dripping out of Shika's ass until it was totally clean. While Choji was licking Shikamaru moaned sharply.

Shikamaru was almost too tired to then do Choji, but he gathered the energy. He had Choji get on all fours as he had. Then he spread Choji's, slightly larger buttcheeks apart, and, with no need to ask if he was ready, Shika pushed his dick into Choji's ass and thrust his cock in and out of his tight hole. It took Shika ess time to cum, because he was already near his limit, so 15 minutes of straight fucking later, Shika came inside of Choji's ass and Careful not to dirty Choji's bed, he pulled out and licked all around Choji's entrance till it was clean. "that, was the best time I've ever had in my life!" Said Shikamaru "agreed" said Choji, as they both got under Choji's covers and went to sleep. "let's do this more!" said Choji. "yea..." said Shikamaru. As they drifted off into deep sleep laying naked in Choji's bed.

Present Time

"Yea those were the times..." Said Shika "time to get going..." Said Choji

A/N:Did you like that? Well, theres more! Next time, we'll see what Naruto and Kiba are talking about!

Next Chapter: Ahh, Good Times...