Dusk's Travels

Chapter One: Adventure In Appleloosa

Prince Dusk Glow, son of Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry, was on his way to Appleloosa. He had started his journey on hoof, rather then flying, so as to fully take in his surroundings (That, and the sheer weight of his backpack - filled to the brim with essential supplies - prevented him from getting any more then an inch off the ground). At the moment, it was necessary for him to take a train. Like his mother before him, Dusk had planned out his schedule to the letter. Appleloosa was but the first stop on his journey, with many more to come. He would arrive there by noon, spend the rest of the day taking in the sights, spend the night in the local inn, then set off in the morning.

As Dusk paid for his ticket and got on the train, he couldn't help but notice the other passengers staring, punctuated with whispers of "The young prince!" He couldn't really blame them; After all, it wasn't very day you shared a train ride with royalty.

Before long, the train stopped at the Appleloosa station. Dusk disembarked (the other passengers waiting for him to leave before following) and took in his surroundings. The bright sun, the soft sand, and the nearby apple orchard. As Dusk entered the town, he saw ponies and buffalo trotting across the streets. From the looks on their faces, they seemed to have something important to do. As Dusk wondered what that could be, he collided with somepony, having not been watching where he was going.

"Tarnation!" The colt stumbled, falling flat on his face.

"Whoops, sorry." Dusk went to help him up.

The colt's hat fell off his head, revealing a familiar face.

"Crab?" Dusk asked.

"Dusk!" Crab Apple smiled, adjusting his red neckerchief. "Fancy runnin' inta you here!"

"What are you doing here?" Dusk asked.

"Helpin' out cousin Braeburn." Crab explained. "There's this big sandstorm coming, and the Appleloosans need all the help they can get ta make sure the trees in the orchard are protected."

Braeburn had taken to politics in recent years, making a successful bid for mayor of Appleloosa. He was spearheading the operation, in tandem with the buffalo chief, Strongheart (formerly "Little" Strongheart).

"Ma and pa would've come with, but the farm needs tending'." Crab continued. "So it's jes' me here, doin' what Ah can."

"Mind if I pitch in?" Dusk asked.

"Ya sure?" Crab asked. "Don't wanna mess with yer travel schedule..."

"It's okay." Dusk shrugged. "I was planning to spend the day here anyway."

"Great." Crab smiled.

After a brief stop at the local inn (In order to secure a room in which to deposit Dusk's backpack), the colts went to work. The residents of Appleloosa were covering the trees with large tarps to protect them from the sand, nailing the tarps to the ground to anchor them in. The buffalo were charitably assisting them.

"What's with all the buffalo?" Dusk asked. "I thought they lived out in the desert."

"They do." Crab nodded. "But with cousin Braeburn as mayor, the Appleloosans have bin really reachin' out ta them, helpin' 'em anyway they can. And now, the buffalo are returnin' the favor."

"Well, Ah'll be." Braeburn declared as he trotted over to the new arrival. His face was slightly lined from age, with sideburns on either side. "What brings ya there, prince Dusk?"

"Just passing through." Dusk nodded. "I'm ready to help in any way I can."

"The more, the merrier." Strongheart smiled.

As it was on the train, Dusk's presence drew some surprised stares. Used to such a reaction, Dusk merely waved humbly and got to work, using his newly-liberated wings to lift the tarps right over the trees.

"So, how are things back home?" Dusk asked.

"Same as always, Ah reckon." Crab smiled. "We all miss ya, though." He snorted lightly. "Hard ta say who talks about ya more: Dazzle or Starlight."

Dusk got a warm feeling as he thought about his two favorite girls.

"And how are you Honeysuckle doing?" He asked.

"Still goin' strong." Crab beamed. "Tears me up to be away from, but Ah can't pass up a chance ta help family. 'Course, Hon understands me perfectly."

Before long, most of the trees in the orchard had been covered up.

"Good work, everypony." Braeburn smiled. "We're almost done here."

Suddenly, a wind started whipping up.

"Oh, no." Strongheart gasped. "The sandstorm's already here! Hurry, everpony! We have to finish!"

As the sand started flowing over them, the ponies and buffalo struggled to finish their work. Unfortunately, rushing breeds mistakes, and one tarp, improperly nailed, came loose, exposing the tree it had covered to the elements.

"Not Bloomberg!" Braeburn yelped.

"I've got it!" Dusk declared.

With the sandstorm steadily increasing in force, flying was out of the question. Focusing hard, Dusk used his magic to pull back the tarp and force the peg back into ground.

"Way ta go, yer highness!" Braeburn cheered.

"Just doing my part." Dusk shrugged modestly.

"Okay now, everypony into town hall!" Strongheart instructed.

The crowd rushed into the hall, the gale force winds at their back. Once indoors, they shut the entrance tightly, and waited for the storm to die down. In the meantime, they congratulated each other on a job well done.

Dusk couldn't help but be amazed at how two different races could come together in pursuit of a common goal.

'Gonna have to keep that in mind.' He thought. 'It'll probably come in handy one day.'

Once the storm had passed, everypony left the town hall, and removed the tarps from the apple trees. To their relief, the trees was completely unharmed.

"Great job, everypony." Braeburn smiled. "Strongheart, we are in your debt."

"Friends carry no debts." Strongheart declared. "It was our honor and our privelige to help our neighbours. And I'm sure you'd do the same for us."

"Darn tootin'." Braeburn chuckled.

With the trouble over, Dusk took it upon himself to finish his tour of Appleloosa, with Crab volunteering to be his tour guide. As the evening came, he retired to his room at the inn, right around the corner from Crab's. The next morning, he prepared to set off.

"It's bin great seein' ya again, pal." Crab smiled. "Don't be away too long, y'hear?"

"I'll be back as soon as I can." Dusk assured him. "Tell everypony back home I said 'hi'."

"Will do." Crab nodded.

With that, Dusk returned to the train station, taking the train to the next destination of his journey.

To Be Continued...

(My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic and all associated characters are the property of Hasbro.)