Disclaimer: All characters belong to the genius Ryan Murphy and anyone who says anything different is a liar

"Auntie Sana," my three year old daughter Sophia cried excitedly, just as the doorbell rang. Her little feet pattered against the wood floor as she ran to open the front door.

"Make sure you check who it is," I called. I heard her asking through the door if Santana was a stranger or not and laughed to myself, "You can let her in now honey."

"Hi Auntie Sana," Sophia said excitedly, hugging Santana's knees.

"Hi Sophie," Santana said, picking Sophia up, "So where are you and Beiber boy going to?" I rolled my eyes.

"Some Chinese place I think, but I honestly have no idea," I replied

"That is exactly right," a voice called from behind me. I turned around to see my husband Ryder.

"What is," I asked.

"That I have no idea. You can pick," He replied. He turned to Santana, "We'll probably be back around eight thirty or nine."

"Josh is in his room," I added on. Josh is my thirteen year old son, "For dinner, just make peanut butter sandwiches or something. Remember Sophia's allergic to tomatoes and that includes ketchup."

"Yeah, yeah. I know."

"Really, because the last time she had tomatoes, you gave her ketchup on her chicken nuggets and you called us from the hospital."

"I've got this under control,"

"Okay," I said skeptically. "Bye Sophie. Be nice for Auntie Sana." I gave her a hug

"I will mommy. Bye bye daddy." Ryder gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh I forgot to ask you," Santana said, "if you got the invitation for the reunion in the mail." I walked over to the stack of mail on the kitchen table and sorted through the pile until I found the envelope. I opened it and raised my eyebrows.

"A high school reunion," I asked, "Really?"

"Yeah," Santana said, "I think we should go. I mean we haven't seen anyone for like twenty five years. Did you know that everyone from the glee club got married to each other? Wow that sounded weird."

"Yeah it did," Ryder butted in, "But we got what you meant. The card says that kids are welcome. We should go. All of us." At that moment we heard a crash from the living room, followed by Sophia's sobs. I looked over to see her on the floor next to a chair on its side. Ryder went over and picked her up.

"Santana, you were supposed to be watching her," I said

"My duties don't start until you leave, therefor; you were supposed to be watching her. So are you guys going to go to Lima?"

"Maybe," I replied, "We have to go though, so we will discuss it. In the meantime, please actually watch Sophia." Ryder handed a still sniffling Sophia to Santana. I gave Sophia one last kiss on the cheek and walked out the door with Ryder.

Chapter 2 Preview: Marley and Ryder go on their date and make an important decision.