Author's Note: Hello, my followers! I know that I haven't updated in a long time, school's been a bitch. Anyway, I've had to take a little break from my other story, Five Times Jim Was An Idiot. I will get back to it, nut right now, I would like to add a small one-shot.

p.s. This is not beta-ed, so all the mistakes are mine.

Disclaimer: I don't own any Once Upon A Time characters. Just the idea.

"Emma!" Emma Swan turned her head and gasped as she saw Neal running towards her. He was alive! Emma closed the distance between the two.

"Emma. I'm..." Neal broke off as there was a resounding crack as Emma slapped Neal across his face.

"Don't you ever do that to me again." Emma glared at Neal with a powerful ferocity.

"Do what? Almost die? Well I hate to break it to you, but..." This time, Neal broke off because Emma was kissing him. As her tongue slipped into his mouth and then out, Neal moaned wantonly into her mouth. Just as quickly, Emma broke the kiss, pulling back to face him.

"You talk to much," she replied before bringing Neal in for another kiss.

Yep. That was my little one-shot. Tell me if you liked it or not. Any reviews are nice. Now I will try to get back to work on Five Times Jim Was An Idiot.