The Gathering

Every few years they gathered in the bleakest darkness, lit only by the light of their Will. Warren stood beside his Master and assumed his job. He was an Outsider, the Scribe. Theresa sat at her end of the table and the others filed in; Scythe, Reaver, Abram, Lilia, Malbrook, and finally Hunter. Hunter surveyed the room, "So Gluttony is no longer with us…a shame truly…"

Malbrook scoffed, "Good riddance, more territory for Reaver! I think having two immortals close to one another is foolish."

Reaver nodded and Lilia smirked. Immortals had an understanding…they each owned territory and saw over it. However, it did not mean they could not die. Immortals each had a tie with the Void that sustained their immortality. Scythe had been the only one to tread the Void so his link was permanent…he was the only one who was truly immortal. Gluttony had consumed a stone from the Void and it had granted him his power, but Warren had Abram make a second stone to counteract it. He looked around the table gripping his sword tightly. With a wave of Theresa's hand, his grip loosened and he peered around the table. Each person was named for their sin. Reaver was Pride, Malbrook was Wrath, Lilia was Lust, Abram was Sloth, Hunter was Envy, and Theresa was Greed. Scythe and Warren were the only ones with different titles, Archon and the Scribe. It was his job to document history and archive it at the Vault in Snowspire. Scythe took his seat, and the room went quiet. "We must discuss the more pressing matter at hand…with the Crawler's invasion of Albion, the threat of the Void entering our world has become very real…Theresa has put forth a plan…if you would."

She stepped forward, "I believe that the Spire's concentration of Will and our involvement in this world presents itself as a gateway for the Void to enter our world…I have seen the end of my life coming soon…I have no successor, but I shall remain at the Spire and try to hold the evil back the best I can. You may want to find ways to sever your connections to the Void, because if you don't we will all be in grave danger…"

Lilia spoke, "Why should we? This gift of eternal life has granted us the ability to span the ages never aging…"

"Because it presents a danger to the world if we remain this way. You have seen Abram?"

The older man chattered to himself erratically, he was the second oldest in the room. One of the original sons of Archon who's mind had been destroyed by the Void, because he used the Spire's destruction to create a rift to the Void and summon forth and entity to grant his wish for limitless knowledge. It destroyed his mind, and he was hardly there at all, but when he was he was sharper than any sword. He had the most extensive knowledge of alchemy in the world. Warren grimaced at the sight of the man and looked away. The court dragged on as they debated regions and plans for defeating the darkness. Warren grew bored, but he continued to write. At the end, Lilia and Malbrook left and Reaver rose to go, but Theresa extended her hand to stop him. "We need to talk."

He sat back down and Hunter eyed him warily, Abram chattered on unaware of the surroundings he found himself in. "We believe to have a solution to your immortality crisis…Sparrow solved part of it…but you must finish the rest on your own. Warren has volunteered to aid you…for the secret to his own immortality lies in yours. You both achieved your immortality around the same time. No one knows the night Oakvale fell into Shadow like you two."

Reaver rose adjusting his coat, "You know, has anyone ever told you that you are an obnoxious and pushy boor."

She smirked, "There's a first time for everything."

He gritted his teeth, before returning to his usual smug grin, "Very well, if I must…it has been a good ten bloody sacrifices since that business with the Crawler…if I can send those gits back into the Void I shall, I think I'd like to be a free-agent again."

Warren smiled, "You always were spirited Matthew."

He eyed Warren with smug malice, "Call me that again old man and I'll put a bullet in your head."

Scythe slammed the butt of his namesake into the ground and all eyes were on him. "Enough…Hunter, I suggest removing your own taint soon…I have a task for you." The man nodded, his forest green eyes and Ranger's coat flashed and he was gone.

Abram sputtered and looked around, apparently shaken from his own mind. He twisted his neck and a pop followed by a sigh of elation followed, "Where are we?"

"The meeting hall, it has been forty years." Scythe replied.

"I see…hello young Reaver…well I guess I'd best get back to my experiments…I was able to hear a bit of the meeting, and I've already formulated a few solutions for Hunter and Myself…I'll work on them if you send him my way to keep me focused…don't know how long till my next blackout."

He tapped his fingers on the table, his fingertips lighting up blue and a musical piece playing as he did before a Cullis Gate opened and he smiled, "Although the cost was high, the wish was worth it…knowing the Will lines of the world and how to tap into them is quiet convenient." He stepped through, and Reaver took his leave. All that were left were Theresa, Scythe, and Warren.

"It won't be long now…I can sense my death fast approaching." Theresa said. "Warren…your gift was granted through the collective power of the Spire…the Will energy that gathered into you and granted you this gift has worked well…but Reaver's is more temperamental…he must face his demons…and if he doesn't, it could spell disaster."

"I understand…"

"This isn't just about him though…you must find your own path to salvation…the Spire's destruction will not mean the end of the gift I have given you, but it will weaken…you will age slowly…and you will one day die…"

Warren smiled fondly, "It's been a long time coming…I just hope that when it does, I will find peace in death…"

Scythe looked on grimly, "Then I will need a new Scribe when you pass…"

"Indeed…well I guess I'd better gather the materials and meet with Reaver…this could take a while…"

Theresa nodded grimly, "There will be a reckoning in Albion…I have seen 7 champions rise to face the darkness and end a great evil…3 are Heroes…the rest are companions…you must seek them out when your business with Reaver is concluded…"

"How will I know where to look?"

"They will be on the field of battle…and they will be of your bloodline."