Hi guys! I know I haven't updated in a really really long time but I have been reall really busy I hope you guys forgive me! Let me know who your favorites are I must know!

Black Widow

"So did you like it?" Natasha asked hopefully. They had just finished watching Hercules and she had to admit it was a cute movie.
"Ohhhh. So that's what Dani meant!" Koda exclaimed after a minute.
"What?" Natasha asked.
"Nothing." Koda sang. Natasha gave him a long look.
"No there's something going on here." She said.
"No there isn't." Koda chirped back. "After all, I am only a six year old with very little de-veloped higher level thinking." Natasha shook her head. It was probably just some little game they were playing.
"Hey when Fury's not around who looks after you?" She asked.
"Cecilia does. She reads me stories."
"JARVIS can you tell Tony that I need Cecilia to babysit?" Natasha said.
"I'm afraid I can't do that Ms. Romanoff."
"Why not?" Natasha said. "He and Pepper aren't by themselves are they?"
"No, Miss. As a matter of fact, the three of them just left for the hospital." Koda's eyes grew wide.
"Really why?" Natasha said. Her assassin training was the only thing keeping her calm.
"Cecilia seems to have contracted an extremely high fever in her sleep and hasn't woken since this morning."
"Oh ok. Thank you JARVIS."

Iron Man
"You know, kid.. Maybe I should've been nicer to you. Maybe I should've tried to get to know you better... Maybe then we wouldn't be here right now." Tony sat next to Cecilia's bed in the ICU of New York's best hospital. If Tony was honest with himself he was scared. Sure the kid annoyed him but he actually did like her because she reminded him of himself when he was younger. Outgoing smart, pretty and knowing it. Suddenly he heard a soft voice. "Wow.. You really do care." Cecilia rasped with a small, teasing smile.
"What! I never said that. You can't prove anything." Tony said quickly.
Cecilia gave a small raise of an eyebrow. "I think I can."
"Really." Tony challenged. "How?"
Cecilia pointed without lifting her arm. "I'm fairly certain that the video cameras record sound."
"Ok you've won this round. They told us about your condition."
Cecilia was quiet as she had a minor panic attack. They know. They all know and they're going to say I can't be in S.H.I.E.L.D. anymore. She could barely stop tears from welling up in her eyes.
"Oh no don't cry! I just wish you had told us before." He said.
Cecilia closed her eyes upsetly. "If I told anyone I wouldn't have a family any more."
"Actually, S. H. I. E. L. D. has a cure." He said.
This got her attention. "What?"
"Yeah they've had it for a while. If you had just told somebody you would have been cured years ago." Tony said.
"There wasn't a cure when I was drafted." Cecilia protested with a pout.
"No but they were working on it. They wouldn't have put you out." There was a knock on the door.
"Um I have someone here to see you." Pepper said. Tony was confused.
"I thought you told Steve not to tell anyone." He said.
"I've got one word for you. JARVIS." She said.
Koda busted into the room "Cecilia? Are you alright? Did you die?" He asked in a panic.
Cecilia rolled her eyes and held out her arms gently. "C'mere, Cub, I'm fine." Koda leapt into her arms, nearly pulling out the IV in the process.
"Hey what about me?" Joey ran into the room and sat on her bed. Cecilia pulled him into the hug, too.
"By the way Bruce is here too." Pepper said.
Bruce busted in "Joey! I told you to-" he sighed "Forget it."
"Luke was about to get attacked by the sewage monster!" Dani stood in the doorway pouting.
Cecilia looked up "Dani, I'm sorry I didn't get sick yesterday. If you want to you can go finish the movie."
"Are you kidding? And miss this? Not a chance."
"I feel so loved." Cecilia said with a small shake of her head.
"Hey Cecilia guess what! Steve punched hitler in the face!" Carson said.
Cecilia's eyes widened enthusiastically "Really? That is so cool!" She glanced to Tony out of the corners of her eyes and mouthed. 'not really.' She looked around "Wait. One, two, three... Where's Kirk?" She looked around at the others for an answer. Silence. Cecilia narrowed her eyes and fixed a glare on everyone in the room. "Where. Is. Kirk?"
"On Asgard." Joey whispered. Cecilia's gaze snapped onto Joey.
"My baby brother is WHERE?" She asked with an edge of panic in her voice.
"On Asgard. You know the planet where Thor is from?" Joey explained.
"That's not Tatooine, Alderann or..."
"Dani not now." Koda gently tapped his small hand on her lap.
Cecilia closed her eyes and took a slow breath. "And who exactly LET him go to Asgard?" She asked through her teeth.
"Fury. Cecilia please don't kill us!" Joey said.
Cecilia's eyes flashed open and she glared at the door. "Tony, get me out of here." Tony looked at her.
"I can't you have to stay for at least a night."
"You don't have a night, you have fifteen minutes. Get. Me. Out if here!" Cecilia ground out.
"Pepper?" Tony said not taking his eyes off of Cecilia.
"On it." She answered walking away.
"I need clothes. Pepper brought a bag of my stuff, right?" She demanded.
-A few hours later-
Cecilia burst through the door of the office. "FUUURRYY!"
Fury rolled his eyes and turned to her.
"CECILIA!" He yelled back at her.
Cecilia jabbed a finger towards him "Do NOT mock me, Nick." She growled. Fury glared at her.
"I told you never to call me that." He said through his teeth.
"And I told you not to mock me." Cecilia snarled back, leaning over the desk. He leaned back.
"What do you want Ms. Callistote?" He said.
Cecilia met his gaze "I want to know WHY Kirk is on Asgard." Nick sighed.
"Thor is his guardian he can do whatever he feels necessary with him." Fury said.
Cecilia stood upright with an expression of stone. "I see. Thank you for your time." She nodded and stalked out the door. Tony watched as Cecilia left. He had heard the conversation and was appalled at how she managed to get out of that alive.

Black Widow
Natasha heard Koda through down the remote control to the x-box.
"Дерьмо! Вы гребаная игра! Вы заставили меня потерять Вас часть дерьма!" Natasha froze in her tracks.
"Calm down it's just a game!" She said.
Koda pouted. "A stupid game." Natasha sat down next to him. "Where did you learn that anyway? Your not even Russian. "
The six year old crossed his arms. "Yes I am. Not all Russians can have red hair like yours."
"That's because I'm awesome." Natasha said.
Koda stared at her unimpressed. "I broke Newton's laws."
"They can't be broken." Natasha said.
"Exactly." Koda said mysteriously. He stood up and walked away leaving a shocked Natasha behind.