Uwahhhh hey guys! I'm back ; w ; I'm so sorry for the long hiatus;; School kind of does that to you...
But hey, Season three is over! And now there's going to be an OVA I hear? HOW EXCITING.
A/N: If this chapter isn't what you had hoped I am so sorry;; Honestly this wasn't any fun for me to write, which was part of why it took so long for me to write it lol, but it's here now and we can finally move on! (Pun not intended lol)
P.S. I honestly know nothing about Tokyo Disney so if things about rides and food are kind of vague, that's why.
Also this hasn't been proofread twice so if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes that I missed, please let me know!
The two walked to the front gates of the amusement park and entered along with the hundreds of other people that had flooded in. Izuki's eyes roamed the tops of rides, watching as the cars of roller coasters rode up and down, listened to the exhilarated screams of all ages as they felt the adrenaline rush through their veins, and even had his mouth water at the smell of the nearby restaurants and food stands.
Moriyama noticed the gleam in Izuki's eyes as they walked along the streets of the park. "Is this your first time here, Izuki-kun?" he asked, switching his gaze from Izuki to the nearest ride.
"I went with Rei before Mai was born, so I barely remember anything, but after Mai came we couldn't afford the tickets and food costs so we never came back."
"So Mai's never been here?"
"Nope. How about you?" Izuki asked, looking up at the other, "Have you been here before?"
Moriyama panicked a little, "Would he think I'm a spoiled rich kid if I told him I've been here a lot? And even if I told him that it was because they were on dates with girls, what would he think of me then? But I don't want to lie to him!" he thought momentarily, and quickly answered, "Enough to know where the good places are."
"Really? Show me around then! I'm sure lots has changed since the last time I was here."
"Um... Alright then, follow me!"
Moriyama took Izuki by the wrist and took him to the nearest restaurant, since they hadn't had breakfast yet; the line wasn't too long, since it was still morning and others were trying to get their fast passes.
"We'll have something to eat first,then we'll walk around to let the food settle, then we can get on the fun rides. How's that sound?" asked Moriyama, looking at Izuki. The famished male nodded his head and quickly walked into the parlor. After they walked in, chose their selections to eat, and payed for the expensive food, the two sat under the warming sun to enjoy their meal. Izuki asked more questions about the park and what places Moriyama was going to take him to. Their conversation was long and took up most of the morning, but just as the sun was doing to his body, the bonding time spent at that table warmed his heart.
Breakfast was finished and Moriyama brought Izuki to one of the many gift shops with a variety of hats, plush toys, and other merchandise of iconic characters. After trying on a couple of Mickey ear hats, Izuki decided to buy the original, plain Mickey Mouse hat for himself, a Minnie Mouse headband for Mai, and a huge swirl lollipop for Rei since she had a sweet tooth.
After purchasing his items Izuki looked at Moriyama's empty hands and asked, "Aren't you going to buy anything?" but Moriyama slowly shook his head and simply replied, "I'm an only child and my parents aren't too into the merch, so watching you enjoy my present is enough for me."
Izuki felt a thump in his chest at Moriyama's words and smiled, "You're really cool sometimes, you know that? I hope you're like that with the ladies, because I know they'd definitely like being told things like that."
Moriyama's cheeks started to warm up, "Really? You thought I was cool?" and after Izuki nodded his head the taller male smiled a little bit and thanked his companion. "I hope it worked on you though..." thought Moriyama as they exited the shop.
A couple of rides, ice cream, lots of water, bathroom breaks, and a lunch break later the sky had turned orange and two had already gone on most of the rides they wanted to go on, but there was one left that Moriyama definitely wanted to ride: the Ferris Wheel.
He imagined what he would do once they were going up: First, he would set a good mood, then slowly put his arm around Izuki's shoulders, then... He only hoped things would go well from there.
As Izuki walked out of the men's restroom Moriyama asked him if there was another ride he wanted to go on, but Izuki shook his head. "From what I've seen on the map, we've gone on mostly everything I wanted to try out. Is there one you wanted to go on?"
Moriyama looked down and started to twiddle with his hair at the question. "Um, well, I'm not sure if this is a little childish to you or anything, but I wanted to go on the ferris wheel..."
Izuki's eye lit up at his words. "That isn't childish at all; let's do it!"
The two rushed to the line, which was a decent length but was quickly growing. Thanks to their basketball training, they got in without a sweat just as a crowd was swarming into the line. "Guess all those long days at practice weren't good for just basketball, huh?" joked Izuki, nudging Moriyama's side with his elbow.
"Haha, yeah. We were able to get around some people pretty well too and I'm sure your Eagle Eye only made it easier to maneuver around all these bodies."
"It really did."
"So you really think this ride isn't childish?" asked Moriyama.
"Not at all, I think everyone from all ages enjoys it for the same reason."
"Which is...?"
"The scenery! Especially at this time of day, with the sky being such a beautiful color. I'm sure the park is going to look magnificent from up there." answered Izuki, looking up towards the top of the ferris wheel.
There was a slight pang at Moriyama's chest that brought his mood down at the thought of his plans being ruined, so he asked, "Is that all...?"
"Well, from what I can see. I mean, couples could also use it as an excuse to kiss and be romantic but I'd much rather enjoy the view because it's the only time I'll get to see it. You can probably get the same view of the horizon from buildings, but there's just something about the atmosphere of a ferris wheel that makes it special."
The hint of sadness Moriyama had felt just a moment before slowly dissolved into contentment. Of course Izuki was the type to say something like that; he also took it as having other chances to try to get beyond this friendship barrier with Izuki because he was right; couples could be lovey-dovey in so many places, but the ferris wheel is only special for the view.
The two got into their cab and sat on opposite ends. As Izuki looked out through the metal bars Moriyama looked straight at his love interest.
"Isn't this amazing?" asked Izuki as he continued to gaze at the park.
"It's stunning."
A few moments passed before Moriyama remembered why the two were together in such a place, and he mustered up the courage to break the beautiful silence and greeted, "Happy Birthday, Izuki-kun."
Izuki turned towards Moriyama with a smile and replied, "Thank you Moriyama-kun." before looking back at the sunset as their cab also slowly began to descend.
The image of Izuki's genuine smile and glowing eyes when he thanked him was burned into Moriyama's memory, and he knew he would definitely remember this day forever.