Temporary Home
Chapter Fourteen: Good-Bye
Disclaimer: I dont own anything. The lyrics belong to Carrie Underwood.
Happy reading!
Friday, October 31st
"Hey Care, you coming to Katherine's Halloween party tonight?" Stefan's voice booms over the phone, Caroline is currently cutting out a design to wrap up the fall fashion so Between the Fabrics can get a jump on the winter fashion. She'll aboard her plane Monday morning to L.A. where her daughter is staying with her father while she wraps up things here in New York. "I'll have to see Stefan, you know that I have to everything finish by Sunday to get on my flight on time." She says rolling her eyes at her best friend trying to get her to go to a silly party in attempt to get her change her mind. She can hear Stefan sighing on the other end of the phone, she folds up the pieces that she cut out and sat to the side to finish up cutting the fabric between sending to the sewing machines to be place together. "You know he hasn't been the same without you around." He admitted to her. Ever since the run in with Klaus back in September all Caroline can think about it him. How much different yet the same he looked. How he didn't look all put together but he was, something about the way he hide the emotion from his voice but his eyes told a different story.
"How is he doing?" she is genuinely concern for the man who has capture her heart and stomped it into pieces as well. She stop cutting the material to pick up her phone so no one can hear what or who she is talking about. After taking the phone off speaker and place it to her ear "He's been different. There's not much to say about his behavior, he says locked up in his office and doesn't come out until he is reeling in a new fling." Stefan said. She can hear how annoyed Stefan is with the fact that his soon to be brother-in-law is acting out of control and Caroline feels like she's the one to blame for his spiraling.
"Listen, think about coming to the party, ok? Katherine really wants you to make it, Remember it's a costume party so dress up and it starts at seven. I have to go, see you soon." Without giving Caroline much to say about the invitation, he hung up the phone. Looks like you have plans for tonight since Stefan isn't giving me much of a choice in the matter. She thought bitterly finishing up her project and walks down to the sewing room before heading back to her desk to collect her purse, phone charger, and keys and processes to walk out the door.
At Elijah and Katherine's house
Klaus arrives a little after seven to see the house jam pack with a lot of people. He weaves through the thong of people to find Elijah. "Nik, you didn't dress up!" Katherine bounces over to him whining along the way. Klaus turns to be greeted by his sister-in-law glaring at him "I'm the devil in disguise." He resorts smirking at her. Katherine dressed up as a referee almost leaving little to no imagination probably showing off to Elijah "Where's my brother?" Klaus asks her. "He's in the kitchen with Stefan and play nice." She scowls him before bouncing away to find her next victim to terrorize.
Klaus walks into the kitchen to see Elijah dressed in his suits as always and Stefan who looks like Dracula. "Gentlemen," he starts catching their attention. "Niklaus you showed up." Elijah nods in his direction turning back to Stefan. "We'll discuss more on Monday, you sure go find my sister." Elijah dismisses the younger Salvatore. "Before she beheads you, mate." Klaus adds in earning a sharp look from Elijah and a dry laugh from Stefan as he slips into the booming house. "What do you need?" Elijah asks pouring himself a drink and one for Klaus who accepted it. "I wanted to come by and stay a little while before I drink myself into oblivious as usual." Klaus said shrugging. "Stefan said that Caroline may be here tonight. I know that Katherine and you have been up to something concerning the young blonde." Elijah says wondering what his brother has up his sleeve. "Relax, 'Lijah, no harm is going to come to Caroline. I just need to speak with her." He told him honestly before heading back into the thriving house.
Caroline arrived at the party an hour late, she has been trying to find a costume, she finally decide on a bunny outfit that she bought last year but didn't wear since Brooklyn was sick around her party event leaving her at home taking care of a sick child. She smiles at the memory of her daughter oh how she misses being away from her sweet baby girl. I'll be flying there Monday. She smiles entering the house to see a lot of people "Care you made it!" Elena shouts hugging her friend. Caroline laughs and returns the hug. She moves more into the house following Elena toward the ballroom where everyone is dancing.
Caroline is happy that she listened to Stefan. She wouldn't have come to the party if it wasn't for him bluntly telling her that she should go. Elena and Caroline dance together and sang along with the music. She felt someone behind her, "Hello love." Caroline turns to see Klaus standing behind her in his usual attire "Nice costume, very alluring." He taunts her smirking. "I like your costume too, asshole fits you." She remarks turning from him to walk away.
Klaus catches her elbow making her turn her head to glare at him "Come love we only had a spat, I'm over it." He tells her. Caroline wanted to tell him off so badly but this wasn't the place to start an argument. "Whatever." She mutters turning her head back and walk off leaving him standing there smirking at her retreating figure. "Brother, you know that Elijah will have your head if you don't be nice to the little blonde." Kol says smacking him on the back grinning from ear to ear. "Right? Are you going to tattle on me?" Klaus raises a brow at his young brother. "No but you know if Rebekah sees you mingle with her it'll get back to him." On that note Kol left Klaus to ponder over his words as he wonders towards a group of women.
Caroline enters the kitchen to clear her head. She hasn't been here for ten minutes and he already got under her skin! "Lost your way, love?" she rolls her eyes at his voice. Everything about him makes her want to yell at him for hurting her. "Go away Klaus." She sneers turns around crossing her arms over her chest. Klaus sighs at their little banter, he's getting tired of her avoiding him and being so angry with him. "Can we at least talk?" Klaus suggest to her. Caroline thought about it for a minute knowing that she has a plan of her own that she has yet set in motion. Weighing her options which isn't much "Already, lead the way." She says defeated.
They walk out the door leading to the staircase following the stairs into the second floor of the house, Caroline has been here several times over the five years she's known Katherine and it still impresses her at how huge the house is. Klaus opens a door to Elijah's study allowing Caroline to go in first before shutting the door. Before Klaus could start the conversation about why they haven't been talking to one another, Caroline kisses him. He is shock to say but eagerly kiss her back with so much emotion that it leaves her feeling giddy, they pull apart with their foreheads touching "That's not what I had in mind but I'm not complaining." He grins at her earning an eye roll. "Shut up Mikaelson." She whispers kissing him again.
Caroline pushes him onto the couch that is beside the door without breaking their kiss as she sits on his lap feeling his hardness against her core. She smirks in the kiss at the effect that she has on him. She pulls back looking at him "Do you like her?" she asks serious. Klaus gives her a confused look as to who she's talking about. "That girl that you kissed on the vacation?" she gives him more information about whom she's talking about. "No, and I didn't kiss her. She kissed me." He tells her. "Plus you're the only person I care about." He adds. Caroline smiles at him for the first time this whole evening making Klaus smile in return. They have missed one and other so much but since neither would talk to the other they never knew the whole story.
"Show me that you truly care, Nik." She whispers smiling at him.
After a night of passion sex with Klaus, Caroline lies against him thinking about her trip to California thinking about what or who she's leaving behind. Great now I'm getting second thought. She thought bitterly burying her face into his naked chest. She breaths in his scent before getting up quietly as possible. Guilt is starting to take ahold of her making her regret every moment that she is making. Tears swell in her eyes, Oh Nik, I wish things were different. She thought gently stroking his face. Sighing quietly she gathers her clothes and quickly puts them on and tip toe out of the study making her away down the hall to the stairs. She stops at the stairs making sure no one has caught her yet, smiling sadly before descending down the stairs to the front door. Her hand is on the door knob as tears fell from her eyes making her heart break all over again. Nothing like walking about from your love makes your heart break, she shakes her head trying to think of the positive outcome on this dark situation and found none.
Caroline opens the door to leave a peeve of herself behind as she walks out of the quiet house that has a party hours ago. She looks over her shoulder at the house thinking about the man that she is leaving behind after having a night filled with passion and love.
"Good bye Niklaus, I love you."
This is my temporary home its not where I belong windows and rooms that I'm passing through. This is just a stop on to where I'm going on I'm not a afraid because I know this is my temporary home.
This is the last chapter of Temporary Home and if you all would like more of this please tell me in the review and I will work on the sequel but as of rihgt now I will be trying to put togethr another Klaroine with a bit of a darker contain on their relationship. Let me know what you all think and I am truly sorry that it has taken me a long time to update. Between starting school, quitting my job, and having writer's block I have put everyhting off but I will try to update the next story that I will do weekly if possibly. Well I hope you all enjoyed this story. Thank you all!