Chapter One


Rose. Rose Tyler. Rose Tyler and the Doctor. TARDIS. Love. The words tasted foreign on my tongue. I haven't gone by Rose in so long. Not since he died. Not since before I was bitter and cold and angry. I'm like him, I think. At least now I am.


The meta-crisis died in war, as a commander by my side. A war that he and I were leading. The people of Earth called it The One War; the enemy didn't have a name for it. It was between the humans of Pete's world and the remaining Cybermen with the Daleks that were waiting, unknown to Torchwood until it was almost too late. The whole thing is actually kinda poetic in a really twisted way. I think, if I hadn't died with him, I would have been fine. If I hadn't been killed that day, I would have learned to live again. But I did get killed. And I did not die.

Right before I died, I was thinking of the Doctor, the Doctor that left me on that beach, almost a year ago. I was thinking about him in his own universe. If he missed me, what he would think if he saw me now, leading the good people of Earth. What he would say, that sort of thing. I missed him, especially at that moment, during war.

Out of all things and places, it was a gun, at Bad Wolf Bay. I can't believe it. I still can hardly believe it. It makes more sense now, though. It was a traitor, too, that shot us. Her name was Baylee McCain, and I trusted her. My killer was someone I trusted. I don't think she felt any grief over it, either. In fact, I told her where and how I came into this universe, and she probably thought it would be poetic, too. She was good. Before that, she was good. Better than me. Loyal. I considered her part of the family. My little family of the meta-crisis (I really can't thing of him as the Doctor right now), Pete, Mum, and Toby. She was one of the first real friends I made in this world, and she was the first person that killed me.

I really wouldn't have suspected her. No one would. Her eyes weren't those of a traitor; they were bright and blue. She was small and pretty. London wasn't even her home. America was. I always asked her why she dyed pink stripes in her hair, and why she didn't follow Torchwood regulations, and she always would laugh and say, "Oh, Rose. You know me. I like to be a hipster. Besides, breaking the rules is fun!" My killer called herself a hipster and told me breaking rules were fun ( which was most likely some sick joke with herself about what she was doing).

When she shot me and my husband, she was as shocked as I was when I returned to the land of the living half an hour later. She was as shocked as I was, when after I saw my dead husband on the ground, I took her gun from the sand at her feet and shot her. I, Rose Tyler, shot a person, murdered them. A pretty brunette with a little sister and parents, waiting for her in America. Waiting for her to come back as a hero, as a lieutenant commander to the Captain Tyler, in Torchwood, London. I watched the light go out of her eyes; I heard something inside me breaking. Then, I turned to him, the meta-crisis, my husband of eight months(ten months together), my life really, and whatever inside me that was breaking, broke.

I threw the gun on the ground and flung myself at him, his corpse. He couldn't be dead. It wasn't allowed. This universe wouldn't allow it. No universe would allow the last of the Time Lords to be dead. Except he wasn't a Time Lord. He was mortal, while I apparently, was not. I cried and then I didn't cry. This had to end. Not just this war, myself as well. He would want it to be over. So, I took out my walkie talkie and called it in to my other lieutenant, Professor Issac Hugg, called Huggs by his friends.

"Captain? Where have you been? We've been looking for you. The fight is going well on our part," he informed me over the static of the walkie.

"Professor, there's been three deaths at Bad Wolf Bay. My husband, a traitor and Rose Tyler," my voice probably sounded distant and cold, even over the horrible reception of the walkie.

There was silence over the walkie, cold, untouchable silence, the sounds of war muted to my ears. It was too much. I hurled it at the ground and shot it, with the .45 caliber used on me a while ago. I burned Baylee's body and shot her walkie, too. I left him, not even giving his body a glance, shutting off my feelings, allowing them to slip in through cracks in my heart.

Walking to a cave nearby, I felt numb. So numb. I could feel my legs, but they didn't feel like they were moving. Logic disagreed, the cave was getting closer. Good. I could barely see anymore. The blood in my veins felt cold, my head ice. I sat down, with my back pencil straight. I waited for what, I don't know.

In that cave, at Bad Wolf Bay, I left myself. I was not Rose Tyler. I was not Captain Tyler. I would be listed on the list of the dead for a war, for the second time, in a new universe. Issac would take my place. The only people who will mourn my husband and I will by my mum and Pete. My soldiers will miss me, I suppose. I decided then, that if I were not Rose Tyler, the Doctor's companion, I would have to the Bad Wolf, killer of monsters, fight of evil. Because I think then that it hit me. For whatever reason I could not die. I didn't try to figure out how and why exactly how until later.

Logic didn't seem to mean anything that day. Actually, that day, the word logic didn't exist. It just wasn't working. I don't really believe in logic anymore. I lost my faith. Mainly, because when I walked out of that small, dark cave, I watched energy rise out of my husband's dead body, I could see energy floating to a shape that looked suspiciously like the TARDIS. The only reason I started running was because as the energy was reshaping itself, his body was fading. The numbness in my body was gone, the feelings rushed back and punched me in the gut.

"Stop! Don't you dare leave me! Don't you dare!" I grasped his hand and held it to my face. "Nononononono. You said forever at our wedding. You promised," I smiled a little then, when his body was almost completely gone. I smiled for him, at him, for us. It didn't make sense. And none of this was fair. Is this what fate wants? Is a new TARDIS compensation for him? That was hardly fair, and fate knew it. But, it didn't matter then. At that moment I just let myself remember him, drink him in, prepare myself. "I love you," I whispered, just before his body totally disappeared, his energy finally drained. The new TARDIS hummed, as if in response to my oath, response to new life. I promised myself then, at that exact moment, that whatever I did now, it would be for him, in his name. That's why I looked one more time at Baylee's burning body, that's why I didn't allow myself to cry, that's why I stepped into the TARDIS, that was a much darker blue than his is. That's why I started running.

I am not Rose Tyler anymore. I refuse to be and the world accepted the fact. I am not Rose Tyler anymore, but that is the day I started running. That is the day when I started following the first and only command that ever made sense to me. A word said to me by the last of the Time Lords, by the Oncoming Storm, by a man I would see again, even though the consequences would be great. An alien that changes his face, a wanderer that travels, a savior that holds my heart. The most important word in my life, and his.


A/N: So, yeah. What do you think? And things are very confusing right now, I know. They will be explained, I promise. Read and review, please. :) Also, can you tell me if you want to read the whole thing about her finding her way back to the Doctor, who will be Eleven, by the way, or if you just want me to skip ahead to that part.