Chapter 1: A Granted Wish and the Arrival of Darkness

February X784: Magnolia Town

It was pouring. Rain drops fell from the sky to land on trees that spanned a great multitude of the surrounding area. Down far below was a town of great size. Many buildings' silhouettes could be seen by the naked eye since the downpour obscured many of the details that would otherwise be easily discerned in sunny weather.

There was a large lake on the north end of the town. There were man made rivers that flowed through the town. Fish bobbed up and down under the countless ripples in the rivers. Puddles grew larger as more and more rain fell. Up and down the streets, one could not find any signs of life. Because of the rain, there was not as much liveliness as usual. Many of the houses had its windows closed and most people stayed inside. There were, however, exceptions, like a certain guild.

It was the top guild in Fiore: Fairy Tail. Usually there was endless celebration and partying, but this was not the usual. Today, the members were not exactly in a joyous mood. It was the anniversary of the death of one of their most cherished family members: Lisanna. The rain only enforced a remorseful feeling. Many members thought that partying on this day would be considered an insult to the deceased. No one in the guild was in the mood.

Mira and Elfman especially.

February X784: Outside Magnolia Town, In the Forest

"Lisanna…" A pink haired boy whispered, completely taken back by the sight of a once thought deceased guild member. Natsu could not believe what he was seeing; his eyes widened to the size of dish plates. His hair was matted down by the water that fell from the sky. His clothes, like everyone else's, were torn from the battle that they had just come back from in the parallel dimension.

"No, it can't be…" The same thoughts of surprise and disbelief went through Gray's head. His eyes were covered by his black hair, but one could tell that his visage had the same shocked look.

"Lisanna!?" Cried out Erza. It was her turn to process the jumble of thoughts that ran through her head. 'Could it really be her!? That's not possible though, she died two years ago!' She couldn't find a solution to this situation.

There in front of the group of Fairy Tail mages, sat a white haired girl in the mud. Her hair was cut short to just above her shoulders and she had on clothes that showed off much of her arms and legs. Her clothes were reminiscent of a tank top and a skirt. Her hands were tied together by a rope that was held by Pantherlily on the other end. The girl was obviously the cat's prisoner.

"What is this cat!? Is he an Exceed?" Lisanna cried out not noticing the group after Pantherlily had dragged her out of the bush and into the open. She was being treated pretty roughly by the cat. It seemed that Pantherlily was rather suspicious of the girl and thus proceeded to capture her.

After looking at the cat sternly, Lisanna noticed that they had an audience. "Natsu!" She cried immediately recognizing the boy from her past.

With renewed vigor, Lisanna jumped up and flew at Natsu. She had, on her face, a large smile and seemed happy. Tears started to form in her eyes.

"Dowah!" Natsu was not prepared for the tackle and flew back with Lisanna's momentum. Natsu sank into the mud with a big "plop" and was hugged tightly by Lisanna. Tears flowed ceaselessly out of her eyes at finally meeting her Natsu again.

"We meet again...real Natsu." The tears were now flowing freely down her face. A look of the utmost joy appeared. She felt warmth welling up from her stomach. She was finally home! Her real home!

February X784: Magnolia Town. Caldia Church Cathedral

In the Caldia Church Cathedral were 2 people. Both of whom had pure white hair and wore dark clothing as if they were mourning someone who had passed away. They were visiting Lisanna's grave.

The two were Mirajane Strauss and Elfman Strauss: elder sister and brother of Lisanna. Mira was kneeling down to place flowers on Lisanna's grave. Elfman stood ramrod straight and stared down at the gravestone while holding an umbrella for the both of them.

They both just stared longingly at the grave. Wishing that Lisanna was alive…

"Sis, let's go." Elfman whispered after a while. It was clear that even though he was saying it, he did not want to leave. But he had to care for his remaining sister and so he made the decision to leave before she caught a cold.

But Mira was unrelenting in wanting to stay by Lisanna's grave a little longer. Mira wanted to stay for as long as she could. "A little longer…" Mira wished with all her heart that she could see Lisanna again.

*Splash* *Splash* *Splash*

In the distance, the sound of someone running could be heard. But they both deemed it unimportant. This was Lisanna's day and they would not let themselves be distracted from it.

*Splash* *Splash* *Splash* *Splash*

The sound of the puddles being splashed became louder and louder.

"Mira-nee! Elf-nii!"

Someone yelled in a voice that they had never thought they would ever hear again. Both of them widened their eyes as new hope sprung up within their hearts. But it just wasn't possible. Mira and Elfman both turned around expecting to see someone else standing there yelling their names…

Naturally, they were not prepared for what they saw.

Out of breath and running towards them with tears streaming down her face was their long lost sister...Lisanna.

Elfman dropped the umbrella. Mira stood up shaking uncontrollably. Both of them had shocked looks on their faces. The looks were a mixture of both shock and disbelief. They needed proof that what they were seeing was not an illusion or a figment of their longing.

Both sides ran into each other's arms.

"Lisanna" Whispered Mirajane in while pulling the girl close. Lisanna hugged back. Tears flowed like a river.

"I'm back.." Lisanna fell into her older sister's embrace and just rested there, content with just touching her real family again.

"Welcome back." Her wish was granted…Lisanna had come home.

February X784: Outside Magnolia Town, the peak of a nearby mountain

In the mountains a great deal of magic power was being emitted and concentrated. There was no one around and yet the concentration of magic was increasing. Just who exactly was supplying this power? What was going on?

The power continued to increase until it became impossible to be ignored, due to the sheer amount of power being concentrated, by any nearby mages.

When the magic hit its breaking point, it exploded outward. Light so bright and hot lit up like the sun all for a split second. Like a camera flash that was only many times brighter than normal. It flared and brightened the whole of Magnolia for less time than a person would take to blink.

Every person in Magnolia who saw that light, began to talk about it. Up came several theories as to what the light was. The most common opinion stated that it was just lightning.

Human instinct was not that far off the target. They were correct in an most ironic way.

February X784: Magnolia Town. Caldia Church Cathedral

"Ugh. What was that?" Natsu was rubbing his eyes to get rid of the blotchy spots.

"Who cares?" Gray just could not care less about flash as he was already overjoyed at finding Lisanna. "We should head back to the guild to spread the good news!"

February X784: Outside Magnolia Town, the peak of a nearby mountain

Back on the mountain, two silhouettes could be seen inside a massive mist.

"Flans Deflexio" Came the calm voice of the taller of the two. Immediately, all the mist that surrounded them dispersed.

There standing in the middle of a circular shaped, blackened, and scorched plot of grass that seemed to still emit steam and more rain fell on it, were two people. Further away, surrounding the epicenter of the explosion was a circle of burnt-beyond-recognition trees. Several branches were still on fire, but those were dowsed out eventually by the rain. The two figures stood there regally as if both of them had descended from a royal bloodline.

A teenage boy age about 17 with shoulder length red hair and a handsome bishounen face with little flaws walked forward. His was the type that many guys would be jealous of, and many women would yearn to have in their possession. He had on a long black cloak that fell down to his ankles with a single white wing on the back. The hood was pulled up so the all a person could see were the bottom tips of his hair and the half of his face. The rest was covered in shadows. In his hand was a long staff that was wrapped mostly in white cloth. Underneath his cloak was a black kenpo uniform with silver lining.

He was the prince of the fallen kingdom of Vespertatia, disciple of the Visitation of Woe, and also the savior of the Magic World, Mundus Magicus: Negi Vespertatia Entheofushia Springfield.

Next to him was a girl a little shorter than the red haired teen next to her. She, like him, looked to be about 17 years old. She had long flowing blond hair that reached the back of her knees. Her face was that of a model's: completely flawless and no signs of age despite her….questionable age. She also had a figure that would even attract those of the same sex. She had on a gothic black dress with frills on the hem of her dress. She carried an open umbrella on her shoulders. Many would call this dress provocative and sometimes indecent, but to Negi it was much better than what she normally wore. All in all, she looked to be a lady of a higher class...of another time period.

She was the girl called the Visitation of Woe, Apostle of Darkness, Dark Evangel, and High Daylight Walker. Her name is Evangeline A.K. McDowell, or, better known as Eva.

The two of them together was a sight to be seen. Both of them not only had looks that would make anybody drool, but also also auras of power that permeated around them. The auras felt slightly tainted with darkness, though. One aura felt tainted more so than the other. That would have been the examination of one that was experienced and powerful in the art of magic.

To the common eye of a civilian, there was something much more noticeable. They were not getting wet at all. The air around them seemed distorted and the rain just fell around them, never hitting their forms. Rain drops would hit an invisible wall on its way down and would just flow around them. The area where rain could not fall was highlighted as 2 large spheres that surrounded each of the two.

"Boya…" The girl stated threateningly. "I congratulate you on your success with your experiment but...mind telling me where we are now? This is definitely not anywhere near the World Tree."

Hearing her dangerous undertone, the male's spine straightened and he mechanically turned his head to face his companion, dreading what he would see. Sure enough, he saw a visage that could be mistaken for the devils.

"Um...I don't know?" The boy tried, while scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Negi Springfield…" She was definitely getting mad now. "What just happened!?"

End Chapter 1

A/N Ok so this story starts, as you probably know by now, right after the Edolas Arc. I will post Negi's profile next chapter.

Chapter 2 coming up soon.

Thanks for reading!