Chapter 34
I do not own anything from Wizard of Oz or Lord of the Rings.
I was going to make a couple of more chapters, but decided to condense them. I am anxious to move on to another story I have been working on.
I really want to thank all of my readers. You guys are the ones that kept me going on this story. I always welcome any feedback.
1 year later
The peace throughout the land was a welcome relief for everyone in Oz. Emerald City was almost completely re-built. Trading had begun again, and the city was getting back to normal. New things came along, as in new businesses and other things to make Oz run smoothly.
Scarecrow and Dorothy were now officially betrothed. He then felt it was safe enough to take some time off, and travel to her world. They spent three months there, and he was amazed by the technology the humans on Earth had developed. The thing they called a car amazed him. He was scared when Dorothy drove him around in Oscar's car, but after a while he began to enjoy it. Then there were the planes, but he was too scared to get on one.
They had seen most of what she called the United States, and he could not believe the beauty contained in that country. Their world war had just ended so everyone was celebrating the victory of their world. Dorothy did point out the irony they had a war going on at the same time as Oz.
Dorothy was upset to find her childhood home up for sale once more as the place she grew up had still been going through another severe drought.
They had met with what Dorothy called a realtor so Dorothy could sneak inside and look around to show Scarecrow. She was acting as a potential buyer for the realtor. It was sneaky, but she said she didn't want them to get caught with something called trespassing.
"You seem very familiar with this house, Miss Gale," The lady said to her.
Dorothy turned and smiled. "That is because my aunt and uncle were previous owners."
The realtor's eyes lit up, and Scarecrow could have sworn she just licked her lips. Things were much different in Dorothy's world he frowned.
"Oh! Well maybe we need to talk further about a possible purchase," she said.
"Possibly," Dorothy said fingering some curtains that were left behind.
Dorothy looked so different from Oz. She had her hair styled for fashion of her world. A green hat on her head, a skirt and shirt of beige and white with a green coat to match her hat, and black shoes that Scarecrow was not familiar with. They did not look comfortable to him.
Scarecrow had begun to wear what Dorothy called denim, and found he liked the material a lot. He could see why she favored it.
The realtor then handed her the key to the house, which surprised Dorothy.
"Here, you can look around for a while, and then meet me back at my office, and we can talk," she said excitedly.
Dorothy thanked the gracious realtor.
Dorothy walked around the empty house for a while. Scarecrow could tell she was caught up in her memories.
"So, do you have plans for this place?" Scarecrow asked wanting to break the silence, but teasing.
Dorothy laughed a little, and shook her head. "Of course not. I have a home now."
Scarecrow put his arms out and Dorothy walked into them.
"Glad to hear that," he said teasing her.
"She must have thought I had money," Dorothy said laughing.
Dorothy looked down at her engagement ring. "She saw this," she said laughing. "It is bigger than most rings out here."
"Should I tell her I'm a king?"
Dorothy laughed. "I don't think she would believe it."
Dorothy led him to a back room. He looked around, and realized this had been her room.
"So, this is where it all began huh?" He asked smiling. He was surprised at how small it was. But, he remembered his humble childhood.
"Yep! That window was what bonked me in the head, and it all began from there," she said smiling.
"Is that why you thought it was a dream?"
Dorothy nodded.
Scarecrow embraced his future wife again. "I am so glad you never believed it."
Her eyes softened up at him. "Me too."
They walked around the property looking into the barn and out into the fields. Scarecrow spotted a Scarecrow in the field.
It kind of made him jump a little at his own memories.
Dorothy looked over at him concerned. "Are you alright?"
Dorothy realized what he was looking at, and faced him.
"I built that," she said. "I'm surprised the former owner kept it."
Scarecrow looked at her surprised. "You did?"
"Yes, and there were many nights that I would pretend it was you, and just talk to it. Crazy, I know."
He turned and looked at her seriously. "Not at all. Now look at us."
Dorothy smiled. They returned the keys to the realtor, and Dorothy had to politely turn her down over and over again. Scarecrow finally had to step in, and Dorothy almost giggled when he became what she called his "Kingly self."
Dorothy was disappointed when she found out her old landlady had to sell her aunt and uncles piano. She sat in the car and cried for a few minutes, and all Scarecrow could do was give her some comfort.
She suddenly looked over him. "Are you ready to go home?"
"Only if you are," he said smiling to her.
Dorothy looked around for a few minutes. "There is nothing left for me here. My family is in Oz now."
"Your family is watching over you," he said kissing her forehead. "No matter what world you're in."
Dorothy nodded. "I know they are."
Scarecrow still freaked over the tornado that came a few days later for them, making Dorothy laugh. She apparently had gotten used to it. Glinda was still trying to figure out an easier way between both worlds, but she said the violent nature of the tornado is what made the vortex open.
Scarecrow was relieved to land in Emerald City. They were greeted with open arms from their trip when they returned. Things were still going good. Scarecrow already knew from the messages from Oscar.
"Did he crash my car?" Oscar asked teasing after greeting them.
Dorothy laughed at Scarecrow's look. "No, I have to say he did pretty good after he got the hang of it."
"I will have to see for myself," Oscar said winking at her.
Scarecrow scoffed, and shook his head as they began to settle back into Oz.
4 years later
Dorothy knew it was prophecy from when she had read the scrolls of Oz, but she never really believed it. Not until Ozma came and reclaimed the throne. She had been the rightful and true heir.
The fairy princess had immediately become queen. Which was to her and Scarecrow's relief. She had been resisting marriage, because she had no use to become queen.
Scarecrow put up no argument when Ozma claimed the throne. Scarecrow had become an advisor to Ozma for about a year, and that made Oscar happy, because him and Glinda were finally able to retire to her castle.
Lion and Tin Man decided to stay on as generals for a while. Though he could tell Tin Man was getting tired of it, and was ready to move on.
Scarecrow and Dorothy finally got married, and Scarecrow had been enchanted when Oscar had walked her down the aisle. Her dress had been stunning and she looked stunning in it.
He had gotten his wish. He had abdicated the thrown peacefully, and married his soul mate.
They had gotten a cottage in Munchkin Land, and were now farming. This was exactly what they both wanted.
Dorothy and Ozma had become good friends, and she had also been an advisor for a while along with Scarecrow.
Dorothy had given up trying to call Scarecrow Fiyero a long time ago. He would always be her Scarecrow no matter how human he was, she said.
The only thing they were not having any luck on was conceiving a child. Scarecrow had a feeling that came from his spell. Dorothy would cry about it sometimes, but they had talked about maybe what Dorothy called adopting a baby. The Healer told them it was not Dorothy she was perfectly fertile, but he thought this was an after effect of Scarecrow's spell.
It made him sad and angry at the same time, but he thought maybe this wasn't their fate.
Dorothy now wore the magical emerald around her neck at all times. She still controlled its powers. They had thought about destroying it a couple of times, but the memories were too potent in it. They may need it again one day.
Scarecrow growled at his work, and Dorothy looked over at him.
"The soil is not tilling right," he said frustrated.
Dorothy came and looked around. "That's because you're not going deep enough."
Scarecrow gave Dorothy a frustrated look. "I am wondering if I am cut out for farming."
"You are the one who sat in a field for a hundred years, didn't you learn anything?" She asked incredulous, but her brown eyes flashed in humor.
Scarecrow smiled. "No, because I was thinking the girl of my dreams would walk by any minute…."
Her hair was back in its usual braids, and her freckles were really showing from the sun. Her skin was sun kissed pink. Her auburn hair had some blonde highlights developing from the sun. The only thing he could think about was making sweet love to her that night.
Dorothy laughed, but rolled her eyes. "That wasn't till much later."
"It's true!"
Dorothy began to walk away laughing. "Sure it is. Let me finish getting these seeds in, and I will come and help you, strawman."
"Okay, farm girl. You're the expert."
Scarecrow put down the till, and walked over to the well to get some water. He wiped the sweat from his brow, and would give anything for rain right now.
Dorothy taught him not to fear water anymore either, and had taught him how to swim. They had a lake there that they would have fun in on off nights.
Scarecrow stood for a moment and looked around the land. He was surprised to see dust starting to pick up in the distance. There was not much of a breeze in the area.
He squinted his eyes, and saw three of the Queen's guards coming towards them on their royal steeds. Ozma had become a lot more formal than he was.
Scarecrow groaned inwardly. What could they possibly want?
Something was wrong.
Dorothy heard the hoof beats of the horses getting closer, and walked over to Scarecrow.
"Is that the queen's royal guard?" She asked.
"Yes," he said lowly.
"The emerald is flickering," Dorothy commented fingering the necklace.
Scarecrow groaned again. He looked down at his wife, and tried to smile, but failed.
She looked worried as the riders approached.
The three royal guards stopped in front of them, and they all dismounted.
"My Lord, Milady," the guard said as greeting.
Dorothy said hello, and Scarecrow said, "What do I owe the honor of the queen's guards visiting?"
The guard handed Scarecrow a message. "Her Royal Highness is requesting your presence in Emerald City, my Lord."
Scarecrow did not open the message and said, "What does she need?"
"She is requesting advice from you and milady."
Dorothy looked up at Scarecrow in surprise that it included her too.
"She has plenty of advisors. Where are her Generals?"
"Forgive me, my Lord, but she is requesting you as former ruler of this land," the guard said. "Also, she requested the presence of the Savior."
Dorothy looked up him and said, "Scarecrow?"
"Can you tell me now what she wants?"
"No, the queen prefers it in person," the guard said.
Scarecrow opened the message and it basically said the same thing as what the guard said.
"It is urgent, my lord," the guard said.
Scarecrow sighed. "Well, I will need a few days so I can have someone look over my home for myself and my wife."
"Of course, my lord. The queen is not expecting anything less. We will see you back at Emerald City," he said.
The riders said their goodbyes and took off.
Dorothy looked up at her husband. She knew he was angry. Would they ever find peace?
He looked over at her and hugged her tightly.
"Will it ever end?" He asked.
"Another adventure?" She asked laughing bitterly.
"As long as you stay safe, nothing else matters to me," he said.
She looked up at him and smiled. "I will with you around. Let's just hope that Ozma is panicking over something small."
"You don't believe that do you?"
"Neither do I," he said watching the riders get smaller and smaller in the distance.
The couple decided to drop their work for the day, and have some quiet time before they left for Emerald City.
Scarecrow sent Kronos to fetch Loila from Munckin City. She would watch over the farm for them.
They sat outside that evening looking up at the stars for while.
Dorothy turned and smiled at Scarecrow. He had been quiet the rest of the day. She knew he was really worried, and it would bother him till they found out what was going on.
"I'm sorry I'm not very good company tonight," he said with a little bitterness.
"Understandable. I am just as worried as you," she said softly.
He rubbed his eyes for a moment. He had a really bad feeling, and knew Dorothy was feeling it too. She kept fingering the necklace.
He needed a distraction.
He wrapped his arms around Dorothy and kissed her for a moment.
"I love you, Mrs Scarecrow," he said smiling at her.
She smiled, and said, "I love you too Fiyero Scarecrow."
Scarecrow chuckled. It was a good night, and he didn't want it to end.
A couple of days later they traveled towards Emerald City.
The end.
If you haven't guessed yet, I am planning a sequel. =) I still have a few other things to finish, but I will start writing it next month.
One of the reviewers mentioned it and it was not a bad idea.