3 years later...

The air was heavy, humid. An off-shore tropical storm promised rain in the city later but for the moment the sun could still peek out from between the ominous clouds. Cicadas chirred in the trees, louder than normal because of the pending storm. It brought life to the often-silent cemetery.

Then came the sound of stone on stone as Pietre pried the front closure piece from one of the crypts. The heavy masonry came free and landed at his bare feet, gouging a mark in the earth. He stepped back and watched the crypt. In seconds there was a deep gasp from the grave and two arms shot out. Skinny and filthy, the arms pulled a body out.

The warlock moved in to help the scrawny individual to the ground. He propped the emaciated figure with one of his arms and brushed the wild hair back.

"Misty Day," he said pleasantly, as though this were a typical social encounter. "Welcome back to the world."

"Where am I?" she croaked, clutching at his nearest arm. "What year is it?"

He pushed her up more, trying to get her on her feet. "There will be time for questions later. Right now we need to get you to the coven. I'll bet you're starved."

Misty had been in a state of torpor since she was stuffed in the crypt, unable to live and unable to die, thanks to her mystical gifts. Meanwhile the war between witches and vodoun raged on. Pietre tried to catch her up on the way back to the school but she didn't care. She was too busy taking in everything she saw, trying to sort out spirits from reality.

It was months before she fully acclimatized to the world again. Pietre and those who were left at the school helped her, but there was a feral twitch to her movements that would never fully leave. She was happiest by herself out in the greenhouse, tending the plants.

During the winter solstice she helped Pietre resurrect Fiona. Though he had assisted in taking the Supreme down, his role was indirect and given that he was instrumental in bringing her back from the dead, she was willing to call it even. More or less.

Together they set to rebuilding and fortifying. It took seven years to reestablish a sense of control and order in a world that was rapidly losing it. In another seven years, the old world was gone completely, lost to a series of nightmares that left few survivors. Fiona suffered from apocalyptic visions during those hard times, but with those visions came clarity—and a plan for the future.


2032, December

New Jerusalem was what survivors of the Apocalypse called the settlement that had taken root in the foggy skeleton of Los Angeles. New 'Salem for short. Though they still held the academy in New Orleans, Fiona and the majority of the coven had made the trip out to settlement, following Fiona's apocryphal dreams. It wasn't an easy transition but it was a necessary one.

It was one week from the celebration of the 20th birthday of the Antichrist, Michael Langdon. It would be the night when the whole world would know who he was and Fiona intended to secure her place beside him. Everything was ready: Ford Theatre was set up to his specifications, prepared for the crowd of devoted followers the son of Satan had attracted.

It was going to be a party of epic proportions, to welcome in the new world order.

Author's Note:

I've heard from a few folks now about the latest season of American Horror Story and how it's digging up characters from previous seasons. I'm guessing that's why Teenage Frankenstein's had a big surge in traffic lately. I got to thinking the last chapter was rushed due to RL back when I wrote it, so I thought give it a little more closure for you guys.

I know that last sentence in the chapter doesn't seem quite like closure but hey: At least Misty Day's not going to be stuck in that tomb forever. As it was, she was in there for 4 RL years. The last time I edited this story was in 2014. Poor gal.


ETA: So a year later, this story connects with my AHS: Armageddon (Apocalypse) fanfic. You can see what's become of Zoe, Kyle, Madison, Fiona, and even Pietre and his weird triplets over the years as Michael's risen to power.