First of all, I would like to apologize for the EXTREMELY long wait! I've been so busy with school and felt so bad that I haven't gotten around to writing it until now. Thank you for your patience. Second of all, I would like to thank everyone who has followed, favorite and reviewed this story. It means the world to me. So here is the last chapter: Enjoy!

Chapter 51: That's Life

Regina untangled herself from her sleeping kids who were draped all over her. She wanted to have a warm breakfast waiting for them when they woke up. She had just about everything set up and ready by the time they came into the kitchen with tired faces. "Morning." She said happy to see them.

"Why did you leave?" Henry asked just before he yawned. "We woke up and you were gone."

"I wanted to make you guys your favorite breakfasts." She said with a small smile. "I thought you'd be hungry after your little journey to the past."

"We are." Ally reassured her as she took a seat. "We just kinda freaked out for minute when you weren't there."

Regina knew exactly how they felt. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you."

Henry was already eating his pancakes. "I forgot how awesome food is here."

"Beats having oatmeal every day for breakfast." Ally joked.

"You got that right." Henry agreed as he kept his attention on his food.

"Oatmeal?" Regina questioned. She had a feeling who they might've been back in the Enchanted Forest but she didn't want to say just yet. "Were you servants when you went back?"

Ally shoveled more food into her mouth and looked down while Henry looked over to her for what to do. Regina looked between her two kids. "Finish your breakfast. Afterwards, we will have that discussion you both been putting off."

She left the room in a swift motion. As soon as she was gone the whispers consumed both of them. "What are we gonna tell her?" Henry asked.

"Should we tell her the truth?" Ally turned to face him in her seat as Henry pushed around his food. "I kinda want to." Henry whispered.

"So do I." Ally admitted.

He looked over at her. "Emma's gonna be mad."

"I think everyone will be mad but I know I can't live with this secret." She said with a pained face.

He pushed his plate away. "This sucks."

Ally sighed as she got up and walked over to the phone. She quickly dialed Emma's number. "Hey, we wanna tell Regina, ugh, mom what happened. It's really getting to us."

"It's okay kid." Emma replied. "I feel the same way. I think we should get them together and tell them at the same time."

Ally ran her fingers through her hair. "Alright, I guess come over in an hour or so. Just you and Snow."

"Will do, kid. See ya then."

Ally hung up the phone before dragging her feet across the floor to put her plate in the sink. "You heard?"

Henry nodded. "Yea, I'll go get dressed." He said apathetically as he hopped off the stool.

She wasn't far behind him but she needed to talk to Regina before anyone else got there. This matter only concerned her and her mother. She peeked her head in Regina's room and saw her making the bed. "Sorry we left your room a mess."

Regina was just putting the last bunch of pillows back on top. "It's no trouble, dear. You've both had a long trip."

She stood awkwardly in the doorway as she looked around the room trying to figure out how to start this conversation. "Is there something you wish to talk about, darling?" Regina asked eyeing her from the other side of the room.

"Oh, um…yea." She walked into the room a little more. "About the time portal-"

"We should wait for Henry, Allison." Regina interrupted.

"No, it's not about the past it's about the present." Ally told her as she crawled up on her bed. "It's just something I learned from the past that I wish I knew sooner."

Regina took a seat on the bed. "Okay, go on."

Ally took a deep breath before she looked into her mother's eyes. "When I first saw you with Robin, I kinda freaked out. As crazy as it sounds, I didn't want to share you. I just got you back and I wanted you all to myself."

Regina reached across to grab her hand. "Sweetheart, it's perfectly normal-"

"Well I know it's being selfish and that you need more than kids in your life so I-"


"Let me finish." She pleaded. Regina nodded and remained silent. "I want you and Robin to be together…if that's what you want." She was about to speak but Ally held her hand up. "But I have to make sure he's worthy enough to be dating you."

She couldn't help but laugh. "Are you sure you're okay with this?"

Ally smiled. "I want you to be happy so yes, it is. Why don't you give him a call or send an arrow his way or…how do you get in contact with him anyway? He lives in the woods."

She thought about it for a moment then shrugged her shoulders. "He just knows when to show up."

"That's hard to find in a guy." Ally readjusted her position so she was sitting closer to her mother. She let a smirk spread across her face. "So…did ya kiss him yet?"

Regina pushed her lightly. "Allison!"

Ally laughed. "Come on, tell me!"

Regina stood up and straightened her dress before walking around the bed towards the door. "I think we better go get Henry."

Ally jumped in front of her. "You kissed him didn't you?!"

Regina looked down at her trying not to give anything away although Ally could read her by now. "You did!" She threw her arms around her. "That's great!" Before Regina could even comprehend what was happening, Ally was already half way down the hallway. "She kissed him, Henry! She kissed him!" She screamed.

Regina finally registered what was happening. She took a seat on her bed to stable herself. Her kids were back and they've given their consent, not that she really needed it, to date Robin. Everything was back on track and her life was just turning around. She couldn't believe everything was falling into place.

Henry came barreling into the room giving her a huge hug followed by Ally which knocked them both over resulting in a laughing fit.

"So when is he coming over, mom?" She asked once they all caught their breath.

Regina propped herself up. "Well…"

"You didn't break up with him did you?" Henry asked quickly.

"We just took a little break so you two could relax and feel comfortable with the situation." She explained. "I want some time alone with the two of you before we get into all that."

Henry nodded. "Sounds good, just don't keep him waiting too long."

She smiled. "I won't, dear."

"I'm going to finish getting ready. Snow and Emma should be here soon." He told them.

"Why are they coming over?" Regina asked confused. Henry slipped out and let Ally do the explaining.

"We decided that it's best that we tell you both what happened during our little trip to the past." Ally told her. "It's easier that way." She didn't let Regina get a word in for another question popped out of her mouth. "Do you mind me calling you 'mom'?"

Regina took a minute to look at her daughter's face before stroking her hair. "I've wanted that for a while."

"I'm sorry it took me a long time to come around. I've loved you ever since the Enchanted Forest and I always felt drawn to you. You were my everything; you still are."

Regina gripped her chin lightly. "You and Henry are my world. I love you so much my little butterfly, more than any words could describe."

She looked into her mother's eyes and saw the young naive girl she once was way back when. It broke her heart that she was the cause of her mother's unhappiness. She slowly wrapped her arms around the older woman. "I love you too, mom." She whispered back. "You are so strong and I admire you so much!"

Regina squeezed her tightly but she had no idea why she was saying some of those things. "Sweetheart, is there something else you want to tell me?"

Ally pulled back quickly. "No, I should go get dressed." She hopped off the bed as quick as she could and hurried down to her room leaving Regina to wonder what the hell happened in the past.

Emma and Snow arrived about 20 minutes later. Snow and Regina were sitting on the couch side by side in silence. They were both nervous for this conversation. "Do you have any idea what they are going to say?" Snow asked hesitantly.

Regina twirled her thumbs as she looked down at her lap. "I suspect it has something to do with our new memories."

Snow leaned her arm on the arm rest and sighed. "I was afraid of that."

Regina couldn't wait any longer. "Come out of the kitchen right now and tell us what is going on!" She yelled from the living room. The trio was there within seconds. "You have 10 seconds to start explaining." Regina said firmly.

"Regina, we shouldn't scare them." Snow told her.

Regina glared at her. "Then we'll never find out." She turned her attention back to the trio before her. "Go on."

"Okay so something happened in the past." Ally started. "We kinda changed it by accident so we spent most of the time trying to fix our mistake."

"It was a big mistake that would've altered history in a huge way." Henry added.

"The way Snow and I met perhaps?" Regina shot him a questionable look. Their mouths fell agape. "But how?" Emma asked.

"Our memories are altered." Snow explained. "But we still don't know all the details so please continue."

Emma looked over to the kids who gave her the nod to go ahead. She stuck her hand in her pockets and shifted uncomfortably. "Well we might as well start with telling you who we were. I was Emily, Ally was Alexandra and Henry was Thomas."

"The servants Daniel…" Regina's voiced trailed off when she looked at all three of their nodding heads.

Snow looked directly at Henry. "You were Thomas!?"

A huge smile spread across his face as he tried to hide his laughter. "Guilty."

Snow sunk deeper in her chair and covered her face with her hands. "I can't believe I had a crush on you."

"You what?!" Regina snapped.

"I didn't know it was him!" Snow shot back just as quickly. "It was just an infatuation."

"A crush, honestly!" Regina snorted.

Emma knew a fight would break out between the two brunettes if she didn't step in. "That's the least of our problems. Do you want to hear the rest or continue fighting?"

Regina grunted as she crossed her arms and looked at the blonde while Snow kept her head down still ashamed. "I saw grandfather." Ally looked at her mother whose eyes eknew how much he meant to her daughter. "I wish he knew it was me but it was good to see him again. He gave me a little talk, well I was Snow at the time so I guess he gave her a talk."

"What do you mean you were me at the time?" Snow asked looking really confused.

Ally looked from her sister to her mother. She opened her mouth to tell them but no words came out. This was the part that made her feel guilty the most. Henry grabbed her hand knowing how hard this was for her. Emma knew it was her fault Ally had to impersonate Snow in the first place so she felt like it was her duty to tell them. "I made Ally pretend to be Snow so she would tell Cora about Daniel. I'm so sorry."

Rage ran through Regina's eyes. She clenched her fists and stood up just inches away from the blonde. "What did you do?"

"Regina, I'm sorry but Snow had to be the one to tell Cora or nothing after that would've come to pass." Emma tried to explain as she backed away from the angered woman. "You wouldn't have married Leopold and Ally wouldn't have been born."

"We know Leopold wasn't a good guy most of the time and we are sorry about Daniel." Henry added. "It was our only way to get everything back on track."

Ally tried to hold back the tears but she wasn't strong enough. "I didn't want to do it. I didn't want to tell Cora but she was so convincing, so believable and I could see how Snow told her the first time." Ally cried. "I never wanted to hurt either one of you."

"Can we have a minute alone with Allison?" Snow asked. Henry and Emma both went into the kitchen. Regina sat back down on the couch trying to come to terms with everything that happened both in the present and in the past.

Regina watched Snow very intently as she walked up to her sister and gripped her shoulders. "I'm not mad, okay?" Snow asked looking into her little sister's eyes. "It needed to be done but I am sorry it had to be you to tell Cora. I know how hard it was to determine whether or not to tell her about Regina's secret."

"I just wanted my mother." Ally cried. Regina's heart broke knowing she was physically there when her child needed her but she had no idea it was her at the time. She covered her face with her hands as Ally continued to cry. She couldn't bear to hear her child's sobs. "I wanted my Regina so bad that I forgot how awful Cora was to her."

Snow pulled her in for a hug. "Well you have her now." She kissed the top of her head. "Why don't you talk to her. I have to do damage control with Henry. Hopefully he won't think I'm too creepy." This made Ally laugh as tears still flowed down her cheeks. She gave Snow another hug. "Thank you." She gave Ally a genuine smile before leaving the pair alone.

Ally wiped her face with the back of her hand before she slowly walked over to her mother. "Mom?" Regina looked at her daughter with tears on her cheeks as well. She held out her hands which urged Ally to come closer. She pulled her down next to her. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean-" Regina silenced her. She grabbed her face in her hands and looked into her eyes. "Do not blame yourself. My mother liked to corrupt young souls. I do not hold you responsible at all, do you understand me?" Her grip was loose but her voice was firm. Ally searched her mother's eyes unsure if she really could forgive herself. "Do you understand?" Regina repeated more urgently.

Ally nodded. Regina still wasn't sure if she truly believed Ally was okay. "It all worked out fine in the end. I still have you and Henry. Please don't worry yourself sick with what happened in the past. I love you; I will always love you no matter what you do." She pulled her daughter close to her and stroked her hair.

Ally buried her face in her mother's shoulder. "I'm sorry."

Regina closed her eyes. "Please sweetheart, no more sorrys. Everything's fine."

"Are you sure?"

Regina pulled back and gave her a smile. "Positive." Anger started to rise within her. "If anything, I'm mad at Emma for putting you in that situation."

"Mom." Ally gripped her mother's hands and gave her a stern look. Regina took a deep breath. "Okay, I'll let it go."

"Thank you." Ally leaned in and kissed her mother's cheek before whispering in her ear. "You better go get ready."

Ally began to walk away when Regina grabbed her arm. "Ready for what?"

Ally smirked. "For your second chance at love."

Regina stood up quickly, eyes wide. "Robin's coming?"

"Should be here within the hour." Ally told her as she kept the smirk on her face. "You can thank Henry for that one."

Her eyes shot from her daughter to the kitchen. "Henry!" Regina screamed.

"You're welcome!" He yelled back.

Regina huffed as she put her hands on her hips. "I swear that boy is going to give me grey hair."

"I think it's a little late for that one." Ally began pushing her towards the stairs. "Go freshen up! Go!"

Not long after Regina went to go get ready, a knock came to the door. Ally ran from the kitchen and jumped down the three stairs to answer the door. She was excited for her mother but she didn't want to seem too eager. She took a deep breath and put on a serious face before she opened the door. "Robin." She said calmly as she moved to the side allowing him to enter as Roland followed behind him. "Henry!" Ally yelled.

"Where's Regina?" He asked after awkwardly looking around for her. Henry appeared from the kitchen.

"She'll be down momentarily." Henry replied. "Wanna go get some ice cream?" He asked Roland who nodded excitedly and ran ahead back into the kitchen.

Robin watched him run off leaving just Ally and him in the foyer. "So…"

"You and I have to have a little chat, forest man." She walked into her mother's office off to the right and shut the door after he entered. "Have a seat, Mr. Locksley."

Robin hesitantly took a seat. "Am I in some sort of trouble here?"

She stood before him with her arms crossed. "No, just a routine inspection." The door opened and in slipped Henry. He made his way to his sister's side and mimicked her stance.

"Where's Roland?"

"With Emma and Snow." Ally told him. "Now, let's get on with business shall we?"

"Mr. Locksley, why do you like our mother?" Henry asked giving him an intense stare.

Robin couldn't help but chuckle when he realized what they were doing. "She's a very beautiful woman."

Ally rolled her eyes. "Well that part's obvious. But what makes you good enough to date her?"

He looked to the floor and took a long pause before answering. "I suppose I'm not."

"What?" Henry asked confused. He looked to his sister who just shrugged her shoulders with the same confused look on her face. They were expecting this long explanation but none came.

He looked up to them. "She's wonderful; more than I could have ever dreamed of. She deserves nothing but the best." He stood up and sighed. "Maybe I should go-"

"NO!" They both screamed. "I mean," Ally started. "She really likes you. We just want the best for her too."

"She's been hurt too many times in her life; we just don't want to see it happen again." Henry tried to explain.

Robin nodded. "I understand but believe me, I would never hurt her."

The door suddenly opened revealing a confused Regina. "What's going on in here?"

"We were just making our guest comfortable." Ally said quickly.

"Yea but now that you're here we'll just go." He and Ally made a mad dash out the door. Regina smiled awkwardly at Robin who stood with his hands in his pockets. "What did they do?" Regina asked knowing they were up to something.

He made his way to her. "Just making sure I was a good enough guy for their mother." He gave her a smile. "Their good kids, Regina."

"I know." She whispered back as a smile danced across her lips. "I'm very fortunate to have them."

He understood. "I hope Roland doesn't bother them too much."

She waved him off. "He'll be fine. If anything, those two will be the ones fighting."

He chuckled. She reveled in the sound of his laughter. Regina intertwined their fingers. "Where should we go from here?"

"Where ever you want." He replied almost instantaneously.

"I want to take things slow, for the kids' sake."

He nodded. "I think that'd be best."

They joined the whole group in the kitchen who were all having ice cream. "Decided to skip dinner I see." They all turned to the pair with guilty looks on their faces. "It was calling our names!" Henry said with a mouthful.

"Eat me! Eat me!" Ally exaggerated. Regina's stern face hardly budged. Emma's smile turned serious when she saw the brunette. "We're sorry, Regina. I'll get you more ice cream."

Regina felt Robin hands on her back and relaxed a bit. "It's fine, Swan."

"Did you want us to take the kids out for a little while?" Snow offered.

"I'd prefer if they stayed." Robin spoke up. "So we all can get more acquainted."

"Alight, just call me if you need anything." Emma told Henry before she and Snow and left.

Ally put her and Roland's bowl in the sink. "So what are we gonna do?"

"It has to something we all can play." Regina reminded them.

Roland looked over to Henry with the biggest smile on his face. "Can we play with your toys?!"

Henry laughed. "Sure buddy. Why don't we go outback? I got some cool things out there." He helped Roland hop off the stool.

"Are you coming with us Ally?" Roland looked up to her and asked.

She gave him a warm smile. "Of course!" She grabbed his hand and they strolled out the back door along with Henry.

Regina looked up to Robin. "It's a good start."

"A great one." He leaned down and kissed her making her grin from ear to ear.

They moved outside and sat on the porch swing while the kids played in the yard. Ally looked up to see her mother cuddling with Robin and she couldn't help but smile. She knew life would never be the same but this time she welcomed change because she knew it would be for the better.

She became distracted by a white and purple butterfly that began fluttering around her. She giggled and looked back up to her mother who was watching with a twinkle in her eye. Ally pointed to the butterfly and Regina nodded; she sent the beautiful creature to her daughter. Allison knew in her heart that no matter how many things changed or how many people came into their lives, butterflies would always be their thing.

The day ended like many others before it, with the sun setting in the West. But this wasn't 'The End', far from it in fact. It was just another chapter in the book we call life.

So I really hope you liked the last chapter. Again, I am SOOOOO sorry for the long wait! Thanks again to all of you readers! I do have another story in mind but that won't be posted until probably November-ish when school starts to calm down a bit. That one will most likely be called Finding Home so keep an eye out. You all are amazing; let me know what you thought of the final chapter! Thanks again!