Okay. So I made this a long time ago. I was looking through my writing app and saw that I mostly finished this one. I didn't know how to end it. I don't know if anyone really likes my writing but just in case anyone does, I decided to post. I have/had a lot of ideas for stories but never wrote them into stories. I have probably ten ideas that I just haven't written out and hopefully I will someday. Sorry I'm rambling. Here's the story.

Kim Crawford is now online.

Jack Brewer is now online.

Jerry Martinez is now online.

Milton Krupnick is now online.

Jerry: Whats up my peeps

Jack: Hey guys

Kim: Hey

Milton: Hello.

Jack: You guys know how we have to read Romeo and Juliet in English class?

Kim: Ya

Jerry: Sure

Milton: Uh huh. I finished that last week.

Jerry: Pft overachiever

Kim: wow thats a first. Jerry's using big words.

Milton: Better mark that on the calender lol

Jerry: haha not cool guys

Jack: GUYS!

Milton: Sorry, Jack

Kim: ya sorry. What about the book now

Jack: well, i was looking online for the answers to the study questions since i am so not reading it. and stumbled upon a quick and funny text version of the play.

Jerry: really

Kim: then post it on here and show us

Jack: hang on gotta find it... Found it

here it is:

Romeo and Juliet Text Message Version

- Act 1 -

Romeo : R u awake? Want 2 chat?

Juliet: O Rom. Where4 art thou?

Romeo: Outside yr window.

Juliet: Stalker!

Romeo: Had 2 come. feeling jiggy.

Juliet: B careful. My family h8 u.

Romeo: Tell me about it. What about u?

Juliet: 'm up for marriage f u are.. Is tht a bit fwd?

Romeo: No. Yes. No. Oh, dsnt mat-r, 2moro 9?

Juliet: Luv U xxxx

Romeo: CU then xxxx

- Act 2 -

Friar: Do u?

Juliet: I do

Romeo: I do

- Act 3 -

Juliet: Come bck 2 bed. It's the nightingale not the lark.

Romeo: OK Juliet: ! I ws wrong !. It's the lark. U gotta go. Or die.

Romeo: Damn. I shouldn't hv wasted Tybalt & gt banished.

Juliet: When CU again?

Romeo: Soon. Promise. Dry sorrow drinks our blood. Adieu.

Juliet: Miss u big time.

- Act 4 -

Nurse: Yr mum says u have 2 marry Paris!

Juliet: No way. Yuk yuk yuk. n-e-way, am mard 2 Rom.

- Act 5 -

Friar: Really? O no. U wl have 2 take potion that makes u look ded.

Juliet: Gr8.

- Act 6 -

Romeo: J-why r u not returning my texts?

Romeo: R U OK? Am abroad but phone still works.

Romeo: TEXT ME!

Batty: Bad news. J dead. Sorry m8.

- Act 7 -

Romeo: J-wish u wr able 2 read this...am now poisoning & and climbing in yr grave. LUV U Ju xxxx

- Act 8 -

Juliet: R-got yr text! Am alive! Ws faking it! Whr RU? Oh...

Friar: Vry bad situation.

Juliet: Nightmare. LUVU2. Always. Dagger. Ow!


- The End -

So... funny huh?

Kim: Omg so funny!

Jerry: hahaha!

Milton: haha that made my day

Jack: glad you liked it

Jerry: why couldn't teach give us that instead of that stupid hard thing.

Kim: a book, Jerry. It's called a book

Jerry: potato tomato. Same thing. Whatever it is I still lost it.

Jack: it's been a week!

Kim: c'mon, jack. It's Jerry we're talking bout

Milton: she's right Jack it's no use trying anymore. His skull is too thick. Trust me I've tried one too many times to get stuff into his head

Jack: True True

Jerry: Hey!

Milton: Well i gotta get going. i have to finish my Chemistry homework for next week

Kim: Bye milton

Jack:,see ya

Jerry: later dude

Milton Krupnick is now offline.

Jerry: I gotta go too the me and the fam have a get together or somethin tonight and my cousin Jorge wont leave me alone.

Jack: later man

Kim: bye

Jerry Martinez is now offline.

Kim: and then there were two

Jack: haha nice

Kim: so what u wanna do now?

Jack: idk how bout truth or dare

Kim: ok. you first.

Jack: ok Truth or dare

Kim: dare

Jack: I dare you to lick the bottom of Jerry's shoe

Kim: EWW! NO

Jack: you have to kuz i dared u to ;p

Kim: uh fine

Jack: (: your turn

Kim: Truth or dare

Jack: Truth

Kim: really :\ ok umm...what did you and Jerry actually do to get detention last week and not that lame excuse either

Jack: Um... well you know how Mr. Speck threatened to fail me if i didnt start paying attention in math class? Even though I totally do

Kim: sure you do... Anyways ya

Jack: Well he was telling me other bull to and pissed me off so i asked Jerry to help me get back at him. so we were setting up during homeroom but he came back from lunch sooner than planned and the bucket fell and hit him on the head knocking him out for about 5 minutes. long story short he wrote us up and gave us detention. I have another one on tuesday and jerry on wednesday.

Kim: Wow.

Jack: ya but the sad part is that we didnt get to put our prank into action. :/

Kim: haha. well i'm bored so what do u wanna do

Jack: idk but please dont get offline. im bored as hell and nobody's home. :(

Kim: Parents on a business trip again

Jack: sadly yes til next thursday

Kim: what about your sis

Jack: shes at her friend Jamie's for the week

Kim: want me to come over?

Jack: Yes!

Kim: ok ill ask my mom

she said i can stay over so see u in a few

Jack: see u in a bit

Kim Crawford is now offline.

Jack Brewer is now offline.

-*xX Xx*-

Jerry Martinez is now online.

Kim Crawford is now online.

Milton Krupnick is now online.

Jack Brewer is now online.

Kim: I still can't believe you made me lick the bottom of Jerry's shoe!

Jack: A dare is a dare, Kim.

Jerry: I feel for ya chica. I wouldn't have even licked that nasty ass thing, man! Not cool!

Milton: By the way Jerry, I found your book for English

Jerry: swag! Where was it at

Milton: strangely... Under my bed

Jack: why would it be there

Kim: and why we're you under your bed exactly

Jerry: I didn't want to read it so I put it in the last place I'd look but teach said he'd call mum if I didntbring it to class tomorrow do I was freakin. Thanks milt!

Milton: Kim, I was under my bed to look for French horn history book.

Kim: ... Okay then... To both.

The end.

As I said. Didn't know how to end it. If you guys like these let me know nd I'll start makinging the ideas I have into stories. That Romeo and Juliet thing was shown to my class after we read the book and I thought it was kind of funny so I wanted to share it so I put it into a story. This is the link I got it from:

2007/04/romeo-and-juliet-text-message-version_ ?m=1