Jackie felt a lump form in her throat, the chill of the night air stinging her skin lightly as she sat atop the Water Tower, hands balled into fists inside the sleeves of her pink sweater. She pulled the wool further up her neck, and buried into it's warmth. She looks over the edge, and something hot and wet tracks its way down her cheek. She looks over at the calmly twinkling lights of the innocently smothering town. Snow flutters down, Jackie hears a car horn honk in the distance and she starts. No-one usually catches her up here, it was peaceful and a tad scary.

"That's what I get." Jackie's voice was dry and cracked, her throat sore. Her heart hammers as she comprehends what she had decided to do; what she had to do. Her breathing was painfully fast, her throat; painfully dry, her eyes; painfully wet, her heart; painfully broken.

And she felt the caress of cold night air whipping through her hair, just as it had when she kissed Fez. She didn't love Fez, she never could have.

And she felt the caress of cold night air whipping through her hair, just as it had when she kissed Fez. Wishing it was Steven that was kissing her.

And she felt the caress of cold night air whipping through her hair, just as it had when she kissed Fez, her thoughts focused on Steven, pretending it was him she was kissing instead. That it wasn't Fez's unidentified cologne blocking her senses, that it was Steven's familiar, warm, wooden scent, musky and smoky. That it wasn't Fez's unevenly chapped hands wrapped around her waist, that it was Steven's calloused hands holding her close, like he used to.

And she felt the slashing of cold night air like she had never felt it before. She was falling, her thighs edging off of the cold metal of the ledge, her head ducking under the banister; the rickety old banister. She thought of how many times Michael had fallen off here, and always survived. Then she thought of the one time Charlie had fallen off, ending his young life in one quick crack.

She wonder which of the fates would befall her; she hoped it was the latter.

She couldn't live in a world without Steven hugging her, holding her, calling her his Grasshopper. But she knew he never would.

And so she fell...