SO! it's been a while! Anyway, enjoy! - Spiritfan2317

The two galloped through the night, worrisome and fatigued. Wisdom was desperately tired, but she just kept running. Her legs did not stop, no matter how hard she tried. Eventually, Swift was in front of her, causing her to stop.

"Wisdom, we need to stop" he said with sad eyes.

"No! No I will never stop, I, I will never stop running until I find him!" she cried out wearily. Then and only then did her exhausted legs give out. Swift caught her with his body, making sure she did not hurt herself while falling.

"What are we going to do" she whimpered.

"Do not worry, we will find him. I promise," Swift assured her with a comforting nuzzle. She sighed one more time before her body needed sleep. It was a deep sleep, but it was not full of happiness, nor nightmares. It was blank sleep. Just simply giving her head a break. Once she woke, she found herself still wrapped up by Swift. Something made her feel safe, and she could not tell exactly what, but she liked it. It was a good feeling. Once he woke, she looked up at his face.

"Ready to go?" she asked.

"Only if you are" he said with a yawn.

"Yes, lets" she said as she got up, Swift following. They started at a walk, but soon began to canter. As they cantered over a hill, it hit her. Their father's ranch. She stopped dead in her tracks as she recognized the area.

"Are you alright?" Swift asked as he looked over at her.

"I think I know where he is!" she said with a shocked expression. "Follow me!"

Just like that, she bolted off. Swift soon caught up, and they stood in front of a large ranch. The cautiously walked up to the gate and looked through. There they saw many horses in dusty rings, working with humans on their back. Then, they saw him. Freedom.

"There he is!" she whispered as she motioned to him with her head.

"We will have to be careful" Swift whispered, and the two trotted over to the stables.

Once they made it, Swift made a shush sound, indicating her to be quiet. He silently walked to the front, slid open the lock, and opened the door. A pile of horses came rushing out, and almost made Swift lose his balance. He reached in with his head to get Freedom out of the madness, and pulled him aside.

"Swift! Boy am I glad to see you!" Freedom said excitedly.

'Lets go!" Swift said as he trotted towards Wisdom.

Wisdom and Freedom hugged with their strong necks. It was such a hug, that they did not need to say anything else. They all just began to run back home, rescued horses running free behind them. When they made it back, the three reared and whinnied. They got the same response from the herd. Yes, this was now, and forever, Wisdom and Freedom's home.