The plot of this story was given to me to write by happytobeareader. I just thought you should know that.

Plot- happytobeareader

Writing- Winterfeld135

Jackson sat by his window. He watched as the horses walked in perfect align. He knew some day he would be just like his uncle. He was interrupted from his daydream when his sister Fiona came in and sat next to him.

"What-cha up to?" She asked him

"Oh, well just watching the horses" He answered, gaze still out the window.

She nodded as she got up. "Want to go out?" she said as she walked towards the door.

"Sure" He said as he stood and took her hand. She was quite a bit younger, 4 years at that. He was only 14, and she was 10. She had a lot to learn, and normally stuck to her brothers side. They walked outside and shuffled in the dust. It was a hot, summer day and everyone could tell- especially the horses.

Spirit grazed by Rain. It had been a year since their colt Kai died from a cougar attack. Rain was sad, and would not have another foal. She refused even now, and Spirit understood. They were getting on with their lives though, it had to happen at some point. They soon heard hooves. Spirit cantered to the top of the hill to look. It was the colonials horses. Spirit screamed a shrill whinny as he galloped back down. The herd galloped off. Spirit ran with them in the back. One horse got taken and Spirit tried to fight the person, but they shot him with a tranquilizer dart. When he woke, the herd stood in a circle around him, nickering.

"Jackson look!" Fiona said as she pointed at the gate. There stood a wild mustang. They brought him in, cut his mane, and put him in a stall.

"Cool!" He replied as he ran over. Fiona ran with him.

"Hello Uncle!" Jackson greeted his uncle the Colonial.

"Hello you two! Enjoying the new horse, yes?" The colonial asked.

"Yes, most definitely" Fiona answered

"Good. We shall break him today." He said as he walked over to the corral.

The two looked at the new horse, bucking and galloping in the pen. Wild horses amazed them, and they could not get enough. That night, the kids slept on their deck outside. It was a full moon.

"Hey Fiona! Lets go see the new horse!" Jackson whispered as he began climbing down the vines.

"Yea!" She agreed as she followed him down. There were thick plants growing up their house, and it was easy to make a quick getaway.

They walked over to see the horse when Fiona suddenly passed out.

"Fiona!" Jackson whispered in a scared way. As he ran to her, he too passed out. They were out for most of the night until they woke at once.

"Ugh.. What happened?" Fiona groaned as she lied there.

"I don't know, but lets go back inside." Jackson said. It was still dark out.

When they tried to get up, they noticed something weird. They had to get on all fours. They were foals!

"Ahh! Why are you a filly!" Jackson shrieked

"Why are you a colt!" Fiona yelled back as they tried to run, but kept falling.

The front gate was open, and Fiona finally ran for it.

"What are you doing!" Jackson yelled.

"Getting out of here. I don't want to be a horse! They do too much work! I'm leaving whether you are coming or not!" She yelled.

"Ugh fine!" Jackson said. It was useless to fight her. They cantered out the gate and ran.