Soo, here we are. I've been voraciously devouring any Darcy/Loki I come across on this site, and can I say, there is such magnificence among the writers' rankings. Brilliant people here, man. Anyways, this is my first foray into the Tasertricks world, and I just wanna warn that I'm not a buff on the comics, I know little to nothing about canon or other species' backgrounds, etc., other than what's given in the movies, and beyond a little bit of research I've already done. I'm focusing on the drama and relationships, so please forgive any inaccuracies in Loki's or my own explanations about the alien race I chose as my villains, technical jargon, and stuff like that.
This'll be fast-paced, I think a threeshot at most. It can be read as Post-Avengers or Post-Thor AU, I'm not sure (just not even gonna get into a post-New York loki redemption plot), and Darcy&Loki are sort of a behind-the-scenes established couple. He's flying under the radar, though getting along-ish with Thor. The scheme of things isn't necessarily important, but I think I've got OCD and need things to be clearly established.
I own nothing, and thank you for reading.
Darcy Lewis awoke slowly, painfully, aware from the first stage past unconsciousness that she was definitely not in her own bed. She was in an upright position, seated…on a rickety old chair? Blinking furiously, she shifted her head to free her vision from the heavy dark curls obstructing it, regretting the action instantly as a wave of pain swept across her senses. Okay, no more head movement.
Her hands were bound behind her back, so tightly that blood flow appeared to have been long cut off, and she couldn't feel her fingers. A hiss of pain escaped her lips as she shifted slightly, trying to angle her restrained arms into a less uncomfortable position, but as firmly bound as she was, the awkward angle of her shoulders and upper arms was unavoidable. She huffed in defeat, abandoning pursuit of relief in favor of figuring out where the hell she was. It was freezing, she knew that much, clad as she was in a thin, silk halter top and skinny jeans.
She couldn't remember much about the night before…She'd gone out for drinks with Jane, and then headed back to her own SHIELD-sponsored apartment afterwards, but…There.
She remembered getting out of a taxi, paying the driver and wishing him a good night, and the car had driven off. She'd started for the building, stumbling slightly in the combination of darkness and one-too many shots, just looking forward to getting to her apartment and seeing if, on the off chance, Loki had made a rare visit.
Scrabbling around in her oversized bag for her elusive keys, she barely noticed a strange clanking noise growing closer, until it was too late. Her fist emerging triumphant from her bag, Darcy had hardly a moment to utter a quick "There" in satisfaction, before a strange…robot? was in front of her, holding what looked like a blaster pistol straight out of a Star Wars movie.
"Uh, Iron Man?" She voiced stupidly, blinking and disoriented.
The head, or was it a helmet? moved, revealing the head of a very pale man, who appeared human, but something felt off. Darcy gulped, hand moving back to her bag to forage for her trusty taser. "Can I help you?"
The man spoke with an oddly-accented, flat tone. "Are you Darcy Lewis? Ally of Thor Odinson?"
"Uhhhh I'm gonna have to decline to answer that-" Darcy said unevenly, backing away cautiously. Without another noise, the man's strange weapon made a weird noise, something akin to a duck quack given a techno remix, a flash of light shot in her direction, and everything went black.
She was roused from her stumble down the memory lane of last night by that same creepily-toneless voice. "You are indeed Darcy Lewis. We have ascertained this from identification cards in your possession."
Great, they'd gone through her stuff. She cautiously raised her head, to see the same pale-as-hell dude, now clad in some weird gold-trimmed green robe, staring at her. And he wasn't alone – it looked like an entire army stood behind him, though it was really only five more guys, similar in appearance, who crowded the small room. She hoped her small gulp of fear was hidden by the chocolaty tresses still half-covering her face, before she tilted her chin up, shaking the curtain back as she cleared her throat, summoning courage. She wouldn't be here long, right? "And what's on your identification, big guy?"
The men – albinos? – alien monks? shifted in unison, appearing all the more creepy, as their pale eyes focused on her more intensely after she spoke. The leader placed his hands behind his back, his own gaze disinterested at best as it roamed the room. "Not that we owe explanation to a mere human mortal we now hold as a captive bargaining chip, but we are deonists. The soul survivors. And you should fear us. Our technology is advanced, our ranks determined, and we are now merely in need of a …power generator, so to speak. You shall help us get it, for Thor Odinson is who we seek."
"I'm not exactly a Sonic Screwdriver or anything, not some supreme tool to meet your nefarious ends, uh…I like to shop online for shoes, and occasionally I type numbers into a computer that, turns out, are bits of atmospheric data, but really, I think you've got the wrong person-" The words flooded out of Darcy's mouth, unchecked as usual, but the hangover she was nursing while simultaneously enduring torturous captivity was weighing on her in a bad way, making her cranky, and she coughed before falling completely silent again.
Scowling as deeply as her headache would permit, she watched the Deonist leader pace the length of the room, fiddling with something in his hands. He turned back towards her, and she saw he held a cellphone. Hitting another button, he spoke. "You will contact the Odinson. We know he is in this realm at this moment, do not bother to attempt to deceive us."
Where on earth was SHIELD? Was this supposed to happen? She could just be taken by alien lifeforms with a mean agenda and no one would notice? Jane would probably assume she was in bed sleeping off a hangover, and wouldn't bother contact until later in the day…Her mind raced as she tried to evaluate her situation, and so she kept talking.
"You think he's just, what, got himself a cellphone? That there are some Godly digits I can type in and Thor's gonna answer? You clearly don't know him, he's baffled by a coffeemaker for goodness'-"
The man was suddenly across the room and striking her across the face before she could finish her sentence. Reeling backwards from the hit, a whimper escaped Darcy's plush lips, already beginning to swell, as blood dribbled down her alabaster cheek. Flinging her hair again out of her face, she set her jaw defiantly, continuing. "And if you think these numb sausages I've got for fingers can even dial one Godly digit-"
"SILENCE." The roar cut her off as the man raised his hand again, sending a shudder through her body. Clearly this situation was one of the less-lucky benefits of knowing Thor. This guy clearly wasn't reluctant to hurt her, and that made her very frightened indeed.
Playing for time, though whose time and how much of it she needed, she had no idea, Darcy took a breath and whispered, "What do you want me to do?"
Meanwhile, the god of thunder himself was enduring a harsh berating by his half-brother, the god of mischief, over how, why, and again how, he could have let the assistant of his mortal love be taken. By Deonists, of all beings, and how he knew this Thor was yet unaware, but also in the middle of the night and why did she not have a protection assignation and so on.
Thor had a headache, from Loki's rage, Jane's worry, and his own stress at the realization that Darcy had never made it home. They were in Jane's apartment, where he had met her last night after her night out with Darcy. Jane had been pretty drunk, and so he had cared for her all night, Darcy admittedly not crossing his mind. In the early hours of dawn, his brother had arrived, shockingly employing the courtesy to knock on the front door instead of simply appearing in the living room, but quickly barging past Thor and beginning to pace the length of the room as he voiced his concerns.
Loki was waving around a jingling cluster of his keys as he yelled, Darcy's keys, which she had dropped in the struggle, and he'd subsequently found when he approached her apartment, around four in the morning. How he knew where she lived or why he was heading there were irrelevant pieces of information, he had snarled more than once, and the point was that she was gone, obviously taken under duress, his magic could sense from contact with her keys alone. He had infiltrated the high-tech security system of the SHIELD-run complex she lived in, and as secure as the building was, that only went for the building itself.
The sidewalk area was very dimly lit, an oversight Loki had said would soon be remedied if he had to build several lampposts himself upon the street, and as such, the security footage was grainy, and not even focused on the area of interest. The very corner of the screen had shown Darcy emerging from a cab, stumbling slightly, pausing to fumble in her bag for something. Offscreen, someone or something had approached her, as she had begun to speak with it, her movements becoming fretful, and then she moved to back away. A light had flashed, obliterating any of the camera's view, but not before some sort of robotic suit had moved into sight. His blood had chilled when he recognized the design. When the blast of light had dulled, Darcy was sprawled on the ground, and was soon being dragged unceremoniously out of the picture.
Needless to say, the building's office was going to need several new monitors and other essential pieces of equipment, which were likely still being picked up, shattered victims of Loki's distress at the sight of the human girl being treated in such a manner.
"Okay, um, let's think." Jane's words were pained, as she was still nursing a hangover, a wet cloth clutched to her head as she sat at the kitchen island in the next room. "Who are these, uh, aliens again?"
"Deonists." Loki spat the word, hand clenching around the bunch of keys he held, oblivious to the discomfort the little jagged pieces of metal caused. "An ancient parasitic race who are perpetually seeking godly figures, whose life force they siphon to fuel their highly-advanced technology and living spaces. Their own world was destroyed long ago, after a failed attempt at harnessing Odin himself, and they've been nomadic ever since, scrounging about in small platoons whose energy requirements are easier to fulfill. I believe they found a way to circumvent the human's monitoring systems to infiltrate Midgard, but my own senses detected a peculiar disturbance in the atmosphere earlier last night. Thinking it Thor, I regretfully ignored it for the moment…"
He whirled in place. "They must want you, Thor. Your presence here is widely known, and you are but one of our kind here, alone and assumedly defenseless past your own abilities." His eyes narrowed, and anger burned in their depths. "Darcy is a known affiliate of yours. It makes sense that she, as an easily-restrained yet valuable mortal, would be taken as leverage." There was a crack of plaster giving way, as Loki's other fist found its way into the wall next to him.
Jane gave a small squawk of alarm, thinking of the damage deposit on the apartment, but swallowed down a reprimand at the sight of Loki's state of mind. For whatever reason, he seemed the most concerned of anyone at Darcy's disappearance. She'd get the goods later, from the girl herself, if- when she was rescued. Heaving herself from the stool she'd occupied since the mischief god had basically kicked down her door, Jane padded into the living room, grabbing her vibrating phone with a worried look at Thor. Unless they heard something soon, she likely wouldn't have an apartment left.
"Jane Foster," she murmured hopefully, rewarded with the voice of a SHIELD agent on the other end. "No strange energy readings in the past several days in our region? Satellites offline..." She spoke the agent's findings aloud for the two brothers' benefit. "Okay, but her cellphone, like I mentioned? Okay, give me one second-" Jane grabbed a nearby takeout menu, hurriedly scribbling something on it. "No, I appreciate this on the down-low, yep, thank you. Bye." She hung up and turned around, only to find Loki right in her face.
She yelped, stepping backward and tripping, only to have Thor appear at her side, steadying her with a massive, but gentle, hand on her elbow.
"So that was SHIELD," she started unnecessarily, "They still haven't gotten any readings on any atmospheric disturbances, but there was a strange satellite network blackout last night, affecting, strangely enough, only the ones in our immediate area. It was for about five minutes, which, at the speed you two move, I'm certain is more than enough for something to have made its way in unseen." She took a breath, glancing at the piece of paper she held before handing it to Loki, who took it with a surprising lack of force. "Someone owed me a favor, and got me the coordinates SHIELD was able to last track Darcy's phone to. It kept moving since we told them to look into it. But they said this signal was weak, and finally disappeared altogether at this point. She may not be there. They have operatives moving in as we speak, and told me not to-"
Her apartment door was already banging shut as she finished, the discarded piece of paper fluttering to the ground. "-appear within a ten-mile radius…"
Thanks for reading, guys, as always. ~Bon