Author's Note: First of all, I accept criticism. But please, try to be a bit nice, seeing as how i'm JUST starting to get into writing fanfics. I know, this should have been longer, but at least tell me if it needs more details, better language, if it seems OOC, etc. But I will be happy to read each and every one of the reviews, i'm gonna make this fanfic great, and you WILL see me progress greatly over the course of writing this. Thank you for reading this, and I hope to be able to publish a new chapter, once or twice every week. School kills. Hehe.
Grell sighed as soaked in the tub. He looked at the wound in his arm and whimpered a bit when he moved it. 'Sometimes..' He thought, looking at the wound with hate 'I really HATE William..' Grell had been doing fairly well with his reapings lately, but today, he only missed one, and William punished him harshly. Grell gritted his teeth as he held back tears. It wasn't the wound that was making him cry, but the person who had done it. In William's eyes, Grell NEVER did anything right. EVER. It hurt, knowing that no one was proud of him. Grell drew his knees up to his chair ad he used his finger to swirl the warm water around a bit. Grell did this for a while until he heard a knock on his door. Grell jumped at the sudden noise.
"C-coming..!" he said, jumping out the tub and almost slipping. He quickly put on his favorite Red Robe and began drying his hair as he opened the door.
Grell's smile faded when he saw it was William. 'Maybe he's here to apologize..'. Grell perked up again. "Oh Hellooo William Darling..I-"
"You forgot these." William said without emotion, dropping a stack of paperwork at Grell's feet.
Grell looked down at the papers. That's all he cared about? No, He never cared about Grell, ever. He only cared about paperwork. Grell snarled and picked them up, and rudely slammed the door in William's face. He heard a grunt, and knew the door had hit William. Grell almost opened the door, but the heavy weight of the papers steered him otherwise.
"So sorry Will darling~ I would help you~ but I'm far too busy with this paperwork.." Grell said with a dark grin, smelling the blood from the other side of the door. He must have busted Will's nose. Grell threw the stack onto his bed and sighed. He heard William saying something, but gladly ignored it. He didn't feel like being insulted..again.
Grell laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling for a while before hearing another annoying tap on the door. The more Grell ignored it, the louder it got. "William…" he hissed. Grell yanked open the door. "WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" He yelled, only to find a frightened Ronald Knox, who raised his hands in surrender.
"Calm it Senpai, just wanted to see if you wanted to grab a drink." He smiled at the redhead.
Grell rubbed his temples. "Sorry I yelled knoxie dear, I just thought you were Will.." he sighed. "Of course darling~Just let me get dressed." Grell smiled and allowed Knox to come in, as Grell went into the bathroom and got dressed.
After a while, Knox impatiently opened the door. "You take longer than a normal lady does!" he watched Grell finish up his mascara as Grell giggled a bit.
"It takes time Knoxie Dear!" he turned around on his red heels. "Alright then, lets take our leave shall we?"
Grell and Ronald sat at a small table, Grell sipping on the red wine he had. "So, How are you and M?" Grell smiled at the blonde, not remembering his girlfriends name, only that it began with an 'M'.
Ronald took a swig of his beer. "I dumped her yesterday.." he swung the bottle in small circles.
"Oh dear..What ever-"
"Arnet you supposed to be filling out paperwork?" A cold voice spat.
Grell didn't need to look up from his wine to tell who. Grell remained silent and looked up at Ronald.
Ronald shrugged. "C'mon Will, loosen up,its just one drink!"
William adjusted his glasses. "Then he can finish it at home." Will took a wad of Grell's hair and took him out of the bar, Grell whining all the way.
"Stop! That hurts!" Grell tried to get away.
"It hurt when you hit me in the face with a door as well.." Will yanked his hair harder, Grell whimpering. "Stop moving so much!" William roared, yanking his hair so hard that Grell went to his knees.
Grell let go of William and raised his hand to his face quickly.
Will stopped and looked at the red reaper. He was expecting William to slap him.
"P-please William…no more tonight.." He said in a quiet whimper.
Will let him go. "Now go finish that paperwork..or I WILL punish you.." Will growled raised his hand, as if he were about to hit him.
Grell winced, and made a sound of surrender as he ceased fighting the elder, and allowed him to yank him out of the bar. Grell threw an apologetic look at Ronald. Ronald look pretty aggervated over what had happened, and Grell chewed on his lip, being careful not to bit through the skin with his shark-like teeth.
William finally let Grell's hair go, and allowed the red headed reaper to walk on his own. "Sutcliff, I am your boss, and when I tell you to do something, you had better do it, and exceed my expectations while doing so. Do you think it's okay to just 'skip' a soul? Hmm? Do you know what happens to that soul? Do you?!" William's voice was raising with every sentence, making Grell want to crawl in a corner.
"They-" Grell started.
"They get eaten by DEMONS! And in some cases, they can even make MORE demons! Which means more trouble reaping! Which means more trouble-and overtime- for ME! Not anyone else, ME!" He had cut Grell off, and was practically screaming by the time that he had taken Grell to the shinigami apartments. The houses were fairly nice, and two of them were connected. The 'apartment' was basically a normal house, only a bit larger, and seemed to be cut in half. One half belonged to one shinigami, and the other half belonged to another. Grell's other half was empty, mainly because no one wanted to live near him. William grabbed the collar to Grell's shirt, and slamed him into the door. "Now get inside, and for once do something right." He spat. William adjusted his glasses, turned on his heel, and stromed off, mumbling words that were inaudible, but Grell could tell they were silent insults targeted twords the feminine reaper.
Grell whimpered when he had hid the door with a loud THUMP and waited until William was out of sight before he pulled away from the door. Grell took out a key and slid it into the red door, and turned the doorknob to his apartment. Everything was Red and black in the red reapers' home, as those were the only colors he allowed. The living room was fairly large, with a black tiled fireplace whose embers were burning lightly, giving the room a light warmth. The couched were red, with black pillows. The only thing that was'nt red or black was the carpet, which was white. Grell sighed and threw his key on the kitchen counter, and walked to his bedroom. The bedroom was glourious as well, The red bed with the red and black silk canopy. His ruby sheets were silk, and the pillows, of course, were black. He looked at the stack of paper work at a small desk, which resided in the corner of the room, and made a sound of anger. 'For once do something right..' William's words stung, and Grell couldn't help but to let a few tears fall as he sat at the desk, and began to fill out the paperwork. He would do just as Will had said, and would stay up all night to fill out the paperwork, then maybe...just maybe..Will would be proud.
"No.." Grell whispered to himself. "I'm just your problem..."