Back to The Trail

Chapter 16 : But...Dad...

Even before the wagon rolled to a stop Uncle Bill started barking orders, "Mark you get those bedrolls hung on the line so they can air before we pack them away.

Luke you carry the rest of those supplies into the house and put them away.

Barney you put the wagon away and lead the team out to pasture, and when you all finish that go find Ty and see what chores he needs you to tend to," Bill and Charlie stepped down and grabbing their personal gear headed off towards the house.

"Gee, you'd think he could let us get our feet on the ground before he started slave drivin', it ain't like anyone even knows we're home yet," muttered Mark under his breath.

"What's up boys, scared that we saved all the work until you got home?" boomed Ty coming up on the long-faced threesome.

"Oh, hi Mr. Ty. Pa says for us to find you when we get this wagon unloaded and the stock cared said you might have something you needed us to do," answered Barney.

"Well, boys you're in luck. We finished all the morning chores and so after you finish what Bill has assigned, you can do whatever you have a mind to until after dinner; then we got all kinds of work to get done before afternoon chores. Then it will be all hands on deck!"

When all three boys looked as if they had been sentenced to a Saturday of rock piling.

Ty couldn't help but laugh,

"Don't look so pitiful. We're all getting ready for a big welcome home barbeque just about the whole town will be here," laughed Ty.

"Shucks, that's different, that's working to have fun," smiled Mark grabbing a hand full of the bed rolls and heading for the clothes line behind Uncle Bill's Cabin.

Ty turned back toward Luke and Barney. He stepped right in front of Luke and pinned him with a look that almost made Luke jump.

"I want a word with you young man. In the Barn; now !" Ty ground out that last word long and low.

Luke looked down but answered, "Yes Sir," as he slowly walked around the wagon to the barn door.

"Young fella, you caused a lot of people a lot of work and way yonder too much worry!" The look on Ty's face and the tone of his voice made Luke uneasy.

Ty reached down and placed a firm hand on the small boy's shoulder, turning him to face him.

"Now, I bet your Dad has already had a talk with you, but you worried a lot of folks around here and I think it only fair that you give them a proper apology, and I for one could skin you alive for all the extra work you caused me. What do you have to say for yourself?" Ty was glad that Luke was staring at the floor by this time, and couldn't see the smile playing about his lips.

"I'm sorry for worrying you and causing you all that work, S… I R ," stammered Luke nervously, not having expected Ty to be so upset.

"That's all well and good son, but I think . . . " Ty slowly began to spin Luke around, nearly busting a gut as he noticed Luke squint his eyes and tighten his muscles.

I didn't think about all the extra work and worry for Ty and maybe some of the other ranch hands. Maybe Ty's right, maybe I do deserve to be punished for scaring them. Ty after all worked really hard and had to do everyone's chores while they were off tracking me down. Luke let out a breath and stood tall as Ty spun him around, waiting for the first swat.

"Boy you need to answer to your friends and you need to start right now," as if on cue Thunder whined, Luke's eyes popped open and his arms flung around the horse's neck.

"Thunder, your home, your home safe and sound. I thought I had lost you forever," squealed Luke as tears ran down his face and onto the horses neck.

With a great laugh Ty bellowed "WELCOME HOME BOY," accentuating it with a swat. "Now stop your lollygagging' and get to them chores your Uncle gave you." Ty turned with a great laugh and left the barn.

"Yes Sir", yelped Luke rubbing the seat of his britches."I'll be right back quick as a flash Thunder, you're the best friend a kid could have," said Luke giving the horse one more hug before turning and running from the barn.


Barney wandered back from the pasture and happened to see Mark skipping rocks into the creek.

"You bored with being home already?" snickered Barney picking up a rock and flicking it into the creek.

"No, not yet, but I was thinking, there ought to be a way to get even with that darn TJ for picking on my brother like that . . . I mean it one thing for me or even you to tease him about being little, it was even kinda fun how we tricked him into telling us about his lickn', but TJ he ain't got no right," answered Mark as another rock skipped across the water.

"Mark, I understand where your coming from, but if you want my advice, you will leave TJ to the adults, cause pa's in no mood for any more trouble, and you know what he says about revenge, and your dad agrees," cautioned Barney plopping down on the grass.

"I know, I know, but TJ has gotta pay . . . " grumbled Mark sitting down next to Barney.

Barney heaved a sigh and answered, "But nothin' if you're smart you'll leave TJ be, or the only one paying will be you, or I should say your butt."

Mark got a puzzled look in his eye. "Hey Barney, I notice something, you started calling Uncle Bill, Pa, not that's a bad thing but how come?"

Barney looked at Mark and smiled, . . . "Well, Mark it came to me the other night when he took his belt to me. I started thinking that he was sure going to a lot of trouble on my account. You see when we first got together, I thought that I just needed a good friend, but the more we're together the more I see that I do need friends mostly friends my age. When I really mess up, I needs more than just a friend; I need a parent. You see while I was on the trail this time, I got in some big trouble; now Bill he could have just decided that having me around was too much trouble. He could have sent me on my way and been done. But instead, he took the time to ball me out and tan my hide. As embarrassing as it was at the time he went to the trouble to have all of the fella's on the train remind me of something pretty special. They each reminded me that I was still a kid; a kid with lots to learn. It was a long week; first he gave me a tanning for running off and worrying folks. Then he made me make a list of all the people I had been disrespectful or rude to. I had to go tell each one I was sorry and accept whatever they thought was a fair punishment..."

"Gosh that would be embarrassing. I never like having to say I'm sorry," interrupted Mark.

"That's not the half of it. I found out later that Bill had gone and talk to all the folks on my list, and explained that he wanted me to understand that he loved me and that I was not old enough to be on my own. He asked each of them to give me a punishment that would remind me that I was only a boy; not the grown up I was trying so hard to be. That meant, that I got like six spankings that week. I even got my mouth washed out with soap. Well after that I got to watching the other boys on the train and the way their fathers treated them and how they treated their fathers. And I got to thinking that Bill was doing all that and more, because he chose me when he didn't have too. Then it came to me the other night when we were waiting for him in the hotel room that I was once again putting myself in danger and once again Bill was having to put up with my childish behavior. Funny when that belt started cracking across my backside, I remembered him sayin once that his pa told him; as much as giving the tanning hurt, it was part of a father's job. Right at that moment I knew he was not just my friend, he was my Pa," finished Barney with a proud look on his face.

"Where did you run off too?" quipped Mark.

"Mark! Barney! Let's eat!" shouted Charlie.

"Long story. I'll tell you later, let go I'm starved," answered Barney standing and jogging toward the backyard table with Mark on his heels



Everyone sat around the large outside table. The Boys ate hungrily while the adults talked of all the work to be done.

Ty tapped on the Table with a long spoon, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Ben when we finish here why don't you and Bob get that steer ready for the spit. Chester you can take Mark and Barney with you to cut some logs for the fire. Bill that leaves you to get some extra tables set up around here. And Luke, I want you to help with the dishes so Charlie can get started on cooking for tomorrow. I have to go into town and make sure that Susan and Robert have things well in hand. Any questions? Or can any of you think of something I might have forgotten?" When no one spoke Ty dismissed everyone to get busy.

"Ha ha, Luke, you get stuck with women work. See you I'm off to do so real work," scoffed Mark.

"Just for that Mark; you can clear the table and stack the dishes before you go off with Chester," admonished Bill.

"That's not fair! Ty gave me a harder job. I don't want to help Luke first," whined Mark almost yelling at Bill.

Bill stood and towered over Mark."I don't recall asking what you wanted, but if you like we can take our discussion to the barn," he said, fixing Mark with a hard look.

"Come on Mark, dishes are not women's work. Why their part of my work three times a day. I'll give you a hand, that way it won't take any of us too long," said Barney and jumped in, hoping to keep Mark from getting himself whacked.

"Good man Barney. I'll go get the flat wagon hitched while you do that. Meet me down by the back gate soon as you finish," answered Chester, wanting to encourage Barney for being willing to help.

Luke picked up his dishes and followed Charlie into the bunkhouse kitchen. He looked over at the big high sink.

"How am I going to reach that?" he asked wide eyed.

Charlie looked around and spotted a crate which he pulled over."First Luke old boy, grab that empty coffee pot yonder and fill it from the spout on that boiler there on the stove; mind you be careful not to burn yourself."

Luke held the pot under the spout and watched as the steam rose, he carefully carried the hot water over and poured it into the sink, he did this four times before Charlie spoke again.

"That's enough. Now come up here and let's test the water to make sure it's not too hot," said Charlie as he pumped cold water into the suds filled sinks.

Luke climbed up and went to plunge both hands into the water. "Whoa there, Little Buddy, slow and easy like; it's likely a might hot yet," cautioned Charlie.

Luke carefully dipped his hand into the soapy water, then under the cold stream from the pump.

"Just a bit more please," yelped Luke dropping a stack of ten plates into the water, slopping water and soap everywhere.

"That's the last of them Uncle Charlie," said Mark plunking the stack of tin cups on the counter.

"Barney's takin the scraps to the hogs, then we're going with Chester to do some real work," sneered Mark, tossing Luke a look.

"One more nasty comment out of you, and I'm gonna plop you in this sink, now get!" barked Charlie as Luke started giggling and dropped more dishes into the water.

"You wash and I'll dry soon as I get these beans a cooked," offered a smiling Charlie.

Later Bill sat watching Luke and Charlie wipe down the tables that now sat around the big one in the back yard.

"I'm all done, can I go see Thunder now?" asked Luke turning to Bill.

"Yes, I see that dish washing didn't hurt you none, though you are soaked to the skin," laughed Bill.

"Nope didn't hurt none. Fact is, Uncle Charlie made it fun. He even threaten to dunk Mark into the sink and me too if I didn't stop splashing so much. I'll take Thunder out in the sun that way I can dry too," bargained Luke with a smile.

"Run on then," said Bill dissolving into a fit of laugher when out walked a dripping wet Charlie.

"Little early for you Saturday bath ain't it?" He teased.

"Stop your cackling and get a mop. I done slipped and poured a whole bucket of water on myself in that boys mess," groused Charlie while quietly laughing to himself.

Bill laughed again, "Don't get your dander up. I'll help you get it cleaned up. You Hurt?"

"Just my pride. Remind me next time that I don't mind doing dishes alone! It's Man's Work!" groused Charlie as he walked back inside rubbing his pride.


Later that night, Bill and Charlie sat on the back porch enjoying one final cup of coffee before calling it a night.

"Surprised me how easily the boys agreed to baths and early to bed," mused Charlie.

"Yeah, I was ready for a fight about having to hit the hay early. I guess it has been a long day for them all," sighed Bill.

" I had to laugh when Mark leaned over and asked you if the next time there was log hauling to do, could he please do the dishes."

"Me too!" chuckled Bill. "Well I guess we better call it a night as well old friend, tomorrow's bound to be a wild one," He yawned rising, then crossed the yard to his cabin and Barney's. Charlie watched him go, then headed into the main house, having agreed to stay with the boys.


Early Saturday, Robert and Susan and the girls headed out to Trails End Ranch. They had decided that they wanted to be there to help finish the arrangements for the party. All the way there, Samantha sang; 'I go home, my home!' with the biggest smile on her face.

When the buggy pulled up in front of the house total chaos ensued, as Mark and Luke came running out.

"My brother, my brother I want down, I want down," Samantha squealed, as she jumped up and down.

Robert laughed as he swung the child into Mark's arms. Within minutes the yard was full and Samantha danced and sang and ran from one to another announcing,

"My Unta Charlie, my unta Bill, my Barny, My bubba uke! She danced and squealed as she hugged and re-hugged each one. She even included Ty in her list of My's.

Susan and Robert couldn't help but smile. Then as Susan turned to Emily and Amy and started to work on all the last minute details, Samantha suddenly stopped, turned to Robert and placing her little hands on her hips she demanded, "Where's My mommy! Where My daddy!" stomping her little foot as a tear started to flow.

Robert kneeled in front of the little one.

"Princess, they're not here, but they will be here in a little bit," he answered, holding both of her little hands in his.

"I want my mommy now! I want my Daddy! I not want to wait! My want mommy and daddy now!" screamed Samantha, dissolving into loud tears and refusing to be consoled.

Robert sat frozen gone was the sweet smiling angel that was so easily adored. "Sweetie, I promise they are coming," crooned Robert as he looked around for someone to tell him what to do now.

"Sammy girl, you come with your Uncle Charlie, and we will just see if we can't find them around here somewhere," smiled Charlie with outstretched arms. "The rest of you folk finish up while Sammy and I just find us her Mommy and daddy."

At once the fit stopped and with it the tears. "Unta Charlie help me find mommy and Daddy!" with that she wrapped he arms around his neck and lay her head on his shoulder.

Charlie gave Robert a wink, and nodded toward the hammock. Robert knew that Charlie and Samantha would work things out just right.


Meanwhile back in town…

The stage had miraculously pulled into town right on time, but something was amiss town was strangely deserted for a Saturday. No matter, thought Flint, we will just go on over to Roberts and collect Samantha, and then head out to the ranch to let the family know they were home.

"Matthew do you suppose you can go over to the livery and get us a buggy? Tell Mr. Canady that we'll bring it back in the morning. Then bring it on around to your uncle Robert's."

"Yes Sir, and I'll take the bags with me," answered Matt, as he turned and trotted toward the livery.

Mary and Flint set off at almost a run down the street, Flint laughing at Mary's eagerness.

Topping the stairs Mary's heart dropped there was no one home.

"Oh Flint where do you suppose they are," she sighed and on the verge of tears.

"My love, I'm sure I don't know, but let's go over to Tom's office. There's bound to be someone there maybe they will know," said Flint wrapping his arms around Mary and planting a kiss on top of her head.

As they turned around and headed back down the street Matthew came running.

"Door says gone fishing be back later. if you need service; see Sheriff Johnson," offered Matt, as he got close enough for them to hear.

"Well then I reckon, we off to see the sheriff," smiled Flint, taking Mary's hand.

As they neared the Sheriff's office Tom came out.

"Howdy there Flint, Mary. I was just headed over to the livery to get a buggy. Robert and Susan got called out of town last night something about her sick mother. They asked me to meet your stage, and to let you know they would bring Samantha home as soon as they got back in town."

Mary's eyes looked so sad. She had so had her heart set on holding her baby today.

"Sweetheart, I sure that it couldn't be helped, let go on out to the ranch and see the boys," suggested Flint.

"That's a good idea. I bet that Robert and Susan will be back in the morning sometime."

Mary tried to smile, as Flint help he into the buggy half an hour later. She tried to be polite, as the men talked about the trip, but she couldn't seem to find pleasure in any of it.

Flint reach over and slapped Tom on the back, as they drove under a banner that read welcome home neighbor. Mary laughed as Mark and Luke ran toward them followed closely by Barney. The yard was full of buggies and wagon's the whole town must be here. Mary wanted to be happy though; she tried, but her heart ached.

Then as they pulled in front of the barn Flint seen a most welcome sight; amid all the music and clamor; Uncle Charlie lay stretched out sound asleep in the hammock. Quickly Flint jumped down and swished Mary into his arms spinning in a circle shouting, WE'RE HOME, WE"RE HOME ! He sat her on her feet and turned her to face the hammock.

"My BABY! MY BABY! Mary ran and flung herself at Charlie and Samantha. Flint 's side hurt from laughing as the poor unsuspecting Charlie jumped near out of his skin.

"Mommy, Mommy. I find My Mommy!" Samantha's eyes sparkled, as she hugged and clapped and clapped and hugged. Then all at once Mary noticed Sammy attention shift, she squirmed and looked all around. Mary turned and set her on her feet. Mary watched in delight as Samantha's little face light up, when she spotted her Daddy kneeling on the ground.

"MY DADDY, MY DADDY, YEA!" she squealed, then she stopped, reached up and took Mary's hand. "Mommy come, we hug My Daddy!

Flint smiled wide, scooped up his little angel and pulled Mary into his arms. Flint could not have imagined a better reception, as the boys crowded in with their friends and Neighbors shouting…."Welcome Home!"


The party was in full swing; there was food everywhere and the music played lively. Best of all no one paid any mind to how much cake and ice cream a boy ate or how many vegetables he didn't, thought Mark as he stuffed the last of a third piece of cake into his mouth. Matt and Barney were dancing with Betty Lou and Karen. Luke had wandered off toward the barn again. All of the adults were talking when suddenly Mark spotted a wagon just pulling into the front gate.

"The nerve of some people imagine bringing that big ape here, after all the trouble he has caused our family," ranted Mark as he rose and trotted for the gate to tell them off and have them gone before they ruined the party for everyone else; his anger rising with every step.

"You folks, got some nerve! You need to just turn that rattle trap of a wagon around and get out of here, and take that pig-headed bully with you..."

"Marcus Allen, get to your room now," bellowed Flint have come over to welcome his neighbors.

"But...Dad...he..." stuttered Mark turning to face his dad.

"No Buts...Now get...Mr Nichols, my names Flint; Flint McCullough. Welcome to our home. I must apologize for my son's bad manners."

"Howdy, Flint my name's Ed. This here's my wife, Valerie, and these here are our youngin's, Sybille, Rusty, and TJ. Momma, why don't you and the little one take them fixin's on over to the table, while me and Mr. McCullough, have a talk with Tj?" suggested Ed as he helped his wife down and then shook Flints hand.

"Come along Children," smiled Valerie as she lead the way with a large pot.

"Mr. Nichols turned his attention back to TJ.

"You got something to say boy?" prompted Ed; pushing the young boy forward.

"Yes, Sir, I'm real sorry Mr. McCullough for beating up on you boy, Luke. I know what I did was wrong." TY let at a loud breath and looked at the ground.

"Ahem," again prompted Ed.

"My pa says; I'm to take any punishment you feel necessary Sir." TJ stopped once more turning red from the thought that he might get a lickn'.

"Thank you TJ for apologizing. I don't mind telling you I was some angry when I heard about you bulling the smaller boys, not just my boy. I don't hold with bullying one bit, but TJ, I think it's my son Luke and my wife you should be apologizing too," answered Flint noticing how nervous the boys was; he clearly expected a tanning.

"I will do that right away, Sir, just as soon as were finished here," answered TJ.

"Flint, I was might disappointed when I found out what my boy had done. I don't hold to fightin' and especially not pickin' on boys half his size. Now I done took the boy out to the woodshed and set his thinking straight. But like he said; he'll go into the barn yonder and take another, if you think it's warranted," explained Mr. Nichols.

"TJ, I'll make you a deal; if you apologize to Luke and Mrs. McCullough, and you don't pick on anyone anymore, I'll trust that your Pa did a fine job impressing upon you the error of your ways," bargained Flint, smiling as he watched the young boy relax.

"Thank you, Mr. McCullough. I promise Luke won't have no more trouble out of me. I appreciate you not giving me a lickn'. My Pa did a real fine job of that; made sure I would not forget what he said about fightin and bullying for a long time," answered TJ.

"Thanks, Flint for understanding, and TJ, I want you to hear this and remember it. Flint, if you catch this yahoo here, or any of my brood a bullying, I want you to take a switch to them then send them home to me," said Ed giving TJ a stern look.

"Will do!" siad Flint giving TJ a warning glare, one that told the boy he would just do that with his father's blessing too boot. Flint then clapped his hands together and smiled at Ed. "Now let's get to the party. Come over this way and I'll introduce you to my wife, looks like she met your wife already.


Mark stood at the window upstairs sulking; convinced that his dad just didn't understand that TJ couldn't be trusted. He just hurt Luke again the first chance he got. He needed a way to protect Luke but how he was stuck in his room.

Looking out across the party in the back yard, Mark noticed Steve and Luke running around the side of the barn.

"Oh no, there goes TJ after them, and Mom had Dad had not even noticed Luke leaving the party. Mark wasted no time. He flung open the door and raced down the stairs and out the front door. He skirted around the garden wall and slipped into the barn and out the back door so as not to be seen by his dad, as he believed he didn't have time to explain, and that Luke was in danger.

When Mark rounded the corner; there lay Steve and Luke sprawled on the ground with TJ towering over them. Mark was instantly enraged and catapulted himself at TJ's knees, sending them both head first into the creek. Mark came up swinging and Steve and Luke plunged in after them.

Now, it just so happened that Barney had gone looking for Mark earlier and Flint had let him know that Mark had been sent to his room, as he had been rude to some guests. So, when Barney spotted him jumping the garden wall, he followed knowing something must be wrong. Seeing what looked like an all out war, and remembering the earlier lecture about leaving any dealings with TJ to the adults Barney ran for help.

"Uncle Flint, come quick; it's Mark and TJ and...Oh... I don't know who all," shouted Barney panting as he ran up.

"Where Boy?" yelled Flint jumping to his feet.

"Down at the creek behind the barn," gasped Barney turning to lead the way.

Flint raced away as Mr. Nichols grabbed hold of Barney's arm."Son, did you say there was so trouble evolving TJ?"

"Yes Sir. It's a fight Sir; this way," said Barney running back the way he had come.

"Ed, you simmer down and remember to let that boy have his say," gasped a panicked Mrs. Nichols.

"I will Val, I will, but I'm telling you right now if he started another fight there ain't no amount talking gonna save his hide," spat Ed as he ran in the direction Barney had gone.

Flint stopped and took in the scene before him. TJ stood knee deep in water covered in algae and dripping mud. He had Mark tucked under his right arm, as Mark kicked, punched and cursed for all his worth. The two younger boys sat on either side of TJ covered in mud and green algae.

Flint roared.


"TJ, obeyed instantly dropping Mark into the murky water and splashing water all over Flint.

"Looking up, TJ froze as he watched his father advance, angrily pulling his belt through the loops as he came closer towards him.


"Wait Mr. Nichols, it not what you think. Dad please," yelled Luke as he ran passed a very confused Flint and stopped in front of the angry father grabbing hold of the now folded belt. "It's not what you think. Please let me explain. Dad don't let him whip, TJ please," pleaded Luke.

TJ still hadn't moved while Mark and Steve just climbed out of the water and flopped at Flint's feet.

"Alright, young man, I'll hear you out, but so help me if Theodore has been a teasing or a pickin' on you boys, I'll be using this belt right here and now!" answered Mr. Nichols a little quieter, but still raging mad.

"Simmer down Ed and let's listen. If there's one thing that I've learnt it's that Mark here can lose his temper at the drop of a hat. And Luke there will fight for justice with his last breath," said Flint reaching down and hauling Mark to his feet.

"Gather round boys. You too TJ, and let's hear what you have to say," called Flint.

Barney who had stopped a ways back when he'd seen Mr. Nichols pull off his belt now moved closer to hear what was going on.

Luke took a deep breath wiped the water out of his eyes and

began, "Dad, Mr. Nichols; it's like this. I was sitting in the barn feeding Thunder a carrot and telling how sorry I was for being so mean and hurting him. I turned around and there was TJ; I was scared at first, but he reached out so careful and touch Thunder's neck. Then he says real quiet; I'm sorry to was wrong of me to pick on you like I did. What can I do to make it right?"

Luke smiled and tapped his bottom lip as he narrated the events. " I started thinkin' that when I do something wrong I sure do want people to forgive me. Then I remembered what Mom says about true forgiveness; how will give a person a fresh start. So, I told TJ all he had to do was stop picking on us. Then we talked about horses and stuff. Then I asked him if he liked fishin' and he said he like catching frogs better and tickling fish. Made me laugh he did; he said he show me how sometime. So, I told him we could go down to the creek if he wanted too and he said why didn't I get Steve and he show us both how ta catch frogs and tickle fish. Steve said it might be a trick so I looked right at TJ and told him that if it was a trick I'd tell you and maybe even Mom, cause we were a team and I didn't need to be scared no more. TJ told me it wasn't a trick and that his pa had found out about him pickin on me and he got a lickin' for it and that he even helped looked for me for days. Now he just wanted to show me that he had learned his lesson. So, anyway me and Steve was laying on our bellies trying to tickle the fish while TJ watched. I guess when Mark saw us like that, he just made up his mind without the facts and knocked TJ into the water and started fighting. Steve and me was just trying to stop Mark, honest. Ain't that right, Steve?" herald Luke looking over at his friend.

"Yes Sir, that the truth, Sir" answered the small green lump that stood at Flint's side.

"That right, Pa honest, I was just holdin' onto Mark, cause he wouldn't stop. Honest I didn't swing not one punch. That the whole truth Pa; I promise," interjected TJ pleading his case.

"So it seems, Mr Nichols, I am apologizing for my son again," growled Flint shooting Mark a look that Mark knew meant only one thing; TROUBLE...

"Let me excuse these other boys then you have my permission to use that belt on the boy that started the fight," Flint placed a hand on Mark's shoulder and pushed him toward Mr. Nichols.

"Wait, Pa please don't; he didn't hurt me none and I kinda had it coming for how mean I was before. He couldn't a known we'd made friends. He just didn't want Luke hurt no more ain't that right, Mark?" pleaded TJ.

Mark looked wide eyed at the folded belt that still hung from Mr. Nichols' right hand, "That's right, Sir I just kind of panicked, and let my temper run away again. I thought TJ was hurtin' Luke, I'm sorry Sir honest."

"Very well, boys we'll let it go this time, but TJ, I reckon our party has ended you're a mess." said Mr. Nichols.

"Uncle Flint, I bet we can find TJ something to wear in the bunkhouse and Steve can borrow some of Luke's do they have to go," suggested Barney.

"That's a fine idea. Do you think you can take them around back of the bunkhouse and get them cleaned up without upsetting the ladies, Barney?"

"Sure thing. Let go fella's," motioned Barney, leading the boys away.

"Mark, hold up," Flint crocked his finger for Mark to come to him and then motioned the others away.

"You young man can go on up to the house and take a bath then you can go straight up to bed. I'll be up later to discuss your disobeying me and leaving your room," said Flint in a stern voice.

"But, Dad, I,"... began Mark.

"I want you in your room ready for bed in one hour," interrupted Flint, giving Mark a look that said; you're on thin ice, better quit while you're ahead.

"Yes Sir. Night Mr. Nichols, Sir. Sorry to cause so much trouble," dropping his head Mark trudged toward the house.

"Boys they can find more trouble than a cactus has spines," laughed Flint as the two fathers walked back together.

"Yea, turns out that TJ was all upset about me a marrying Val and him getting a new brother and sister. Guess he figured I'd love them more than him or something. So instead of coming and talking to me he took it out on your boy. I know he's a might big for his age, but his ma wanted him to have a good education, so I promised he'd go until he was fifteen. After that he can choose, if, that is, I can keep a rein on him for one more year. I reckon I should be a thankin' Luke; he saved my boy from a nasty hidin' and me from a ton of regret..." revealed Ed Nichols.

"No need for that, I'm sure that Luke's just glad he could help. He has a lot of trouble with folks thinkin' he's too little to help. He's small for his age, his near thirteen. And it's a real battle for him. Then, I've got an Indian friend that calls Mark, flaming mad, cause he can go from calm to mad in nothing flat," sighed Flint, "So if it's not one of my boys problems it's another," laughed Flint.

"I got a short fuse myself. Val's always telling me to simmer down and think before I react. I nearly blew it this time, for sure," admitted Ed.

"I think that we as fathers, are always telling our children to think before they act, and we forget that's important for us as well. At least it is for me," said Flint as he opened the gate and let Ed pass through in front of him. "I'm looking forward to the day the boys are full grown. Then there will be just Samantha. a little girl, thank goodness; they can't get into so much trouble, surely.

Ed smiled, it was somewhat a mocked one, but he sure didn't want to burst the man's bubble. "Yeah little girls are so much easier."


It was seven thirty and Mark stood clad in his thick green nightshirt watching the party below. His family and friends all looked happy. Flint walked toward the back door carrying a sleeping Samantha. All appeared right with the world, well at least until his dad topped the stairs, thought Mark.

Mark watched the party for a few more minutes and then turned back and faced the corner, staring at his bare feet.

"Come sit down son," said Flint in a calm and almost comforting tone. Placing the desk chair in front of the bed, he looked at Mark with warmth.

"Do you have an explanation for your behavior?" asked Flint crossing his arms and looking at Mark.

"I was rude and disrespectful, and then I deliberately left my room without permission. And I started a fight, Sir," he confessed.

"How many times have we talked about you needing to think before you act and learning to control your temper?" asked Flint.

"Gosh, dad I can't count that high," started Mark with a high pitched plead. He then lowered his head and sighed."But it's more than plenty, Sir," he admitted.

"Do remember what I said about leaving any matters concerning TJ to the adults?"

"Yes sir, but Dad, I just didn't want Luke hurt again..."

"Mark, I'm proud that you want to protect your brother, but I want you to understand that you are not to disobey me and take matters into your own hands. It's a bad habit boy; you need to control that impulse. It's dangerous…"

"But dad,... I didn't have time to stop and think that all through, Luke could have be hurt really bad, what was I suppose to do?" argued Mark.

"Mark you could have called to me or your mother and let us handle things," answered Flint feeling like he was talking to a wall.

"But Dad, I didn't have time, someone had to get there fast," huffed Mark.

"You're telling me that you sneaking around getting all the way to the creek unseen was faster than me going straight across the yard?" groaned Flint.

"Well, no dad, but..."

Flint let out a big sigh as he was growing tired of all the, 'But Dads" and started again,

"Or perhaps, Mark if you had not been so rude and quick to butt in where you were told not to earlier you would have been down stairs when TJ and his father apologized. That's what I mean as impulsive. You could have done as Barney did when he'd seen the ruckus; he came running for help. I bet he remembered our talk earlier." Flint reached over and lifted Mark's chin as he waited for an answer.

"But Dad, how was I to know all that from up here. I can't be expected to just ignore what I see can I ?" What good would that do if..." Mark growled his temper rising.

"Marcus, I have told you before, you have got to learn to control your temper. I expect you to be respectful to people that are invited to our home. I expect you to except the consequence if you choose not too; which in this case I sent you to your room, and I expected you to stay here until either your mother or I gave you permission to leave.

"BUT DAD..." ranted Mark

"No more buts, if you had obeyed me you would be headed back down to the party and there would have been no fight. Because you seem to have a problem doing as your told when I use words, I am going to do go at it from the other end," Flint pulled Mark forward and over his knee.

" !" squealed Mark.

"That's right son. I am going to do the rest of my talking with my hand on your butt, because I am your dad and you will obey me. Flint brought his hand down hard several times. Mark yelp and squirmed with every slap. When he flung his hand back, Flint stopped, not wanting to smack the boys hand; now it had been a while since Mark had been over his dads knee, being near fifteen Flint usually had the boy bend over the bed or meet him in the barn when the need arose. He had forgotten how bad it could sting, suddenly Flint interrupted his thoughts by shifting his position causing Mark to reach for the floor with both hand to keep from sliding head first off his dads lap. When the stinging slaps resumed he realized his mistake, Flints hard hand slammed down on his now bare behind as the nightshirt had slid up when he had been tipped forward. Flint finished the spanking with several firm swats to the tender sit spots, where Mark was sure to remember the chastisement tomorrow. Flint righted the boy on his lap and straightened the night shirt as he rubbed his back and waited for him to calm before helping him to his feet. When Mark crawled into the bed Flint sat down next to him.

"Mark, I know that you don't want to hear this right now, but I do not like having to cause you pain, but son you are getting older and if you go jumping to conclusions and holding grudges, you may get yourself in more trouble than you can handle. That's what I'm trying to get into your thick skull, Mark. It's dangerous. Today it's just about a school yard bully, but one day it could be something much worse. You jump to the wrong conclusions, you or somebody else can get hurt. It's like pulling the trigger before you've turned around. Your instincts are important, Mark, your principals even more so, but I can tell you that the pain you would suffer from causing the hurt of another, an innocent person would be haunting for the rest of your life. You understand what I'm trying to tell you?" pleaded Flint.

"I understand, But Dad.. Can you tell me something?"

"Don't start that again," moaned Flint with a smile.

"No honest, Dad will I ever learn to control my temper and think things out?"questioned Mark.

"I believe so son, in fact I'm sure of it, because I did, beside if you don't I'm going to have a job, tannin' your grown hide." Both Flint and Mark laughed as Flint stood and blew out the light

Mark called Good Night as his father slowly closed the door.

Yes indeed all was right with the world.

The End.