Hey everyone, here is my new story 'The diary of a teenage girl named Jade West', I got this idea from a friend.
Hope you like it.
Jade's POV
This is the worst day!
First I'm late for school, then some stupid idiot knocks into me on the way to class, then Sinjin breaks my new pair of scissors and now I've lost my diary!
What if someone finds it, it's got all of my secrets and fears written in there and if anyone finds it who knows what they'll do.
"Damnit!" I say to myself, angrily slamming my locker door
"What's wrong?" Andre asks walking up to me and kind of looking scared that I will attack him
"Nothing I just lost something" I say, picking my bag up off the floor
"What is it? Maybe I could help you find it" Andre offers, smiling friendly
"OK, I lost my diary, it's a small black book with red pages and red writing on the front that says 'keep out' with a white skull next to it" I say, accepting his help
"You have a diary?" Andre asks in disbelief
"Yes, just find it" I say impatiently, walking off to class
"Ok" Andre says
"And dont read it!" I quickly say before turning the corner
Andre's POV
I can't believe Jade has a diary, it's probably filled with dreams she has had about killing people she hates or a list of people she hates or wants to get revenge on, I wonder what she has got written in her diary.
I dont even know where to start searching, maybe I could ask Cat to help me look for it.
Luckily I have the same class as her next, which is art.
"Hey lil red, wanna help me with something?" I ask sitting next to the cheerful red head
"Yeah sure, what is it?" Cat asks smiling widely
"Jade lost her diary and I told her I would find it for her, but I dont know where to start looking" I say, hoping Cat might have some suggestions on where it might be
"We could check Sikowitz's class or the janitor's closet" Cat suggests shrugging
"Ok, we can look there after fourth period" I say before getting my stuff out of my bag.
That is the first chapter, sorry it's so short but the next chapter will be uploaded soon.
Hope you liked this.
Dont forget to review, follow and favourite this story.
Bye everyone.