
I groaned and struggled to get rid of that thing. Soon though, I couldn't hold it any longer. I roused from my coffin and shuffled my way to my desk. On it was a pile of papers. The first one read: Come eat at Grandpa's Mexican restaurant!(Might led to death.) "Hmmm." I lifted the sheet of paper to see it. The adoption papers.

I accept being Hidi HandCock's mother/father,


I groaned again. "Why can't I make the decision?" I thought," David would love it, and so would Carolyn and Hidi." It's been two days since the Halloween pumpkin thing. I had strangely grown attached to that girl. So have Willie and my dependents. I exciasilly liked the mornings with Hidi. Now going to school, and loving every minute of it. Suddenly, I heard Hidi scream. Faster than lightning, literally, I rushed to her. She was staring at something behind me. I turned around, excepting Jessica. Instead, there was a ghost. My eyes opened wide as I recognized him. It was my father. "Father?" I said, still as dumbfounded as Hidi. "Barnabas," he said kindly. But when he saw Hidi, his eyes widened in horror. ''I don't think he likes me," Hidi said, taking a few paces back. "The witch! The witch's daughter!" Hidi nodded. "That's not a bad thing... right?" Hidi questened. "Barnabas, you must save her." I looked at Hidi, waiting for an ansewer. She shrugged. "But from ... what?" I said breathlessly as I turned to face my father, but seeing no one.

"My math homework?" Hidi joked. I gave her a look that could have made even the toughest man on Earth pee in his pants. Well, Hidi was stronger. She just smiled back. When I went back in my chamber, I sighed the adoption papers.


November 2, 1972 (The Day of the Dead)

Well, today is the day. I was going to drink the potion, that would take my powers, tonight, at dinner. It looked and smelled gross. I just hope it doesn't taste that bad though! It is mid-morning. Last night, Barnabas's father almost told Barnabas my secret. He would have too, if I hadn't stopped him. Strangely, Barnabas is up and running.

"Hidi!" Barnabas yelled. I stopped and turned to face him. I had been walking down the stairs, hoping that I could help Willie. Barnabas was wearing a impressing suit and had a stack of papers. "Come with me." I gulped. "If this has to do with me failing math, it isn't my fault!" Barnabas looked at me, and I knew that wasn't it at all.

Inside the taxi was silence. Barnabas was filling through the papers, reading every small in horrible writing words. "So, what you reading?" "Papers." "I meant what is on the papers that you are reading so intently!" "It's a surprise." We arrived at a huge manor. As we got out , I saw a well dressed man through the window. "This can't be good," I thought. I was wrong. Inside the manor, Barnabas showed the well dressed man the papers. He nodded. "Heidi?" '' Hidi," I corrected. "Right. Hidi HandCock, you are no more a HandCock. If you agree, you are now a Collins." I was shocked. Unable to speak, I just nodded.